Global Namespace¶
// namespaces namespace mrpt; namespace mrpt::apps; namespace mrpt::bayes; namespace mrpt::bayes::detail; namespace mrpt::comms; namespace mrpt::comms::net; namespace mrpt::config; namespace mrpt::config::internal; namespace mrpt::containers; namespace mrpt::containers::internal; namespace mrpt::cpu; namespace mrpt::cpu::internal; namespace mrpt::detectors; namespace mrpt::expr; namespace mrpt::global_settings; namespace mrpt::graphs; namespace mrpt::graphs::detail; namespace mrpt::graphslam; namespace mrpt::graphslam::apps; namespace mrpt::graphslam::deciders; namespace mrpt::graphslam::detail; namespace mrpt::graphslam::optimizers; namespace mrpt::gui; namespace mrpt::gui::detail; namespace mrpt::gui::internal; namespace mrpt::hmtslam; namespace mrpt::hwdrivers; namespace mrpt::img; namespace mrpt::internal; namespace mrpt::io; namespace mrpt::io::internal; namespace mrpt::io::zip; namespace mrpt::kinematics; namespace mrpt::maps; namespace mrpt::maps::detail; namespace mrpt::maps::internal; namespace mrpt::maps::mrpt; namespace mrpt::maps::mrpt::maps; namespace mrpt::maps::mrpt::maps::COctoMapBase; namespace mrpt::math; namespace mrpt::math::detail; namespace mrpt::math::internal; namespace mrpt::nav; namespace mrpt::obs; namespace mrpt::obs::detail; namespace mrpt::obs::gnss; namespace mrpt::obs::gnss::nv_oem6_ins_status_type; namespace mrpt::obs::gnss::nv_oem6_position_type; namespace mrpt::obs::gnss::nv_oem6_solution_status; namespace mrpt::obs::stock_observations; namespace mrpt::obs::utils; namespace mrpt::opengl; namespace mrpt::opengl::graph_tools; namespace mrpt::opengl::internal; namespace mrpt::opengl::stock_objects; namespace mrpt::poses; namespace mrpt::poses::Lie; namespace mrpt::poses::detail; namespace mrpt::poses::internal; namespace mrpt::random; namespace mrpt::ros1bridge; namespace mrpt::rtti; namespace mrpt::rtti::internal; namespace mrpt::serialization; namespace mrpt::serialization::detail; namespace mrpt::serialization::internal; namespace mrpt::serialization::metaprogramming; namespace mrpt::slam; namespace mrpt::slam::detail; namespace mrpt::system; namespace mrpt::system::os; namespace mrpt::tfest; namespace mrpt::tfest::internal; namespace mrpt::topography; namespace mrpt::typemeta; namespace mrpt::typemeta::detail; namespace mrpt::typemeta::internal; namespace mrpt::vision; namespace mrpt::vision::detail; namespace mrpt::vision::pinhole; namespace mrpt::vision::pnp; namespace octomap; namespace ros; namespace sensor_msgs; namespace std; namespace string_literals; // typedefs typedef std::function<void(mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase&)> config_changer_t; typedef std::function<void(mrpt::apps::ICP_SLAM_App_Base&)> post_tester_t; typedef std::function<void(mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase&)> config_changer_t; typedef std::function<void(mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase&)> config_changer_t; typedef std::function<void(mrpt::apps::MonteCarloLocalization_Base&)> post_tester_t; typedef mrpt::apps::MonteCarloLocalization_Rawlog MCL; typedef std::function<void(mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase&)> config_changer_t; typedef std::function<void(mrpt::apps::RBPF_SLAM_App_Base&)> post_tester_t; typedef int cb_t; typedef unsigned int data_t; typedef mrpt::containers::vector_with_small_size_optimization<data_t, SMALL_LEN> vwsso_t; typedef std::set<std::tuple<std::string, std::string>> in_out_filenames; typedef GraphTester<CNetworkOfPoses2D> GraphTester2D; typedef GraphTester<CNetworkOfPoses3D> GraphTester3D; typedef GraphTester<CNetworkOfPoses2DInf> GraphTester2DInf; typedef GraphTester<CNetworkOfPoses3DInf> GraphTester3DInf; typedef struct _IplImage IplImage; typedef mrpt_destination_mgr* mrpt_dest_ptr; typedef my_source_mgr* my_src_ptr; typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, XPMColorMapData> XPMColorMap; typedef std::unordered_map<int64_t, int64_t> Long2LongHash; typedef unsigned char boolean; typedef JSAMPLE FAR* JSAMPROW; typedef JSAMPROW* JSAMPARRAY; typedef JSAMPARRAY* JSAMPIMAGE; typedef JCOEF JBLOCK[DCTSIZE2]; typedef JBLOCK FAR* JBLOCKROW; typedef JBLOCKROW* JBLOCKARRAY; typedef JBLOCKARRAY* JBLOCKIMAGE; typedef JCOEF FAR* JCOEFPTR; typedef struct jpeg_marker_struct FAR* jpeg_saved_marker_ptr; typedef struct jpeg_common_struct* j_common_ptr; typedef struct jpeg_compress_struct* j_compress_ptr; typedef struct jpeg_decompress_struct* j_decompress_ptr; typedef struct jvirt_sarray_control* jvirt_sarray_ptr; typedef struct jvirt_barray_control* jvirt_barray_ptr; typedef CObservationRotatingScan RotScan; typedef void(*)(const CSparseMatrix&M1, const CSparseMatrix&M2, CSparseMatrix&res) TMatrixSMOperator; typedef void(*)(const CMatrixDouble&M1, const CMatrixDouble&M2, CMatrixDouble&res) TMatrixDenseOperator; typedef double Scalar; typedef mrpt::system::CGenericMemoryPool<CObservation3DRangeScan_Points_MemPoolParams, CObservation3DRangeScan_Points_MemPoolData> TMyPointsMemPool; typedef mrpt::system::CGenericMemoryPool<CObservation3DRangeScan_Ranges_MemPoolParams, CObservation3DRangeScan_Ranges_MemPoolData> TMyRangesMemPool; typedef mrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan Velo; typedef TPixelLabelInfoBase plib; typedef mrpt::system::CGenericMemoryPool<CRenderizableShaderTexturedTriangles_MemPoolParams, CRenderizableShaderTexturedTriangles_MemPoolData> TMyMemPool; typedef SE_traits_tests<mrpt::poses::CPose3D> SE3_traits_tests; typedef SE_traits_tests<mrpt::poses::CPose2D> SE2_traits_tests; typedef struct mxArray_tag mxArray; typedef std::vector<std::vector<double>> TPoints; typedef double precnum_t; // enums enum { PLY_START_TYPE = 0, PLY_CHAR = 1, PLY_SHORT = 2, PLY_INT = 3, PLY_UCHAR = 4, PLY_USHORT = 5, PLY_UINT = 6, PLY_FLOAT = 7, PLY_DOUBLE = 8, PLY_END_TYPE = 9, }; enum Directions; enum J_COLOR_SPACE; enum J_DCT_METHOD; enum J_DITHER_MODE; enum JohnsonBodyPart; enum TestColors; // structs struct Bar1; struct Bar2; struct CAngularObservationMesh_fnctr; struct CObject; struct CObservation3DRangeScan_Points_MemPoolData; struct CObservation3DRangeScan_Points_MemPoolParams; struct CObservation3DRangeScan_Ranges_MemPoolData; struct CObservation3DRangeScan_Ranges_MemPoolParams; struct CRenderizableShaderTexturedTriangles_MemPoolData; struct CvCBCorner; struct CvCBQuad; struct CvContourEx; struct FontData; template <unsigned int INTER_SPACE> struct Foo; struct JHUFF_TBL; struct JQUANT_TBL; struct LUT_info; struct LoadedModuleInfo; struct MapAuxPFCleanup; struct MapCanComputeLikelihood; struct MapExecutor; struct MapIsEmpty; struct MatchingVertex; struct ModulesRegistry; struct MyFooClass; struct MyGlobalProfiler; struct PlyElement; struct PlyFile; struct PlyProperty; struct SegmentVector; struct T2ListsOfSegments; struct TAuxLoadFunctor; struct TAuxRangeMeasInfo; struct TCommonRegion; struct TDUOParams; struct TDistance; struct TFace; struct TFunctorLaserSimulData; struct TGap; struct TInterpQuery; struct TLocalPoint; struct TObs; struct TOldCellTypeInVersion1; struct TParsersRegistry; struct TPrevious; struct TSegmentWithLine; struct TTempIntersection; struct TVertex; struct XPMColorMapData; struct jpeg_common_struct; struct jpeg_component_info; struct jpeg_compress_struct; struct jpeg_decompress_struct; struct jpeg_destination_mgr; struct jpeg_error_mgr; struct jpeg_marker_struct; struct jpeg_memory_mgr; struct jpeg_progress_mgr; struct jpeg_scan_info; struct jpeg_source_mgr; template <> struct kfslam_traits<CRangeBearingKFSLAM>; template <class IMPL> struct kfslam_traits; template <> struct kfslam_traits<CRangeBearingKFSLAM2D>; struct mrpt_destination_mgr; struct my_source_mgr; template <> struct pf2gauss_t<mrpt::slam::CMonteCarloLocalization2D>; template <> struct pf2gauss_t<CMonteCarloLocalization3D>; template <class PDF> struct pf2gauss_t; struct rgbRecord; struct sort_pred; // classes class CAboutBox; class CAboutBoxBase; class CAboutBoxQt; class CDialogAskUserForCamera; class CDisplayWindow_WXAPP; template <class GRAPH_T = mrpt::graphs::CNetworkOfPoses2DInf> class CGraphSlamHandler; class CMyRedirector; class FAddUntracedLines; class FCreatePolygon; template <class T> class FCreatePolygonFromFace; class FSetColor; class FUnprojectPolygon2D; template <class my_graph_t> class GraphSlamLevMarqTest; template <class my_graph_t> class GraphTester; class ICPTests; class KmTree; class MD5; class POSIT; class Pose3DPDFGaussTests; class Pose3DQuatPDFGaussTests; class Pose3DQuatTests; class Pose3DTests; class PosePDFGaussTests; class QuaternionTests; template <class POSE_TYPE> class SE_traits_tests; class TextureResourceHandler; // global variables const std::string gridmap1_fil = mrpt::UNITTEST_BASEDIR + std::string("/share/mrpt/datasets/malaga-cs-fac-building.simplemap.gz"); try; constexpr auto sect = "MappingApplication"; static auto tester_for_2006_01_21 = [](mrpt::apps::ICP_SLAM_App_Base& o) { EXPECT_EQ(o.out_estimated_path.size(), 224U); const auto p = mrpt::poses::CPose3D(o.out_estimated_path.rbegin()->second); const auto p_gt = mrpt::poses::CPose3D::FromString("[3.4548 -18.0399 0.000000 -86.48 0.000000 0.000000]"); EXPECT_LT(mrpt::poses::Lie::SE<3>::log(p - p_gt).norm(), 1.0)<<"actual pose ="<<p.asString()<<"\nexpected pose="<<p_gt.asString(); }; static bool tester_result_ok = true; static auto tester_for_localization_demo = [](mrpt::apps::MonteCarloLocalization_Base& o) { EXPECT_EQ(o.out_estimated_path.size(), 37U); if(o.out_estimated_path.empty()) return; const mrpt::math::TPose3D p = o.out_estimated_path.rbegin()->second; const auto p_gt = mrpt::math::TPose3D::FromString("[15.89 -10.0 0.000000 4.8 0.000000 0.000000]"); const auto p_err = mrpt::poses::CPose3D(p_gt - p); const double err = mrpt::poses::Lie::SE<3>::log(p_err).norm(); if(err<0.5) { tester_result_ok = true; } else { tester_result_ok = false; std::cerr<<"Final pose mismatch(will retry N times):\n" "Expected: "<<p_gt.asString()<<"\n" "Actual : "<<p.asString()<<"\n"; } }; const std::string ini_fil = mrpt::UNITTEST_BASEDIR + "/share/mrpt/config_files/rawlog-grabber/camera_ffmpeg_video_file.ini"s; const std::string video_fil = mrpt::UNITTEST_BASEDIR + "/share/mrpt/datasets/dummy_video.avi"s; try { mrpt::apps::RawlogGrabberApp app; const char* argv[] = {"rawlog-grabber", ini_fil.c_str()}; const int argc = sizeof(argv) / sizeof(argv[0]); const auto out_dir = mrpt::system::getTempFileName() + "_dir"s; constexpr auto sect = "MappingApplication"; static auto tester_for_2006_01_21 = [](mrpt::apps::RBPF_SLAM_App_Base& o) { EXPECT_EQ(o.out_estimated_path.size(), 224U); const auto p = mrpt::poses::CPose3D(o.out_estimated_path.rbegin()->second); const auto p_gt = mrpt::poses::CPose3D::FromString("[3.4548 -18.0399 0.000000 -86.48 0.000000 0.000000]"); EXPECT_LT(mrpt::poses::Lie::SE<3>::log(p - p_gt).norm(), 1.0)<<"actual pose ="<<p.asString()<<"\nexpected pose="<<p_gt.asString(); }; static auto tester_for_ROSLAM_demo = [](mrpt::apps::RBPF_SLAM_App_Base& o) { EXPECT_EQ(o.out_estimated_path.size(), 99U); const auto p = mrpt::poses::CPose3D(o.out_estimated_path.rbegin()->second); const auto p_gt = mrpt::poses::CPose3D::FromString("[1.938686 3.352273 0.000000 114.993417 0.000000 0.000000]"); EXPECT_LT(mrpt::poses::Lie::SE<3>::log(p - p_gt).norm(), 1.0)<<"actual pose ="<<p.asString()<<"\nexpected pose="<<p_gt.asString(); MRPT_TODO("Stricter unit tests: check for estimated landmark positions"); }; static int MRPT_SAVE_NAME_PADDING = 50; static int MRPT_SAVE_VALUE_PADDING = 20; const std::string sampleCfgTxt = "[test]\n" "key_str = this is a \\\n" "long value that can be \\\n" "split into several lines \\\n" "but read as a single line. \n"; const std::string expectedStr = std::string("this is a long value that can be split into several lines but read as a " "single line."); const int LOADABLEOPTS_COLUMN_WIDTH = 41; constexpr size_t SMALL_LEN = 16; int counter = 0; const mrpt::containers::yaml testMap = mrpt::containers::yaml::Map({{"K", 2.0}, {"book", "silmarillion"}, {"mySequence", mrpt::containers::yaml::Sequence({1.0, 2.0, mrpt::containers::yaml::Map({{"P", 1.0}, {"Q", 2.0}})})}, {"myEmptyVal", {}}, {"myDict", mrpt::containers::yaml::Map({{"A", 1.0}, {"B", 2.0}, {"C", 3.0}})}}); std::string persistent_error_msg; const std::map<std::string, in_out_filenames> inout_graph_files { {"GraphTester2D", {{"graphslam_SE2_in.graph", "graphslam_SE2_out_good.graph"}, {"graphslam_SE2_in2.graph", "graphslam_SE2_out_good2.graph"}, {"graphslam_SE2_in3.graph", "graphslam_SE2_out_good3.graph"}}}, {"GraphTester2DInf", {{"graphslam_SE2_in.graph", "graphslam_SE2_out_good.graph"}, {"graphslam_SE2pdf_in.graph", "graphslam_SE2pdf_out_good.graph"}}}, {"GraphTester3D", {{"graphslam_SE3_in_torus3D-first100.graph", "graphslam_SE3_out_good_torus3D-first100.graph"}, {"graphslam_SE2_in2.graph", "graphslam_SE2_out_good2.graph"}}}}; const long ID_MENUITEM1 = wxNewId(); const long ID_MENUITEM2 = wxNewId(); const long ID_MENUITEM3 = wxNewId(); const long ID_MENUITEM1 = wxNewId(); const long ID_MENUITEM2 = wxNewId(); const int INVALID_CLICK_COORDS = -99999; bool isConsoleApp_value = true; const long ID_TIMER_WX_PROCESS_REQUESTS = wxNewId(); const char* mrpt_default_icon_xpm[]; std::map<const mrpt::hwdrivers::TCaptureOptions_DUO3D*, TDUOParams> duo_params; const size_t MAX_NMEA_LINE_LENGTH = 1024; const int MINIMUM_PACKETS_TO_SET_TIMESTAMP_REFERENCE = 10; const unsigned char SearchForAF = 0; const unsigned char SearchForFE = 1; const unsigned char SearchForC0 = 2; const unsigned char SearchForC2 = 3; const unsigned char PacketFound = 4; const unsigned char SaveData = 5; std::vector<std::shared_ptr<COpenNI2Generic::CDevice>> vDevices; std::recursive_mutex vDevices_mx; string jointNames[] = { "head", "neck", "torso", "left_shoulder", "left_elbow", "left_hand", "left_hip", "left_knee", "left_foot", "right_shoulder", "right_elbow", "right_hand", "right_hip", "right_knee", "right_foot"}; static char ALawCompressTable[128] = { 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}; uint8_t table_16u_to_8u[0x10000]; bool table_16u_to_8u_init = false; map<string, FontData> list_registered_fonts; bool list_fonts_init = false; static int LINUX_IMG_WIDTH_value = 800; static int LINUX_IMG_HEIGHT_value = 600; static bool DISABLE_JPEG_COMPRESSION_value = true; static int SERIALIZATION_JPEG_QUALITY_value = 95; static const rgbRecord theRGBRecords[]; static const int numTheRGBRecords = 235; const auto tstImgFileColor = mrpt::UNITTEST_BASEDIR + "/samples/img_basic_example/frame_color.jpg"s; FILE* outfile; FILE* infile; boolean suppress; int val; static const unsigned char mrpt_font_gz_10x20[]; static const unsigned char mrpt_font_gz_18x18ja[]; static const unsigned char mrpt_font_gz_5x7[]; static const unsigned char mrpt_font_gz_6x13[]; static const unsigned char mrpt_font_gz_6x13B[]; static const unsigned char mrpt_font_gz_6x13O[]; static const unsigned char mrpt_font_gz_9x15[]; static const unsigned char mrpt_font_gz_9x15B[]; const size_t tst_data_len = 1000U; const float R = 0.01f; bool HEIGHTGRIDMAP_EXPORT3D_AS_MESH_value = true; static const float MAX_H = 0.69314718055994531f; static CLogOddsGridMapLUT<COccupancyGridMap2D::cellType> logodd_lut; static CLogOddsGridMapLUT<COccupancyGridMap3D::voxelType> logodd_lut; static constexpr unsigned FRBITS = 9; static TAuxLoadFunctor dummy_loader; const size_t demo9_N = 9; const float demo9_xs[demo9_N] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2}; const float demo9_ys[demo9_N] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2}; const float demo9_zs[demo9_N] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2}; const double eps = 1e-12; static long double const sqrt_2pi = 2.506628274631000502415765284811045253006L; static double geometryEpsilon = 1e-5; static vector<ostream*> gLogOutputs; static vector<ostream*> gVerboseLogOutputs; const double dat_A[] = {4, 5, 8, -2, 1, 3}; const double dat_B[] = {2, 6, 9, 8}; const double dat_Cok[] = {53, 64, -2, 32, 29, 30}; static double test_nums[3 *4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}; const double eps = 1e-14; const double eps = 1e-9; const double list_test_kernel_none[][5] = { {0.0, .0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {1.0, .0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {10.0, .0, 10.0, 1.0, 0.0}}; const double list_test_kernel_pshb[][5] = { {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5}, {0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.125}, {0.0, 9.