MRPT  1.9.9
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chessboard_camera_calib.h File Reference
#include <mrpt/img/CImage.h>
#include <mrpt/math/CMatrixFixed.h>
#include <mrpt/math/TPose3D.h>
#include <mrpt/poses/CPose3D.h>
#include <mrpt/vision/types.h>
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struct  mrpt::vision::TImageCalibData
 Data associated to each image in the calibration process mrpt::vision::checkerBoardCameraCalibration (All the information can be left empty and will be filled up in the calibration method). More...


 Classes for computer vision, detectors, features, etc.


using mrpt::vision::TCalibrationImageList = std::map< std::string, TImageCalibData >
 A list of images, used in checkerBoardCameraCalibration. More...


bool mrpt::vision::checkerBoardCameraCalibration (TCalibrationImageList &images, unsigned int check_size_x, unsigned int check_size_y, double check_squares_length_X_meters, double check_squares_length_Y_meters, mrpt::img::TCamera &out_camera_params, bool normalize_image=true, double *out_MSE=nullptr, bool skipDrawDetectedImgs=false, bool useScaramuzzaAlternativeDetector=false)
 Performs a camera calibration (computation of projection and distortion parameters) from a sequence of captured images of a checkerboard. More...
bool mrpt::vision::checkerBoardCameraCalibration (TCalibrationImageList &images, unsigned int check_size_x, unsigned int check_size_y, double check_squares_length_X_meters, double check_squares_length_Y_meters, mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble33 &intrinsicParams, std::vector< double > &distortionParams, bool normalize_image=true, double *out_MSE=nullptr, bool skipDrawDetectedImgs=false, bool useScaramuzzaAlternativeDetector=false)

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