1. MRPT ROS packages
The following ROS packages are provided wrapping MRPT functionality:
mrpt2: For older Ubuntu distributions, this ROS package provides a more recent version of MRPT 2.x.x so users do not need to build it from sources.
mrpt_bridge: Converters to/from ROS1 messages and MRPT data types.
mrpt_navigation: Reactive autonomous navigation algorithms.
mrpt_sensors: Reading from diverse sensors (Supported sensors).
mrpt_slam: Basic 2D and 3D SLAM algorithms.
pose_cov_ops: SE(2) and SE(3) pose probability density function manipulation library.
See also MRPT ROS packages status table for: - Melodic - Noetic
2. Python
At present, all MRPT libraries are wrapped into one single Python module pymrpt. Read more here.
3. Matlab
Part of MRPT can be compiled into a .mex file and used directly from MATLAB. Read more here.