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.0555556}, {1.0, 1.0, 0.828427, 0.707107, -0.176777}, {1.0, 4.0, 0.944272, 0.894427, -0.0894427}, {1.0, 9.0, 0.973666, 0.948683, -0.0474342}, {4.0, 1.0, 2.47214, 0.447214, -0.0447214}, {4.0, 4.0, 3.31371, 0.707107, -0.0441942}, {4.0, 9.0, 3.63331, 0.83205, -0.0320019}}; CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod; mrpt::nav const unsigned NUM_FACTORS = 7U; const double = 20; const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId* lstClasses[] = { CLASS_ID(CLogFileRecord), }; static IMPLEMENTS_VIRTUAL_SERIALIZABLE(CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator, CSerializable, mrpt::nav) static std PTG_collision_behavior_t COLLISION_BEHAVIOR = mrpt::nav::COLL_BEH_BACK_AWAY; const uint32_t COLGRID_FILE_MAGIC = 0xC0C0C0C3; static std::unordered_map<LUT_info, CObservation3DRangeScan::unproject_LUT_t> LUTs; static std::mutex LUTs_mtx; static bool EXTERNALS_AS_TEXT_value = false; constexpr unsigned int TEST_RANGEIMG_WIDTH = 32; constexpr unsigned int TEST_RANGEIMG_HEIGHT = 24; constexpr float SECOND_LAYER_CONSTANT_RANGE = 50.0f; static CSinCosLookUpTableFor2DScans velodyne_sincos_tables; const float VLP16_BLOCK_TDURATION = 110.592f; const float VLP16_DSR_TOFFSET = 2.304f; const float VLP16_FIRING_TOFFSET = 55.296f; const double HDR32_DSR_TOFFSET = 1.152; const double HDR32_FIRING_TOFFSET = 46.08; const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId* lstClasses[] = { CLASS_ID(CObservation2DRangeScan), CLASS_ID(CObservation3DRangeScan), CLASS_ID(CObservationRGBD360), CLASS_ID(CObservationBearingRange), CLASS_ID(CObservationBatteryState), CLASS_ID(CObservationWirelessPower), CLASS_ID(CObservationRFID), CLASS_ID(CObservationBeaconRanges), CLASS_ID(CObservationComment), CLASS_ID(CObservationGasSensors), CLASS_ID(CObservationGPS), CLASS_ID(CObservationReflectivity), CLASS_ID(CObservationIMU), CLASS_ID(CObservationOdometry), CLASS_ID(CObservationRange), CLASS_ID(CObservationImage), CLASS_ID(CObservationStereoImages), CLASS_ID(CObservationCANBusJ1939), CLASS_ID(CObservationRawDAQ), CLASS_ID(CObservation6DFeatures), CLASS_ID(CObservationVelodyneScan), CLASS_ID(CActionRobotMovement2D), CLASS_ID(CActionRobotMovement3D)}; const auto fn_pair_make_unique = [](auto& ptr) { ptr.first.reset(dynamic_cast<mrpt::poses::CPose3DPDF*>(ptr.first->clone())); ptr.second.reset(dynamic_cast<mrpt::obs::CSensoryFrame*>(ptr.second->clone())); }; static const unsigned char sample_image1[]; static const unsigned char sample_image2[]; const char* velodyne_default_calib_HDL32; const char* velodyne_default_calib_HDL64E_S3_part1; const char* velodyne_default_calib_HDL64E_S3_part2; const std::string velodyne_default_calib_HDL64E_S3 = std::string(velodyne_default_calib_HDL64E_S3_part1) + std::string(velodyne_default_calib_HDL64E_S3_part2); const char* velodyne_default_calib_VLP16; static std::map<std::string, VelodyneCalibration> cache_default_calibs; static math::TPolygon3D tmpPoly (3); static const uint8_t grid_line_indices[] = {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 4, 0, 5, 1, 6, 2, 7, 3, 4}; static const uint8_t cube_indices[2 *6 *3] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 3, 4, 0, 4, 5, 0, 0, 5, 6, 6, 1, 0, 1, 6, 7, 7, 2, 1, 7, 3, 4, 2, 3, 7, 4, 7, 6, 5, 6, 4}; static const mrpt::math::TPoint3Df normals_cube[6 *2] = { {1, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, -1, 0}, {0, -1, 0}, {0, 0, -1}, {0, 0, -1}, {-1, 0, 0}, {-1, 0, 0}}; float OCTREE_RENDER_MAX_DENSITY_POINTS_PER_SQPIXEL_value = 0.10f; size_t OCTREE_RENDER_MAX_POINTS_PER_NODE_value = 1e6; Point mono_vertices[]; Font::Index mono_triangles[]; Font::Index mono_lines[]; Font::Char mono_chars[]; Font mono_font = { mono_vertices, mono_triangles, mono_lines, mono_chars, " $(,048<@DHLPTX\\`dhlptx|#'+/" "37;?CGKOSW[_cgkosw{\"&*.26:>BFJNRVZ^bfjnrvz~\t!%)-159=" "AEIMQUY]aeimquy}"}; Point sans_vertices[]; Font::Index sans_triangles[]; Font::Index sans_lines[]; Font::Char sans_chars[]; Font sans_font = { sans_vertices, sans_triangles, sans_lines, sans_chars, " $(,048<@DHLPTX\\`dhlptx|#'+/" "37;?CGKOSW[_cgkosw{\"&*.26:>BFJNRVZ^bfjnrvz~\t!%)-159=" "AEIMQUY]aeimquy}"}; Point serif_vertices[]; Font::Index serif_triangles[]; Font::Index serif_lines[]; Font::Char serif_chars[]; Font serif_font = { serif_vertices, serif_triangles, serif_lines, serif_chars, " $(,048<@DHLPTX\\`dhlptx|#'+/" "37;?CGKOSW[_cgkosw{\"&*.26:>BFJNRVZ^bfjnrvz~\t!%)-159=" "AEIMQUY]aeimquy}"}; const int NO_OTHER_PROPS = -1; const char DONT_STORE_PROP = 0; const char STORE_PROP = 1; const char OTHER_PROP = 0; const char NAMED_PROP = 1; const std::string type_names[] = { string("invalid"), string("char"), string("short"), string("int"), string("uchar"), string("ushort"), string("uint"), string("float"), string("double"), }; const int ply_type_size[] = {0, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 4, 4, 8}; const float VAL_NOT_SET = -1e10; const PlyProperty vert_props[] = { {"x", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(TVertex, x), 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"y", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(TVertex, y), 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"z", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(TVertex, z), 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"intensity", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(TVertex, intensity), 0, 0, 0, 0}}; const PlyProperty face_props[] = { {"intensity", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(TFace, intensity), 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"vertex_indices", PLY_INT, PLY_INT, offsetof(TFace, verts), 1, PLY_UCHAR, PLY_UCHAR, offsetof(TFace, nverts)}}; const double POSE_TAIL_LENGTH = 0.1; const double POSE_TAIL_WIDTH = 3.0; const float POSE_POINT_SIZE = 4.0f; const float POSE_AXIS_SCALE = 0.1f; static const std::vector<mrpt::poses::CPose3D> ptc = { {.0, .0, .0, .0_deg, .0_deg, .0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, .0_deg, .0_deg, .0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 10.0_deg, .0_deg, .0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, .0_deg, 1.0_deg, .0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, .0_deg, .0_deg, 1.0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 80.0_deg, 5.0_deg, 5.0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, -20.0_deg, -30.0_deg, -40.0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, -45.0_deg, 10.0_deg, 70.0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 40.0_deg, -5.0_deg, 25.0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 40.0_deg, 20.0_deg, -15.0_deg}, {-6.0, 2.0, 3.0, 40.0_deg, 20.0_deg, 15.0_deg}, {6.0, -5.0, 3.0, 40.0_deg, 20.0_deg, 15.0_deg}, {6.0, 2.0, -9.0, 40.0_deg, 20.0_deg, 15.0_deg}, {0.0, 8.0, 5.0, -45.0_deg, 10.0_deg, 70.0_deg}, {1.0, 0.0, 5.0, -45.0_deg, 10.0_deg, 70.0_deg}, {1.0, 8.0, 0.0, -45.0_deg, 10.0_deg, 70.0_deg}}; bool USE_SUT_QUAT2EULER_CONVERSION_value = false; const auto bb_min = mrpt::math::TPose3D(1, 2, 3, -20.0_deg, -30.0_deg, -40.0_deg); const auto bb_max = mrpt::math::TPose3D(3, 4, 5, 20.0_deg, 30.0_deg, 40.0_deg); bool USE_SUT_EULER2QUAT_CONVERSION_value = false; static const std::vector<mrpt::poses::CPose3D> ptc = { {.0, .0, .0, .0_deg, .0_deg, .0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, .0_deg, .0_deg, .0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 10.0_deg, .0_deg, .0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, .0_deg, 1.0_deg, .0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, .0_deg, .0_deg, 1.0_deg}, {-6.0, 2.0, 3.0, 40.0_deg, 20.0_deg, 15.0_deg}, {1.0, 8.0, 0.0, -45.0_deg, 10.0_deg, 70.0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 89.0_deg, .5_deg, 1.0_deg}, {1.0, -2.0, 0.4, -89.0_deg, .5_deg, 1.0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, .1_deg, 89.0_deg, 1.0_deg}, {1.0, -2.0, 0.4, .1_deg, -88.0_deg, 1.0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, .1_deg, .9_deg, 178.0_deg}, {1.0, -2.0, 0.4, .1_deg, .9_deg, -179.1_deg}, }; static CRandomGenerator randomGenerator; const uint8_t SERIALIZATION_END_FLAG = 0x88; const size_t NUM_OBSERVATIONS_TO_SIMUL = 15; const size_t RANSAC_MINIMUM_INLIERS = 9; const float normalizationStd = 0.10f; const float ransac_mahalanobisDistanceThreshold = 5.0f; const size_t MINIMUM_RANSAC_ITERS = 100000; const size_t NUM_MAP_FEATS = 50; const double MAP_SIZE_X = 30; const double MAP_SIZE_Y = 15; const unsigned char alphabet[64+1] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; static std::array<mrpt::system::TConsoleColor, NUMBER_OF_VERBOSITY_LEVELS> logging_levels_to_colors = { CONCOL_BLUE, CONCOL_NORMAL, CONCOL_GREEN, CONCOL_RED }; static std::array<std::string, NUMBER_OF_VERBOSITY_LEVELS> logging_levels_to_names = { "DEBUG", "INFO ", "WARN ", "ERROR" }; static MyGlobalProfiler global_profiler; const char* sLicenseTextF = " Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit(MRPT) " " \n" " " " " " \n" " " " \n" " Copyright(c) 2005-%Y, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file " "\n" " See: - All rights reserved. " " " " \n" " Released under BSD License. See details in " " " " \n"; static std::condition_variable cv2; static std::mutex cv_m; static std::mutex cv2_m; static std::atomic<int> thrCnt = 0; static std::atomic<int> thrDone = 0; static const std::string sNewName = "NewName"; mrpt::vision::TCalibrationStereoImageList images { using namespace std::string_literals; mrpt::vision::TStereoCalibParams params; mrpt::vision::TStereoCalibResults out; const auto dir = mrpt::UNITTEST_BASEDIR + "/share/mrpt/datasets/stereo-calib/"s; const unsigned int NUM_IMGS = 4; params check_size_x = 6; params check_size_y = 9; params optimize_k1 = true; params optimize_k2 = true; params optimize_k3 = true; params optimize_t1 = true; params optimize_t2 = true; params check_squares_length_X_meters = 0.034; params check_squares_length_Y_meters = 0.034; params verbose = false; bool ok = mrpt::vision::checkerBoardStereoCalibration(images, params, out); mrpt::pimpl<Impl> m_video; const int FEAT_FREE = -1; // global functions EXPECT_TRUE(mrpt::system::fileExists(ini_fil)); EXPECT_TRUE(mrpt::system::fileExists(gridmap1_fil)); catch(const std::exception& e); template <class SLAM_CLASS> void generic_icp_slam_test( const std::string& ini_filename, const std::string& rawlog_filename, config_changer_t cfg_changer, post_tester_t post_tester ); TEST( ICP_SLAM_App, MapFromRawlog_PointMap ); TEST( ICP_SLAM_App, MapFromRawlog_Grid ); TEST( ICP_SLAM_App, MapFromRawlog_LM ); void generic_kf_slam_test( const std::string& ini_filename, const std::string& rawlog_filename, config_changer_t cfg_changer ); TEST( KFSLAMApp, EKF_SLAM_3D ); TEST( KFSLAMApp, EKF_SLAM_2D ); TEST( KFSLAMApp, EKF_SLAM_3D_data_assoc_JCBB_Maha ); TEST( KFSLAMApp, EKF_SLAM_3D_data_assoc_NN_Maha ); void generic_pf_test( const std::string& ini_filename, const std::string& rawlog_filename, const std::string& map_filename, config_changer_t cfg_changer, post_tester_t post_tester ); TEST( MonteCarloLocalization_Rawlog, RunForSampleDataset_2D ); TEST( MonteCarloLocalization_Rawlog, RunForSampleDataset_3D ); EXPECT_TRUE(mrpt::system::fileExists(ini_fil)); EXPECT_TRUE(mrpt::system::fileExists(video_fil)); app setMinLoggingLevel(mrpt::system::LVL_ERROR); app initialize( argc, argv ); void generic_rbpf_slam_test( const std::string& ini_filename, const std::string& rawlog_filename, config_changer_t cfg_changer, post_tester_t post_tester ); TEST( RBPF_SLAM_App, MapFromRawlog_Lidar2D_optimal_sampling ); TEST( RBPF_SLAM_App, MapFromRawlog_Lidar2D_gridICP ); TEST( RBPF_SLAM_App, MapFromRawlog_Lidar2D_pointsICP ); TEST( RBPF_SLAM_App, MapFromRawlog_ROSLAM_MC ); TEST( RBPF_SLAM_App, MapFromRawlog_ROSLAM_SOG ); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_apps); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_detectors); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_graphs); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_gui); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_hmtslam); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_hwdrivers); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_imgs); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_kinematics); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_maps); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_math); (registerAllNavigationClasses); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_obs); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_opengl); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_poses); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_core); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_tfest); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_topography); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_vision); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(kfEKFNaive); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(kfEKFAlaDavison); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(kfIKFFull); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(kfIKF); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter, pfStandardProposal ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter, pfAuxiliaryPFOptimal ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter, pfAuxiliaryPFStandard ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter, pfOptimalProposal ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter, prMultinomial ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter, prResidual ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter, prStratified ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter, prSystematic ); project(ALL_MRPT_LIBS); TEST( NodeletsTests, pub_sub_multithread_test ); TEST( SocketTests, send_receive_object ); static std::string local_file_get_contents(const std::string& fileName); TEST( CConfigFileMemory, readwrite ); TEST( CConfigFileMemory, Sections ); TEST( CConfigFileMemory, Names ); TEST( CConfigFileMemory, setFromString ); TEST( CConfigFileMemory, readMultiLineStrings ); TEST( CConfigFile, readMultiLineStrings ); TEST( CConfigFileMemory, parseVariables ); TEST( CDynamicGrid, GetSetAndResize ); TEST( CDynamicGrid, rangeForLoop ); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, EmptyPop ); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, EmptyPopAfterPushes ); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, RandomWriteAndPeek ); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, RandomWriteManyAndPeek ); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, RandomWriteAndPeekOverrun ); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, Size ); template <typename T> void impl_WritePeekCheck(); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, WritePeekCheck_uint8_t ); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, WritePeekCheck_uint16_t ); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, WritePeekCheck_uint32_t ); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, WritePeekCheck_uint64_t ); TEST( copy_ptr, SimpleOps ); TEST( copy_ptr, StlContainer ); TEST( poly_ptr, SimpleOps ); TEST( poly_ptr, StlContainer ); template <typename T> void simple_test_hash_string(); TEST( ts_hash_map, string_hash_u8 ); TEST( ts_hash_map, string_hash_u16 ); TEST( ts_hash_map, string_hash_u32 ); TEST( ts_hash_map, string_hash_u64 ); TEST( ts_hash_map, stdstring_key ); TEST( vector_with_small_size_optimization, Empty ); TEST( vector_with_small_size_optimization, ResizeSize ); TEST( vector_with_small_size_optimization, ResizeWriteRead ); TEST( vector_with_small_size_optimization, ResizeWriteReadIterators ); TEST( vector_with_small_size_optimization, GrowCheckContents ); TEST( vector_with_small_size_optimization, ShrinkCheckContents ); TEST( vector_with_small_size_optimization, GrowCheckFrontBack ); TEST( containers_visit_each, call_all ); static std::string shortenComment(const std::optional<std::string>& c); static void internalPrintRightComment( std::ostream& o, const std::string& c ); static yaml::scalar_t textToScalar(const std::string& s); static std::string local_file_get_contents(const std::string& fileName); const yaml::node_t& findKeyNode( const yaml::node_t* me, const std::string_view& key ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, emptyCtor ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, assignments ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, initializers ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, initializerMap ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, initializerSequence ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, nested ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, nested2 ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, printYAML ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, printDebugStructure ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, ctorMap ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, comments ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, iterate ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, macros ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, hexadecimal ); void foo(mrpt::containers::yaml& p); MRPT_TEST( yaml, assignmentsInCallee ); template <class Dest, class Source> Dest bit_cast(const Source& source); template < std::size_t alignment, typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_pointer<T>::value> > bool my_is_aligned(T ptr); TEST( aligned_allocator, aligned_malloc ); TEST( aligned_allocator, aligned_calloc ); TEST( bits_math, sign ); TEST( bits_math, keep_min ); TEST( bits_math, keep_max ); TEST( bits_math, round2up ); TEST( bits_math, hypot_fast ); TEST( bits_math, deg_rad ); TEST( bits_math, signWithZero ); TEST( bits_math, abs_diff ); TEST( bits_math, min3 ); TEST( bits_math, max3 ); TEST( bits_math, fix ); TEST( bits_math, saturate_val ); TEST( bits_math, saturate ); TEST( bits_math, lowestPositive ); uint64_t as_nanoseconds(const struct timespec& ts); void from_nanoseconds( const uint64_t ns, struct timespec& ts ); static uint64_t to100ns(const timespec& tim); static uint64_t getCurrentTime(); static void test_delay(); TEST( clock, delay_Realtime ); TEST( clock, changeSource ); TEST( clock, checkSynchEpoch ); TEST( clock, simulatedTime ); TEST( constexpr_for, compileTest ); TEST( cpu, features_as_string ); TEST( cpu, supports ); TEST( exception, stackedExceptionBasic ); template <typename T> void test_except_3rd_lvl(T val); void test_except_2nd_lvl(); void test_except_toplevel(); TEST( exception, stackedExceptionComplex ); TEST( exception, assertException ); static std::string testFoo(); TEST( exception, infiniteRecurseBug ); TEST( FormatTest, LargeStrings ); TEST( FormatTest, ToString ); TEST( is_defined, tests1 ); TEST( lock_helper, testCompilation ); template <typename T> void reverseBytesInPlace_2b(T& v_in_out); template <typename T> void reverseBytesInPlace_4b(T& v_in_out); template <typename T> void reverseBytesInPlace_8b(T& v_in_out); TEST( bits, reverseBytes ); TEST( round, longRound ); static void mySetThreadName( const std::string& name, std::thread& theThread ); TEST( WorkerThreadsPool, runTasks ); IMPLEMENTS_VIRTUAL_SERIALIZABLE( CDetectableObject, CSerializable, mrpt::detectors ); TEST( RuntimeCompiledExpression, SimpleTest ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featNotDefined); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featKLT); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featHarris); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featSIFT); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featSURF); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featBeacon); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featFAST); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featORB); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featAKAZE); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featLSD); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(descAny); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(descSIFT); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(descSURF); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(descSpinImages); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(descPolarImages); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(descLogPolarImages); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(descORB); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(descBLD); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(descLATCH); void mouseGlitchFilter( const int x, const int y, const int& mouseClickX, const int& mouseClickY ); EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(mpWindow::OnMouseRightDown); wxAppConsole* mrpt_wxCreateApp(); CDisplayWindow_WXAPP& wxGetApp(); int mrpt_wxEntryReal( int argc, char** argv ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::hwdrivers::CGenericSensor, ssInitializing ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::hwdrivers::CGenericSensor, ssWorking ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::hwdrivers::CGenericSensor, ssError ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::hwdrivers::CGenericSensor, ssUninitialized ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CGPSInterface, NONE ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CGPSInterface, AUTO ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CGPSInterface, NMEA ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CGPSInterface, NOVATEL_OEM6 ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::hwdrivers, CAMERA_CV_AUTODETECT ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::hwdrivers, CAMERA_CV_DC1394 ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::hwdrivers, CAMERA_CV_VFL ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::hwdrivers, CAMERA_CV_VFW ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::hwdrivers, CAMERA_CV_MIL ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::hwdrivers, CAMERA_CV_DSHOW ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CKinect, VIDEO_CHANNEL_RGB ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CKinect, VIDEO_CHANNEL_IR ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CVelodyneScanner, VLP16 ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CVelodyneScanner, HDL32 ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CVelodyneScanner, HDL64 ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CVelodyneScanner, UNCHANGED ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CVelodyneScanner, STRONGEST ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CVelodyneScanner, LAST ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CVelodyneScanner, DUAL ); char hexCharToInt(char n); TEST( CGPSInterface, parse_NMEA_GGA ); TEST( CGPSInterface, parse_NMEA_RMC ); TEST( CGPSInterface, parse_NMEA_GLL ); TEST( CGPSInterface, parse_NMEA_VTG ); TEST( CGPSInterface, parse_NMEA_ZDA ); TEST( CGPSInterface, parse_NMEA_ZDA_stream ); TEST( CGPSInterface, parse_NOVATEL6_stream ); TEST( CGPSInterface, parse_NMEA_stream ); std::atomic<int> numInstances(0); bool isValidParameter(const mrpt::img::TCamera& param); unsigned char LinearToALawSample(uint16_t sample); void do_init_table_16u_to_8u(); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::img, cmNONE ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::img, cmGRAYSCALE ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::img, cmJET ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::img, cmHOT ); DECLARE_MEXPLUS_FROM(mrpt::img::TCamera); void init_fonts_list(); static std::string IMAGES_PATH_BASE("."); static int interpolationMethod2Cv(TInterpolationMethod i); template <typename RET = uint32_t> constexpr RET pixelDepth2CvDepth(PixelDepth d); template <typename RET = uint32_t> RET pixelDepth2IPLCvDepth(PixelDepth d); static PixelDepth cvDepth2PixelDepth(int64_t d); static bool my_img_to_grayscale( const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dest ); template <unsigned int HALF_WIN_SIZE> void MRPT_DISABLE_FULL_OPTIMIZATION image_KLT_response_template( const uint8_t* in, const int widthStep, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, int32_t& _gxx, int32_t& _gyy, int32_t& _gxy ); void image_SSE2_scale_half_1c8u( const uint8_t* in, uint8_t* out, int w, int h, size_t in_step, size_t out_step ); void image_SSSE3_scale_half_3c8u( const uint8_t* in, uint8_t* out, int w, int h, size_t in_step, size_t out_step ); void image_SSE2_scale_half_smooth_1c8u( const uint8_t* in, uint8_t* out, int w, int h, size_t in_step, size_t out_step ); void image_SSSE3_rgb_to_gray_8u( const uint8_t* in, uint8_t* out, int w, int h, size_t in_step, size_t out_step ); void image_SSSE3_bgr_to_gray_8u( const uint8_t* in, uint8_t* out, int w, int h, size_t in_step, size_t out_step ); init_destination(j_compress_ptr cinfo); empty_output_buffer(j_compress_ptr cinfo); term_destination(j_compress_ptr cinfo); jpeg_stdio_dest( j_compress_ptr cinfo, CStream* out ); init_source(j_decompress_ptr cinfo); fill_input_buffer(j_decompress_ptr cinfo); skip_input_data( j_decompress_ptr cinfo, long num_bytes ); term_source(] j_decompress_ptr cinfo); jpeg_stdio_src( j_decompress_ptr cinfo, CStream* in ); static const char* ParseColor(const char* data); static unsigned char ParseHexadecimal( char digit1, char digit2 ); static bool GetRGBFromName( const char* inname, bool* isNone, unsigned char* r, unsigned char* g, unsigned char* b ); static void fillImagePseudoRandom( uint32_t seed, mrpt::img::CImage& img ); static bool expect_identical( const mrpt::img::CImage& a, const mrpt::img::CImage& b, const std::string& s = std::string() ); TEST( CImage, CtorDefault ); static void CtorSized_gray( unsigned int w, unsigned int h ); TEST( CImage, CtorSized ); TEST( CImage, GetSetPixel ); TEST( CImage, CopyMoveSwap ); TEST( CImage, ExternalImage ); TEST( CImage, ConvertGray ); TEST( CImage, CtorRefOrGray ); TEST( CImage, HalfAndDouble ); TEST( CImage, getChannelsOrder ); TEST( CImage, ChangeCvMatCopies ); TEST( CImage, ScaleImage ); TEST( CImage, Serialize ); TEST( CImage, KLT_response ); TEST( CImage, LoadAndComparePseudoRnd ); TEST( CImage, LoadAndSave ); TEST( CImage, DifferentAccessMethodsColor ); TEST( CImage, DifferentAccessMethodsGray ); TEST( color_maps, cmGRAYSCALE ); TEST( color_maps, cmJET ); TEST( color_maps, cmHOT ); typedef JMETHOD( boolean, jpeg_marker_parser_method, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo) ); jpeg_std_error JPP((struct jpeg_error_mgr*err)); jpeg_CreateCompress JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int version, size_t structsize)); jpeg_CreateDecompress JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int version, size_t structsize)); EXTERN(void); jpeg_set_colorspace JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, J_COLOR_SPACE colorspace)); jpeg_set_quality JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int quality, boolean force_baseline)); jpeg_set_linear_quality JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int scale_factor, boolean force_baseline)); jpeg_add_quant_table JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int which_tbl, const unsigned int*basic_table, int scale_factor, boolean force_baseline)); EXTERN(int); EXTERN(JQUANT_TBL*); EXTERN(JHUFF_TBL*); jpeg_start_compress JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, boolean write_all_tables)); jpeg_write_scanlines JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, JSAMPARRAY scanlines, JDIMENSION num_lines)); jpeg_write_raw_data JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, JSAMPIMAGE data, JDIMENSION num_lines)); jpeg_write_marker JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int marker, const JOCTET*dataptr, unsigned int datalen)); jpeg_write_m_header JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int marker, unsigned int datalen)); jpeg_read_header JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, boolean require_image)); EXTERN(boolean); jpeg_read_scanlines JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, JSAMPARRAY scanlines, JDIMENSION max_lines)); jpeg_read_raw_data JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, JSAMPIMAGE data, JDIMENSION max_lines)); jpeg_start_output JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int scan_number)); jpeg_save_markers JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int marker_code, unsigned int length_limit)); jpeg_set_marker_processor JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int marker_code, jpeg_marker_parser_method routine)); EXTERN(jvirt_barray_ptr*); jpeg_write_coefficients JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, jvirt_barray_ptr*coef_arrays)); jpeg_copy_critical_parameters JPP((j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo)); jpeg_resync_to_restart JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int desired)); static TCamera getSampleCameraParams(); TEST( TCamera, EqualOperator ); TEST( TCamera, CopyCtor ); void generate_test_data(std::vector<uint8_t>& tst_data); TEST( CFileGZStreams, readwriteTmpFileCompressed ); TEST( CFileGZStreams, compareWithTestGZFiles ); TEST( CMemoryStream, readwrite ); TEST( CTextFileLinesParser, parse ); TEST( file_get_contents, readTestFile ); TEST( file_get_contents, throwOnError ); TEST( Compress, DataBlockGZ ); void addBar_D( mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects::Ptr& objs, const double d ); void addBar_A( mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects::Ptr& objs, const double a ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMap::TColouringMethod, cmFromHeightRelativeToSensor ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMap::TColouringMethod, cmFromHeightRelativeToSensorJet ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMap::TColouringMethod, cmFromHeightRelativeToSensorGray ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMap::TColouringMethod, cmFromIntensityImage ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( maps::CHeightGridMap2D::TMapRepresentation, mrSimpleAverage ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D, lmMeanInformation ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D, lmRayTracing ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D, lmConsensus ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D, lmCellsDifference ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D, lmLikelihoodField_Thrun ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D, lmLikelihoodField_II ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D, lmConsensusOWA ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D, lmRayTracing ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D, lmLikelihoodField_Thrun ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::TMapRepresentation, mrKernelDM ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::TMapRepresentation, mrKalmanFilter ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::TMapRepresentation, mrKalmanApproximate ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::TMapRepresentation, mrKernelDMV ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::TMapRepresentation, mrGMRF_SD ); static void aux_projectPoint_with_distortion( const mrpt::math::TPoint3D& P, const TCamera& params, TPixelCoordf& pixel, ] bool accept_points_behind ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CGasConcentrationGridMap2D, CRandomFieldGridMap2D, mrpt::maps ); template <class MAP> void do_test_insertCheckMapBounds(); TEST( CHeightGridMap2Ds, insertCheckMapBounds ); template <class MAP> void do_test_insertPointsAndRead(); TEST( CHeightGridMap2Ds, insertPointsAndRead ); template <typename cell_t> void test_monotonic(); TEST( CLogOddsGridMapLUT, monotonic_8bit ); TEST( CLogOddsGridMapLUT, monotonic_16bit ); TEST( CMultiMetricMapTests, isEmpty ); static mrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap initializer1(); static mrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap initializer2(); TEST( CMultiMetricMapTests, initializers ); TEST( CMultiMetricMapTests, copyCtorOp ); TEST( CMultiMetricMapTests, moveOp ); static void func_laserSimul_callback( const mrpt::math::CVectorFixedDouble<3>& x_pose, const TFunctorLaserSimulData& fixed_param, mrpt::math::CVectorDouble& y_scanRanges ); TEST( COccupancyGridMap2DTests, insert2DScan ); TEST( COccupancyGridMap3DTests, insert2DScan ); TEST( COccupancyGridMap3DTests, insertScan3D ); TEST( COctoMapTests, updateVoxels ); TEST( COctoMapTests, insert2DScan ); void run_pc_filter_test( const double map2_x_off, const double map2_tim_off, const size_t expected_m1_count, const size_t expected_m2_count ); TEST( CPointCloudFilterByDistance, noOutliers ); TEST( CPointCloudFilterByDistance, withOutliers ); TEST( CPointCloudFilterByDistance, tooOldMap ); void internal_build_points_map_from_scan2D( const mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan& obs, mrpt::maps::CMetricMap::Ptr& out_map, const void* insertOps ); template <class MAP> void load_demo_9pts_map(MAP& pts); template <class MAP> void do_test_insertPoints(); template <class MAP> void do_test_clipOutOfRangeInZ(); template <class MAP> void do_test_clipOutOfRange(); template <class MAP> void do_tests_loadSaveStreams(); TEST( CSimplePointsMapTests, insertPoints ); TEST( CWeightedPointsMapTests, insertPoints ); TEST( CColouredPointsMapTests, insertPoints ); TEST( CPointsMapXYZI, insertPoints ); TEST( CSimplePointsMapTests, clipOutOfRangeInZ ); TEST( CWeightedPointsMapTests, clipOutOfRangeInZ ); TEST( CColouredPointsMapTests, clipOutOfRangeInZ ); TEST( CSimplePointsMapTests, clipOutOfRange ); TEST( CWeightedPointsMapTests, clipOutOfRange ); TEST( CColouredPointsMapTests, clipOutOfRange ); TEST( CSimplePointsMapTests, loadSaveStreams ); TEST( CWeightedPointsMapTests, loadSaveStreams ); TEST( CColouredPointsMapTests, loadSaveStreams ); TEST( CPointsMapXYZI, loadFromKittiVelodyneFile ); TEST( CRandomFieldGridMap3D, insertCheckMapBounds ); TEST( CRandomFieldGridMap3D, insertPointsAndRead ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CWirelessPowerGridMap2D, CRandomFieldGridMap2D, mrpt::maps ); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CBeacon); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CBeaconMap); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CColouredPointsMap); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CGasConcentrationGridMap2D); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CWirelessPowerGridMap2D); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CHeightGridMap2D); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CReflectivityGridMap2D); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(COccupancyGridMap2D); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(COccupancyGridMap3D); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CSimplePointsMap); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CRandomFieldGridMap3D); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CWeightedPointsMap); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CPointsMapXYZI); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(COctoMap); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CColouredOctoMap); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationPointCloud); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CSinCosLookUpTableFor2DScans); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationRotatingScan); TEST( SerializeTestMaps, WriteReadToMem ); TEST( SerializeTestOpenGL, WriteReadToMem ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CObservationPointCloud, CObservation, mrpt::obs ); MRPT_TODO("toPointCloud / calibration"); TEST( CObservationRotatingScan, fromKittiUndistorted ); TEST( CObservationRotatingScan, fromVelodyne ); TEST( CObservationRotatingScan, from2DScan ); TPolygon3D createFromTriangle(const mrpt::opengl::TTriangle& t); void ClearKMeansLogging(); void AddKMeansLogging( std::ostream* out, bool verbose ); Scalar RunKMeans( int n, int k, int d, Scalar* points, int attempts, Scalar* centers, int* assignments ); Scalar RunKMeansPlusPlus( int n, int k, int d, Scalar* points, int attempts, Scalar* centers, int* assignments ); MRPT_WARNING( "Deprecated header<mrpt/math/lightweight_geom_data.h>, use " "<mrpt/math/XXX.h> instead for the required types " "(XXX=TPose3D, TPoint2D, etc.)" ); MRPT_WARNING( "Deprecated header<mrpt/math/lightweight_geom_data_frwds.h>, use " "<mrpt/math/TPoseOrPoint.h> instead" ); template <class LUT_CLASS> void atan2_lut_test( const LUT_CLASS& atan2lut, const double SIZE, const double max_deg_errors, const double skip_area ); TEST( CAtan2LookUpTable, ValidValidTest ); TEST( CAtan2LookUpTable, MultiResTest ); TEST( LevMarq, optimizeTest ); TEST( CMatrixDynamic, GetSetEigen ); TEST( CMatrixDynamic, asString ); TEST( CMatrixDynamic, CtorFromArray ); TEST( CMatrixDynamic, Resizes ); TEST( CVectorDynamic, segment ); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(float); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(double); TEST( CMatrixFixed, CtorUninit ); TEST( CMatrixFixed, CtorAllZeros ); TEST( CMatrixFixed, Identity ); TEST( CMatrixFixed, asString ); TEST( CMatrixFixed, GetSetEigen ); TEST( CVectorDouble, resize ); void generateRandomSparseMatrix( size_t N, size_t M, size_t nEntries, CSparseMatrix& MAT ); void do_test_init_to_unit(size_t N); TEST( SparseMatrix, InitFromDenseUnit ); void do_test_init_random(size_t N); TEST( SparseMatrix, InitFromDenseRandom ); TEST( SparseMatrix, InitFromTriplet ); TEST( SparseMatrix, InitFromSparse ); TEST( SparseMatrix, InitFromRandom ); void do_matrix_op_test( size_t nRows1, size_t nCols1, size_t nNonZeros1, size_t nRows2, size_t nCols2, size_t nNonZeros2, TMatrixSMOperator op1, TMatrixDenseOperator op2 ); void op_sparse_add( const CSparseMatrix& M1, const CSparseMatrix& M2, CSparseMatrix& res ); void op_dense_add( const CMatrixDouble& M1, const CMatrixDouble& M2, CMatrixDouble& res ); TEST( SparseMatrix, Op_Add ); void op_sparse_multiply_AB( const CSparseMatrix& M1, const CSparseMatrix& M2, CSparseMatrix& res ); void op_dense_multiply_AB( const CMatrixDouble& M1, const CMatrixDouble& M2, CMatrixDouble& res ); TEST( SparseMatrix, Op_Multiply_AB ); TEST( SparseMatrix, CholeskyDecomp ); DO_VECFIXED_INSTANTIATION(float); DO_VECFIXED_INSTANTIATION(double); TEST( distributions, normalPDF_1d ); TEST( distributions, normalPDF_vector ); TEST( distributions, erfc ); TEST( distributions, erf ); TEST( distributions, normalCDF ); TEST( distributions, chi2inv ); TEST( distributions, chi2PDF ); TEST( distributions, noncentralChi2PDF_CDF ); TEST( data_utils, mahalanobisDistance2AndLogPDF ); TEST( EigenAlignment, PrintAlignment ); template <unsigned int INTER_SPACE> void checkAlignedFoo( const Foo<INTER_SPACE>& d, const std::string& testName ); template <unsigned int INTER_SPACE> void do_test_AlignedMemOnStack(); template <unsigned int INTER_SPACE> void do_test_AlignedMemOnStackUpTo(); template <unsigned int INTER_SPACE> void do_test_AlignedMemInSTL(); template <unsigned int INTER_SPACE> void do_test_AlignedMemInSTLUpTo(); TEST( EigenAlignment, AlignedMemOnStack ); TEST( EigenAlignment, AlignedMemInSTL ); static void myGeneralDFT( int sign, const CMatrixFloat& in_real, const CMatrixFloat& in_imag, CMatrixFloat& out_real, CMatrixFloat& out_imag ); static long double Power_Series_S(long double x); static long double xFresnel_Auxiliary_Cosine_Integral(long double x); static long double xFresnel_Auxiliary_Sine_Integral(long double x); static long double Power_Series_C(long double x); static long double xChebyshev_Tn_Series( long double x, const long double a [], int degree ); long double lfresnel_sin_alt(long double x); long double lfresnel_cos_alt(long double x); double Fresnel_Sine_Integral(double x); long double xFresnel_Sine_Integral(long double x); double Fresnel_Auxiliary_Sine_Integral(double x); static long double sin_Chebyshev_Expansion_0_1(long double x); static long double sin_Chebyshev_Expansion_1_3(long double x); static long double sin_Chebyshev_Expansion_3_5(long double x); static long double sin_Chebyshev_Expansion_5_7(long double x); static long double sin_Asymptotic_Series(long double x); double Fresnel_Auxiliary_Cosine_Integral(double x); static long double cos_Chebyshev_Expansion_0_1(long double x); static long double cos_Chebyshev_Expansion_1_3(long double x); static long double cos_Chebyshev_Expansion_3_5(long double x); static long double cos_Chebyshev_Expansion_5_7(long double x); static long double cos_Asymptotic_Series(long double x); double Fresnel_Cosine_Integral(double x); long double xFresnel_Cosine_Integral(long double x); TEST( fresnel, fresnelc ); TEST( fresnel, fresnels ); template <class T2D, class U2D, class T3D, class U3D> bool intersectInCommonPlane( const T3D& o1, const U3D& o2, const mrpt::math::TPlane& p, mrpt::math::TObject3D& obj ); bool intersectInCommonLine( const mrpt::math::TSegment3D& s1, const mrpt::math::TSegment3D& s2, const mrpt::math::TLine3D& lin, mrpt::math::TObject3D& obj ); bool intersectInCommonLine( const TSegment2D& s1, const TSegment2D& s2, const TLine2D& lin, TObject2D& obj ); void unsafeProjectPoint( const TPoint3D& point, const TPose3D& pose, TPoint2D& newPoint ); bool intersect( const TPolygonWithPlane& p1, const TLine3D& l2, double& d, double bestKnown ); bool intersect( const TPolygonWithPlane& p1, const TPolygonWithPlane& p2, TObject3D& obj ); void createFromPoseAndAxis( const TPose3D& p, TLine3D& r, size_t axis ); bool intersect( const TSegmentWithLine& s1, const TSegmentWithLine& s2, TObject2D& obj ); void getSegmentsWithLine( const TPolygon2D& poly, vector<TSegmentWithLine>& segs ); bool intersectAux( const TPolygon3D& p1, const TPlane& pl1, const TPolygon3D& p2, const TPlane& pl2, TObject3D& obj ); bool compatibleBounds( const TPoint3D& min1, const TPoint3D& max1, const TPoint3D& min2, const TPoint3D& max2 ); void getPlanes( const std::vector<TPolygon3D>& polys, std::vector<TPlane>& planes ); void getMinAndMaxBounds( const std::vector<TPolygon3D>& v1, std::vector<TPoint3D>& minP, std::vector<TPoint3D>& maxP ); void createPlaneFromPoseAndAxis( const TPose3D& pose, TPlane& plane, size_t axis ); template <class T> size_t getIndexOfMin( const T& e1, const T& e2, const T& e3 ); bool firstOrNonPresent( size_t i, const std::vector<MatchingVertex>& v ); bool depthFirstSearch( const CSparseMatrixTemplate<unsigned char>& mat, std::vector<std::vector<MatchingVertex>>& res, std::vector<bool>& used, size_t searching, unsigned char mask, std::vector<MatchingVertex>& current ); void depthFirstSearch( const CSparseMatrixTemplate<unsigned char>& mat, std::vector<std::vector<MatchingVertex>>& res, std::vector<bool>& used ); static std::vector<TPolygon3D> getPolygons( const std::vector<TObject3D>& objs, const mrpt::optional_ref<std::vector<mrpt::math::TObject3D>>& others = std::nullopt ); static std::vector<TSegment3D> getSegments( const std::vector<TObject3D>& objs, const mrpt::optional_ref<std::vector<mrpt::math::TObject3D>>& others = std::nullopt ); bool intersect( const TLine2D& l1, const TSegmentWithLine& s2, TObject2D& obj ); bool intersect( const TSegmentWithLine& s1, const TLine2D& l2, TObject2D& obj ); TEST( Geometry, Line2DIntersect ); TEST( Geometry, Line2DAngle ); TEST( Geometry, Line3DAngle ); TEST( Geometry, Line3DDistance ); TEST( Geometry, Segment2DIntersect ); TEST( Geometry, Intersection3D ); TEST( Geometry, IntersectionPlanePlane ); void myTestPolygonContainsPoint( std::vector<TPoint2D>& vs, bool convex ); TEST( Geometry, PolygonConvexContainsPoint ); TEST( Geometry, PolygonConcaveContainsPoint ); TEST( Geometry, changeEpsilon ); TEST( Geometry, conformAPlane ); TEST( Geometry, RectanglesIntersection ); TEST( TLine2D, asString ); TEST( TLine3D, asString ); TEST( TPlane, asString ); TEST( Geometry, closestFromPointToSegment ); TEST( Geometry, closestFromPointToLine ); TEST( Geometry, squaredDistancePointToLine ); TEST( KDTreeCapable, test1 ); void AddKMeansLogging( std::ostream* out, bool verbose ); void ClearKMeansLogging(); static double GetSeconds(); static void RunKMeansOnce( const KmTree& tree, int n, int k, int d, Scalar* points, Scalar* centers, Scalar* min_cost, Scalar* max_cost, Scalar* total_cost, double start_time, double* min_time, double* max_time, double* total_time, Scalar* best_centers, int* best_assignment ); void LogMetaStats( Scalar min_cost, Scalar max_cost, Scalar total_cost, double min_time, double max_time, double total_time, int num_attempts ); Scalar RunKMeans( int n, int k, int d, Scalar* points, int attempts, Scalar* ret_centers, int* ret_assignment ); Scalar RunKMeansPlusPlus( int n, int k, int d, Scalar* points, int attempts, Scalar* ret_centers, int* ret_assignment ); int __KMeansAssertionFailure( const char* file, int line, const char* expression ); Scalar* PointAllocate(int d); void PointFree(Scalar* p); void