MRPT  1.9.9
Classes | Namespaces
CHMTSLAM.h File Reference
#include <mrpt/containers/CThreadSafeQueue.h>
#include <mrpt/system/COutputLogger.h>
#include <mrpt/hmtslam/CHierarchicalMHMap.h>
#include <mrpt/hmtslam/CLocalMetricHypothesis.h>
#include <mrpt/hmtslam/CTopLCDetector_FabMap.h>
#include <mrpt/hmtslam/CTopLCDetector_GridMatching.h>
#include <mrpt/hmtslam/HMT_SLAM_common.h>
#include <mrpt/maps/CPointsMap.h>
#include <mrpt/obs/CActionCollection.h>
#include <mrpt/opengl/COpenGLScene.h>
#include <mrpt/serialization/CMessage.h>
#include <mrpt/slam/CICP.h>
#include <mrpt/slam/TKLDParams.h>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <thread>
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class  mrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM
 An implementation of Hybrid Metric Topological SLAM (HMT-SLAM). More...
struct  mrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM::TMessageLSLAMfromAA
 Message definition: More...
struct  mrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM::TMessageLSLAMtoTBI
 Message definition: More...
struct  mrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM::TMessageLSLAMfromTBI
 Message definition: More...
struct  mrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM::TMessageLSLAMfromTBI::TBI_info
struct  mrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM::TOptions
 A variety of options and configuration params (private, use loadOptions). More...
class  mrpt::hmtslam::CLSLAMAlgorithmBase
 Virtual base for local SLAM methods, used in mrpt::slam::CHMTSLAM. More...
class  mrpt::hmtslam::CLSLAM_RBPF_2DLASER
 Implements a 2D local SLAM method based on a RBPF over an occupancy grid map. More...
struct  mrpt::hmtslam::CLSLAM_RBPF_2DLASER::TPathBin
 Auxiliary structure. More...


 This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
 Classes related to the implementation of Hybrid Metric Topological (HMT) SLAM.

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