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jdmerge.cpp File Reference
#include "jinclude.h"
#include "mrpt_jpeglib.h"
#include <mrpt/utils/mrpt_macros.h>
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struct  my_upsampler


#define SCALEBITS   16 /* speediest right-shift on some machines */
#define ONE_HALF   ((INT32) 1 << (SCALEBITS-1))
#define FIX(x)   ((INT32) ((x) * (1L<<SCALEBITS) + 0.5))


typedef my_upsamplermy_upsample_ptr


 build_ycc_rgb_table (j_decompress_ptr cinfo)
 start_pass_merged_upsample (j_decompress_ptr cinfo)
 merged_2v_upsample (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, JSAMPIMAGE input_buf, JDIMENSION *in_row_group_ctr, JDIMENSION in_row_groups_avail, JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION *out_row_ctr, JDIMENSION out_rows_avail)
 merged_1v_upsample (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, JSAMPIMAGE input_buf, JDIMENSION *in_row_group_ctr, JDIMENSION in_row_groups_avail, JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION *out_row_ctr, JDIMENSION out_rows_avail)
 h2v1_merged_upsample (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, JSAMPIMAGE input_buf, JDIMENSION in_row_group_ctr, JSAMPARRAY output_buf)
 h2v2_merged_upsample (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, JSAMPIMAGE input_buf, JDIMENSION in_row_group_ctr, JSAMPARRAY output_buf)
 jinit_merged_upsampler (j_decompress_ptr cinfo)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define FIX (   x)    ((INT32) ((x) * (1L<<SCALEBITS) + 0.5))

Definition at line 50 of file jdmerge.cpp.

Referenced by build_ycc_rgb_table().



Definition at line 10 of file jdmerge.cpp.


#define ONE_HALF   ((INT32) 1 << (SCALEBITS-1))

Definition at line 49 of file jdmerge.cpp.

Referenced by build_ycc_rgb_table().


#define SCALEBITS   16 /* speediest right-shift on some machines */

Definition at line 48 of file jdmerge.cpp.

Referenced by build_ycc_rgb_table(), h2v1_merged_upsample(), and h2v2_merged_upsample().

Typedef Documentation

◆ my_upsample_ptr

Definition at line 46 of file jdmerge.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ build_ycc_rgb_table()

build_ycc_rgb_table ( j_decompress_ptr  cinfo)

◆ h2v1_merged_upsample()

h2v1_merged_upsample ( j_decompress_ptr  cinfo,
JSAMPIMAGE  input_buf,
JDIMENSION  in_row_group_ctr,
JSAMPARRAY  output_buf 

◆ h2v2_merged_upsample()

h2v2_merged_upsample ( j_decompress_ptr  cinfo,
JSAMPIMAGE  input_buf,
JDIMENSION  in_row_group_ctr,
JSAMPARRAY  output_buf 

◆ jinit_merged_upsampler()

jinit_merged_upsampler ( j_decompress_ptr  cinfo)

◆ merged_1v_upsample()

merged_1v_upsample ( j_decompress_ptr  cinfo,
JSAMPIMAGE  input_buf,
JDIMENSION in_row_group_ctr,
JDIMENSION  in_row_groups_avail,
JSAMPARRAY  output_buf,
JDIMENSION out_row_ctr,
JDIMENSION  out_rows_avail 

◆ merged_2v_upsample()

merged_2v_upsample ( j_decompress_ptr  cinfo,
JSAMPIMAGE  input_buf,
JDIMENSION in_row_group_ctr,
JDIMENSION  in_row_groups_avail,
JSAMPARRAY  output_buf,
JDIMENSION out_row_ctr,
JDIMENSION  out_rows_avail 

◆ start_pass_merged_upsample()

start_pass_merged_upsample ( j_decompress_ptr  cinfo)

Definition at line 102 of file jdmerge.cpp.

References FALSE, my_upsampler::rows_to_go, and my_upsampler::spare_full.

Referenced by jinit_merged_upsampler().

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