Main MRPT website > C++ reference for MRPT 1.5.6
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 Cmrpt::math::detail::AccessorIterator< A, T >Template class for matrix accessor's iterators
 CEigen::aligned_allocator< T >
 Cmrpt::aligned_containers< TYPE1, TYPE2 >Helper types for STL containers with Eigen memory allocators
 Cmrpt::aligned_containers< CPose2D >
 Cmrpt::aligned_containers< KFArray_OBS >
 Cmrpt::aligned_containers< mrpt::math::CMatrixFixedNumeric >
 Cmrpt::aligned_containers< mrpt::nav::CLogFileRecord::TInfoPerPTG >
 Cmrpt::aligned_containers< mrpt::obs::CObservation6DFeatures::TMeasurement >
 Cmrpt::aligned_containers< mrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer::TNode >
 Cmrpt::aligned_containers< mrpt::poses::CPose2D >
 Cmrpt::aligned_containers< mrpt::poses::CPose3D >
 Cmrpt::aligned_containers< mrpt::system::TTimeStamp, mrpt::maps::CPointCloudFilterByDistance::FrameInfo >
 Cmrpt::aligned_containers< mrpt::system::TTimeStamp, mrpt::math::CMatrixFixedNumeric >
 Cmrpt::aligned_containers< std::pair< KEY, VALUE > >
 Cmrpt::aligned_containers< std::pair< size_t, size_t > >
 Cmrpt::aligned_containers< std::string, mrpt::slam::CMetricMapBuilderICP::TDist >
 Cmrpt::aligned_containers< std::string, TF_TreeEdge >
 Cmrpt::aligned_containers< TGaussianMode >
 Cmrpt::aligned_containers< THypothesisID, mrpt::hmtslam::CLocalMetricHypothesis >
 Cmrpt::aligned_containers< TPairNodeIDs, edge_t >
 Cmrpt::aligned_containers< TPoseID, mrpt::poses::CPose3D >
 Cmrpt::graphslam::detail::AuxErrorEval< EDGE, gst >
 Cmrpt::graphslam::detail::AuxErrorEval< CPose2D, gst >
 Cmrpt::graphslam::detail::AuxErrorEval< CPose3D, gst >
 Cmrpt::graphslam::detail::AuxErrorEval< CPose3DPDFGaussianInf, gst >
 Cmrpt::graphslam::detail::AuxErrorEval< CPosePDFGaussianInf, gst >
 Cmrpt::utils::bimap< KEY, VALUE >A bidirectional version of std::map, declared as bimap<KEY,VALUE> and which actually contains two std::map's, one for keys and another for values
 Cmrpt::utils::bimap< mrpt::maps::CLandmark::TLandmarkID, unsigned int >
 Cmrpt::utils::metaprogramming::BinaryMemberFunctionWrapper< T, U1, U2, V >This template encapsulates a binary member function and a single object into a function expecting the two parameters of the member function
 CBitCheck< I, N >
 CBitCheck< N, N >
 Cmrpt::vision::CCamModel::CameraTempVariables< T >
 Cmrpt::utils::CArray< T, N >A STL container (as wrapper) for arrays of constant size defined at compile time
 Cmrpt::utils::CArray< size_t, 2 >
 Cmrpt::utils::CArray< T, 0 >
 Cmrpt::graphs::CAStarAlgorithm< T >This class is intended to efficiently solve graph-search problems using heuristics to determine the best path
 Cmrpt::math::CAtan2LookUpTableA look-up-table (LUT) of atan values for any (x,y) value in a square/rectangular grid of predefined resolution
 Cmrpt::math::CAtan2LookUpTableMultiResLike CAtan2LookUpTable but with a multiresolution grid for increasingly better accuracy in points nearer to the origin
 Cmrpt::synch::CAtomicCounterThis class acts exactly as an int (or long) variable, but with atomic increment and decrement operators
 Cmrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::CAuxWxSubsystemShutdownerAn auxiliary global object used just to launch a final request to the wxSubsystem for shutdown:
 Cmrpt::math::CBinaryRelation< T, U, UIsObject >This class models a binary relation through the elements of any given set
 Cmrpt::utils::CCanvasThis virtual class defines the interface of any object accepting drawing primitives on it
 Cmrpt::utils::CClassRegistryA singleton with the central registry for CSerializable run-time classes: users do not use this class in any direct way
 Cmrpt::utils::CConfigFileBaseThis class allows loading and storing values and vectors of different types from a configuration text, which can be implemented as a ".ini" file, a memory-stored string, etc..
 Cmrpt::math::CConstMatrixColumnAccessor< MAT >A vector-like wrapper for a const Matrix for accessing the elements of a given column with a [] operator
 Cmrpt::math::CConstMatrixColumnAccessorExtended< MAT >A vector-like wrapper for a const Matrix for accessing the elements of a given column with a [] operator, with offset and custom spacing
 Cmrpt::math::CConstMatrixRowAccessor< MAT >A vector-like wrapper for a const Matrix for accessing the elements of a given row with a [] operator
 Cmrpt::math::CConstMatrixRowAccessorExtended< MAT >A vector-like wrapper for a const Matrix for accessing the elements of a given row with a [] operator, with offset and custom spacing
 Cmrpt::synch::CCriticalSectionLockerA class acquiring a CCriticalSection at its constructor, and releasing it at destructor
 Cmrpt::vision::CDifodoThis abstract class implements a method called "Difodo" to perform Visual odometry with range cameras
 Cmrpt::graphs::CDijkstra< TYPE_GRAPH, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION >The Dijkstra algorithm for finding the shortest path between a given source node in a (weighted) directed graph and all other nodes in the form of a tree
 Cmrpt::graphs::CDirectedGraph< TYPE_EDGES, EDGE_ANNOTATIONS >A directed graph with the argument of the template specifying the type of the annotations in the edges
 Cmrpt::graphs::CDirectedGraph< CPOSE, EDGE_ANNOTATIONS >
 Cmrpt::graphs::CDirectedTree< TYPE_EDGES >< Make available this typedef in this namespace too
 Cmrpt::graphs::CDirectedTree< EDGE_TYPE >
 Cmrpt::system::CDirectoryExplorerThis class allows the enumeration of the files/directories that exist into a given path
 Cmrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3DLockerAuxiliary class for safely claiming the 3DScene of a mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3D
 Cmrpt::utils::CDynamicGrid< T >A 2D grid of dynamic size which stores any kind of data at each cell
 Cmrpt::utils::CDynamicGrid3D< T >A 3D rectangular grid of dynamic size which stores any kind of data at each voxel
 Cmrpt::utils::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel >
 Cmrpt::utils::CDynamicGrid< double >
 Cmrpt::utils::CDynamicGrid< int8_t >
 Cmrpt::utils::CDynamicGrid< mrpt::nav::CPTG_DiffDrive_CollisionGridBased::TCellForLambdaFunction >
 Cmrpt::utils::CDynamicGrid< TCollisionCell >
 Cmrpt::utils::CDynamicGrid< THeightGridmapCell >
 Cmrpt::utils::CDynamicGrid< TRandomFieldCell >
 Cmrpt::utils::CDynamicGrid< uint16_t >
 Cmrpt::utils::CDynamicGrid< uint8_t >
 Cmrpt::utils::CDynamicGrid< vector_int >
 Cmrpt::graphslam::detail::CEdgeCounterGeneric class for tracking the total number of edges for different tpes of edges and for storing visualization-related information for each type
 Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtractionThe central class from which images can be analyzed in search of different kinds of interest points and descriptors computed for them
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CFFMPEG_InputStreamA generic class which process a video file or other kind of input stream (http, rtsp) and allows the extraction of images frame by frame
 Cmrpt::system::CFileSystemWatcherThis class subscribes to notifications of file system changes, thus it can be used to efficiently stay informed about changes in a directory tree
 Cmrpt::vision::CGenericFeatureTrackerA virtual interface for all feature trackers, implementing the part of feature tracking that is common to any specific tracker implementation
 Cmrpt::system::CGenericMemoryPool< DATA_PARAMS, POOLABLE_DATA >A generic system for versatile memory pooling
 CCGraphSlamHandler< GRAPH_T >Manage variables and methods related to applications executing graphSLAM using the mrpt-graphslam API
 Cmrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D_BaseVirtual base class for Digital Elevation Model (DEM) maps
 Cmrpt::math::CHistogramThis class provides an easy way of computing histograms for unidimensional real valued variables
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CImageGrabber_dc1394A class for grabing images from a IEEE1394 (Firewire) camera using the libdc1394-2 library
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CImageGrabber_OpenCVA class for grabing images from a "OpenCV"-compatible camera, or from an AVI video file
 Cmrpt::vision::CImagePyramidHolds and builds a pyramid of images: starting with an image at full resolution (octave=1), it builds a number of half-resolution images: octave=2 at 1/2 , octave=3 at 1/2^2, octave=N at 1/2^(N-1)
 Cmrpt::utils::circular_buffer< T >A circular buffer of fixed size (defined at construction-time), implemented with a std::vector as the underlying storage
 Cmrpt::utils::circular_buffer< uint8_t >
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CJoystickAccess to joysticks and gamepads (read buttons and position), and request number of joysticks in the system
 Cmrpt::utils::CLASSINITAuxiliary structure used for CObject-based RTTI
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CGenericSensor::CLASSINIT_GENERIC_SENSORAuxiliary structure used for CSerializable runtime class ID support
 Cmrpt::nav::ClearanceDiagramClearance information for one particular PTG and one set of obstacles
