Namespaces | |
os | |
Classes | |
class | CAuxPSAPI_Loader |
This is an auxiliary class for mrpt::system::getMemoryUsage() under Windows. More... | |
class | CConsoleRedirector |
By creating an object of this class, all the output to std::cout (and std::cerr) will be redirected to a text file, and optionally also shown on the console. More... | |
class | CDirectoryExplorer |
This class allows the enumeration of the files/directories that exist into a given path. More... | |
class | CFileSystemWatcher |
This class subscribes to notifications of file system changes, thus it can be used to efficiently stay informed about changes in a directory tree. More... | |
class | CGenericMemoryPool |
A generic system for versatile memory pooling. More... | |
class | CObservable |
Inherit from this class for those objects capable of being observed by a CObserver class. More... | |
class | CObserver |
Inherit from this class to get notified about events from any CObservable object after subscribing to it. More... | |
class | COutputLogger |
Versatile class for consistent logging and management of output messages. More... | |
struct | COutputLoggerStreamWrapper |
For use in MRPT_LOG_DEBUG_STREAM(), etc. More... | |
class | CRateTimer |
A class for calling sleep() in a loop, such that the amount of sleep time will be computed to make the loop run at the desired rate (in Hz). More... | |
class | CTicTac |
A high-performance stopwatch, with typical resolution of nanoseconds. More... | |
class | CTimeLogger |
A versatile "profiler" that logs the time spent within each pair of calls to enter(X)-leave(X), among other stats. More... | |
struct | CTimeLoggerEntry |
A safe way to call enter() and leave() of a mrpt::system::CTimeLogger upon construction and destruction of this auxiliary object, making sure that leave() will be called upon exceptions, etc. More... | |
struct | CTimeLoggerSaveAtDtor |
A helper class to save CSV stats upon self destruction, for example, at the end of a program run. More... | |
class | mrptEvent |
The basic event type for the observer-observable pattern in MRPT. More... | |
class | mrptEventOnDestroy |
An event sent by any CObservable object (automatically) just before being destroyed and telling its observers to unsubscribe. More... | |
struct | TCallStackBackTrace |
See: getCallStackBackTrace() More... | |
struct | TCallStackEntry |
Used in getCallStackBackTrace() More... | |
struct | TParameters |
For usage when passing a dynamic number of (numeric) arguments to a function, by name. More... | |
struct | TTimeParts |
The parts of a date/time (it's like the standard 'tm' but with fractions of seconds). More... | |
class | WorkerThreadsPool |
A simple thread pool. More... | |
Typedefs | |
using | output_logger_callback_t = std::function< void(std::string_view msg, const mrpt::system::VerbosityLevel level, std::string_view loggerName, const mrpt::Clock::time_point timestamp)> |
Callback types for use with mrpt::system::COuputLogger. More... | |
using | TTimeStamp = mrpt::Clock::time_point |
A system independent time type, it holds the the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC) as a mrpt::Clock::time_point (uint64_t). More... | |
using | TParametersDouble = TParameters< double > |
See the generic template mrpt::system::TParameters. More... | |
using | TParametersString = TParameters< std::string > |
See the generic template mrpt::system::TParameters. More... | |
Enumerations | |
Enumeration of available verbosity levels. More... | |
enum | TConsoleColor { CONCOL_NORMAL = 0, CONCOL_BLUE = 1, CONCOL_GREEN = 2, CONCOL_RED = 4 } |
For use in setConsoleColor. More... | |
enum | TProcessPriority { ppIdle = 0, ppNormal, ppHigh, ppVeryHigh } |
The type for cross-platform process (application) priorities. More... | |
enum | TThreadPriority { tpLowests = -15, tpLower = -2, tpLow = -1, tpNormal = 0, tpHigh = 1, tpHigher = 2, tpHighest = 15 } |
The type for cross-platform thread priorities. More... | |
Functions | |
void | getCallStackBackTrace (TCallStackBackTrace &out_bt) |
Returns a list of strings representing the current call stack backtrace. More... | |
uint16_t | compute_CRC16 (const std::vector< uint8_t > &data, const uint16_t gen_pol=0x8005) |
Computes the CRC16 checksum of a block of data. More... | |
uint16_t | compute_CRC16 (const uint8_t *data, const size_t len, const uint16_t gen_pol=0x8005) |
uint32_t | compute_CRC32 (const std::vector< uint8_t > &data, const uint32_t gen_pol=0xEDB88320L) |
Computes the CRC32 checksum of a block of data. More... | |
uint32_t | compute_CRC32 (const uint8_t *data, const size_t len, const uint32_t gen_pol=0xEDB88320L) |
mrpt::system::TTimeStamp | buildTimestampFromParts (const mrpt::system::TTimeParts &p) |
Builds a timestamp from the parts (Parts are in UTC) More... | |
mrpt::system::TTimeStamp | buildTimestampFromPartsLocalTime (const mrpt::system::TTimeParts &p) |
