MRPT  1.9.9
COctoMapBase.h File Reference
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class  mrpt::maps::COctoMapBase< octree_t, octree_node_t >
 A three-dimensional probabilistic occupancy grid, implemented as an octo-tree with the "octomap" C++ library. More...
struct  mrpt::maps::COctoMapBase< octree_t, octree_node_t >::TInsertionOptions
 With this struct options are provided to the observation insertion process. More...
struct  mrpt::maps::COctoMapBase< octree_t, octree_node_t >::TLikelihoodOptions
 observations in the map More...
struct  mrpt::maps::COctoMapBase< octree_t, octree_node_t >::TRenderingOptions
 Options for the conversion of a mrpt::maps::COctoMap into a mrpt::opengl::COctoMapVoxels. More...



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