 Cmrpt::opengl::CLightEach of the possible lights of a 3D scene
 Cmrpt::utils::CListOfClassesA list (actually based on a std::set) of MRPT classes, capable of keeping any class registered by the mechanism of CSerializable classes
 Cmrpt::utils::CLoadableOptionsThis is a virtual base class for sets of options than can be loaded from and/or saved to configuration plain-text files
 Cmrpt::hmtslam::CLSLAMAlgorithmBaseVirtual base for local SLAM methods, used in mrpt::slam::CHMTSLAM
 Cmrpt::utils::CMappedImageThis class encapsulates a MRPT Image and allows the sampling of individual pixels with sub-pixel accuracy and with a change of coordinates (eg, meters)
 Cmrpt::math::CMatrixColumnAccessor< MAT >A vector-like wrapper for a Matrix for accessing the elements of a given column with a [] operator
 Cmrpt::math::CMatrixColumnAccessorExtended< MAT >A vector-like wrapper for a Matrix for accessing the elements of a given column with a [] operator, with offset and custom spacing
 Cmrpt::math::CMatrixRowAccessor< MAT >A vector-like wrapper for a Matrix for accessing the elements of a given row with a [] operator
 Cmrpt::math::CMatrixRowAccessorExtended< MAT >A vector-like wrapper for a Matrix for accessing the elements of a given row with a [] operator, with offset and custom spacing
 Cmrpt::math::CMatrixTemplate< T >This template class provides the basic functionality for a general 2D any-size, resizable container of numerical or non-numerical elements
 Cmrpt::math::CMatrixTemplate< bool >
 Cmrpt::math::CMatrixTemplate< mrpt::math::TPoint3D >
 Cmrpt::math::CMatrixTemplate< T *>
 Cmrpt::utils::CMessageA class that contain generic messages, that can be sent and received from a "CClientTCPSocket" object
 Cmrpt::math::CMonteCarlo< T, NUM, OTHER >Montecarlo simulation for experiments in 1D
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservationGasSensors::CMOSmodelDeclares a class within "CObservationGasSensors" that represents a set of gas concentration readings from the modelation of a MOS gas sensor readings
 Cxsens::Cmt1fThe low-level file communication class
 Cxsens::Cmt1sThe low-level serial communication class
 Cxsens::Cmt2fThe mid-level file communication class
 Cxsens::Cmt2sMid-level serial communication class
 Cxsens::Cmt3High-level communication class
 CCmtDataFormatA structure for storing data formats
 CCmtDeviceConfigurationStructure containing a full device configuration as returned by the ReqConfig message
 CCmtDeviceModeA structure for storing device modes
 CCmtDeviceMode2A structure for storing device modes using period and skip factor (new default)
 CCmtPortInfoStructure for storing information about a serial port
 CCmtScenarioA structure for storing scenario information
 CCmtSyncInSettingsA structure for storing sync in settings
 CCmtSyncOutSettingsA structure for storing sync out settings
 CCmtUtcTimeA structure for storing UTC Time values
 CCmtVersionA structure for storing the firmware version
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNTRIPClientA client for NTRIP (HTTP) sources of differential GPS corrections from internet servers, or Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) internet radio
 Cmrpt::utils::CObjectThe virtual base class of all MRPT classes with a unified RTTI system
 Cmrpt::utils::CObservableInherit from this class for those objects capable of being observed by a CObserver class
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScanWithUncertaintyA 2D range scan plus an uncertainty model for each range
 Cmrpt::utils::CObserverInherit from this class to get notified about events from any CObservable object after subscribing to it
 Cmrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< Derived >Template class that implements the data structure and algorithms for Octree-based efficient rendering
 Cmrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< CPointCloud >
 Cmrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< CPointCloudColoured >
 Cmrpt::pbmap::config_heuristicsA class used to define the heuristic parameters and thresholds used to match sets of planes
 Cmrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::ConnectivityDescriptorBase class for user-supplied objects capable of describing cells connectivity, used to build prior factors of the MRF graph
 Cmrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::ConnectivityDescriptorBase class for user-supplied objects capable of describing voxels connectivity, used to build prior factors of the MRF graph
 Cmrpt::obs::CRawlog::const_iteratorA normal iterator, plus the extra method "getType" to determine the type of each entry in the sequence
 Cmrpt::utils::ContainerReadOnlyProxyAccessor< STLCONTAINER >A generic proxy accessor template that only allows read-only access to the original binded STL container object
 Cmrpt::utils::ContainerReadOnlyProxyAccessor< std::vector< char > >
 Cmrpt::utils::ContainerReadOnlyProxyAccessor< std::vector< float > >
 Cmrpt::utils::ContainerReadOnlyProxyAccessor< std::vector< int32_t > >
 Cmrpt::math::ContainerType< CONTAINER >ContainerType<T>::element_t exposes the value of any STL or Eigen container
 Cmrpt::math::ContainerType< Eigen::EigenBase< Derived > >Specialization for Eigen containers
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::COpenNI2GenericAn abstract class for accessing OpenNI2 compatible sensors
 Cmrpt::utils::copiable_NULL_ptr_basic< T >A wrapper class for pointers that, if copied with the "=" operator, should be set to NULL in the copy
 Cmrpt::utils::internal::CopyCloner< T >
 Cmrpt::utils::internal::CopyStatic< T >
 Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterCapableThis virtual class defines the interface that any particles based PDF class must implement in order to be executed by a mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter
 Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterData< T >This template class declares the array of particles and its internal data, managing some memory-related issues and providing an easy implementation of virtual methods required for implementing a CParticleFilterCapable
 Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterData< CLSLAMParticleData >
 Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterData< CPose2D >
 Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterData< CPose3D >
 Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterData< CRBPFParticleData >
 Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterData< TSimple3DPoint >
 Cmrpt::synch::CPipeA pipe, portable across different OS
 Cmrpt::vision::pnp::CPnPThis class is used for Pose estimation from a known landmark using a monocular camera
 Cmrpt::maps::CPointCloudFilterBaseVirtual base class for all point-cloud filtering algorithm
 Cmrpt::poses::CPose2DGridTemplate< T >This is a template class for storing a 3D (2D+heading) grid containing any kind of data
 Cmrpt::poses::CPose2DGridTemplate< double >
 Cmrpt::poses::CPoseInterpolatorBase< DIM >Base class for SE(2)/SE(3) interpolators
 Cmrpt::poses::CPoseInterpolatorBase< 2 >
 Cmrpt::poses::CPoseInterpolatorBase< 3 >
 Cmrpt::poses::CPoseRandomSamplerAn efficient generator of random samples drawn from a given 2D (CPosePDF) or 3D (CPose3DPDF) pose probability density function (pdf)
 Cmrpt::utils::CProbabilityDensityFunction< TDATA, STATE_LEN >A generic template for probability density distributions (PDFs)
 Cmrpt::utils::CProbabilityDensityFunction< CPoint2D, 2 >
 Cmrpt::utils::CProbabilityDensityFunction< CPoint3D, 3 >
 Cmrpt::utils::CProbabilityDensityFunction< CPose2D, 3 >
 Cmrpt::utils::CProbabilityDensityFunction< CPose3D, 6 >
 Cmrpt::utils::CProbabilityDensityFunction< CPose3DQuat, 7 >
 Cmrpt::bayes::CProbabilityParticle< T >A template class for holding a the data and the weight of a particle
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CPtuBaseThis class implements initialization and comunication methods to control a generic Pan and Tilt Unit, working in radians
 Cmrpt::random::CRandomGeneratorA thred-safe pseudo random number generator, based on an internal MT19937 randomness generator
 Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CRangeScanOps< GRAPH_T >Class for keeping together all the RangeScanner-related functions
 Cmrpt::utils::CRateTimerA class for calling sleep() in a loop, such that the amount of sleep time will be computed to make the loop run at the desired rate (in Hz)
 Cmrpt::utils::CReferencedMemBlockRepresents a memory block (via "void*") that can be shared between several objects through copy operator (=)
 Cmrpt::bayes::CRejectionSamplingCapable< TStateSpace >A base class for implementing rejection sampling in a generic state space
 Cmrpt::bayes::CRejectionSamplingCapable< mrpt::poses::CPose2D >
 Cmrpt::poses::CRobot2DPoseEstimatorA simple filter to estimate and extrapolate the robot 2D (x,y,phi) pose from asynchronous odometry and localization/SLAM data
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CRovioA class to interface a Rovio robot (manufactured by WowWee)
