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TSimpleFeature.h File Reference
#include <mrpt/utils/TPixelCoord.h>
#include <mrpt/utils/round.h>
#include <mrpt/math/KDTreeCapable.h>
#include <mrpt/math/CMatrixTemplate.h>
#include <mrpt/math/CMatrixTemplateNumeric.h>
#include <mrpt/vision/types.h>
#include <mrpt/vision/link_pragmas.h>
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struct  mrpt::vision::TSimpleFeature_templ< PIXEL_COORD_TYPE >
 A simple structure for representing one image feature (without descriptor nor patch) - This is the template which allows you to select if pixels are represented as integers or floats. More...
struct  mrpt::vision::TSimpleFeatureTraits< FEATURE >
struct  mrpt::vision::TSimpleFeatureTraits< TSimpleFeature >
struct  mrpt::vision::TSimpleFeatureTraits< TSimpleFeaturef >
struct  mrpt::vision::TSimpleFeatureList_templ< FEATURE >
 A list of image features using the structure TSimpleFeature for each feature - capable of KD-tree computations Users normally use directly the typedef's: TSimpleFeatureList & TSimpleFeaturefList. More...
struct  mrpt::vision::KeypointResponseSorter< FEATURE_LIST >
 A helper struct to sort keypoints by their response: It can be used with these types: More...
class  mrpt::vision::CFeatureListKDTree< FEAT >
 Helper class: KD-tree search class for vector<KeyPoint>: Call mark_as_outdated() to force rebuilding the kd-tree after modifying the linked feature list. More...


 This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
 Classes for computer vision, detectors, features, etc.


typedef TSimpleFeature_templ< mrpt::utils::TPixelCoordmrpt::vision::TSimpleFeature
 A simple structure for representing one image feature (without descriptor nor patch). More...
typedef TSimpleFeature_templ< mrpt::utils::TPixelCoordfmrpt::vision::TSimpleFeaturef
 A version of TSimpleFeature with subpixel precision. More...
typedef TSimpleFeatureList_templ< TSimpleFeature > mrpt::vision::TSimpleFeatureList
 A list of image features using the structure TSimpleFeature for each feature - capable of KD-tree computations. More...
typedef TSimpleFeatureList_templ< TSimpleFeaturef > mrpt::vision::TSimpleFeaturefList
 A list of image features using the structure TSimpleFeaturef for each feature - capable of KD-tree computations. More...

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