PointCopy( Scalar* p1, const Scalar* p2, int d ); void PointAdd( Scalar* p1, const Scalar* p2, int d ); void PointScale( Scalar* p, Scalar scale, int d ); Scalar PointDistSq( const Scalar* p1, const Scalar* p2, int d ); int __KMeansAssertionFailure( const char* file, int line, const char* expression ); int GetRandom(int n); template <class T> void noncentralChi2OneIteration( T arg, T& lans, T& dans, T& pans, unsigned int& j ); TEST( Matrices, DynMat_size ); TEST( Matrices, A_times_B_dyn ); TEST( Matrices, A_times_B_fix ); TEST( Matrices, SerializeCMatrixD ); TEST( Matrices, EigenVal2x2dyn ); TEST( Matrices, eig_symmetric ); TEST( Matrices, EigenVal3x3dyn ); TEST( Matrices, EigenVal2x2fix ); TEST( Matrices, EigenVal3x3fix ); TEST( Matrices, inv_4x4_fix ); TEST( Matrices, inv_LLt_4x4_fix ); TEST( Matrices, inv_6x6_fix ); TEST( Matrices, inv_6x6_dyn ); TEST( Matrices, transpose ); TEST( Matrices, multiply_A_skew3 ); TEST( Matrices, multiply_skew3_A ); TEST( Matrices, fromMatlabStringFormat ); TEST( Matrices, HCHt_3x2_2x2_2x3 ); TEST( Matrices, HCHt_scalar_1x2_2x2_2x1 ); TEST( Matrices, det_2x2_dyn ); TEST( Matrices, det_2x2_fix ); TEST( Matrices, det_3x3_dyn ); TEST( Matrices, det_3x3_fix ); TEST( Matrices, det_4x4_dyn ); TEST( Matrices, det_4x4_fix ); TEST( Matrices, det_10x10_dyn ); TEST( Matrices, chol_2x2_dyn ); TEST( Matrices, chol_2x2_fix ); TEST( Matrices, chol_3x3_dyn ); TEST( Matrices, chol_3x3_fix ); TEST( Matrices, chol_10x10_dyn ); TEST( Matrices, meanAndStdColumns ); TEST( Matrices, meanAndStdAll ); TEST( Matrices, laplacian ); TEST( Matrices, loadFromTextFile ); TEST( Matrices, loadFromArray ); TEST( Matrices, CMatrixFixedNumeric_loadWithEigenMap ); TEST( Matrices, EigenMatrix_loadWithEigenMap ); TEST( Matrices, setSize ); TEST( Matrices, extractSubmatrixSymmetricalBlocks ); TEST( Matrices, extractSubmatrixSymmetrical ); MRPT_TEST( MatrixYaml, FromToEigen ); MRPT_TEST( MatrixYaml, Vector ); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(double); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(float); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(double); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(float); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(float); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(double); DO_VECFIXED_INSTANTIATION(float); DO_VECFIXED_INSTANTIATION(double); void CSqrt( double x, double y, double& a, double& b ); int SolveP4Bi( double* x, double b, double d ); static void dblSort3( double& a, double& b, double& c ); int SolveP4De( double* x, double b, double c, double d ); double N4Step( double x, double a, double b, double c, double d ); static double SolveP5_1( double a, double b, double c, double d, double e ); TEST( poly_roots, solve_poly2 ); TEST( poly_roots, solve_poly3 ); TEST( poly_roots, solve_poly4 ); EXPLICIT_INST_ransac_detect_3D_planes(float); EXPLICIT_INST_ransac_detect_3D_planes(double); EXPLICIT_INSTANT_ransac_detect_2D_lines(float); EXPLICIT_INSTANT_ransac_detect_2D_lines(double); template <TRobustKernelType KERNEL_TYPE> void tester_robust_kernel( const double table [][5], const size_t N ); TEST( RobustKernels, PlainLeastSquares ); TEST( RobustKernels, PseudoHuber ); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(double); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(float); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(double); TEST( SLERP_tests, correctShortestPath ); template <typename T> void testDefaultCtor(); TEST( TBoundingBox, defaultCtor ); template <typename T> void testFromCorners(); TEST( TBoundingBox, fromCorners ); template <typename T> void testInvalidThrows(); TEST( TBoundingBox, invalidThrows ); template <typename T> void testIntersections(); TEST( TBoundingBox, intersections ); TEST( TBoundingBox, compose ); TEST( TBoundingBox, inverseCompose ); double isLeft( const mrpt::math::TPoint2D& P0, const mrpt::math::TPoint2D& P1, const mrpt::math::TPoint2D& P2 ); TEST( LightGeomData, PragmaPack ); TEST( LightGeomData, ConstExprCtors ); TEST( LightGeomData, Conversions ); TEST( LightGeomData, Comparisons ); TEST( LightGeomData, Strings ); TEST( Wrap2PI_tests, angDistance ); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(double); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(float); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CHolonomicND, SITUATION_TARGET_DIRECTLY ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CHolonomicND, SITUATION_SMALL_GAP ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CHolonomicND, SITUATION_WIDE_GAP ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CHolonomicND, SITUATION_NO_WAY_FOUND ); ( CAbstractNavigator, IDLE ); ( CAbstractNavigator, NAVIGATING ); ( CAbstractNavigator, SUSPENDED ); ( CAbstractNavigator, NAV_ERROR ); IMPLEMENTS_VIRTUAL_SERIALIZABLE( CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod, CSerializable, mrpt::nav ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CLogFileRecord_FullEval, CHolonomicLogFileRecord, mrpt::nav ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE(CHolonomicND, CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod, mrpt::nav); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CHolonomicVFF, CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod, mrpt::nav ); ( NavTests, NavGeomUtils_collision_straight_circ_robot ); TEST( PlannerSimple2D, findPath ); TEST( NavTests, Serialization_WriteReadToMem ); TEST( SerializeTestObs, WriteReadToOctectVectors ); TEST( NavTests, NavLogLoadFromTestFile ); IMPLEMENTS_VIRTUAL_MRPT_OBJECT( CMultiObjectiveMotionOptimizerBase, CObject, mrpt::nav ); IMPLEMENTS_MRPT_OBJECT( CMultiObjMotionOpt_Scalarization, CMultiObjectiveMotionOptimizerBase, mrpt::nav ); template <typename RNAVCLASS> void ( const std::string& sFilename, const std::string& sHoloMethod, const TPoint2D& nav_target, const TPoint2D& world_topleft, const TPoint2D& world_rightbottom, const TPoint2D& block_obstacle_topleft = TPoint2D(0, 0), const TPoint2D& block_obstacle_rightbottom = TPoint2D(0, 0) ); template <typename RNAVCLASS> void ( const std::string& sFilename, const std::string& sHoloMethod, const TPoint2D& nav_target, const TPoint2D& world_topleft, const TPoint2D& world_rightbottom, const TPoint2D& block_obstacle_topleft = TPoint2D(0, 0), const TPoint2D& block_obstacle_rightbottom = TPoint2D(0, 0) ); const TPoint2D ( 2. 0, 0. 4 ); const TPoint2D ( - 10, 10 ); const TPoint2D ( 10, - 10 ); const TPoint2D ( 9. 0, 4. 0 ); const TPoint2D ( - 10, 10 ); const TPoint2D ( 30, - 10 ); const TPoint2D ( 4. 0, 2. 0 ); const TPoint2D ( 5. 0, -2. 0 ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem, no_obstacle_nav_VFF ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem, no_obstacle_nav_ND ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem, no_obstacle_nav_FullEval ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem3D, no_obstacle_nav_VFF ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem3D, no_obstacle_nav_ND ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem3D, no_obstacle_nav_FullEval ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem, with_obstacle_nav_VFF ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem, with_obstacle_nav_ND ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem, with_obstacle_nav_FullEval ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem3D, with_obstacle_nav_VFF ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem3D, with_obstacle_nav_ND ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem3D, with_obstacle_nav_FullEval ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CPTG_DiffDrive_alpha, CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator, mrpt::nav ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CPTG_DiffDrive_C, CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator, mrpt::nav ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CPTG_DiffDrive_CC, CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator, mrpt::nav ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CPTG_DiffDrive_CCS, CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator, mrpt::nav ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CPTG_DiffDrive_CS, CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator, mrpt::nav ); static double calc_trans_distance_t_below_Tramp_abc_numeric( double T, double a, double b, double c ); TEST( NavTests, PTGs_tests ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::obs::CActionRobotMovement2D, emOdometry ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::obs::CActionRobotMovement2D, emScan2DMatching ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan, CH_VISIBLE ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan, CH_IR ); bool operator == ( const LUT_info& a, const LUT_info& o ); static void mempool_donate_xyz_buffers(CObservation3DRangeScan& obs); void mempool_donate_range_matrix(CObservation3DRangeScan& obs); void fillSampleObs( mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan& obs, mrpt::obs::T3DPointsProjectionParams& pp, int test_case ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, Project3D_noFilter ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, Project3D_filterMinMax1 ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, Project3D_additionalLayers ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, Project3D_filterMinMaxAllBetween ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, Project3D_filterMinMaxNoneBetween ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, Project3D_filterMin ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, Project3D_filterMax ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, LoadAndCheckFloorPoints ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, SyntheticRange ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, SyntheticDepth ); bool TIMECONV_GetJulianDateFromGPSTime( const unsigned short gps_week, const double gps_tow, const unsigned int utc_offset, double* julian_date ); bool TIMECONV_IsALeapYear(const unsigned short year); bool TIMECONV_GetNumberOfDaysInMonth( const unsigned short year, const unsigned char month, unsigned char* days_in_month ); bool TIMECONV_GetUTCTimeFromJulianDate(const double julian_date, mrpt::system::TTimeParts& utc); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CObservationStereoImagesFeatures, CObservation, mrpt::obs ); static double HDL32AdjustTimeStamp(int firingblock, int dsr); static double VLP16AdjustTimeStamp(int firingblock, int dsr, int firingwithinblock); static void velodyne_scan_to_pointcloud( const Velo& scan, const Velo::TGeneratePointCloudParameters& params, Velo::PointCloudStorageWrapper& out_pc ); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservation2DRangeScan); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservation3DRangeScan); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationRGBD360); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationBearingRange); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationBatteryState); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationWirelessPower); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationRFID); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationBeaconRanges); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationComment); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationGasSensors); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationGPS); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationReflectivity); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationIMU); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationOdometry); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationRange); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationImage); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationStereoImages); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationCANBusJ1939); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationRawDAQ); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservation6DFeatures); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationVelodyneScan); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CActionRobotMovement2D); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CActionRobotMovement3D); TEST( Observations, WriteReadToMem ); TEST( Observations, WriteReadToOctectVectors ); static bool aux_get_sample_data(mrpt::obs::CObservation&); static bool aux_get_sample_data(mrpt::obs::CAction&); static bool aux_get_sample_data(mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan& o); static bool aux_get_sample_data(mrpt::obs::CObservationImage& o); static bool aux_get_sample_data(mrpt::obs::CObservationStereoImages& o); template <class T> void run_copy_tests(); TEST( Observations, CopyCtorAssignOp ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( Foo, CSerializable, MyNS ); TEST( Serialization, CustomClassSerialize ); TEST( Serialization, ArchiveSharedPtrs ); TEST( Serialization, optionalObjects ); TEST( CSimpleMap, ParseFileInFormat_v1_5 ); void generic_dump_BESTPOS( const Message_NV_OEM6_BESTPOS::content_t& fields, std::ostream& out ); void generic_dump_MARKTIME( const Message_NV_OEM6_MARKTIME::content_t& fields, std::ostream& out ); void generic_getFieldValues_MARKTIME( const Message_NV_OEM6_MARKTIME::content_t& fields, std::ostream& o ); static std::string stripNamespace(const std::string& n); bool solveEqn( double a, double b, double c, double& t ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CEllipsoid2D, CRenderizableShaderWireFrame, mrpt::opengl ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CEllipsoid3D, CRenderizableShaderWireFrame, mrpt::opengl ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CEllipsoidInverseDepth2D, CRenderizableShaderWireFrame, mrpt::opengl ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CEllipsoidInverseDepth3D, CRenderizableShaderWireFrame, mrpt::opengl ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CEllipsoidRangeBearing2D, CRenderizableShaderWireFrame, mrpt::opengl ); void aux_add3DpointWithEigenVectors( const double x, const double y, const double z, std::vector<mrpt::math::CMatrixFixed<float, 3, 1>>& pts, const mrpt::math::CMatrixFixed<double, 3, 3>& M, const mrpt::math::CMatrixFixed<double, 3, 1>& mean ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE(CGridPlaneXY, CRenderizableShaderWireFrame, mrpt::opengl); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE(CGridPlaneXZ, CRenderizableShaderWireFrame, mrpt::opengl); mrpt::math::TPolygonWithPlane createPolygonFromTriangle(const std::pair<mrpt::opengl::TTriangle, CMesh::TTriangleVertexIndices>& p); bool sort_voxels_z( const COctoMapVoxels::TVoxel& a, const COctoMapVoxels::TVoxel& b ); static int sizeFromRatio( const int startCoord, const double dSize, const int iLength ); static int startFromRatio( const double frac, const int dSize ); bool getVerticesAndFaces( const vector<math::TPolygon3D>& polys, vector<TPoint3D>& vertices, vector<CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronFace>& faces ); bool analyzeJohnsonPartsString( const std::string& components, uint32_t numBaseEdges, vector<JohnsonBodyPart>& parts ); size_t additionalVertices( JohnsonBodyPart j, uint32_t numBaseEdges ); void insertCupola( size_t numBaseEdges, double angleShift, double baseRadius, double edgeLength, bool isRotated, bool