MRPT  1.9.9
mrpt::system::os Namespace Reference


int sprintf (char *buf, size_t bufSize, const char *format,...) noexcept MRPT_printf_format_check(3
 An OS-independent version of sprintf (Notice the bufSize param, which may be ignored in some compilers) More...
int int vsprintf (char *buf, size_t bufSize, const char *format, va_list args) noexcept
 An OS-independent version of vsprintf (Notice the bufSize param, which may be ignored in some compilers) More...
int vsnprintf (char *buf, size_t bufSize, const char *format, va_list args) noexcept
 An OS-independent version of vsnprintf (Notice the bufSize param, which may be ignored in some compilers) More...
FILE * fopen (const char *fileName, const char *mode) noexcept
 An OS-independent version of fopen. More...
FILE * fopen (const std::string &fileName, const char *mode) noexcept
 An OS-independent version of fopen (std::string version) More...
int fprintf (FILE *fil, const char *format,...) noexcept MRPT_printf_format_check(2
 An OS-independent version of fprintf. More...
int void fclose (FILE *f)
 An OS-independent version of fclose. More...
char * strcat (char *dest, size_t destSize, const char *source) noexcept
 An OS-independent version of strcat. More...
char * strcpy (char *dest, size_t destSize, const char *source) noexcept
 An OS-independent version of strcpy. More...
int _strcmp (const char *str1, const char *str2) noexcept
 An OS-independent version of strcmp. More...
int _strcmpi (const char *str1, const char *str2) noexcept
 An OS-independent version of strcmpi. More...
int _strncmp (const char *str, const char *subStr, size_t count) noexcept
 An OS-independent version of strncmp. More...
int _strnicmp (const char *str, const char *subStr, size_t count) noexcept
 An OS-independent version of strnicmp. More...
int64_t _strtoll (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
 An OS-independent version of strtoll. More...
uint64_t _strtoull (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
 An OS-independent version of strtoull. More...
time_t timegm (struct tm *tm)
 An OS-independent version of timegm (which is not present in all compilers): converts a time structure into an UTM time_t. More...
void memcpy (void *dest, size_t destSize, const void *src, size_t copyCount) noexcept
 An OS and compiler independent version of "memcpy". More...
int getch () noexcept
 An OS-independent version of getch, which waits until a key is pushed. More...
bool kbhit () noexcept
 An OS-independent version of kbhit, which returns true if a key has been pushed. More...

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