Builds a timestamp from the parts (Parts are in local time) More... | |
void | timestampToParts (TTimeStamp t, TTimeParts &p, bool localTime=false) |
Gets the individual parts of a date/time (days, hours, minutes, seconds) - UTC time or local time. More... | |
mrpt::system::TTimeStamp | getCurrentTime () |
Returns the current (UTC) system time. More... | |
mrpt::system::TTimeStamp | now () |
A shortcut for system::getCurrentTime. More... | |
mrpt::system::TTimeStamp | time_tToTimestamp (const double t) |
Transform from standard "time_t" (actually a double number, it can contain fractions of seconds) to TTimeStamp. More... | |
mrpt::system::TTimeStamp | time_tToTimestamp (const time_t &t) |
Transform from standard "time_t" to TTimeStamp. More... | |
double | timestampTotime_t (const mrpt::system::TTimeStamp t) noexcept |
Transform from TTimeStamp to standard "time_t" (actually a double number, it can contain fractions of seconds). More... | |
double | timestampToDouble (const mrpt::system::TTimeStamp t) noexcept |
Transform from TTimeStamp to standard "time_t" (actually a double number, it can contain fractions of seconds). More... | |
double | timeDifference (const mrpt::system::TTimeStamp t_first, const mrpt::system::TTimeStamp t_later) |
Returns the time difference from t1 to t2 (positive if t2 is posterior to t1), in seconds. More... | |
double | now_double () |
Returns the current time, as a double (fractional version of time_t) instead of a TTimeStamp . More... | |
mrpt::system::TTimeStamp | timestampAdd (const mrpt::system::TTimeStamp tim, const double num_seconds) |
Shifts a timestamp the given amount of seconds (>0: forwards in time, <0: backwards) More... | |
std::string | formatTimeInterval (const double timeSeconds) |
Returns a formated string with the given time difference (passed as the number of seconds), as a string [H]H:MM:SS.MILLISECONDS. More... | |
std::string | dateTimeToString (const mrpt::system::TTimeStamp t) |
Convert a timestamp into this textual form (UTC time): YEAR/MONTH/DAY,HH:MM:SS.MMM. More... | |
std::string | dateTimeLocalToString (const mrpt::system::TTimeStamp t) |
Convert a timestamp into this textual form (in local time): YEAR/MONTH/DAY,HH:MM:SS.MMM. More... | |
std::string | dateToString (const mrpt::system::TTimeStamp t) |
Convert a timestamp into this textual form: YEAR/MONTH/DAY. More... | |
double | extractDayTimeFromTimestamp (const mrpt::system::TTimeStamp t) |
Returns the number of seconds ellapsed from midnight in the given timestamp. More... | |
std::string | timeToString (const mrpt::system::TTimeStamp t) |
Convert a timestamp into this textual form (UTC): HH:MM:SS.MMMMMM. More... | |
std::string | timeLocalToString (const mrpt::system::TTimeStamp t, unsigned int secondFractionDigits=6) |
Convert a timestamp into this textual form (in local time): HH:MM:SS.MMMMMM. More... | |
std::string | intervalFormat (const double seconds) |
This function implements time interval formatting: Given a time in seconds, it will return a string describing the interval with the most appropriate unit. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &o, const TTimeStamp &t) |
Textual representation of a TTimeStamp as the plain number in time_since_epoch().count() More... | |
std::string | getTempFileName () |
Returns the name of a proposed temporary file name. More... | |
std::string | getcwd () |
Returns the current working directory. More... | |
std::string | getShareMRPTDir () |
Attempts to find the directory [PREFIX/]share/mrpt/ and returns its absolute path, or empty string if not found. More... | |
bool | createDirectory (const std::string &dirName) |
Creates a directory. More... | |
bool | deleteFile (const std::string &fileName) |
Deletes a single file. More... | |
void | deleteFiles (const std::string &s) |
Delete one or more files, especified by the (optional) path and the file name (including '?' or '*') - Use forward slash ('/') for directories for compatibility between Windows and Linux, since they will be internally traslated into backward slashes ('\') if MRPT is compiled under Windows. More... | |
bool | renameFile (const std::string &oldFileName, const std::string &newFileName, std::string *error_msg=nullptr) |
Renames a file - If the target path is different and the filesystem allows it, it will be moved to the new location. More... | |
bool | deleteFilesInDirectory (const std::string &s, bool deleteDirectoryAsWell=false) |
Delete all the files in a given directory (nothing done if directory does not exists, or path is a file). More... | |
std::string | extractFileName (const std::string &filePath) |
Extract just the name (without extension) of a filename from a complete path plus name plus extension. More... | |
std::string | extractFileExtension (const std::string &filePath, bool ignore_gz=false) |
Extract the extension of a filename. More... | |
std::string | extractFileDirectory (const std::string &filePath) |