isUpwards, size_t base, vector<TPoint3D>& verts, vector<CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronFace>& faces ); void insertRotunda( double angleShift, double baseRadius, bool isRotated, bool isUpwards, size_t base, vector<TPoint3D>& verts, vector<CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronFace>& faces ); size_t additionalFaces( JohnsonBodyPart j, uint32_t numBaseEdges ); bool faceContainsEdge( const CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronFace& f, const CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronEdge& e ); bool getPlanesIntersection( const vector<const TPlane*>& planes, TPoint3D& pnt ); bool searchForFace( const vector<CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronFace>& fs, uint32_t v1, uint32_t v2, uint32_t v3 ); bool searchForEdge( const vector<CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronEdge>& es, uint32_t v1, uint32_t v2, size_t& where ); bool searchForEdge( const vector<CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronFace>::const_iterator& begin, const vector<CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronFace>::const_iterator& end, uint32_t v1, uint32_t v2 ); double getHeight( const TPolygon3D& p, const TPoint3D& c ); static unsigned char* reserveDataBuffer( const size_t len, vector<unsigned char>& data ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CSetOfTriangles, CRenderizableShaderTriangles, mrpt::opengl ); PlyElement* find_element( PlyFile* plyfile, const std::string& s ); PlyProperty* find_property( PlyElement* elem, const std::string& s, int* index ); void write_scalar_type( FILE* fp, int code ); vector<string> get_words( FILE* fp, string& orig_line ); void write_binary_item( FILE* fp, int int_val, unsigned int, double double_val, int type ); void write_ascii_item( FILE* fp, int int_val, unsigned int, double double_val, int type ); void add_element( PlyFile* plyfile, const vector<string>& words ); void add_property( PlyFile* plyfile, const vector<string>& words ); void add_comment( PlyFile* plyfile, const string& line ); void add_obj_info( PlyFile* plyfile, const string& line ); void copy_property( PlyProperty* dest, const PlyProperty* src ); void store_item( char* item, int type, int int_val, unsigned int, double double_val ); void get_stored_item( void* ptr, int type, int* int_val, unsigned int* uint_val, double* double_val ); double get_item_value( const char*, int ); void get_ascii_item( const char* word, int type, int* int_val, unsigned int* uint_val, double* double_val ); int get_binary_item( FILE* fp, int bin_file_type, int type, int* int_val, unsigned int* uint_val, double* double_val ); void ascii_get_element( PlyFile* plyfile, char* elem_ptr ); void binary_get_element( PlyFile* plyfile, char* elem_ptr ); PlyFile* ply_write( FILE* fp, const vector<string>& elem_names, int file_type ); PlyFile* ply_open_for_writing( const char* name, const vector<string>& elem_names, int file_type, float* version ); void ply_describe_element( PlyFile* plyfile, const string& elem_name, int nelems, vector<PlyProperty>& prop_list ); void ply_describe_property( PlyFile* plyfile, const char* elem_name, const PlyProperty* prop ); void ply_element_count( PlyFile* plyfile, const string& elem_name, int nelems ); void ply_header_complete(PlyFile* plyfile); void ply_put_element_setup( PlyFile* plyfile, const string& elem_name ); void ply_put_element( PlyFile* plyfile, void* elem_ptr ); void ply_put_comment( PlyFile* plyfile, const string& comment ); void ply_put_obj_info( PlyFile* plyfile, const string& obj_info ); PlyFile* ply_read( FILE* fp, vector<string>& elem_names ); PlyFile* ply_open_for_reading( const char* filename, vector<string>& elem_names, int* file_type, float* version ); vector<PlyProperty> ply_get_element_description( PlyFile* plyfile, const string& elem_name, int& nelems, int& nprops ); void ply_get_property( PlyFile* plyfile, const string& elem_name, const PlyProperty* prop ); void ply_get_element( PlyFile* plyfile, void* elem_ptr ); void ply_get_comments( PlyFile* plyfile, vector<string>& comments ); void ply_get_obj_info( PlyFile* plyfile, vector<string>& obj_info ); void ply_close(PlyFile* plyfile); void ply_get_info( PlyFile* ply, float* version, int* file_type ); double get_item_value( char* item, int type ); int get_prop_type(const string& type_name); TEST( OpenGL, perspectiveMatrix ); TEST( OpenGL, orthoMatrix ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::poses, imSpline ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::poses, imLinear2Neig ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::poses, imLinear4Neig ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::poses, imSSLLLL ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::poses, imLinearSlerp ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::poses, imSplineSlerp ); template <class POSE_T> void readFileWithPoses( const std::string& fname, std::vector<POSE_T>* poses_vec, std::vector<mrpt::system::TTimeStamp>* timestamps = NULL, bool substract_init_offset = false ); TEST( CPoint, toFromString_2D ); TEST( CPoint, toFromString_3D ); TEST( CPose2DInterpolator, interp ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, DefaultValues ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, Initialization ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, OperatorBracket ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, InverseHM ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, Compose ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, composeFrom ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, ToFromCPose2D ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, ComposeAndInvComposeWithPoint ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, ComposePointJacob ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, ComposePointJacobApprox ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, InvComposePointJacob ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, ComposePointJacob_se3 ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, InvComposePointJacob_se3 ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, ExpLnEqual ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, Jacob_dExpe_de_at_0 ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, Jacob_dLnT_dT ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, Jacob_dexpeD_de ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, Jacob_dDexpe_de ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, Jacob_dAexpeD_de ); TEST( CPose3DInterpolator, interp ); template <class MAT33, class MAT66> void cov2to3( const MAT33& c2d, MAT66& c3d ); static void aux_posequat2poseypr( const CVectorFixedDouble<7>& x, ] const double& dummy, CVectorFixedDouble<6>& y ); TEST_F( Pose3DPDFGaussTests, ToQuatGaussPDFAndBack ); TEST_F( Pose3DPDFGaussTests, CompositionJacobian ); TEST_F( Pose3DPDFGaussTests, AllOperators ); TEST_F( Pose3DPDFGaussTests, ChangeCoordsRef ); TEST( CPose3DPDFGrid, uniformDistribution ); TEST( CPose3DPDFGrid, setManualPDF ); static void quat_vs_YPR( double yaw, double pitch, double roll, double qx, double qy, double qz, double qw, const std::string& sRotMat ); TEST( QuatTests, Quat_vs_YPR ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, FromYPRAndBack ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, UnaryInverse ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, CopyOperator ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, Compose ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, ComposeWithPoint ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, ComposeWithPointJacob ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, InvComposeWithPoint ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, InvComposeWithPointJacob ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, ComposeInvComposePoint ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, ComposePoint_vs_CPose3D ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, InvComposePoint_vs_CPose3D ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, SphericalCoordsJacobian ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, NormalizationJacobian ); void aux_poseypr2posequat( const CVectorFixedDouble<6>& x, ] const double& dummy, CVectorFixedDouble<7>& y ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatPDFGaussTests, ToYPRGaussPDFAndBack ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatPDFGaussTests, CompositionJacobian ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatPDFGaussTests, Inverse ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatPDFGaussTests, Composition ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatPDFGaussTests, InverseComposition ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatPDFGaussTests, ChangeCoordsRef ); poses::CPosePDFGaussian operator + (const mrpt::poses::CPose2D& A, const mrpt::poses::CPosePDFGaussian& B); TEST_F( PosePDFGaussTests, Inverse ); poses::CPosePDFGaussianInf operator + (const mrpt::poses::CPose2D& A, const mrpt::poses::CPosePDFGaussianInf& B); TEST( CPosePDFGrid, defaultCtor ); TEST( CPosePDFGrid, resize ); TEST( CPosePDFGrid, basicOps ); TEST_F( QuaternionTests, crossProduct ); TEST_F( QuaternionTests, gimbalLock ); TEST_F( QuaternionTests, ToYPRAndBack ); TEST_F( QuaternionTests, LnAndExpMatches ); TEST_F( QuaternionTests, ExpAndLnMatches ); TEST( CRobot2DPoseEstimator, defaultCtor ); TEST( CRobot2DPoseEstimator, extrapolateRobotPose ); TEST( CRobot2DPoseEstimator, integrateOdometryAndLocalization ); template <int DIM> void run_tf_test1(const mrpt::poses::CPose2D& A2B_); TEST( FrameTransformer, SimplePublishAndLookup ); TEST_F( SE3_traits_tests, SE3_jacobs_DinvP1InvP2 ); TEST_F( SE3_traits_tests, SE3_jacobs_dAB_dAB ); TEST_F( SE2_traits_tests, SE2_jacobs_DinvP1InvP2 ); TEST_F( SE2_traits_tests, SE2_jacobs_dAB_dAB ); template <typename VEC3, typename MAT3x3, typename MAT3x9> void M3x9( const VEC3& a, const MAT3x3& B, MAT3x9& RES ); void run_test_so2_avrg( const double* angs, const size_t N, const double ang_correct_avr ); TEST( SE2_SE3_avrg, SO2_average ); void run_test_so3_avrg( const double* angs, const size_t N, const mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble33& correct_avr ); TEST( SE2_SE3_avrg, SO3_average ); TEST( Random, Randomize ); TEST( Random, KnownSequence ); TEST( Random, drawGaussianMultivariateMany ); uint32_t hiBit(const uint32_t u); uint32_t loBit(const uint32_t u); uint32_t loBits(const uint32_t u); uint32_t mixBits( const uint32_t u, const uint32_t v ); uint32_t twist( const uint32_t m, const uint32_t s0, const uint32_t s1 ); void getEmptyRosMsg(nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid& msg); TEST( Map, basicTestHeader ); TEST( Map, check_ros2mrpt_and_back ); TEST( PoseConversions, copyMatrix3x3ToCMatrixDouble33 ); TEST( PoseConversions, copyCMatrixDouble33ToMatrix3x3 ); TEST( PoseConversions, reference_frame_change_with_rotations ); void check_CPose3D_tofrom_ROS( double x, double y, double z, double yaw, double pitch, double roll ); TEST( PoseConversions, check_CPose3D_tofrom_ROS ); TEST( PoseConversions, check_CPose2D_to_ROS ); TEST( Time, basicTest ); static std::string& ltrim(std::string& s); static std::string& rtrim(std::string& s); static std::string& trim(std::string& s); void do_register(); TEST( rtti, CObject_CLASSID ); TEST( rtti, MyDerived1_CLASSID ); TEST( rtti, Factory ); TEST( rtti, CreateSmartPointerTypes ); TEST( rtti, CListOfClasses ); TEST( Serialization, STL_stdvector ); TEST( Serialization, STL_stdmap ); TEST( Serialization, STL_complex_error_type ); TEST( Serialization, optional_STL ); CArchive& operator << ( CArchive& a, const Foo& f ); CArchive& operator >> ( CArchive& a, Foo& f ); TEST( Serialization, vector_custom_type ); TEST( Serialization, vector_shared_ptr ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CGridMapAligner, amRobustMatch ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CGridMapAligner, amCorrelation ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CGridMapAligner, amModifiedRANSAC ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(icpClassic); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(icpLevenbergMarquardt); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(icpCovLinealMSE); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(icpCovFiniteDifferences); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::slam, smMETRIC_MAP_MATCHING ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::slam, smOBSERVATION_OVERLAP ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::slam, smCUSTOM_FUNCTION ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(assocNN); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(assocJCBB); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(metricMaha); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(metricML); static bool myVectorOrder( const pair<size_t, float>& o1, const pair<size_t, float>& o2 ); TEST_F( ICPTests, AlignScans_icpClassic ); TEST_F( ICPTests, AlignScans_icpLevenbergMarquardt ); TEST_F( ICPTests, RayTracingICP3D ); static double eval_similarity_metric_map_matching( const CIncrementalMapPartitioner* parent, const map_keyframe_t& kf1, const map_keyframe_t& kf2, const mrpt::poses::CPose3D& relPose2wrt1 ); static double eval_similarity_observation_overlap( const map_keyframe_t& kf1, const map_keyframe_t& kf2, const mrpt::poses::CPose3D& relPose2wrt1 ); TEST( CIncrementalMapPartitioner, test_dataset ); void run_test_pf_localization( CPose2D& meanPose, CMatrixDouble33& cov ); TEST( MonteCarlo2D, RunSampleDataset ); TEST( DataAssociation, TestNoICs ); bool ransac_data_assoc_run(); TEST( tfest, ransac_data_assoc ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(LVL_DEBUG); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(LVL_INFO); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(LVL_WARN); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(LVL_ERROR); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_CUSTOM_NAME( LVL_DEBUG, "DEBUG" ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_CUSTOM_NAME( LVL_INFO, "INFO" ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_CUSTOM_NAME( LVL_WARN, "WARN" ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_CUSTOM_NAME( LVL_ERROR, "ERROR" ); TEST( Base64, RandomEncDec ); bool cmpFileEntriesName_Asc( const CDirectoryExplorer::TFileInfo& a, const CDirectoryExplorer::TFileInfo& b ); bool cmpFileEntriesName_Desc( const CDirectoryExplorer::TFileInfo& a, const CDirectoryExplorer::TFileInfo& b ); template <typename T, typename... U> size_t getAddress(std::function<T(U...)