84 float resolution = 0.25f);
87 void fill(
float default_value = 0.5f);
97 float default_value = 0.5f);
106 float new_voxels_default_value = 0.5f);
129 void updateCell(
int cx_idx,
int cy_idx,
int cz_idx,
float v);
134 unsigned int cx,
unsigned int cy,
unsigned int cz,
float value)
143 unsigned int cx,
unsigned int cy,
unsigned int cz)
const 172 bool endIsOccupied =
184 const float maxValidRange = std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
213 const std::string& section)
217 const std::string& section)
const override;
270 const std::string& section)
274 const std::string& s)
const override;
341 const double x,
const double y,
const double angle_direction,
342 float& out_range,
bool& out_valid,
const double max_range_meters,
343 const float threshold_free = 0.4f,
const double noiseStd = .0,
344 const double angleNoiseStd = .0)
390 float min_x{-5.0f}, max_x{5.0f};
391 float min_y{-5.0f}, max_y{5.0f};
392 float min_z{-5.0f}, max_z{5.0f};
393 float resolution{0.25f};
bool internal_canComputeObservationLikelihood(const mrpt::obs::CObservation &obs) const override
Internal method called by canComputeObservationLikelihood()
TLikelihoodOptions likelihoodOptions
Parameters for CMetricMap::compute3DMatchingRatio()
TRenderingOptions renderingOptions
void setCellFreeness(unsigned int cx, unsigned int cy, unsigned int cz, float value)
Change the contents [0,1] (0:occupied, 1:free) of a voxel, given its index.
OccGridCellTraits::cellTypeUnsigned voxelTypeUnsigned
void getAs3DObject(mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects::Ptr &outObj) const override
Returns a 3D object representing the map.
void loadFromConfigFile(const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase &source, const std::string §ion) override
This method load the options from a ".ini" file.
MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER(mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D, lmRayTracing)
This is a virtual base class for sets of options than can be loaded from and/or saved to configuratio...
uint32_t LF_decimation
[LikelihoodField] The decimation of the points in a scan, default=1 == no decimation ...
void determineMatching2D(const mrpt::maps::CMetricMap *otherMap, const mrpt::poses::CPose2D &otherMapPose, mrpt::tfest::TMatchingPairList &correspondences, const TMatchingParams ¶ms, TMatchingExtraResults &extraResults) const override
See docs in base class: in this class this always returns 0.
With this struct options are provided to the observation insertion process.
void saveToConfigFile(mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase &target, const std::string §ion) const override
This method saves the options to a ".ini"-like file or memory-stored string list. ...
float getCellFreeness(unsigned int cx, unsigned int cy, unsigned int cz) const
Read the real valued [0,1] (0:occupied, 1:free) contents of a voxel, given its index.
static CLogOddsGridMapLUT< voxelType > & get_logodd_lut()
Lookup tables for log-odds.
uint16_t decimation
Decimation for insertPointCloud() or 2D range scans (Default: 1)
A range or depth 3D scan measurement, as from a time-of-flight range camera or a structured-light dep...
double computeLikelihoodField_Thrun(const CPointsMap &pm, const mrpt::poses::CPose3D &relativePose=mrpt::poses::CPose3D())
Computes the likelihood [0,1] of a set of points, given the current grid map as reference.
mrpt::vision::TStereoCalibParams params
void internal_insertObservationScan2D(const mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan &o, const mrpt::poses::CPose3D &robotPose)
float getFreenessByPos(float x, float y, float z) const
Read the real valued [0,1] contents of a voxel, given its coordinates.
float LF_stdHit
[LikelihoodField] The laser range "sigma" used in computations; Default value = 0.35
float LF_maxCorrsDistance
[LikelihoodField] The max.
void loadFromConfigFile(const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase &source, const std::string §ion) override
This method load the options from a ".ini" file.
mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::TInsertionOptions insertionOpts
Observations insertion options.
uint16_t decimation_3d_range
Specify the decimation of 3D range scans.
TInsertionOptions insertionOptions
With this struct options are provided to the observation insertion process.
void writeToStream(mrpt::serialization::CArchive &out) const
Binary dump to stream.
void setSize(const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &corner_min, const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &corner_max, double resolution, float default_value=0.5f)
Change the size of gridmap, erasing all its previous contents.
bool LF_useSquareDist
[LikelihoodField] (Default:false) Use exp(dist^2/std^2) instead of exp(dist^2/std^2) ...
A flexible renderer of voxels, typically from a 3D octo map (see mrpt::maps::COctoMap).
A cloud of points in 2D or 3D, which can be built from a sequence of laser scans or other sensors...
This class allows loading and storing values and vectors of different types from a configuration text...
bool internal_insertObservation(const mrpt::obs::CObservation &obs, const mrpt::poses::CPose3D *robotPose=nullptr) override
Insert the observation information into this map.
static uint8_t l2p_255(const voxelType l)
Scales an integer representation of the log-odd into a linear scale [0,255], using p=exp(l)/(1+exp(l)...
double internal_computeObservationLikelihood(const mrpt::obs::CObservation &obs, const mrpt::poses::CPose3D &takenFrom) override
Internal method called by computeObservationLikelihood()
int y2idx(coord_t y) const
void updateCell(int cx_idx, int cy_idx, int cz_idx, float v)
Performs the Bayesian fusion of a new observation of a cell.
