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interp_fit.h File Reference
#include <mrpt/utils/utils_defs.h>
#include <mrpt/math/CMatrixTemplateNumeric.h>
#include <mrpt/math/wrap2pi.h>
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 This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
 This base provides a set of functions for maths stuff.


template<class T , class VECTOR >
mrpt::math::interpolate (const T &x, const VECTOR &ys, const T &x0, const T &x1)
 Interpolate a data sequence "ys" ranging from "x0" to "x1" (equally spaced), to obtain the approximation of the sequence at the point "x". More...
double BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::math::interpolate2points (const double x, const double x0, const double y0, const double x1, const double y1, bool wrap2pi=false)
 Linear interpolation/extrapolation: evaluates at "x" the line (x0,y0)-(x1,y1). More...
template<typename NUMTYPE , class VECTORLIKE >
NUMTYPE mrpt::math::spline (const NUMTYPE t, const VECTORLIKE &x, const VECTORLIKE &y, bool wrap2pi=false)
 Interpolates the value of a function in a point "t" given 4 SORTED points where "t" is between the two middle points If wrap2pi is true, output "y" values are wrapped to ]-pi,pi] (It is assumed that input "y" values already are in the correct range). More...
template<typename NUMTYPE , class VECTORLIKE , int NUM_POINTS = Eigen::Dynamic>
NUMTYPE mrpt::math::leastSquareLinearFit (const NUMTYPE t, const VECTORLIKE &x, const VECTORLIKE &y, bool wrap2pi=false)
 Interpolates or extrapolates using a least-square linear fit of the set of values "x" and "y", evaluated at a single point "t". More...
template<class VECTORLIKE1 , class VECTORLIKE2 , class VECTORLIKE3 , int NUM_POINTS = Eigen::Dynamic>
void mrpt::math::leastSquareLinearFit (const VECTORLIKE1 &ts, VECTORLIKE2 &outs, const VECTORLIKE3 &x, const VECTORLIKE3 &y, bool wrap2pi=false)
 Interpolates or extrapolates using a least-square linear fit of the set of values "x" and "y", evaluated at a sequence of points "ts" and returned at "outs". More...

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