Extract the whole path (the directory) of a filename from a complete path plus name plus extension. More... | |
bool | fileExists (const std::string &fileName) |
Test if a given file (or directory) exists. More... | |
bool | directoryExists (const std::string &fileName) |
Test if a given directory exists (it fails if the given path refers to an existing file). More... | |
std::string | fileNameStripInvalidChars (const std::string &filename, const char replacement_to_invalid_chars='_') |
Replace invalid filename chars by underscores ('_') or any other user-given char. More... | |
std::string | fileNameChangeExtension (const std::string &filename, const std::string &newExtension) |
Replace the filename extension by another one. More... | |
uint64_t | getFileSize (const std::string &fileName) |
Return the size of the given file, or size_t(-1) if some error is found accessing that file. More... | |
time_t | getFileModificationTime (const std::string &filename) |
Return the time of the file last modification, or "0" if the file doesn't exist. More... | |
std::string | filePathSeparatorsToNative (const std::string &filePath) |
Windows: replace all '/'->'\' , in Linux/MacOS: replace all '\'->'/'. More... | |
bool | copyFile (const std::string &sourceFile, const std::string &targetFile, std::string *outErrStr=nullptr, bool copyAttribs=true) |
Copies file sourceFile to targetFile. More... | |
std::string | md5 (const std::string &str) |
Computes the md5 of a block of data. More... | |
std::string | md5 (const std::vector< uint8_t > &str) |
Computes the md5 of a block of data. More... | |
std::string | md5 (const unsigned char *data, const size_t len) |
Computes the md5 of a block of data. More... | |
unsigned long | getMemoryUsage () |
Returns the memory occupied by this process, in bytes. More... | |
template<std::size_t alignment, typename T , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_pointer<T>::value>> | |
bool | is_aligned (T ptr) |
void | pause (const std::string &msg=std::string("Press any key to continue...")) noexcept |
Shows the message "Press any key to continue" (or other custom message) to the current standard output and returns when a key is pressed. More... | |
void | clearConsole () |
Clears the console window. More... | |
std::string | MRPT_getCompilationDate () |
Returns the MRPT source code timestamp, according to the Reproducible-Builds specifications: More... | |
std::string | MRPT_getVersion () |
Returns a string describing the MRPT version. More... | |
const std::string & | getMRPTLicense () |
Returns a const ref to a text with the same text that appears at the beginning of each MRPT file (useful for displaying the License text in GUIs) More... | |
std::string | find_mrpt_shared_dir () |
Finds the "[MRPT]/share/mrpt/" directory, if available in the system. More... | |
void | setConsoleColor (TConsoleColor color, bool changeStdErr=false) |
Changes the text color in the console for the text written from now on. More... | |
int | executeCommand (const std::string &command, std::string *output=nullptr, const std::string &mode="r") |
Execute Generic Shell Command. More... | |
bool | launchProcess (const std::string &command) |
Executes the given command (which may contain a program + arguments), and waits until it finishes. More... | |
void | changeCurrentThreadPriority (TThreadPriority priority) |
Change the priority of the current thread - for Windows, see also changeCurrentProcessPriority() More... | |
void | changeCurrentProcessPriority (TProcessPriority priority) |
Change the priority of the given process (it applies to all the threads, plus independent modifiers for each thread). More... | |
char * | strtok (char *str, const char *strDelimit, char **context) noexcept |
An OS-independent method for tokenizing a string. More... | |
template<class OUT_CONTAINER > | |
void | tokenize (const std::string &inString, const std::string &inDelimiters, OUT_CONTAINER &outTokens, bool skipBlankTokens=true) noexcept |
Tokenizes a string according to a set of delimiting characters. More... | |
template void | tokenize< std::deque< std::string > > (const std::string &inString, const std::string &inDelimiters, std::deque< std::string > &outTokens, bool skipBlankTokens) noexcept |
template void | tokenize< std::vector< std::string > > (const std::string &inString, const std::string &inDelimiters, std::vector< std::string > &outTokens, bool skipBlankTokens) noexcept |
std::string | trim (const std::string &str) |
Removes leading and trailing spaces. More... | |
std::string | upperCase (const std::string &str) |
Returns a upper-case version of a string. More... | |
std::string | lowerCase (const std::string &str) |
Returns an lower-case version of a string. More... | |
void | decodeUTF8 (const std::string &strUTF8, std::vector< uint16_t > &out_uniStr) |
Decodes a UTF-8 string into an UNICODE string. More... | |
