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Namespaces | |
mrpt | |
This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries. | |
mrpt::topography | |
This namespace provides topography helper functions, coordinate transformations. | |
Functions | |
Topography coordinate conversion functions | |
void | mrpt::topography::geodeticToENU_WGS84 (const TGeodeticCoords &in_coords, mrpt::math::TPoint3D &out_ENU_point, const TGeodeticCoords &in_coords_origin) |
Coordinates transformation from longitude/latitude/height to ENU (East-North-Up) X/Y/Z coordinates The WGS84 ellipsoid is used for the transformation. More... | |
void | mrpt::topography::ENUToGeocentric (const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &in_ENU_point, const TGeodeticCoords &in_coords_origin, TGeocentricCoords &out_coords, const TEllipsoid &ellip) |
ENU to geocentric coordinates. More... | |
void | mrpt::topography::geocentricToENU_WGS84 (const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &in_geocentric_point, mrpt::math::TPoint3D &out_ENU_point, const TGeodeticCoords &in_coords_origin) |
ENU to EFEC (Geocentric) coordinates. More... | |
void | mrpt::topography::geocentricToENU_WGS84 (const std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint3D > &in_geocentric_points, std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint3D > &out_ENU_points, const TGeodeticCoords &in_coords_origin) |
void | mrpt::topography::geodeticToGeocentric_WGS84 (const TGeodeticCoords &in_coords, mrpt::math::TPoint3D &out_point) |
Coordinates transformation from longitude/latitude/height to geocentric X/Y/Z coordinates (with a WGS84 geoid). More... | |
void | mrpt::topography::geodeticToGeocentric (const TGeodeticCoords &in_coords, TGeocentricCoords &out_point, const TEllipsoid &ellip) |
Coordinates transformation from longitude/latitude/height to geocentric X/Y/Z coordinates (with an specified geoid). More... | |
void | mrpt::topography::geocentricToGeodetic (const TGeocentricCoords &in_point, TGeodeticCoords &out_coords, const TEllipsoid &ellip=TEllipsoid::Ellipsoid_WGS84()) |
Coordinates transformation from geocentric X/Y/Z coordinates to longitude/latitude/height. More... | |
void | mrpt::topography::transform7params (const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &in_point, const TDatum7Params &in_datum, mrpt::math::TPoint3D &out_point) |
7-parameter Bursa-Wolf transformation: [ X Y Z ]_WGS84 = [ dX dY dZ ] + ( 1 + dS ) [ 1 RZ -RY; -RZ 1 RX; RY -RX 1 ] [ X Y Z ]_local More... | |
void | mrpt::topography::transform7params_TOPCON (const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &in_point, const TDatum7Params_TOPCON &in_datum, mrpt::math::TPoint3D &out_point) |
7-parameter Bursa-Wolf transformation TOPCON: [ X Y Z ]_WGS84 = [ dX dY dZ ] + ( 1 + dS ) [ 1 RZ -RY; -RZ 1 RX; RY -RX 1 ] [ X Y Z ]_local More... | |
void | mrpt::topography::transform10params (const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &in_point, const TDatum10Params &in_datum, mrpt::math::TPoint3D &out_point) |
10-parameter Molodensky-Badekas transformation: [ X Y Z ]_WGS84 = [ dX dY dZ ] + ( 1 + dS ) [ 1 RZ -RY; -RZ 1 RX; RY -RX 1 ] [ X-Xp Y-Yp Z-Zp ]_local + [Xp Yp Zp] More... | |
void | mrpt::topography::transformHelmert2D (const mrpt::math::TPoint2D &p, const TDatumHelmert2D &d, mrpt::math::TPoint2D &o) |
Helmert 2D transformation: [ X Y ]_WGS84 = [ dX dY ] + ( 1 + dS ) [ cos(alpha) -sin(alpha); sin(alpha) cos(alpha) ] [ X-Xp Y-Yp Z-Zp ]_local + [Xp Yp Zp]. More... | |