> f); unsigned long CRC32Value( int i, const uint32_t CRC32_POLYNOMIAL ); TEST( crc, crc32 ); std::string aux_format_string_multilines( const std::string& s, const size_t len ); static void doTimLogEntry( mrpt::system::CTimeLogger& tl, const char* name, const int ms ); TEST( CTimeLogger, getLastTime ); TEST( CTimeLogger, getMeanTime ); TEST( CTimeLogger, printStats ); TEST( CTimeLogger, printStatsFaulty ); static unsigned int calcSecFractions(const uint64_t tmp); TEST( DateTime, dateTimeVsClock ); TEST( DateTime, time_t_forth_back ); TEST( DateTime, fixed_date_check ); TEST( DateTime, double_to_from ); TEST( DateTime, timestampAdd ); TEST( FileSystem, fileNameChangeExtension ); TEST( FileSystem, extractFileExtension ); TEST( FileSystem, extractFileDirectory ); TEST( FileSystem, extractFileName ); TEST( FileSystem, filePathSeparatorsToNative ); std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& out, MD5 md5 ); void my_aux_sighandler(int); int myKbhit(); template void mrpt::system::tokenize< std::deque< std::string > >( const std::string& inString, const std::string& inDelimiters, std::deque<std::string>& outTokens, bool skipBlankTokens ); template void mrpt::system::tokenize< std::vector< std::string > >( const std::string& inString, const std::string& inDelimiters, std::vector<std::string>& outTokens, bool skipBlankTokens ); template <typename STRING_LIST> static void impl_stringListAsString( const STRING_LIST& lst, std::string& outText, const std::string& newline ); TEST( thread_name, set_get_current_thread ); static void testerThread(const std::string& myName); TEST( thread_name, set_get_other_thread ); static mrpt::tfest::internal::se2_l2_impl_return_t<float> se2_l2_impl(const TMatchingPairList& in_correspondences); void markAsPicked( const TMatchingPair& c, std::vector<bool>& alreadySelectedThis, std::vector<bool>& alreadySelectedOther ); static bool se3_l2_internal( std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D>& points_this, std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D>& points_other, mrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat& out_transform, double& out_scale, bool forceScaleToUnity ); CPose3DQuat generate_points( TPoints& pA, TPoints& pB ); template <typename T> void generate_list_of_points( const TPoints& pA, const TPoints& pB, TMatchingPairListTempl<T>& list ); void generate_vector_of_points( const TPoints& pA, const TPoints& pB, vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D>& ptsA, vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D>& ptsB ); template <typename T> void se3_l2_MatchList_test(); TEST( tfest, se3_l2_MatchList_float ); TEST( tfest, se3_l2_MatchList_double ); TEST( tfest, se3_l2_PtsLists ); TEST( tfest, se3_l2_robust ); void do_test_geodetic_geocentric(const TGeodeticCoords c1); TEST( TopographyConversion, GeodeticToGeocentricToGeodetic ); TEST( TopographyConversion, geodeticToENU_WGS84 ); template <class T> std::set<T> make_set( const T& v0, const T& v1 ); TEST( TopographyReconstructPathFrom3RTK, sampleDataset ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( TestColors, Black ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( TestColors, Gray ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( TestColors, White ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(North); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(East); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(South); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(West); TEST( TEnumType, str2value ); TEST( TEnumType, value2str ); TEST( StaticString, ctor ); TEST( StaticString, concat_literals ); TEST( StaticString, concat_multi ); TEST( num_to_string, ctor ); DECLARE_CUSTOM_TTYPENAME(MyFooClass); DECLARE_CUSTOM_TTYPENAME(MyNS::MyBarClass); TEST( TTypeName, types2str ); TEST( TTypeName, types2str_shared_ptr ); TEST( TTypeName, types2stdstring ); constexpr int foo_i_below_10(unsigned i); TEST( XAssert, build_time ); template <bool POSES_INVERSE> void reprojectionResidualsElement( const TCamera& camera_params, const TFeatureObservation& OBS, std::array<double, 2>& out_residual, const TFramePosesVec::value_type& frame, const TLandmarkLocationsVec::value_type& point, double& sum, const bool use_robust_kernel, const double kernel_param, double* out_kernel_1st_deriv ); static void extractLines_CannyHough( const cv::Mat& canny_image, const std::vector<cv::Vec2f> lines, std::vector<cv::Vec4i>& segments, size_t threshold ); bool find_chessboard_corners_multiple( const CImage& img_, CvSize pattern_size, std::vector<std::vector<CvPoint2D32f>>& out_corners ); bool do_special_dilation( CImage& thresh_img, const int dilations, IplConvKernel* kernel_cross, IplConvKernel* kernel_rect, IplConvKernel* kernel_diag1, IplConvKernel* kernel_diag2, IplConvKernel* kernel_horz, IplConvKernel* kernel_vert ); int cvFindChessboardCorners3( const CImage& img_, CvSize pattern_size, std::vector<CvPoint2D32f>& out_corners ); double triangleArea( double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 ); double median(const std::vector<double>& vec); void icvCleanFoundConnectedQuads( std::vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& quad_group, const CvSize& pattern_size ); void icvFindConnectedQuads( std::vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& quad, std::vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& out_group, const int group_idx, ] const int dilation ); void mrLabelQuadGroup( std::vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& quad_group, const CvSize& pattern_size, bool firstRun ); void mrFindQuadNeighbors2( std::vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& quads, int dilation ); int mrAugmentBestRun( std::vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& new_quads, int new_dilation, std::vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& old_quads, int old_dilation ); int icvGenerateQuads( vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& out_quads, vector<CvCBCorner::Ptr>& out_corners, const CImage& image, int flags, ] int dilation, bool firstRun ); int myQuads2Points( const std::vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& output_quads, const CvSize& pattern_size, std::vector<CvPoint2D32f>& out_corners ); void quadListMakeUnique(std::vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& quads); int cvFindChessboardCorners3( const mrpt::img::CImage& img_, CvSize pattern_size, std::vector<CvPoint2D32f>& out_corners ); bool find_chessboard_corners_multiple( const mrpt::img::CImage& img_, CvSize pattern_size, std::vector<std::vector<CvPoint2D32f>>& out_corners ); int icvGenerateQuads( std::vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& quads, std::vector<CvCBCorner::Ptr>& corners, const mrpt::img::CImage& img, int flags, int dilation, bool firstRun ); void mrFindQuadNeighbors2( std::vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& quads, int dilation ); int mrAugmentBestRun( std::vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& new_quads, int new_dilation, std::vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& old_quads, int old_dilation ); void icvFindConnectedQuads( std::vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& in_quads, std::vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& out_quad_group, const int group_idx, const int dilation ); void mrLabelQuadGroup( std::vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& quad_group, const CvSize& pattern_size, bool firstRun ); void icvCleanFoundConnectedQuads( std::vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& quads, const CvSize& pattern_size ); int myQuads2Points( const std::vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& output_quads, const CvSize& pattern_size, std::vector<CvPoint2D32f>& out_corners ); void quadListMakeUnique(std::vector<CvCBQuad::Ptr>& quads); bool do_special_dilation( mrpt::img::CImage& thresh_img, const int dilations, IplConvKernel* kernel_cross, IplConvKernel* kernel_rect, IplConvKernel* kernel_diag1, IplConvKernel* kernel_diag2, IplConvKernel* kernel_horz, IplConvKernel* kernel_vert ); static void jacob_db_dp( const TPoint3D& p, mrpt::math::CMatrixFixed<double, 2, 3>& G ); static void jacob_dh_db_and_dh_dc( const TPoint3D& nP, const mrpt::math::CVectorFixedDouble<9>& c, mrpt::math::CMatrixFixed<double, 2, 2>& Hb, mrpt::math::CMatrixFixed<double, 2, 9>& Hc ); static void jacob_deps_D_p_deps( const TPoint3D& p_D, mrpt::math::CMatrixFixed<double, 3, 6>& dpl_del ); static void jacob_dA_eps_D_p_deps( const CPose3D& A, const CPose3D& D, const TPoint3D& p, mrpt::math::CMatrixFixed<double, 3, 6>& dp_deps ); static void project_point( const mrpt::math::TPoint3D& P, const mrpt::img::TCamera& params, const mrpt::math::TPose3D& cameraPose, mrpt::img::TPixelCoordf& px ); images resize(NUM_IMGS); for(); EXPECT_LT( out. final_rmse, 3. 0 ); EXPECT_GT( out. final_iters, 10UL ); EXPECT_NEAR( out.cam_params.rightCameraPose. x, 0. 1194, 0. 005 ); EXPECT_EQ( out.image_pair_was_used. size (), NUM_IMGS ); template <bool FASTLOAD> bool buildPyramid_templ( CImagePyramid& obj, mrpt::img::CImage& img, const size_t nOctaves, const bool smooth_halves, const bool convert_grayscale ); static void do_rectify( const CStereoRectifyMap& me, const cv::Mat& src_left, const cv::Mat& src_right, cv::Mat& out_left, cv::Mat& out_right, int16_t* map_xl, int16_t* map_xr, uint16_t* map_yl, uint16_t* map_yr, int interp_method ); int solve_deg2( double a, double b, double c, double& x1, double& x2 ); int solve_deg3(double a, double b, double c, double d, double& x0, double& x1, double& x2); int solve_deg4( double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double& x0, double& x1, double& x2, double& x3 ); int solve_deg2( double a, double b, double c, double& x1, double& x2 ); int solve_deg3(double a, double b, double c, double d, double& x0, double& x1, double& x2); int solve_deg4( double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double& x0, double& x1, double& x2, double& x3 ); // macros #define ADD_COLOR_MAP(c) #define APPERTURE #define APPERTURE #define APPERTURE #define ARC_ANNOTATION_DELTA #define ARC_ANNOTATION_DELTA_SRC_POSEID #define ARC_ANNOTATION_DELTA_TRG_POSEID #define ARC_TYPES #define AREAID_INVALID #define ASRT_FAIL( \ __CONDITIONSTR, \ __A, \ __B, \ __ASTR, \ __BSTR \ ) #define ASSERTDEBMSG_( \ f, \ __ERROR_MSG \ ) #define ASSERTDEB_(f) #define ASSERTDEB_EQUAL_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERTDEB_GE_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERTDEB_GT_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERTDEB_LE_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERTDEB_LT_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERTDEB_NOT_EQUAL_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERTMSG_( \ f, \ __ERROR_MSG \ ) #define ASSERT_(f) #define ASSERT_ABOVEEQ_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERT_ABOVE_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERT_BELOWEQ_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERT_BELOW_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERT_DIRECTORY_EXISTS_(DIR) #define ASSERT_EQUAL_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERT_FILE_EXISTS_(FIL) #define ASSERT_GE_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERT_GT_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERT_LE_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERT_LT_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERT_NEAR_( \ __A, \ __B, \ __TOLERANCE \ ) #define ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define BIG_STRING #define BUFFER_OFFSET(offset) #define BUILD_128BIT_CONST( \ _name, \ B0, \ B1, \ B2, \ B3, \ B4, \ B5, \ B6, \ B7, \ B8, \ B9, \ B10, \ B11, \ B12, \ B13, \ B14, \ B15 \ ) #define CALIB_DECIMAT #define CARCHIVE_VERBOSE #define CASCADE #define CASCADE_CONST #define CHECK_AND_RET_ERROR( \ _COND_, \ _MSG_ \ ) #define CHECK_AND_RET_ERROR( \ _COND_, \ _MSG_ \ ) #define CHECK_AND_RET_ERROR( \ _COND_, \ _MSG_ \ ) #define CHECK_AND_RET_ERROR( \ _COND_, \ _MSG_ \ ) #define CHECK_FC2_ERROR(_err) #define CHECK_MEMBER(_m) #define CHECK_TRICLOPS_ERROR(_err) #define CLASS_ID(T) #define CLASS_ID_NAMESPACE( \ class_name, \ namespaceName \ ) #define CLASS_ID_TEMPLATE( \ class_name, \ T \ ) #define COMMON_PTG_DESIGN_PARAMS #define COMMON_TOPOLOG_HYP #define COPY_MEMBER(_m) #define CV_PI #define C_MAX_BLOCKS_IN_MCU #define DCTSIZE #define DCTSIZE2 #define DECLARE_CUSTOM_TTYPENAME(_TYPE) #define DECLARE_MEXPLUS_FROM(complete_type) #define DECLARE_MEX_CONVERSION #define DECLARE_TTYPENAME_CLASSNAME(_CLASSNAME) #define DEFAULT_ARC_TYPE #define DEFAULT_LOGLVL_MRPT_UNSCOPED #define DEFAULT_NODE_TYPE #define DEFINE_GENERIC_SENSOR(class_name) #define DEFINE_SCHEMA_SERIALIZABLE() #define DEFINE_SERIALIZABLE( \ class_name, \ NS \ ) #define DEFINE_VIRTUAL_MRPT_OBJECT(class_name) #define DEFINE_VIRTUAL_SERIALIZABLE(class_name) #define DEF_TYPESTR(_NAME) #define DEG2RAD #define DOFOR(_MSG_ID) #define DO_MATDYN_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATDYN_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATDYN_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATDYN_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATDYN_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATDYN_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_RECURSE_CHILD( \ INDEX, \ SEQ0, \ SEQ1, \ SEQ2, \ SEQ3, \ SEQ4, \ SEQ5, \ SEQ6, \ SEQ7 \ ) #define DO_VECDYN_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_VECDYN_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_VECFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_VECFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_VECFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_ \ ) #define DO_VECFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_ \ ) #define DUMP_IMU_DATA(x) #define D_MAX_BLOCKS_IN_MCU #define EPSILON_LHM #define EXPLICIT_INSTANT_ransac_detect_2D_lines(_TYPE_) #define EXPLICIT_INST_ransac_detect_3D_planes(_TYPE_) #define F5(t) #define FC2_BUF_IMG #define FC2_CAM #define FC2_CAM_INFO #define FILE_ATTRIB_ARCHIVE #define FILE_ATTRIB_DIRECTORY #define FILL_JOINT_DATA( \ _J1, \ _J2 \ ) #define FRBITS #define GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES #define GNSS_BINARY_MSG_DEFINITION_END #define GNSS_BINARY_MSG_DEFINITION_MID #define GNSS_BINARY_MSG_DEFINITION_MID_END #define GNSS_BINARY_MSG_DEFINITION_START(_MSG_ID) #define GNSS_MESSAGE_BINARY_BLOCK( \ DATA_PTR, \ DATA_LEN \ ) #define GRAPHS_TESTS(_TYPE) #define HAVE_BOOLEAN #define HAVE_OPENCV_WITH_LATCH #define HAVE_OPENCV_WITH_LSD #define HAVE_OPENCV_WITH_SURF #define HEADER_PIXEL( \ data, \ pixel \ ) #define IMAGE_ALLOC_PERFLOG #define IMPLEMENTS_GENERIC_SENSOR( \ class_name, \ NameSpace \ ) #define IMPLEMENTS_MEXPLUS_FROM(complete_type) #define IMPLEMENTS_MRPT_OBJECT( \ class_name, \ base, \ NameSpace \ ) #define IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( \ class_name, \ base, \ NameSpace \ ) #define IMPLEMENTS_VIRTUAL_MRPT_OBJECT( \ class_name, \ base, \ NS \ ) #define IMPLEMENTS_VIRTUAL_SERIALIZABLE( \ class_name, \ base_class, \ NS \ ) #define IMPLEMENTS_VIRTUAL_SERIALIZABLE_NS_PREFIX( \ class_name, \ base_class, \ NS \ ) #define INPUT_BUF_SIZE #define INT16_MAX #define INT16_MIN #define INT8_MAX #define INT8_MIN #define INTERNAL_IMPLEMENTS_MRPT_OBJECT( \ class_name, \ base, \ NameSpace, \ class_registry_name \ ) #define INTERNAL_IMPLEMENTS_VIRTUAL_MRPT_OBJECT( \ class_name, \ base_name, \ NS, \ registered_name \ ) #define INTERNAL_MRPT_LOG( \ _LVL, \ _STRING \ ) #define INTERNAL_MRPT_LOG_FMT( \ _LVL, \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define INTERNAL_MRPT_LOG_ONCE( \ _LVL, \ _STRING \ ) #define INTERNAL_MRPT_LOG_STREAM( \ _LVL, \ __CONTENTS \ ) #define INTERNAL_MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE( \ _LVL, \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _STRING \ ) #define INTERNAL_MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_FMT( \ _LVL, \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define