void | encodeUTF8 (const std::vector< uint16_t > &input, std::string &output) |
Encodes a 2-bytes UNICODE string into a UTF-8 string. More... | |
void | encodeBase64 (const std::vector< uint8_t > &inputData, std::string &outString) |
Encode a sequence of bytes as a string in base-64. More... | |
bool | decodeBase64 (const std::string &inString, std::vector< uint8_t > &outData) |
Decode a base-64 string into the original sequence of bytes. More... | |
std::string | unitsFormat (const double val, int nDecimalDigits=2, bool middle_space=true) |
This function implements formatting with the appropriate SI metric unit prefix: 1e-12->'p', 1e-9->'n', 1e-6->'u', 1e-3->'m', 1->'', 1e3->'K', 1e6->'M', 1e9->'G', 1e12->'T'. More... | |
std::string | rightPad (const std::string &str, const size_t total_len, bool truncate_if_larger=false) |
Enlarge the string with spaces up to the given length. More... | |
bool | strCmp (const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2) |
Return true if the two strings are equal (case sensitive) More... | |
bool | strCmpI (const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2) |
Return true if the two strings are equal (case insensitive) More... | |
bool | strStarts (const std::string &str, const std::string &subStr) |
Return true if "str" starts with "subStr" (case sensitive) More... | |
bool | strStartsI (const std::string &str, const std::string &subStr) |
Return true if "str" starts with "subStr" (case insensitive) More... | |
template<typename T > | |
std::string | sprintf_container (const char *fmt, const T &V) |
Generates a string for a container in the format [A,B,C,...], and the fmt string for each vector element. More... | |
void | stringListAsString (const std::vector< std::string > &lst, std::string &out, const std::string &newline="\") |
Convert a string list to one single string with new-lines. More... | |
void | stringListAsString (const std::deque< std::string > &lst, std::string &out, const std::string &newline="\") |
bool | vectorToTextFile (const std::vector< float > &vec, const std::string &fileName, bool append=false, bool byRows=false) |
A useful function for debugging, which saves a std::vector into a text file (compat. More... | |
bool | vectorToTextFile (const std::vector< double > &vec, const std::string &fileName, bool append=false, bool byRows=false) |
bool | vectorToTextFile (const std::vector< int > &vec, const std::string &fileName, bool append=false, bool byRows=false) |
bool | vectorToTextFile (const std::vector< size_t > &vec, const std::string &fileName, bool append=false, bool byRows=false) |
template<class EIGEN_MATRIX > | |
bool | vectorToTextFile (const EIGEN_MATRIX &vec, const std::string &fileName) |
bool | vectorFromTextFile (std::vector< double > &vec, const std::string &fileName, const bool byRows=false) |
Load a std::vector from a text file (compat. More... | |
Auxiliary stuff for the global profiler used in MRPT_START / MRPT_END | |
macros. | |
void | global_profiler_enter (const char *func_name) noexcept |
void | global_profiler_leave (const char *func_name) noexcept |
mrpt::system::CTimeLogger & | global_profiler_getref () noexcept |
template<typename T > | |
T | str2num (std::string const &value) |
Original code snippet found in More... | |
using mrpt::system::output_logger_callback_t = typedef std::function<void( std::string_view msg, const mrpt::system::VerbosityLevel level, std::string_view loggerName, const mrpt::Clock::time_point timestamp)> |
Callback types for use with mrpt::system::COuputLogger.
Definition at line 41 of file system/COutputLogger.h.
using mrpt::system::TParametersDouble = typedef TParameters<double> |
See the generic template mrpt::system::TParameters.
Definition at line 141 of file TParameters.h.
using mrpt::system::TParametersString = typedef TParameters<std::string> |
See the generic template mrpt::system::TParameters.
Definition at line 143 of file TParameters.h.
Enumeration of available verbosity levels.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 28 of file system/COutputLogger.h.
void mrpt::system::getCallStackBackTrace | ( | TCallStackBackTrace & | out_bt | ) |
Returns a list of strings representing the current call stack backtrace.
If possible, human-readable names are used for functions.
Definition at line 32 of file backtrace.cpp.
References mrpt::system::TCallStackEntry::address, mrpt::system::TCallStackBackTrace::backtrace_levels, mrpt::system::TCallStackEntry::symbolName, and mrpt::system::TCallStackEntry::symbolNameOriginal.
noexcept |
Definition at line 54 of file CTimeLogger.cpp.
References mrpt::system::CTimeLogger::enter(), and global_profiler.
noexcept |
Definition at line 53 of file CTimeLogger.cpp.
References global_profiler.
noexcept |
Definition at line 58 of file CTimeLogger.cpp.
References global_profiler, and mrpt::system::CTimeLogger::leave().
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