 Cmrpt::math::CRuntimeCompiledExpressionA wrapper of exprtk runtime expression compiler: it takes a string representing an expression (from a simple mathematical formula to a complete program), compiles it and evaluates its result as many times as required
 Cmrpt::synch::CSemaphoreA semaphore for inter-thread synchronization
 Cmrpt::utils::simpleini::CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >Simple INI file reader
 Cmrpt::obs::CSinCosLookUpTableFor2DScansA smart look-up-table (LUT) of sin/cos values for 2D laser scans
 Cmrpt::math::CSparseMatrixA sparse matrix structure, wrapping T
 Cmrpt::math::CSparseMatrixTemplate< T >A sparse matrix container (with cells of any type), with iterators
 Cmrpt::math::CMonteCarlo< T, NUM, OTHER >::CStatisticalAnalyzer
 Cmrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMapUse this class to rectify stereo images if the same distortion maps are reused over and over again
 Cmrpt::utils::CStreamThis base class is used to provide a unified interface to files,memory buffers,..Please see the derived classes
 Cmrpt::utils::CTextFileLinesParserA class for parsing text files, returning each non-empty and non-comment line, along its line number
 Cmrpt::opengl::CTextMessageCapableKeeps a list of text messages which can be rendered to OpenGL contexts by graphic classes
 Cmrpt::utils::CThreadSafeQueue< T >A thread-safe template queue for object passing between threads; for a template argument of T, the objects being passed in the queue are "T*"
 Cmrpt::synch::CThreadSafeVariable< T >A template for created thread-safe variables with an internal critical section controlled each read or write
 Cmrpt::synch::CThreadSafeVariable< std::string >
 Cmrpt::utils::CTimeLoggerEntryA safe way to call enter() and leave() of a mrpt::utils::CTimeLogger upon construction and destruction of this auxiliary object, making sure that leave() will be called upon exceptions, etc
 Cmrpt::hmtslam::CTopLCDetectorBaseThe virtual base class for Topological Loop-closure Detectors; used in HMT-SLAM
 Cmrpt::utils::CUncopiableThe base class of classes that cannot be copied: compile-time errors will be issued on any copy operation
 Cmrpt::vision::CUndistortMapUse this class to undistort monocular images if the same distortion map is used over and over again
 Cmrpt::kinematics::CVehicleSimulVirtualBaseThis class can be used to simulate the kinematics and dynamics of a differential driven planar mobile robot, including odometry errors and dynamics limitations
 Cmrpt::vision::CVideoFileWriterAn output stream which takes a sequence of images and writes a video file in any of a given of compatible formats
 Cmrpt::graphs::detail::CVisualizer< CPOSE, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION, NODE_ANNOTATIONS, EDGE_ANNOTATIONS >Base class for C*Visualizer classes
 Cmrpt::graphs::detail::CVisualizer< CPOSE, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION, TMRSlamNodeAnnotations, EDGE_ANNOTATIONS >
 Cstd::deque< T >STL class
 Cdetection_dataHolds feature data relevant to detection
 Cmrpt::graphs::detail::edge_annotations_emptyAn empty structure
 CEigen::EigenBase< Derived >
 Cmrpt::utils::simpleini::CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::EntryKey entry
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 CXsMessageHeader::LengthData::ExtendedLengthContains extended length information and first byte of data buffer if normal length is 255
 CXsMessageHeader::LengthData::ExtendedLength::ExtendedPartsThe high and low byte of the extended length
 Cmrpt::math::FAddPoint< T, N >
 CFCreatePolygonFromFace< T >
Structure to represent an affine invariant image feature
 Cxsens::FifoQueue< T, E >A FIFO queue with limited length (cyclic)
 Cxsens::FifoQueueBasic< T >A FIFO queue with limited length (cyclic)
 Cmrpt::poses::FrameTransformerInterface< DIM >Virtual base class for interfaces to a ROS tf2-like service capable of "publishing" and "looking-up" relative poses between two "coordinate frames"
 Cmrpt::opengl::CAngularObservationMesh::FTrace1D< T >Internal functor class to trace a ray
 Cmrpt::opengl::CAngularObservationMesh::FTrace2D< T >Internal functor class to trace a set of rays
 Cmrpt::utils::internal::generic_copier_ptr< T, Copier >
 Cmrpt::utils::internal::generic_copier_ptr< T, internal::CopyCloner< T > >
 Cmrpt::utils::internal::generic_copier_ptr< T, internal::CopyStatic< T > >
 Cmrpt::math::detail::getVicinity< MatrixType, T, ReturnType, D >This huge template encapsulates a function to get the vicinity of an element, with maximum genericity
 Cmrpt::obs::gnss::gnss_messagePure virtual base for all message types
 Cmrpt::obs::gnss::gnss_message_ptrA smart pointer to a GNSS message
 Cmrpt::graphs::detail::graph_ops< graph_t >Helper struct with static template functions
 Cmrpt::graphslam::graphslam_traits< GRAPH_T >Auxiliary traits template for use among graph-slam problems to make life easier with these complicated, long data type names
 CGraphSlamLevMarqTest< my_graph_t >
 Cmrpt::utils::ignored_copy_ptr< T >A wrapper class for pointers whose copy operations from other objects of the same type are ignored, that is, doing "a=b;" has no effect neiter on "a" or "b"
 Cmrpt::utils::ignored_copy_ptr< mrpt::maps::COctoMapBase >
 Cmrpt::utils::int_select_by_bytecount< num_bytes >Usage: int_select_by_bytecount<N>type var; allows defining var as a signed integer with, at least, N bytes
 Cmrpt::utils::int_select_by_bytecount< 1 >
 Cmrpt::utils::int_select_by_bytecount< 2 >
 Cmrpt::utils::int_select_by_bytecount< 3 >
 Cmrpt::utils::int_select_by_bytecount< 4 >
 Cmrpt::utils::int_select_by_bytecount< 8 >
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservationGPS::internal_msg_test_proxy< MSG_TYPE >Proxy class for type-based testing existence of data inside CObservationGPS::messages
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservationGPS::internal_msg_test_proxy< gnss::NMEA_GGA >
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservationGPS::internal_msg_test_proxy< gnss::NMEA_RMC >
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservationGPS::internal_msg_test_proxy< gnss::TOPCON_PZS >
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservationGPS::internal_msg_test_proxy< gnss::TOPCON_SATS >
 CIoInterfaceAn abstract IO interface
 CIProtocolHandlerInterface class for protocol handlers
 Cmrpt::obs::CRawlog::iteratorA normal iterator, plus the extra method "getType" to determine the type of each entry in the sequence
 Cmrpt::vision::JacData< FrameDof, PointDof, ObsDim >
 Cxsens::JanitorClassFunc< T, R >Class function calling janitor class
 Cxsens::JanitorClassFunc< xsens::List< T > >
 Cxsens::JanitorClassFunc< xsens::List< uint32_t > >
 Cxsens::JanitorDelete< T >Memory releasing janitor class
 Cxsens::JanitorDeleteArray< T >Memory releasing janitor class
 Cxsens::JanitorFree< T >Memory releasing janitor class
 Cxsens::JanitorFunc< T, R >Function calling janitor class
 Cxsens::JanitorFuncStdCall< T, R >Function calling janitor class
 Cxsens::JanitorLogFunc< T, C, R >Log / printf-like function calling janitor class
 Cxsens::JanitorRestore< T >Value restoring janitor class
 Cxsens::JanitorSet< T >Value restoring janitor class
 Ckd_nodeNode in a k-d tree
 Cmrpt::math::KDTreeCapable< Derived, num_t, metric_t >A generic adaptor class for providing Nearest Neighbor (NN) lookup via the nanoflann library
 Cmrpt::math::KDTreeCapable< CFeatureList >
 Cmrpt::math::KDTreeCapable< CFeatureListKDTree< FEAT > >
 Cmrpt::math::KDTreeCapable< CPointsMap >
 Cmrpt::maps::LAS_HeaderInfoExtra information gathered from the LAS file header
 Cmrpt::maps::LAS_LoadParamsOptional settings for loadLASFile()
 Cmrpt::maps::LAS_WriteParamsOptional settings for saveLASFile()
 CLegacyDataPacketContains an MTData XsMessage and supports functions for extracting contained data
 CXsMessageHeader::LengthDataContains optional extended length of message and first byte of data buffer
 Cxsens::List< T >Dynamic list class
 Cstd::list< T >STL class
 Cxsens::List< uint32_t >
 Cmrpt::maps::detail::loadFromRangeImpl< Derived >
 Cmrpt::maps::detail::logoddscell_traits< TCELL >
 Cmrpt::maps::detail::logoddscell_traits< cell_t >
 Cmrpt::maps::detail::logoddscell_traits< cellType >
 Cmrpt::maps::detail::logoddscell_traits< int16_t >
 Cmrpt::maps::detail::logoddscell_traits< int8_t >
 Cmrpt::math::LowPassFilter_IIR11-order low-pass IIR filter
 Cmrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin2D::lt_operatorLess-than ordering of bins for usage in STL containers
 Cmrpt::slam::detail::TPathBin2D::lt_operatorLess-than ordering of bins for usage in STL containers
 Cmrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin3D::lt_operatorLess-than ordering of bins for usage in STL containers
 Cstd::map< K, T >STL class
 Cmrpt::utils::map_as_vector< KEY, VALUE, VECTOR_T >A STL-like container which looks and behaves (almost exactly) like a std::map<> but is implemented as a linear std::vector<> indexed by KEY
 Cmrpt::utils::map_as_vector< KEY, VALUE >
 Cmrpt::utils::map_as_vector< size_t, size_t >
 Cmrpt::utils::map_traits_map_as_vectorTraits for using a mrpt::utils::map_as_vector<> (dense, fastest representation)
 Cmrpt::utils::map_traits_stdmapTraits for using a std::map<> (sparse representation)