void | mrpt::topography::transformHelmert2D_TOPCON (const mrpt::math::TPoint2D &p, const TDatumHelmert2D_TOPCON &d, mrpt::math::TPoint2D &o) |
Helmert 2D transformation: [ X Y ]_WGS84 = [ dX dY ] + ( 1 + dS ) [ cos(alpha) -sin(alpha); sin(alpha) cos(alpha) ] [ X-Xp Y-Yp Z-Zp ]_local + [Xp Yp Zp]. More... | |
void | mrpt::topography::transformHelmert3D (const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &p, const TDatumHelmert3D &d, mrpt::math::TPoint3D &o) |
Helmert3D transformation: [ X Y Z ]_WGS84 = [ dX dY dZ ] + ( 1 + dS ) [ 1 -RZ RY; RZ 1 -RX; -RY RX 1 ] [ X Y Z ]_local. More... | |
void | mrpt::topography::transformHelmert3D_TOPCON (const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &p, const TDatumHelmert3D_TOPCON &d, mrpt::math::TPoint3D &o) |
Helmert 3D transformation: [ X Y ]_WGS84 = [ dX dY ] + ( 1 + dS ) [ cos(alpha) -sin(alpha); sin(alpha) cos(alpha) ] [ X-Xp Y-Yp Z-Zp ]_local + [Xp Yp Zp]. More... | |
void | mrpt::topography::transform1D (const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &p, const TDatum1DTransf &d, mrpt::math::TPoint3D &o) |
1D transformation: [ Z ]_WGS84 = (dy * X - dx * Y + Z)*(1+e)+DZ More... | |
void | mrpt::topography::transfInterpolation (const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &p, const TDatumTransfInterpolation &d, mrpt::math::TPoint3D &o) |
Interpolation: [ Z ]_WGS84 = (dy * X - dx * Y + Z)*(1+e)+DZ. More... | |
void | mrpt::topography::UTMToGeodetic (double X, double Y, int zone, char hem, double &out_lon, double &out_lat, const TEllipsoid &ellip=TEllipsoid::Ellipsoid_WGS84()) |
Returns the Geodetic coordinates of the UTM input point. More... | |
void | mrpt::topography::UTMToGeodetic (const TUTMCoords &UTMCoords, int zone, char hem, TGeodeticCoords &GeodeticCoords, const TEllipsoid &ellip=TEllipsoid::Ellipsoid_WGS84()) |
Returns the Geodetic coordinates of the UTM input point. More... | |
void | mrpt::topography::GeodeticToUTM (double in_latitude_degrees, double in_longitude_degrees, double &out_UTM_x, double &out_UTM_y, int &out_UTM_zone, char &out_UTM_latitude_band, const TEllipsoid &ellip=TEllipsoid::Ellipsoid_WGS84()) |
Convert latitude and longitude coordinates into UTM coordinates, computing the corresponding UTM zone and latitude band. More... | |
void | mrpt::topography::geodeticToUTM (const TGeodeticCoords &GeodeticCoords, TUTMCoords &UTMCoords, int &UTMZone, char &UTMLatitudeBand, const TEllipsoid &ellip=TEllipsoid::Ellipsoid_WGS84()) |
void | mrpt::topography::GeodeticToUTM (const TGeodeticCoords &GeodeticCoords, TUTMCoords &UTMCoords, int &UTMZone, char &UTMLatitudeBand, const TEllipsoid &ellip=TEllipsoid::Ellipsoid_WGS84()) |
Convert latitude and longitude coordinates into UTM coordinates, computing the corresponding UTM zone and latitude band. More... | |
Miscellaneous | |
======================================================================= | |
void | mrpt::topography::ENU_axes_from_WGS84 (double in_longitude_reference_degrees, double in_latitude_reference_degrees, double in_height_reference_meters, mrpt::math::TPose3D &out_ENU, bool only_angles=false) |
Returns the East-North-Up (ENU) coordinate system associated to the given point. More... | |
void | mrpt::topography::ENU_axes_from_WGS84 (const TGeodeticCoords &in_coords, mrpt::math::TPose3D &out_ENU, bool only_angles=false) |
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