MRPT  2.0.1
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mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::TRequestToWxMainThread Struct Reference

Detailed Description

The data structure for each inter-thread request:

Definition at line 189 of file WxSubsystem.h.

#include <mrpt/gui/WxSubsystem.h>

Public Member Functions

 TRequestToWxMainThread ()=default

Public Attributes

mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowsource2D {nullptr}
 Only one of source* can be non-nullptr, indicating the class that generated the request. More...
mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3Dsource3D {nullptr}
 Only one of source* can be non-nullptr, indicating the class that generated the request. More...
mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowPlotssourcePlots {nullptr}
 Only one of source* can be non-nullptr, indicating the class that generated the request. More...
bool sourceCameraSelectDialog {false}
 Only one of source* can be non-nullptr, indicating the class that generated the request. More...
std::string str
 Parameters, depending on OPCODE. More...
void * voidPtr {nullptr}
 Parameters, depending on OPCODE. More...
void * voidPtr2 {nullptr}
int x {400}
int y {400}
bool boolVal {false}
mrpt::math::CVectorFloat vector_x
mrpt::math::CVectorFloat vector_y
std::string plotName
 Valid codes are: For CDisplayWindow: More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TRequestToWxMainThread()

mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::TRequestToWxMainThread::TRequestToWxMainThread ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ boolVal

bool mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::TRequestToWxMainThread::boolVal {false}


int mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::TRequestToWxMainThread::OPCODE

Valid codes are: For CDisplayWindow:

  • 200: Create a new 2D window, with caption "str" and initial size "x" & "y", and save the "wxFrame*" in the "void**" passed in voidPtr.
  • 201: Updates the image shown in the window, from a "wxImage*" passed in voidPtr2. The wxImage object will be freed with delete after that. voidPtr must be a "wxFrame*", a "CWindowDialog*" actually.
  • 202: Set position to x,y
  • 203: Change size to x,y
  • 204: Change title to "str"
  • 299: Delete the window associated with this source object.

For CDisplayWindow3D:

  • 300: Create a new 3D window, with caption "str" and initial size "x" & "y", and save the "wxFrame*" in the "void**" passed in voidPtr.
  • 302: Set position to x,y
  • 303: Change size to x,y
  • 304: Change title to "str"
    • 350: Force refresh
    • [Removed in MRPT2] 360: Add a 2D text message:
    • [Removed in MRPT2] 361: Clear all 2D text messages.
    • [Removed in MRPT2] 362: Add a 2D text message (vector font)
    • 370: Change min/max range: min=vector_x[0], max=vector_x[1]
  • 399: Delete the window associated with this source object.

For CDisplayWindowPlots:

  • 400: Create a new Plots window, with caption "str" and initial size "x" & "y",and save the "wxFrame*" in the "void**" passed in voidPtr.
  • 402: Set position to x,y
  • 403: Change size to x,y
  • 404: Change title to "str"
  • 499: Delete the window associated with this source object.
    • 410: Depending on "boolVal", enable/disable the mouse-zoom & pan
    • 411: Depending on "boolVal", enable/disable the aspect ratio fix
    • 412: Zoom over a rectangle vectorx[0-1] & vectory[0-1]
    • 413: Axis fit, with aspect ratio fix to boolVal.
    • 414: Clear all plot objects.
    • 420: Add/update a 2D line/points plot: x/y data= vector_x/vector_y, format string=str, plot name =plotName.
    • 421: Add/update a 2D ellipse: format string=str, plot name =plotName, vector_x[0,1]:X/Y center, vector_x[2]:quantiles, vector_y[0,1,2]: Covariance matrix entries 00,11,01, boolVal=showName?
    • 422: Add/update a bitmap: plot name =plotName, vector_x[0,1]:X/Y corner, vector_x[2,3]: X/Y widths, voidPtr2: pointer to a newly created wxImage with the bitmap.
    • 440: Insert submenu in the popup menu. plotName=menu label, x=user-defined ID.
    • 700: Shows a camera-pick-dialog and wait for user selection. "voidPtr" must point to a CSemaphore, which will be signaled twice (1st upon construction, 2nd upon dialog close); voidPtr2 must point to a "mrpt::gui::CPanelCameraSelection*" which will be filled with the selection (the panel must be deleted by the caller)

Definition at line 283 of file WxSubsystem.h.

Referenced by mrpt::gui::CBaseGUIWindow::destroyWxWindow(), mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::CWXMainFrame::OnTimerProcessRequests(), mrpt::hwdrivers::prepareVideoSourceFromUserSelection(), and mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::CAuxWxSubsystemShutdowner::~CAuxWxSubsystemShutdowner().

◆ plotName

std::string mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::TRequestToWxMainThread::plotName

◆ source2D

mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow* mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::TRequestToWxMainThread::source2D {nullptr}

◆ source3D

mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3D* mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::TRequestToWxMainThread::source3D {nullptr}

◆ sourceCameraSelectDialog

bool mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::TRequestToWxMainThread::sourceCameraSelectDialog {false}

Only one of source* can be non-nullptr, indicating the class that generated the request.

Definition at line 207 of file WxSubsystem.h.

Referenced by mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::CWXMainFrame::OnTimerProcessRequests().

◆ sourcePlots

mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowPlots* mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::TRequestToWxMainThread::sourcePlots {nullptr}

◆ str

std::string mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::TRequestToWxMainThread::str

Parameters, depending on OPCODE.

Definition at line 211 of file WxSubsystem.h.

Referenced by mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::CWXMainFrame::OnTimerProcessRequests().

◆ vector_x

mrpt::math::CVectorFloat mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::TRequestToWxMainThread::vector_x

◆ vector_y

mrpt::math::CVectorFloat mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::TRequestToWxMainThread::vector_y

◆ voidPtr

void* mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::TRequestToWxMainThread::voidPtr {nullptr}

Parameters, depending on OPCODE.

Definition at line 215 of file WxSubsystem.h.

Referenced by mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::CWXMainFrame::OnTimerProcessRequests().

◆ voidPtr2

void * mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::TRequestToWxMainThread::voidPtr2 {nullptr}

◆ x

int mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::TRequestToWxMainThread::x {400}

◆ y

int mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::TRequestToWxMainThread::y {400}

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