 Cinternal_mrpt::MatOrVecResizer< R, C >
 Cinternal_mrpt::MatOrVecResizer< 1, 1 >
 Cinternal_mrpt::MatOrVecResizer< 1, C >
 Cinternal_mrpt::MatOrVecResizer< R, 1 >
 Cmrpt::math::MatrixBlockSparseCols< Scalar, NROWS, NCOLS, INFO, HAS_REMAP, INDEX_REMAP_MAP_IMPL >A templated column-indexed efficient storage of block-sparse Jacobian or Hessian matrices, together with other arbitrary information
 Cmrpt::math::detail::MatrixWrapper< U, B >This template is a trick to switch the type of a variable using a boolean variable in the template
 Cmrpt::math::detail::MatrixWrapper< U, false >
 Cmrpt::math::detail::MatrixWrapper< U, true >
 Cmrpt::math::detail::MatrixWrapper< U, UIsObject >
 Cmrpt::utils::metaprogramming::MemberFunctionWrapper< T, V >This template encapsulates a member function without arguments and a single object into a function
 Cmrpt::utils::metaprogramming::MemoryBypasserIterator< T, U >This class bypasses pointer access in iterators to pointers, thus allowing the use of algorithms that expect an object of class T with containers of T*
 Cxsens::MessageClass for storing a single message
 Cxsens::MessageHeaderA message header
 CMessageLocationStores the location of a message in a buffer using a start position and a size
 Cmin_pqMinimizing priority queue
 Cmrpt::math::ModelSearchModel search implementations: RANSAC and genetic algorithm
 CmPointHull! mPointHull serves to calculate the convex hull of a set of points in 2D, which are defined by its position (x,y) and an identity id
 Cmrpt::utils::mrptEventThe basic event type for the observer-observable pattern in MRPT
 Cmrpt::synch::MT_bufferThis class is a bulk sequence of bytes with MultiThread (MT)-safe read and write operations
 CMtwSdiDataClass to store strapdown integration data
 Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod::NavInputInput parameters for CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod::navigate()
 Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod::NavOutputOutput for CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod::navigate()
 Cmrpt::utils::non_copiable_ptr_basic< T >A wrapper class for pointers that can NOT be copied with "=" operator, raising an exception at runtime if a copy is attempted
 Cmrpt::utils::non_copiable_ptr_basic< void >
 Cmrpt::utils::metaprogramming::NonConstBind1st< Op >Equivalent of std::bind1st for functions with non-const arguments
 Cmrpt::utils::metaprogramming::NonConstBind2nd< Op >Equivalent of std::bind2nd for functions with non-const arguments
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNTRIPClient::NTRIPArgsThe arguments for connecting to a NTRIP stream, used in CNTRIPClient::open
 Cmrpt::obs::gnss::nv_oem6_header_tNovatel OEM6 regular header structure
 Cmrpt::obs::gnss::nv_oem6_short_header_tNovatel OEM6 short header structure
 Cmrpt::utils::metaprogramming::ObjectClearAn object for clearing an object (invokes its method "->clear()") given a pointer or smart-pointer, intended for being used in STL algorithms
 Cmrpt::utils::metaprogramming::ObjectClear2An object for clearing an object (invokes its method ".clear()") given a pointer or smart-pointer, intended for being used in STL algorithms
 Cmrpt::utils::metaprogramming::ObjectClearSecondAn object for clearing an object->second (invokes its method "clear()") given a pointer or smart-pointer, intended for being used in STL algorithms
 Cmrpt::utils::metaprogramming::ObjectClearUnique< T >An object for making smart pointers unique (ie, making copies if necessary), intended for being used in STL algorithms
 Cmrpt::utils::metaprogramming::ObjectConvert< TARGET_TYPE >An object for transforming between types/classes, intended for being used in STL algorithms
 Cmrpt::utils::metaprogramming::ObjectDeleteAn object for deleting pointers (intended for STL algorithms)
 Cmrpt::utils::metaprogramming::ObjectMakeUniqueAn object for making smart pointers unique (ie, making copies if necessary), intended for being used in STL algorithms
 Cmrpt::utils::metaprogramming::ObjectPairMakeUniqueAn object for making smart pointers unique (ie, making copies if necessary), intended for being used in STL algorithms
 Cmrpt::utils::metaprogramming::ObjectReadFromStreamAn object for reading objects from a stream, intended for being used in STL algorithms
 Cmrpt::utils::metaprogramming::ObjectReadFromStreamToPtrs< ptr_t >
 Cmrpt::utils::metaprogramming::ObjectWriteToStreamAn object for writing objects to a stream, intended for being used in STL algorithms
 Cmrpt::graphslam::graphslam_traits< GRAPH_T >::observation_info_tAuxiliary struct used in graph-slam implementation: It holds the relevant information for each of the constraints being taking into account
 Cmrpt::utils::simpleini::CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::OutputWriterInterface definition for the OutputWriter object to pass to Save() in order to output the INI file data
 Cxsens::PacketA structure containing MT data + timestamp and formatting information
 CPacketFixedDataA structure containing fixed packet data, which should not change during a measurement for the same device
 CPacketInfoContains offset information about data in the packet
 Cxsens::Packet::PacketInfoContains information about data in the packet and the format of that data
 CPacketStamperSupplies functionality for timestamping data packets
 Cmrpt::utils::pimpl< T >Pointer to IMPLementation auxiliary structure to make raw pointers movable, copiable and automatically deleted
 Cmrpt::pbmap::PlaneInferredInfoA class used to infer some semantic meaning to the planes of a PbMap
 Cmrpt::nav::PlannerSimple2DSearches for collision-free path in 2D occupancy grids for holonomic circular robots
 Cmrpt::nav::PlannerTPS_VirtualBaseVirtual base class for TP-Space-based path planners
 Cmrpt::utils::PLY_ExporterA virtual base class that implements the capability of exporting 3D point clouds and faces to a file in the Stanford PLY format
 Cmrpt::utils::PLY_ImporterA virtual base class that implements the capability of importing 3D point clouds and faces from a file in the Stanford PLY format
 Cmrpt::mrpt::utils::PointCloudAdapter< POINTCLOUD >An adapter to different kinds of point cloud object
 Cmrpt::utils::PointCloudAdapter< POINTCLOUD >An adapter to different kinds of point cloud object
 Cmrpt::utils::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMap >Specialization mrpt::utils::PointCloudAdapter<mrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMap>
 Cmrpt::utils::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured >Specialization mrpt::utils::PointCloudAdapter<mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured>
 Cmrpt::utils::PointCloudAdapter< pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB > >Specialization mrpt::utils::PointCloudAdapter<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> > for an XYZ point cloud with RGB
 Cmrpt::utils::PointCloudAdapter< pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGBA > >Specialization mrpt::utils::PointCloudAdapter<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> > for an XYZ point cloud with RGB
 Cmrpt::mrpt::utils::detail::PointCloudAdapterHelperNoRGB< POINTMAPTYPE, coords_t >A helper base class for those PointCloudAdapter<> which do not handle RGB data; it declares needed interface methods which fall back to XYZ-only methods
 Cmrpt::utils::detail::PointCloudAdapterHelperNoRGB< POINTMAPTYPE, coords_t >A helper base class for those PointCloudAdapter<> which do not handle RGB data; it declares needed interface methods which fall back to XYZ-only methods
 Cmrpt::mrpt::utils::detail::PointCloudAdapterHelperNoRGB< mrpt::maps::CPointsMap, float >
 Cmrpt::mrpt::utils::detail::PointCloudAdapterHelperNoRGB< mrpt::maps::CSimplePointsMap, float >
 Cmrpt::mrpt::utils::detail::PointCloudAdapterHelperNoRGB< mrpt::maps::CWeightedPointsMap, float >
 Cmrpt::mrpt::utils::detail::PointCloudAdapterHelperNoRGB< mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan, float >
 Cmrpt::mrpt::utils::detail::PointCloudAdapterHelperNoRGB< mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud, float >
 Cmrpt::mrpt::utils::detail::PointCloudAdapterHelperNoRGB< pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >, float >
 CPointCloudStorageWrapperAuxiliary class used to refactor CObservationVelodyneScan::generatePointCloud()
 Cmrpt::maps::detail::pointmap_traits< Derived >
 Cmrpt::maps::detail::pointmap_traits< CColouredPointsMap >
 Cmrpt::maps::detail::pointmap_traits< CSimplePointsMap >
 Cmrpt::maps::detail::pointmap_traits< CWeightedPointsMap >
 Cmrpt::utils::poly_ptr_ptr< T >Wrapper to a stlplus clone smart pointer to polymorphic classes, capable of handling copy operator, etc
 Cmrpt::utils::poly_ptr_ptr< CActionPtr >
 Cmrpt::utils::poly_ptr_ptr< mrpt::maps::CMetricMapPtr >
 Cmrpt::utils::poly_ptr_ptr< mrpt::poses::CPosePDFPtr >
 Cmrpt::utils::poly_ptr_ptr< mrpt::poses::CPosePDFSOGPtr >
 Cmrpt::poses::detail::pose_point_impl< DERIVEDCLASS, IS3D >
 Cmrpt::poses::detail::pose_point_impl< DERIVEDCLASS, 0 >
 Cmrpt::poses::detail::pose_point_impl< DERIVEDCLASS, 1 >
