class mrpt::kinematics::CVehicleSimulVirtualBase

This class can be used to simulate the kinematics and dynamics of a differential driven planar mobile robot, including odometry errors and dynamics limitations.

Main API methods are:

  • movementCommand: Call this for send a command to the robot. This comamnd will be delayed and passed throught a first order low-pass filter to simulate robot dynamics.

  • simulateInterval: Call this for run the simulator for the desired time period.

#include <mrpt/kinematics/CVehicleSimulVirtualBase.h>

class CVehicleSimulVirtualBase

    virtual void sendVelCmd(const CVehicleVelCmd& cmd_vel) = 0;
    virtual CVehicleVelCmd::Ptr getVelCmdType() const = 0;
    void resetStatus();

// direct descendants

class CVehicleSimul_DiffDriven;
class CVehicleSimul_Holo;


virtual void sendVelCmd(const CVehicleVelCmd& cmd_vel) = 0

Sends a velocity command to the robot.

The number of components and their meaning depends on the vehicle-kinematics derived class

virtual CVehicleVelCmd::Ptr getVelCmdType() const = 0

Gets an empty velocity command object that can be queried to find out the number of velcmd components,…