struct mrpt::bayes::TKF_options

Generic options for the Kalman Filter algorithm in itself.

#include <mrpt/bayes/CKalmanFilterCapable.h>

struct TKF_options: public mrpt::config::CLoadableOptions

    TKFMethod method {kfEKFNaive};
    mrpt::system::VerbosityLevel& verbosity_level;
    int IKF_iterations {5};
    bool enable_profiler {false};
    bool use_analytic_transition_jacobian {true};
    bool use_analytic_observation_jacobian {true};
    bool debug_verify_analytic_jacobians {false};
    double debug_verify_analytic_jacobians_threshold {1e-2};

    // construction

    TKF_options(mrpt::system::VerbosityLevel& verb_level_ref);


    virtual void loadFromConfigFile(const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& source, const std::string& section);
    virtual void dumpToTextStream(std::ostream& out) const;

Inherited Members


    virtual void loadFromConfigFile(const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& source, const std::string& section) = 0;
    void loadFromConfigFileName(const std::string& config_file, const std::string& section);
    virtual void saveToConfigFile(mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& target, const std::string& section) const;
    void saveToConfigFileName(const std::string& config_file, const std::string& section) const;
    void dumpToConsole() const;
    virtual void dumpToTextStream(std::ostream& out) const;


TKFMethod method {kfEKFNaive}

The method to employ (default: kfEKFNaive)

int IKF_iterations {5}

Number of refinement iterations, only for the IKF method.

bool enable_profiler {false}

If enabled (default=false), detailed timing information will be dumped to the console thru a CTimerLog at the end of the execution.

bool use_analytic_transition_jacobian {true}

(default=true) If true, OnTransitionJacobian will be called; otherwise, the Jacobian will be estimated from a numeric approximation by calling several times to OnTransitionModel.

bool use_analytic_observation_jacobian {true}

(default=true) If true, OnObservationJacobians will be called; otherwise, the Jacobian will be estimated from a numeric approximation by calling several times to OnObservationModel.

bool debug_verify_analytic_jacobians {false}

(default=false) If true, will compute all the Jacobians numerically and compare them to the analytical ones, throwing an exception on mismatch.

double debug_verify_analytic_jacobians_threshold {1e-2}

(default-1e-2) Sets the threshold for the difference between the analytic and the numerical jacobians


virtual void loadFromConfigFile(const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& source, const std::string& section)

This method load the options from a “.ini”-like file or memory-stored string list.

Only those parameters found in the given “section” and having the same name that the variable are loaded. Those not found in the file will stay with their previous values (usually the default values loaded at initialization). An example of an “.ini” file:

resolution    = 0.10   // blah blah...
modeSelection = 1      // 0=blah, 1=blah,...

See also:

loadFromConfigFileName, saveToConfigFile

virtual void dumpToTextStream(std::ostream& out) const

This method must display clearly all the contents of the structure in textual form, sending it to a CStream.