 Cmrpt::poses::detail::pose_point_impl< DERIVEDCLASS, mrpt::poses::detail::T3DTypeHelper< DERIVEDCLASS >::is_3D_val >
 Cmrpt::nav::PoseDistanceMetric< node_t >Generic base for metrics
 Cmrpt::nav::PoseDistanceMetric< TNodeSE2 >Pose metric for SE(2)
 Cmrpt::nav::PoseDistanceMetric< TNodeSE2_TP >Pose metric for SE(2) limited to a given PTG manifold
 Cpq_nodeElement in a minimizing priority queue
 Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap::ProxyFilterContainerByClass< SELECTED_CLASS_PTR, CONTAINER >Takes a const ref of a STL non-associative container of smart pointers at construction and exposes an interface mildly similar to that of another STL container containing only those elements in the original container that can be dynamic_casted to SELECTED_CLASS_PTR
 Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap::ProxyFilterContainerByClass< mrpt::maps::CColouredOctoMapPtr, TListMaps >
 Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap::ProxyFilterContainerByClass< mrpt::maps::CGasConcentrationGridMap2DPtr, TListMaps >
 Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap::ProxyFilterContainerByClass< mrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D_MRFPtr, TListMaps >
 Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap::ProxyFilterContainerByClass< mrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2DPtr, TListMaps >
 Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap::ProxyFilterContainerByClass< mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2DPtr, TListMaps >
 Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap::ProxyFilterContainerByClass< mrpt::maps::COctoMapPtr, TListMaps >
 Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap::ProxyFilterContainerByClass< mrpt::maps::CReflectivityGridMap2DPtr, TListMaps >
 Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap::ProxyFilterContainerByClass< mrpt::maps::CSimplePointsMapPtr, TListMaps >
 Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap::ProxyFilterContainerByClass< mrpt::maps::CWirelessPowerGridMap2DPtr, TListMaps >
 Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap::ProxySelectorContainerByClass< SELECTED_CLASS_PTR, CONTAINER >A proxy like ProxyFilterContainerByClass, but it directly appears as if it was a single smart pointer (empty if no matching object is found in the container)
 Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap::ProxySelectorContainerByClass< mrpt::maps::CBeaconMapPtr, TListMaps >
 Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap::ProxySelectorContainerByClass< mrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMapPtr, TListMaps >
 Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap::ProxySelectorContainerByClass< mrpt::maps::CLandmarksMapPtr, TListMaps >
 Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap::ProxySelectorContainerByClass< mrpt::maps::CWeightedPointsMapPtr, TListMaps >
 Cmrpt::ptr_cast< CAST_TO >Converts a smart pointer Base::Ptr to Derived::Ptr, in a way compatible with MRPT >=1.5.4 and MRPT 2.x series
 Cransac_dataHolds feature data relevant to ransac
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan::raw_block_tRaw Velodyne data block
 Cmrpt::opengl::CAngularObservationMesh::TDoubleRange::rdUnion type with the actual data
 Cmrpt::math::detail::ReverseAccessorIterator< A, T >Template class for matrix accessor's iterators
 Cmrpt::math::RobustKernel< KERNEL_TYPE, T >
 Cmrpt::math::RobustKernel< rkLeastSquares, T >No robust kernel, use standard least squares: rho(r) = r^2
 Cmrpt::math::RobustKernel< rkPseudoHuber, T >Pseudo-huber robust kernel: rho(r) = 2 * delta^2 * ( -1+sqrt( 1+ r^2/delta^2 ) )
 Cmrpt::utils::safe_ptr_basic< T >A wrapper class for pointers that can be safely copied with "=" operator without problems
 Cmrpt::utils::safe_ptr_basic< mrpt::hmtslam::CHierarchicalMHMap >
 Cmrpt::utils::safe_ptr_basic< mrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM >
 Cmrpt::utils::safe_ptr_basic< mrpt::opengl::COpenGLScene >
 Cmrpt::poses::SE_average< 2 >Computes weighted and un-weighted averages of SE(2) poses
 Cmrpt::poses::SE_average< 3 >Computes weighted and un-weighted averages of SE(3) poses
 Cmrpt::poses::SE_traits< 2 >Specialization of SE for 2D poses
 Cmrpt::poses::SE_traits< 3 >Specialization of SE for 3D poses
 Cstd::set< K >STL class
 Cmrpt::utils::simpleini::SI_ConvertA< SI_CHAR >Null conversion class for MBCS/UTF-8 to char (or equivalent)
 Cmrpt::utils::simpleini::SI_ConvertA< char >
 Cmrpt::utils::simpleini::SI_GenericCase< SI_CHAR >Generic case-sensitive less than comparison
 Cmrpt::utils::simpleini::SI_GenericNoCase< SI_CHAR >Generic ASCII case-insensitive less than comparison
 Cmrpt::poses::SO_average< 2 >Computes weighted and un-weighted averages of SO(2) orientations
 Cmrpt::poses::SO_average< 3 >Computes weighted and un-weighted averages of SO(3) orientations
 Cmrpt::obs::T2DScanPropertiesAuxiliary struct that holds all the relevant geometry information about a 2D scan
 Cmrpt::obs::T3DPointsProjectionParamsUsed in CObservation3DRangeScan::project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto()
 Cmrpt::obs::T3DPointsTo2DScanParamsUsed in CObservation3DRangeScan::convertTo2DScan()
 Cmrpt::poses::detail::T3DTypeHelper< POSEORPOINT >
 Cmrpt::poses::detail::T3DTypeHelper< CPoint2D >
 Cmrpt::poses::detail::T3DTypeHelper< CPoint3D >
 Cmrpt::poses::detail::T3DTypeHelper< CPose2D >
 Cmrpt::poses::detail::T3DTypeHelper< CPose3D >
 Cmrpt::poses::detail::T3DTypeHelper< CPose3DQuat >
 Cmrpt::poses::detail::T3DTypeHelper< CPose3DRotVec >
 Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractNavigator::TargetInfoIndividual target info in CAbstractNavigator::TNavigationParamsBase and derived classes
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNationalInstrumentsDAQ::TaskDescriptionEach of the tasks to create in CNationalInstrumentsDAQ::initialize()
 CTAuxRangeMeasInfoAuxiliary for optimal sampling in RO-SLAM
 Cmrpt::math::detail::TAuxResizer< MAT, TypeSizeAtCompileTime >Internal resize which compiles to nothing on fixed-size matrices
 Cmrpt::math::detail::TAuxResizer< MAT,-1 >
 Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TBCDOptionsBCD Options
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan::TCached3DProjTablesLook-up-table struct for project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto()
 Cmrpt::utils::CTimeLogger::TCallDataData of all the calls:
 Cmrpt::system::TCallStackBackTraceSee: getCallStackBackTrace()
 Cmrpt::system::TCallStackEntryUsed in getCallStackBackTrace()
 Cmrpt::utils::CTimeLogger::TCallStatsData of each call section: # of calls, minimum, maximum, average and overall execution time (in seconds)
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CImageGrabber_dc1394::TCameraInfoUsed in enumerateCameras
 Cmrpt::nav::TCandidateMovementPTGStores a candidate movement in TP-Space-based navigation
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::TCaptureCVOptionsOptions used when creating an OpenCV capture object Some options apply to IEEE1394 cameras only
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::TCaptureOptions_bumblebeeOptions used when creating a bumblebee camera capture object
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::TCaptureOptions_dc1394Options used when creating an dc1394 capture object All but the frame size, framerate, and color_coding can be changed dynamically by CImageGrabber_dc1394::changeCaptureOptions
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::TCaptureOptions_DUO3DOptions used when creating a camera capture object of type CImageGrabber_FlyCapture2
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::TCaptureOptions_FlyCapture2Options used when creating a camera capture object of type CImageGrabber_FlyCapture2
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::TCaptureOptions_SVSOptions used when creating a STOC Videre Design camera capture object
 Cmrpt::nav::CPTG_DiffDrive_CollisionGridBased::TCellForLambdaFunctionSpecifies the min/max values for "k" and "n", respectively
 Cmrpt::utils::TColorA RGB color - 8bit
 Cmrpt::utils::TColorfA RGB color - floats in the range [0,1]
 Cmrpt::utils::TColorManagerManage R, G, B color triads and ask class instance of the next unique RGB combination
 Cmrpt::topography::TCoordsA coordinate that is stored as a simple "decimal" angle in degrees, but can be retrieved/set in the form of DEGREES + arc-MINUTES + arc-SECONDS
 Cmrpt::nav::TCPointTrajectory points in C-Space for non-holonomic robots
 Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::TCriticalPointsListThe structure used to store the set of Voronoi diagram critical points
 Cmrpt::maps::CLandmarksMap::TCustomSequenceLandmarksThe list of landmarks: the wrapper class is just for maintaining the KD-Tree representation
 Cmrpt::slam::TDataAssociationResultsThe results from mrpt::slam::data_association
 Cmrpt::slam::CRangeBearingKFSLAM::TDataAssocInfoInformation for data-association:
 Cmrpt::slam::CRangeBearingKFSLAM2D::TDataAssocInfoInformation for data-association:
