MRPT  1.9.9
CHolonomicND.cpp File Reference
#include "nav-precomp.h"
#include <mrpt/core/round.h>
#include <mrpt/math/geometry.h>
#include <mrpt/math/ops_containers.h>
#include <mrpt/nav/holonomic/CHolonomicND.h>
#include <mrpt/serialization/CArchive.h>
Include dependency graph for CHolonomicND.cpp:

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 IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE (CHolonomicND, CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod, mrpt::nav) CHolonomicND
 Initialize the parameters of the navigator, from some configuration file, or default values if filename is set to NULL. More...

Function Documentation


CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod  ,

Initialize the parameters of the navigator, from some configuration file, or default values if filename is set to NULL.

Definition at line 24 of file CHolonomicND.cpp.

References initialize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

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