With this struct options are provided to the observation likelihood computation process.
float maxDistanceInsertion
Largest distance at which voxels are updated (Default: 15 meters)
bool generateOccupiedVoxels
Generate voxels for the occupied volumes (Default=true)
int x2idx(coord_t x) const
Transform a coordinate values into voxel indexes.
void readFromStream(mrpt::serialization::CArchive &in)
Binary dump to stream.
int32_t rayTracing_decimation
[rayTracing] One out of "rayTracing_decimation" rays will be simulated and compared only: set to 1 to...
void insertRay(const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &sensor, const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &end, bool endIsOccupied=true)
Increases the freeness of a ray segment, and the occupancy of the voxel at its end point (unless endI...
bool visibleOccupiedVoxels
Set occupied voxels visible (requires generateOccupiedVoxels=true) (Default=true) ...
void OnPostSuccesfulInsertObs(const mrpt::obs::CObservation &) override
See base class.
float compute3DMatchingRatio(const mrpt::maps::CMetricMap *otherMap, const mrpt::poses::CPose3D &otherMapPose, const TMatchingRatioParams ¶ms) const override
See docs in base class: in this class this always returns 0.
void internal_clear() override
Clear the map: It set all voxels to their default occupancy value (0.5), without changing the resolut...
T * cellByIndex(unsigned int cx, unsigned int cy, unsigned int cz)
Returns a pointer to the contents of a voxel given by its voxel indexes, or nullptr if it is out of t...
bool m_is_empty
True upon construction; used by isEmpty()
void resizeGrid(const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &corner_min, const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &corner_max, float new_voxels_default_value=0.5f)
Change the size of gridmap, maintaining previous contents.
static float l2p(const voxelType l)
Scales an integer representation of the log-odd into a real valued probability in [0...
void getAsOctoMapVoxels(mrpt::opengl::COctoMapVoxels &gl_obj) const
float LF_zHit
mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::TLikelihoodOptions likelihoodOpts
Probabilistic observation likelihood options.
float maxFreenessUpdateCertainty
A value in the range [0.5,1] for updating a free voxel.
A 3D occupancy grid map with a regular, even distribution of voxels.
void internal_insertObservationScan3D(const mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan &o, const mrpt::poses::CPose3D &robotPose)
bool visibleFreeVoxels
Set free voxels visible (requires generateFreeVoxels=true) (Default=true)
const_iterator end() const
void setFreenessByPos(float x, float y, float z, float value)
Change the contents [0,1] of a voxel, given its coordinates.
void saveToConfigFile(mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase &c, const std::string &s) const override
This method saves the options to a ".ini"-like file or memory-stored string list. ...
void simulateScanRay(const double x, const double y, const double angle_direction, float &out_range, bool &out_valid, const double max_range_meters, const float threshold_free=0.4f, const double noiseStd=.0, const double angleNoiseStd=.0) const
Simulate just one "ray" in the grid map.
A "CObservation"-derived class that represents a 2D range scan measurement (typically from a laser sc...
The type for selecting a likelihood computation method.
Virtual base class for "archives": classes abstracting I/O streams.
Declares a virtual base class for all metric maps storage classes.
A class used to store a 2D pose, including the 2D coordinate point and a heading (phi) angle...
A class used to store a 3D pose (a 3D translation + a rotation in 3D).
mrpt::vision::TStereoCalibResults out
Declares a class that represents any robot's observation.
void fill(float default_value=0.5f)
Fills all the voxels with a default value.
bool isEmpty() const override
Returns true upon map construction or after calling clear(), the return changes to false upon success...
float maxOccupancyUpdateCertainty
A value in the range [0.5,1] used for updating voxel with a Bayesian approach (default 0...
bool generateGridLines
Generate grid lines for all octree nodes, useful to draw the "structure" of the octree, but computationally costly (Default: false)
void insertPointCloud(const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &sensorCenter, const mrpt::maps::CPointsMap &pts, const float maxValidRange=std::numeric_limits< float >::max())
Calls insertRay() for each point in the point cloud, using as sensor central point (the origin of all...
COccupancyGridMap3D(const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &corner_min={-5.0f, -5.0f, -5.0f}, const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &corner_max={5.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f}, float resolution=0.25f)
TLikelihoodMethod likelihoodMethod
The selected method to compute an observation likelihood.
float LF_maxRange
[LikelihoodField] The max.
A generic provider of log-odds grid-map maintainance functions.
grid_t m_grid
The actual 3D voxels container.
#define DEFINE_SERIALIZABLE(class_name, NS)
This declaration must be inserted in all CSerializable classes definition, within the class declarati...
static voxelType p2l(const float p)
Scales a real valued probability in [0,1] to an integer representation of: log(p)-log(1-p) in the val...
int z2idx(coord_t z) const
void saveMetricMapRepresentationToFile(const std::string &f) const override
This virtual method saves the map to a file "filNamePrefix"+< some_file_extension >...
Parameters for the determination of matchings between point clouds, etc.
float rayTracing_stdHit
[rayTracing] The laser range sigma.
Options for the conversion of a mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D into a mrpt::opengl::COctoMapVoxels.
uint16_t cellTypeUnsigned
OccGridCellTraits::cellType voxelType
The type of the map voxels:
One static instance of this struct should exist in any class implementing CLogOddsGridMap2D to hold t...
bool generateFreeVoxels
Generate voxels for the freespace (Default=true)