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservationGasSensors::CMOSmodel::TdataMapThe content of each m_lastObservations in the estimation when using the option : MOS_MODEl (useMOSmodel =1)
 Cmrpt::slam::CRejectionSamplingRangeOnlyLocalization::TDataPerBeaconData for each beacon observation with a correspondence with the map
 Cmrpt::topography::TDatum10ParamsParameters for a topographic transfomation
 Cmrpt::topography::TDatum1DTransfParameters for a topographic transfomation
 Cmrpt::topography::TDatum7ParamsParameters for a topographic transfomation
 Cmrpt::topography::TDatumHelmert2DParameters for a topographic transfomation
 Cmrpt::topography::TDatumHelmert3DParameters for a topographic transfomation
 Cmrpt::topography::TDatumHelmert3D_TOPCONParameters for a topographic transfomation
 Cmrpt::topography::TDatumTransfInterpolationParameters for a topographic transfomation
 Cmrpt::vision::CFeature::TDescriptorsAll the possible descriptors this feature may have
 Cmrpt::slam::CMetricMapBuilderICP::TDistTraveled distances from last map update / ICP-based localization
 Cmrpt::graphs::CDijkstra< TYPE_GRAPH, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION >::TDistanceAuxiliary struct for topological distances from root node
 Cmrpt::detectors::CDetectorDoorCrossing::TDoorCrossingOutParamsA structure used as output in this method
 Cmrpt::opengl::CAngularObservationMesh::TDoubleRangeRange specification type, with several uses
 Cmrpt::graphs::CDirectedTree< TYPE_EDGES >::TEdgeInfo
 Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::TEntropyInfoUsed for returning entropy related information
 Cmrpt::math::MatrixBlockSparseCols< Scalar, NROWS, NCOLS, INFO, HAS_REMAP, INDEX_REMAP_MAP_IMPL >::TEntry
 Cmrpt::utils::TEnumType< ENUMTYPE >A helper class that can convert an enum value into its textual representation, and viceversa
 Cmrpt::utils::TEnumTypeFiller< ENUMTYPE >Only specializations of this class are defined for each enum type of interest
 Cmrpt::utils::TEnumTypeFiller< bayes::TKFMethod >
 Cmrpt::utils::TEnumTypeFiller< hwdrivers::CGPSInterface::PARSERS >
 Cmrpt::utils::TEnumTypeFiller< hwdrivers::CKinect::TVideoChannel >
 Cmrpt::utils::TEnumTypeFiller< hwdrivers::CVelodyneScanner::model_t >
 Cmrpt::utils::TEnumTypeFiller< hwdrivers::CVelodyneScanner::return_type_t >
 Cmrpt::utils::TEnumTypeFiller< maps::CHeightGridMap2D::TMapRepresentation >
 Cmrpt::utils::TEnumTypeFiller< maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::TMapRepresentation >
 Cmrpt::utils::TEnumTypeFiller< mrpt::nav::CAbstractNavigator::TState >
 Cmrpt::utils::TEnumTypeFiller< mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan::TIntensityChannelID >
 Cmrpt::utils::TEnumTypeFiller< mrpt::poses::TInterpolatorMethod >
 Cmrpt::utils::TEnumTypeFiller< nav::CHolonomicND::TSituations >
 Cmrpt::utils::TEnumTypeFiller< nav::THolonomicMethod >
 Cmrpt::utils::TEnumTypeFiller< slam::CGridMapAligner::TAlignerMethod >
 Cmrpt::utils::TEnumTypeFiller< slam::TDataAssociationMethod >
 Cmrpt::utils::TEnumTypeFiller< slam::TDataAssociationMetric >
 Cmrpt::utils::TEnumTypeFiller< slam::TICPAlgorithm >
 Cmrpt::utils::TEnumTypeFiller< slam::TICPCovarianceMethod >
 Cmrpt::poses::FrameTransformer< DIM >::TF_TreeEdge
 Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterCapable::TFastDrawAuxVarsAuxiliary vectors, see CParticleFilterCapable::prepareFastDrawSample for more information
 Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TFASTOptionsFAST and FASTER Options
 Cmrpt::vision::TFeatureObservationOne feature observation entry, used within sequences with TSequenceFeatureObservations
 Cmrpt::system::CDirectoryExplorer::TFileInfoThis represents the information about each file
 Cmrpt::system::CFileSystemWatcher::TFileSystemChangeEach of the changes detected by utils::CFileSystemWatcher
 Cmrpt::opengl::TFontParamsA description of a bitmapped or vectorized text font
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::TFTDIDeviceA list of FTDI devices and their descriptors
 Cmrpt::maps::CLandmarksMap::TFuseOptionsWith this struct options are provided to the fusion process
 Cmrpt::nav::CHolonomicND::TGapThe structure used to store a detected gap in obstacles
 Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DPDFSOG::TGaussianModeThe struct for each mode:
 Cmrpt::poses::CPosePDFSOG::TGaussianModeThe struct for each mode:
 Cmrpt::poses::CPointPDFSOG::TGaussianModeThe struct for each mode:
 Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CLoopCloserERD< GRAPH_T >::TGenerateHypotsPoolAdParamsStruct for passing additional parameters to the generateHypotsPool call
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan::TGeneratePointCloudSE3ResultsResults for generatePointCloudAlongSE3Trajectory()
 Cmrpt::topography::TGeodeticCoordsA set of geodetic coordinates: latitude, longitude and height, defined over a given geoid (typically, WGS84)
 Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CLoopCloserERD< GRAPH_T >::TGetICPEdgeAdParamsStruct for passing additional parameters to the getICPEdge call
 Cmrpt::maps::CLandmarksMap::TLikelihoodOptions::TGPSOriginThis struct store de GPS longitude, latitude (in degrees ) and altitude (in meters) for the first GPS observation compose with de sensor position on the robot
 Cmrpt::graphs::TGraphvizExportParamsUsed in mrpt::graphs export functions to .dot files
 Cmrpt::opengl::COctoMapVoxels::TGridCubeThe info of each grid block
 Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::THarrisOptionsHarris Options
 Cmrpt::maps::THeightGridmapCellThe contents of each cell in a CHeightGridMap2D map
 Cmrpt::system::detail::ThreadCreateFunctor< T >
 Cmrpt::system::detail::ThreadCreateFunctor< void * >
 Cmrpt::system::detail::ThreadCreateObjectFunctor< CLASS, PARAM >
 Cmrpt::system::detail::ThreadCreateObjectFunctorNoParams< CLASS >
 Cmrpt::graphs::detail::THypothesis< GRAPH_T >An edge hypothesis between two nodeIDs
 Cmrpt::vision::TImageCalibDataData associated to each image in the calibration process mrpt::vision::checkerBoardCameraCalibration (All the information can be left empty and will be filled up in the calibration method)
 Cmrpt::vision::TImageROIA structure for defining a ROI within an image
 Cmrpt::vision::TImageStereoCalibDataData associated to each stereo image in the calibration process mrpt::vision::checkerBoardCameraCalibration (All the information can be left empty and will be filled up in the calibration method)
 Cmrpt::vision::TImageStereoCallbackDataParams of the optional callback provided by the user
 Cmrpt::opengl::C3DSScene::TImpl3DSA container for automatic deletion of lib3ds's scene when the last reference of the smart_ptr's is destroyed
 Cmrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel::TImplAssimpA container for automatic deletion of lib3ds's scene when the last reference of the smart_ptr's is destroyed
 Cmrpt::nav::CLogFileRecord::TInfoPerPTGThe structure used to store all relevant information about each transformation into TP-Space
 Cmrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::TInsertionOptionsCommonParameters common to any derived class
 Cmrpt::maps::CLandmarksMap::TInsertionResultsThis struct stores extra results from invoking insertObservation
 Cmrpt::math::KDTreeCapable< Derived, num_t, metric_t >::TKDTreeDataHolder< _DIM >Internal structure with the KD-tree representation (mainly used to avoid copying pointers with the = operator)
 Cmrpt::math::KDTreeCapable< Derived, num_t, metric_t >::TKDTreeDataHolder< 2 >
 Cmrpt::math::KDTreeCapable< Derived, num_t, metric_t >::TKDTreeDataHolder< 3 >
 Cmrpt::math::KDTreeCapable< Derived, num_t, metric_t >::TKDTreeSearchParams
 Cmrpt::kinematics::TKinematicLinkAn individual kinematic chain element (one link) which builds up a CKinematicChain
 Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TKLTOptionsKLT Options
 Cmrpt::maps::CPointsMap::TLaserRange2DInsertContextHelper struct used for internal_loadFromRangeScan2D_prepareOneRange()
 Cmrpt::maps::CPointsMap::TLaserRange3DInsertContextHelper struct used for internal_loadFromRangeScan3D_prepareOneRange()
 Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::TLaserSimulUncertaintyParamsInput params for laserScanSimulatorWithUncertainty()
 Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::TLaserSimulUncertaintyResultOutput params for laserScanSimulatorWithUncertainty()
 Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::TLikelihoodOutputSome members of this struct will contain intermediate or output data after calling "computeObservationLikelihood" for some likelihood functions
 Cmrpt::math::TLine2D2D line without bounds, represented by its equation $Ax+By+C=0$
 Cmrpt::math::TLine3D3D line, represented by a base point and a director vector
 CTLocalPointLocal stucture used in the next method (must be here for usage within STL stuff)
 Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TLogPolarImagesOptionsLogPolarImagesOptions Options
 Cmrpt::maps::TMatchingExtraResultsAdditional results from the determination of matchings between point clouds, etc., apart from the pairings themselves
 Cmrpt::utils::TMatchingPairA structure for holding correspondences between two sets of points or points-like entities in 2D or 3D
