Main MRPT website > C++ reference for MRPT 1.5.7
Classes | Namespaces
metaprogramming_serialization.h File Reference
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struct  mrpt::utils::metaprogramming::ObjectReadFromStream
 An object for reading objects from a stream, intended for being used in STL algorithms. More...
struct  mrpt::utils::metaprogramming::ObjectReadFromStreamToPtrs< ptr_t >
struct  mrpt::utils::metaprogramming::ObjectWriteToStream
 An object for writing objects to a stream, intended for being used in STL algorithms. More...


 This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
 Classes for serialization, sockets, ini-file manipulation, streams, list of properties-values, timewatch, extensions to STL.
 A set of utility objects for metaprogramming with STL algorithms.

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