MRPT  2.0.4
Classes | Modules

Detailed Description

C++ library for Input-Output (IO) to raw and compressed files,.

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Library `mrpt-io`

[New in MRPT 2.0.0]

This library is part of MRPT and can be installed in Debian-based systems with:

    sudo apt install libmrpt-io-dev

See: Using MRPT from your CMake project

Collaboration diagram for [mrpt-io]:


class  mrpt::io::CFileGZInputStream
 Transparently opens a compressed "gz" file and reads uncompressed data from it. More...
class  mrpt::io::CFileGZOutputStream
 Saves data to a file and transparently compress the data using the given compression level. More...
class  mrpt::io::CFileInputStream
 This CStream derived class allow using a file as a read-only, binary stream. More...
class  mrpt::io::CFileOutputStream
 This CStream derived class allow using a file as a write-only, binary stream. More...
class  mrpt::io::CFileStream
 This CStream derived class allow using a file as a read/write binary stream, creating it if the file didn't exist. More...
class  mrpt::io::CMemoryStream
 This CStream derived class allow using a memory buffer as a CStream. More...
class  mrpt::io::CPipe
 A pipe, portable across different OS. More...
class  mrpt::io::CPipeBaseEndPoint
 Common interface of read & write pipe end-points. More...
class  mrpt::io::CPipeReadEndPoint
 The read end-point in a pipe created with mrpt::synch::CPipe. More...
class  mrpt::io::CStream
 This base class is used to provide a unified interface to files,memory buffers,..Please see the derived classes. More...
class  mrpt::io::CTextFileLinesParser
 A class for parsing text files, returning each non-empty and non-comment line, along its line number. More...


 Load matrix from CSV file (in #include <mrpt/io/csv.h>)
 Load and save vectors to files (in #include <mrpt/io/vector_loadsave.h>)

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