 Cmrpt::maps::TMatchingParamsParameters for the determination of matchings between point clouds, etc
 Cmrpt::maps::TMatchingRatioParamsParameters for CMetricMap::compute3DMatchingRatio()
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservation6DFeatures::TMeasurementEach one of the measurements
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservationBeaconRanges::TMeasurementEach one of the measurements
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservationBearingRange::TMeasurementEach one of the measurements:
 Cmrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM::TMessageLSLAMfromAAMessage definition:
 Cmrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM::TMessageLSLAMfromTBIMessage definition:
 Cmrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM::TMessageLSLAMtoTBIMessage definition:
 Cmrpt::maps::internal::TMetricMapTypesRegistryClass factory & registry for map classes
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CVelodyneScanner::TModelPropertiesHard-wired properties of LIDARs depending on the model
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CVelodyneScanner::TModelPropertiesFactoryAccess to default sets of parameters for Velodyne LIDARs
 Cmrpt::slam::TMonteCarloLocalizationParamsThe struct for passing extra simulation parameters to the prediction stage when running a particle filter
 Cmrpt::obs::CActionRobotMovement2D::TMotionModelOptionsThe parameter to be passed to "computeFromOdometry"
 Cmrpt::obs::CActionRobotMovement3D::TMotionModelOptionsThe parameter to be passed to "computeFromOdometry"
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNTRIPClient::TMountPointA descriptor of one stream in an NTRIP Caster - See CNTRIPClient::retrieveListOfMountpoints
 Cmrpt::nav::TMoveEdgeSE2_TPAn edge for the move tree used for planning in SE2 and TP-space
 Cmrpt::graphs::detail::TMRSlamEdgeAnnotationsStruct to be used as the EDGE_ANNOTATIONS template argument in CNetworkOfPoses class instances for use in multiple-robot SLAM applications
 Cmrpt::random::CRandomGenerator::TMT19937_dataData used internally by the MT19937 PRNG algorithm
 Cmrpt::vision::TMultiResMatchingOutputStruct containing the output after matching multi-resolution SIFT-like descriptors
 Cmrpt::nav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator::TNavDynamicStateDynamic state that may affect the PTG path parameterization
 Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractNavigator::TNavigationParamsBaseBase for all high-level navigation commands
 Cmrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< Derived >::TNodeThe structure for each octree spatial node
 Cmrpt::graphs::detail::TNodeAnnotationsAbstract class from which NodeAnnotations related classes can be implemented
 Cmrpt::graphslam::detail::TNodeProps< GRAPH_T >
 Cmrpt::math::TObject2DStandard type for storing any lightweight 2D type
 Cmrpt::math::TObject2D::tobject2d_data_tUnion type storing pointers to every allowed type
 Cmrpt::math::TObject3DStandard object for storing any 3D lightweight object
 Cmrpt::math::TObject3D::tobject3d_data_tUnion containing pointer to actual data
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservationGasSensors::TObservationENoseThe structure for each e-nose
 Cmrpt::slam::CMetricMapBuilder::TOptionsOptions for the algorithm
 Cmrpt::detectors::CDetectorDoorCrossing::TOptionsIn this structure parameters can be changed to customize the behaviour of this algorithm
 Cmrpt::obs::CActionRobotMovement2D::TMotionModelOptions::TOptions_GaussianModelOptions for the gaussian model, which generates a CPosePDFGaussian object in poseChange See docs in :
 Cmrpt::obs::CActionRobotMovement2D::TMotionModelOptions::TOptions_ThrunModelOptions for the Thrun's model, which generates a CPosePDFParticles object in poseChange See docs in :
 Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TORBOptionsORB Options
 CToXMLStringToolHelper class to create XML files using "printf", "fprintf", "cout",... functions
 CSE_traits_tests< POSE_TYPE >::TParams
 Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter::TParticleFilterStatsStatistics for being returned from the "execute" method
 Cmrpt::hmtslam::CLSLAM_RBPF_2DLASER::TPathBinAuxiliary structure
 Cmrpt::slam::detail::TPathBin2DAuxiliary structure
 Cmrpt::topography::TPathFromRTKInfoUsed to return optional information from mrpt::topography::path_from_rtk_gps
 Cmrpt::utils::TPixelCoordA pair (x,y) of pixel coordinates (integer resolution)
 Cmrpt::utils::TPixelCoordfA pair (x,y) of pixel coordinates (subpixel resolution)
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan::TPixelLabelInfoBaseVirtual interface to all pixel-label information structs
 Cmrpt::math::TPlane3D Plane, represented by its equation $Ax+By+Cz+D=0$
 Cmrpt::nav::TPlannerInputTempl< node_pose_t, world_limits_t >
 Cmrpt::nav::TPlannerInputTempl< node_pose_t, node_pose_t >
 Cmrpt::nav::TPlannerResultTempl< tree_t >
 Cmrpt::nav::TPlannerResultTempl< TMoveTreeSE2_TP >
 Cmrpt::math::TPoint2DLightweight 2D point
 Cmrpt::math::TPoint3DLightweight 3D point
 Cmrpt::math::TPoint3DfLightweight 3D point (float version)
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan::TPointCloudSee point_cloud and scan_packets
 Cmrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D_Base::TPointInsertParamsExtra params for insertIndividualPoint()
 Cmrpt::math::TPointXYZfIu8XYZ point (float) + Intensity(u8)
 Cmrpt::math::TPointXYZfRGBu8XYZ point (float) + RGB(u8)
 Cmrpt::math::TPointXYZIu8XYZ point (double) + Intensity(u8)
 Cmrpt::math::TPointXYZRGBu8XYZ point (double) + RGB(u8)
 Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TPolarImagesOptionsPolarImagesOptions Options
 Cmrpt::math::TPolygonWithPlaneSlightly heavyweight type to speed-up calculations with polygons in 3D
 Cmrpt::opengl::CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronEdgeStruct used to store a polyhedron edge
 Cmrpt::opengl::CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronFaceStruct used to store a polyhedron face
 Cmrpt::math::TPose2DLightweight 2D pose
 Cmrpt::math::TPose3DLightweight 3D pose (three spatial coordinates, plus three angular coordinates)
 Cmrpt::math::TPose3DQuatLightweight 3D pose (three spatial coordinates, plus a quaternion )
 Cmrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin2DAuxiliary structure used in KLD-sampling in particle filters
 Cmrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin3DAuxiliary structure used in KLD-sampling in particle filters
 Cmrpt::hmtslam::TPoseInfoInformation kept for each robot pose used in CRobotPosesGraph
 Cmrpt::graphs::detail::TPosePDFHelper< POSE_PDF >
 Cmrpt::graphs::detail::TPosePDFHelper< CPose2D >
 Cmrpt::graphs::detail::TPosePDFHelper< CPose3D >
 Cmrpt::tfest::TPotentialMatchFor each individual-compatibility (IC) test, the indices of the candidate match between elements in both reference frames
 Cmrpt::graphs::CDijkstra< TYPE_GRAPH, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION >::TPreviousAuxiliary struct for backward paths
 Cmrpt::utils::TPropertyValueIDTripletInternal triplet for each property in utils::CMHPropertiesValuesList
 Cmrpt::nav::CReactiveNavigationSystem3D::TPTGmultilevelA set of PTGs of the same type, one per "height level"
 Cmrpt::opengl::CGeneralizedCylinder::TQuadrilateralAuxiliary struct holding any quadrilateral, represented by foour points
 Cmrpt::maps::TRandomFieldCellThe contents of each cell in a CRandomFieldGridMap2D map
 Cmrpt::maps::TRandomFieldVoxelThe contents of each voxel in a CRandomFieldGridMap3D map
 Cmrpt::obs::TRangeImageFilterMainly for internal use within CObservation3DRangeScan::project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto()
 Cmrpt::obs::TRangeImageFilterParamsUsed in CObservation3DRangeScan::project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto()
 Cmrpt::graphslam::apps::TRegistrationDeciderOrOptimizerPropsProperties struct for both the Registration Decider and Optimizer classes
 Cmrpt::vision::TRelativeFeaturePosOne relative feature observation entry, used with some relative bundle-adjustment functions
 Cmrpt::opengl::gl_utils::TRenderInfoInformation about the rendering process being issued
 Cmrpt::maps::COctoMapBase< octree_t, octree_node_t >::TRenderingOptionsOptions for the conversion of a mrpt::maps::COctoMap into a mrpt::opengl::COctoMapVoxels
 Cmrpt::nav::PlannerTPS_VirtualBase::TRenderPlannedPathOptionsOptions for renderMoveTree()
 Cmrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< Derived >::TRenderQueueElement
 Cmrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::TRequestToWxMainThreadThe data structure for each inter-thread request:
 Cmrpt::vision::TResidJacobElementData associated to each observation in the Lev-Marq
 Cmrpt::math::CLevenbergMarquardtTempl< VECTORTYPE, USERPARAM >::TResultInfo
 Cmrpt::graphslam::TResultInfoSpaLevMarqOutput information for mrpt::graphslam::optimize_graph_spa_levmarq()
 Cmrpt::slam::CICP::TReturnInfoThe ICP algorithm return information
 Cmrpt::slam::CGridMapAligner::TReturnInfoThe ICP algorithm return information
 Cmrpt::graphslam::CGraphSlamEngine< GRAPH_T >::TRGBDInfoFileParamsStruct responsible for keeping the parameters of the .info file in RGBD related datasets
 Cmrpt::hmtslam::CLocalMetricHypothesis::TRobotPosesPartitioningUsed by AA thread
 Cmrpt::nav::TRobotShapeA 3D robot shape stored as a "sliced" stack of 2D polygons, used for CReactiveNavigationSystem3D Depending on each PTG, only the 2D polygon or the circular radius will be taken into account
 Cmrpt::vision::TROIA structure for storing a 3D ROI
 Cmrpt::utils::TRuntimeClassIdA structure that holds runtime class type information
 Cmrpt::utils::ts_map_entry< KEY, VALUE >
 Cmrpt::tfest::TSE2RobustParamsParameters for se2_l2_robust()
 Cmrpt::tfest::TSE2RobustResultOutput placeholder for se2_l2_robust()
 Cmrpt::tfest::TSE3RobustParamsParameters for se3_l2_robust()
 Cmrpt::tfest::TSE3RobustResultOutput placeholder for se3_l2_robust()
 Cmrpt::math::TSegment2D2D segment, consisting of two points
 Cmrpt::math::TSegment3D3D segment, consisting of two points
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::TSensorClassIdA structure for runtime ID class type information in the context of hwdrivers::CGenericSensor
 Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CHokuyoURG::TSensorInfoUsed in CHokuyoURG::displayVersionInfo
 Cmrpt::vision::detail::TSIFTDesc2KDTree_Adaptor< distance_t, element_t >
 Cmrpt::vision::detail::TSIFTDesc2KDTree_Adaptor< distance_t >
 Cmrpt::vision::TSIFTDescriptorsKDTreeIndex< distance_t, metric_t >A kd-tree builder for sets of features with SIFT descriptors
 Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TSIFTOptionsSIFT Options
 Cmrpt::vision::TSimpleFeature_templ< PIXEL_COORD_TYPE >A simple structure for representing one image feature (without descriptor nor patch) - This is the template which allows you to select if pixels are represented as integers or floats
 Cmrpt::vision::TSimpleFeatureList_templ< FEATURE >A list of image features using the structure TSimpleFeature for each feature - capable of KD-tree computations Users normally use directly the typedef's: TSimpleFeatureList & TSimpleFeaturefList
 Cmrpt::vision::TSimpleFeatureList_templ< TSimpleFeature >
 Cmrpt::vision::TSimpleFeatureTraits< FEATURE >
 Cmrpt::vision::TSimpleFeatureTraits< TSimpleFeature >
 Cmrpt::vision::TSimpleFeatureTraits< TSimpleFeaturef >
 Cmrpt::obs::CSinCosLookUpTableFor2DScans::TSinCosValuesA pair of vectors with the cos and sin values
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservationSkeleton::TSkeletonJointA generic joint for the skeleton observation
 Cmrpt::math::ModelSearch::TSpecies< TModelFit >
 Cmrpt::slam::CMetricMapBuilderRBPF::TStatsThis structure will hold stats after each execution of processActionObservation
 Cmrpt::vision::TStereoCalibParamsInput parameters for mrpt::vision::checkerBoardStereoCalibration
 Cmrpt::vision::TStereoCalibResultsOutput results for mrpt::vision::checkerBoardStereoCalibration
 Cmrpt::vision::detail::TSURFDesc2KDTree_Adaptor< distance_t, element_t >
 Cmrpt::vision::detail::TSURFDesc2KDTree_Adaptor< distance_t >
 Cmrpt::vision::TSURFDescriptorsKDTreeIndex< distance_t, metric_t >A kd-tree builder for sets of features with SURF descriptors
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservationRFID::TTagReadingEach of the individual readings of a RFID tag
 Cmrpt::system::TThreadHandleThis structure contains the information needed to interface the threads API on each platform:
 Cmrpt::system::TTimePartsThe parts of a date/time (it's like the standard 'tm' but with fractions of seconds)
 Cmrpt::opengl::CSetOfTriangles::TTriangleTriangle definition
 Cmrpt::math::TTwist2D2D twist: 2D velocity vector (vx,vy) + planar angular velocity (omega)
 Cmrpt::math::TTwist3D3D twist: 3D velocity vector (vx,vy,vz) + angular velocity (wx,wy,wz)
 Cmrpt::utils::TTypeName< T >A template to obtain the type of its argument as a string at compile time
 Cmrpt::utils::TTypeName< mrpt::graphs::CNetworkOfPoses< CPOSE, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION, NODE_ANNOTATIONS, EDGE_ANNOTATIONS > >
 Cmrpt::utils::TTypeName< mrpt::math::CArrayDouble< N > >
 Cmrpt::utils::TTypeName< mrpt::math::CArrayFloat< N > >
 Cmrpt::utils::TTypeName< mrpt::math::CArrayNumeric< T, N > >
 Cmrpt::utils::TTypeName< mrpt::math::CMatrixFixedNumeric< T, N, M > >
 Cmrpt::utils::TTypeName< mrpt::math::CMatrixTemplateNumeric< T > >
 Cmrpt::utils::TTypeName< mrpt::opengl::CLight >
 Cmrpt::utils::TTypeName< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
 Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::TUpdateCellsInfoChangeOnlyAn internal structure for storing data related to counting the new information apported by some observation
 Cmrpt::graphslam::apps::TUserOptionsChecker< GRAPH_t >Class containing the declarations of supplementary methods that can be used in application-related code
 Cmrpt::graphslam::apps::TUserOptionsChecker< GRAPH_T >
 Cmrpt::kinematics::CVehicleVelCmd::TVelCmdParamsParameters that may be used by cmdVel_limits() in any derived classes
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan::TVelodynePositionPacketPayload of one POSITION packet
 Cmrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan::TVelodyneRawPacketOne unit of data from the scanner (the payload of one UDP DATA packet)
 Cmrpt::opengl::CSetOfTexturedTriangles::TVertexTriangle vertex
 Cmrpt::opengl::COctoMapVoxels::TVoxelThe info of each of the voxels
 Cmrpt::nav::TWaypointA single waypoint within TWaypointSequence
 Cmrpt::nav::TWaypointSequenceThe struct for requesting navigation requests for a sequence of waypoints
 Cmrpt::nav::TWaypointsRenderingParamsUsed in getAsOpenglVisualization()
 Cmrpt::nav::TWaypointStatusSequenceThe struct for querying the status of waypoints navigation
 Cmrpt::utils::uint_select_by_bytecount< num_bytes >Usage: uint_select_by_bytecount<N>type var; allows defining var as a unsigned integer with, at least, N bytes
 Cmrpt::utils::uint_select_by_bytecount< 1 >
 Cmrpt::utils::uint_select_by_bytecount< 2 >
 Cmrpt::utils::uint_select_by_bytecount< 3 >
 Cmrpt::utils::uint_select_by_bytecount< 4 >
 Cmrpt::utils::uint_select_by_bytecount< 8 >
 Cmrpt::utils::metaprogramming::UnaryMemberFunctionWrapper< T, U, V >This template encapsulates an unary member function and a single object into a function expecting the parameter of the member function
 CUsbInterfacePrivate::UsbContextA context manager for libusb
 CUsbInterfacePrivatePrivate object for UsbInterface
 Cmrpt::obs::gnss::UTC_timeUTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time-stamp structure for GPS messages
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class
 Cmrpt::obs::VelodyneCalibrationVelodyne calibration data, for usage in mrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan
 Cmrpt::math::detail::VicinityTraits< T >The purpose of this class is to model traits for containers, so that they can be used as return values for the function CMatrixTemplate::getVicinity
 Cmrpt::math::detail::VicinityTraits< CMatrixFixedNumeric< T, D, D > >Vicinity traits class specialization for fixed size matrices
 Cmrpt::math::detail::VicinityTraits< CMatrixTemplateNumeric< T > >Vicinity traits class specialization for fixed size matrices
 Cmrpt::graphs::CDirectedTree< TYPE_EDGES >::VisitorVirtual base class for user-defined visitors
 Cmrpt::gui::WxSubsystemThis class implements the GUI thread required for the wxWidgets-based GUI
 CXMLAttributeStructure for XML attribute
 CXMLClearStructure for XML clear (unformatted) node (usually comments)
 CXMLNodeMain Class representing a XML node
 CXMLNodeContentsThis structure is given by the function XMLNode::enumContents
 CXMLParserBase64ToolHelper class to include binary data inside XML strings using "Base64 encoding"
 CXMLResultsStructure used to obtain error details if the parse fails
 CXsAnalogInDataData from analog inputs from sensors
 CXsArrayDescriptorThis object describes how to treat the data in an array
 CXsAtomicIntWrapper class for easy use of XsAtomicIntValue values
 CXsDataFormatA structure for storing data formats
 CXsDataPacketContains data received from a device or read from a file
 CXsGpsPvtDataData from the GPS unit of a legacy MTi-G
 CXsLibraryLoaderThe Xsens dynamic library loader base class
 CXsMessageStructure for storing a single message
 CXsMessageHeaderA message header
 CXsOutputConfigurationSingle data type output configuration
 CXsPressurePressure data
 CXsRawGpsDopA container for NAV-DOP data
 CXsRawGpsSolA container for NAV-SOL data
 CXsRawGpsSvInfoA container for NAV-SVINFO data
 CXsRawGpsTimeUtcA container for NAV-TIMEUTC data
 CXsScrDataContainer for raw sensor measurement data
 CXsSvInfoA container for information of one satellite
 CXsSyncSettingA structure for storing all xsens sync settings
 CXsTimeStampClass for managing timestamps in a unified way
 CXsTriggerIndicationDataData for a trigger indication message
 CXsUShortVectorA vector containing 3 short values
 CXsUtcTimeA structure for storing UTC Time values
 CXsWinUsbClass for dynamic loading of winusb

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