INTERNAL_MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_STREAM( \ _LVL, \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ __CONTENTS \ ) #define INTPRECNUMBIT #define INVALID_BEACON_ID #define INVALID_LANDMARK_ID #define INVALID_LIKELIHOOD_VALUE #define INVALID_NODEID #define INVALID_SOCKET #define INVALID_SOCKET #define INVALID_TIMESTAMP #define INV_POSES_BOOL #define IS_CLASS( \ obj, \ class_name \ ) #define IS_DERIVED( \ obj, \ class_name \ ) #define JDCT_DEFAULT #define JDCT_FASTEST #define JMSG_LENGTH_MAX #define JMSG_STR_PARM_MAX #define JPEG_APP0 #define JPEG_COM #define JPEG_EOI #define JPEG_HEADER_OK #define JPEG_HEADER_TABLES_ONLY #define JPEG_LIB_VERSION #define JPEG_REACHED_EOI #define JPEG_REACHED_SOS #define JPEG_ROW_COMPLETED #define JPEG_RST0 #define JPEG_SCAN_COMPLETED #define JPEG_SUSPENDED #define JPOOL_IMAGE #define JPOOL_NUMPOOLS #define JPOOL_PERMANENT #define JPP(arglist) #define KINECT_H #define KINECT_RANGES_TABLE_LEN #define KINECT_RANGES_TABLE_MASK #define KINECT_W #define KM_ASSERT(expression) #define LIK_LF_CACHE_INVALID #define LIST_ALL_MSGS #define LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR( \ variableName, \ variableType \ ) #define LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR_DEG(variableName) #define LOAD_FONT(FONTNAME) #define LOG( \ verbose, \ text \ ) #define LOOP_MAX_COUNT #define LUT_TABLE #define MAKEWORD16B( \ __LOBYTE, \ __HILOBYTE \ ) #define MAKEWORD32B( \ __LOWORD16, \ __HIWORD16 \ ) #define MAKEWORD64B( \ __LOWORD32, \ __HIWORD32 \ ) #define MAP_DEFINITION_END(_CLASS_NAME_) #define MAP_DEFINITION_REGISTER( \ _CLASSNAME_STRINGS, \ _CLASSNAME_WITH_NS \ ) #define MAP_DEFINITION_START(_CLASS_NAME_) #define MASK2BYTES #define MASK3BYTES #define MASK4BYTES #define MASK5BYTES #define MASK6BYTES #define MASKBITS #define MASKBYTE #define MAX_COMPS_IN_SCAN #define MAX_CONTOUR_APPROX #define MAX_SAMP_FACTOR #define MAX_USERS #define MCP_LOAD_OPT( \ paramsVariable__, \ keyproxiedMapEntryName__ \ ) #define MCP_LOAD_OPT_DEG( \ paramsVariable__, \ keyproxiedMapEntryName__ \ ) #define MCP_LOAD_REQ( \ paramsVariable__, \ keyproxiedMapEntryName__ \ ) #define MCP_LOAD_REQ_DEG( \ paramsVariable__, \ keyproxiedMapEntryName__ \ ) #define MCP_SAVE( \ paramsVariable__, \ keyproxiedMapEntryName__ \ ) #define MCP_SAVE_DEG( \ paramsVariable__, \ keyproxiedMapEntryName__ \ ) #define MRPT_CHECK_GCC_VERSION( \ major, \ minor \ ) #define MRPT_CHECK_NORMAL_NUMBER(v) #define MRPT_CHECK_VISUALC_VERSION(major) #define MRPT_DAQmxCfgInputBuffer #define MRPT_DAQmxCfgOutputBuffer #define MRPT_DAQmxCfgSampClkTiming #define MRPT_DAQmxClearTask #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateAIVoltageChan #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateAOVoltageChan #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateCIAngEncoderChan #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateCICountEdgesChan #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateCILinEncoderChan #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateCIPeriodChan #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateCIPulseWidthChan #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateCOPulseChanFreq #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateDIChan #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateDOChan #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateTask #define MRPT_DAQmxGetExtendedErrorInfo #define MRPT_DAQmxReadAnalogF64 #define MRPT_DAQmxReadCounterF64 #define MRPT_DAQmxReadDigitalU8 #define MRPT_DAQmxStartTask #define MRPT_DAQmxStopTask #define MRPT_DAQmxWriteAnalogF64 #define MRPT_DAQmxWriteDigitalLines #define MRPT_DAQmxWriteDigitalU32 #define MRPT_DAQmx_ErrChk(functionCall) #define MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME(_TYPE) #define MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME_CONTAINER(_CONTAINER) #define MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME_CONTAINER_ASSOC(_CONTAINER) #define MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME_CONTAINER_FIX_SIZE(_CONTAINER) #define MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME_NAMESPACE( \ _TYPE, \ __NS \ ) #define MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME_NO_NAMESPACE( \ _TYPE, \ __NS \ ) #define MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME_PTR(_TYPE) #define MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME_PTR_NAMESPACE( \ _TYPE, \ __NS \ ) #define MRPT_END #define MRPT_END_WITH_CLEAN_UP(stuff) #define MRPT_ENUM_TYPE_BEGIN(_ENUM_TYPE_WITH_NS) #define MRPT_ENUM_TYPE_BEGIN_NAMESPACE( \ _NAMESPACE, \ _ENUM_TYPE_WITH_NS \ ) #define MRPT_ENUM_TYPE_END() #define MRPT_FILL_ENUM(_X) #define MRPT_FILL_ENUM_CUSTOM_NAME( \ _X, \ _NAME \ ) #define MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( \ _CLASS, \ _VALUE \ ) #define MRPT_FORCE_INLINE #define MRPT_HAS_OPENCV #define MRPT_HAS_SOME_NIDAQMX #define MRPT_INITIALIZER(f) #define MRPT_LIKELY(EXPR) #define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_CAST( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ variableTypeCast, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_CAST_NO_DEFAULT( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ variableTypeCast, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_CS( \ variableName, \ variableType \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_DEGREES( \ variableName, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_DEGREES_NO_DEFAULT( \ variableName, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_DEGREESf( \ variableName, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_NO_DEFAULT( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_REQUIRED_CS( \ variableName, \ variableType \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_HERE_CONFIG_VAR( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ targetVariable, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_HERE_CONFIG_VAR_CAST( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ variableTypeCast, \ targetVariable, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_HERE_CONFIG_VAR_CAST_NO_DEFAULT( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ variableTypeCast, \ targetVariable, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_HERE_CONFIG_VAR_DEGREES( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ targetVariable, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_HERE_CONFIG_VAR_DEGREES_NO_DEFAULT( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ targetVariable, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_HERE_CONFIG_VAR_NO_DEFAULT( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ targetVariable, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_DEBUG(_STRING) #define MRPT_LOG_DEBUG_FMT( \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_DEBUG_STREAM(__CONTENTS) #define MRPT_LOG_ERROR(_STRING) #define MRPT_LOG_ERROR_FMT( \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_ERROR_STREAM(__CONTENTS) #define MRPT_LOG_INFO(_STRING) #define MRPT_LOG_INFO_FMT( \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_INFO_STREAM(__CONTENTS) #define MRPT_LOG_ONCE_DEBUG(_STRING) #define MRPT_LOG_ONCE_ERROR(_STRING) #define MRPT_LOG_ONCE_INFO(_STRING) #define MRPT_LOG_ONCE_WARN(_STRING) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_DEBUG( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _STRING \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_DEBUG_FMT( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_DEBUG_STREAM( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ __CONTENTS \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_ERROR( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _STRING \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_ERROR_FMT( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_ERROR_STREAM( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ __CONTENTS \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_INFO( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _STRING \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_INFO_FMT( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_INFO_STREAM( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ __CONTENTS \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_WARN( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _STRING \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_WARN_FMT( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_WARN_STREAM( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ __CONTENTS \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_WARN(_STRING) #define MRPT_LOG_WARN_FMT( \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_WARN_STREAM(__CONTENTS) #define MRPT_MATRIX_CONSTRUCTORS_FROM_POSES(_CLASS_) #define MRPT_READ_POD( \ _STREAM, \ _VARIABLE \ ) #define MRPT_SAVE_CONFIG_VAR( \ variableName, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_SAVE_CONFIG_VAR_COMMENT( \ variableName, \ __comment \ ) #define MRPT_SAVE_CONFIG_VAR_DEGREES( \ variableName, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_SAVE_CONFIG_VAR_DEGREES_COMMENT( \ __entryName, \ __variable, \ __comment \ ) #define MRPT_START #define MRPT_THROW_UNKNOWN_SERIALIZATION_VERSION(__V) #define MRPT_TODO(x) #define MRPT_TRY_END #define MRPT_TRY_END_WITH_CLEAN_UP(stuff) #define MRPT_TRY_START #define MRPT_UNSCOPED_LOGGER_END #define MRPT_UNSCOPED_LOGGER_START #define MRPT_USE_NIDAQMX #define MRPT_USE_NIDAQMXBASE #define MRPT_VISUALC_VERSION(major) #define MRPT_WARNING(x) #define MRPT_X_ASSERT(CHECK) #define MSG_SOURCE_AA #define MSG_SOURCE_LSLAM #define MY_LOAD_HERE_CONFIG_VAR( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ targetVariable, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MY_LOAD_HERE_CONFIG_VAR_NO_DEFAULT( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ targetVariable, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define M_2PI #define M_2PIf #define M_2PIl #define M_DUO_PTR #define M_DUO_VALUE #define M_PI #define M_PIf #define M_PIl #define NANOGUI_END_TRY(_parentWindowRef_) #define NANOGUI_START_TRY #define NODE_ANNOTATION_METRIC_MAPS #define NODE_ANNOTATION_PLACE_POSE #define NODE_ANNOTATION_POSES_GRAPH #define NODE_ANNOTATION_REF_POSEID #define NODE_TYPES #define NUM_ARITH_TBLS #define NUM_ASYMPTOTIC_TERMS #define NUM_HUFF_TBLS #define NUM_JOINTS #define NUM_LINES #define NUM_QUANT_TBLS #define N_CIRCULOS #define OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE #define PLY_ASCII #define PLY_BINARY_BE #define PLY_BINARY_LE #define POINT_COLOR #define POSEID_INVALID #define POSE_COLOR #define PRINT_JOINT(_J) #define PROJ_SUB_NODE(POSTFIX) #define PROJ_SUB_NODE_ALREADY_DONE( \ INDEX, \ POSTFIX \ ) #define RAD2DEG #define RAWDAQ_SHOW_FIRSTS(_VEC) #define READ_DOUBLE_CHECK_IT_MATCHES_STORED(_VAR) #define READ_FLOAT_CHECK_IT_MATCHES_STORED(_VAR) #define READ_JOINT(_J) #define READ_UINT16_CHECK_IT_MATCHES_STORED(_VAR) #define REQUIRES(...) #define RET_ERROR(msg) #define RET_ERROR(msg) #define S11 #define S12 #define S13 #define S14 #define S21 #define S22 #define S23 #define S24 #define S31 #define S32 #define S33 #define S34 #define S41 #define S42 #define S43 #define S44 #define SAVE_MATRIX(M) #define SCHEMA_DESERIALIZE_DATATYPE_VERSION() #define SCHEMA_SERIALIZE_DATATYPE_VERSION(ser_version) #define SELBYTE0(v) #define SELBYTE1(v) #define SELBYTE2(v) #define SELBYTE3(v) #define SENSOR_CLASS_ID(class_name) #define SENSOR_IS_CLASS( \ ptrObj, \ class_name \ ) #define STATS_EXPERIMENT #define STATS_EXPERIMENT_ALSO_NC #define TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(_classname) #define TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(_classname) #define THE_CAMERA #define THE_CONTEXT #define THROW_EXCEPTION(msg) #define THROW_EXCEPTION_FMT( \ _FORMAT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define THROW_TYPED_EXCEPTION( \ msg, \ exceptionClass \ ) #define THROW_TYPED_EXCEPTION_FMT( \ exceptionClass, \ _FORMAT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define TIMECONV_JULIAN_DATE_START_OF_GPS_TIME #define TIMEVAL_NUMS #define TIMEVAL_NUMS_CONST #define TOL_LHM #define TRI_CONTEXT #define TST_FOR_TYPE(__TSTTYPE) #define TST_FOR_TYPE2( \ __TSTTYPE, \ __TSTTYPE2ndpart \ ) #define TwoPi #define VERBOSE_COUT #define VIS #define WRITE_JOINT(_J) #define WX_END_TRY #define WX_START_TRY #define _MRPT_AUXTOSTR(__AA) #define __CURRENT_FUNCTION_NAME__ #define __has_builtin(x) #define __has_extension #define __has_feature(x) #define _access #define _rmdir #define _stat #define int_x2idx(_X) #define int_y2idx(_Y) #define isense_handles #define jpeg_common_fields #define jpeg_create_compress(cinfo) #define jpeg_create_decompress(cinfo) #define mpLEGEND_LINEWIDTH #define mpLEGEND_MARGIN #define mpLN10 #define mpMIN_X_AXIS_LABEL_SEPARATION #define mpMIN_Y_AXIS_LABEL_SEPARATION #define mpSCROLL_NUM_PIXELS_PER_LINE #define mrpt_alloca(nBytes) #define mrpt_alloca_free(mem_block) #define mrpt_jpeg_source_mgr #define myRGB( \ r, \ g, \ b \ ) #define skl_states #define user_tracker #define wxFONTFAMILY_TELETYPE #define wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD
typedef struct mxArray_tag mxArray
Forward declaration for mxArray (avoid #including as much as possible to speed up compiling)
Global Variables¶
static std::array<mrpt::system::TConsoleColor, NUMBER_OF_VERBOSITY_LEVELS> logging_levels_to_colors = { CONCOL_BLUE, CONCOL_NORMAL, CONCOL_GREEN, CONCOL_RED }
Implementation file for the COutputLogger header class.
Global Functions¶
IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE(CHolonomicND, CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod, mrpt::nav)
Initialize the parameters of the navigator, from some configuration file, or default values if filename is set to NULL.
bool TIMECONV_GetUTCTimeFromJulianDate(const double julian_date, mrpt::system::TTimeParts& utc)
Number of days since noon Universal Time Jan 1, 4713 BCE (Julian calendar) [days].
static double HDL32AdjustTimeStamp(int firingblock, int dsr)
static double VLP16AdjustTimeStamp( int firingblock, int dsr, int firingwithinblock )
IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE(CGridPlaneXY, CRenderizableShaderWireFrame, mrpt::opengl)
IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE(CGridPlaneXZ, CRenderizableShaderWireFrame, mrpt::opengl)
poses::CPosePDFGaussian operator + (const mrpt::poses::CPose2D& A, const mrpt::poses::CPosePDFGaussian& B)
Returns the Gaussian distribution of \(\mathbf{C}\), for \(\mathbf{C} = \mathbf{A} \oplus \mathbf{B}\).
poses::CPosePDFGaussianInf operator + (const mrpt::poses::CPose2D& A, const mrpt::poses::CPosePDFGaussianInf& B)
Returns the Gaussian distribution of \(\mathbf{C}\), for \(\mathbf{C} = \mathbf{A} \oplus \mathbf{B}\).
void my_aux_sighandler(int)
By ninjalj in
int solve_deg3( double a, double b, double c, double d, double& x0, double& x1, double& x2 )
Reference : Eric W.
Weisstein. “Cubic Equation.” From MathWorld A Wolfram Web Resource.
Number of real roots found.
int solve_deg4( double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double& x0, double& x1, double& x2, double& x3 )
Reference : Eric W.
Weisstein. “Quartic Equation.” From MathWorld A Wolfram Web Resource.
Number of real roots found.
int solve_deg3( double a, double b, double c, double d, double& x0, double& x1, double& x2 )
Reference : Eric W.
Weisstein. “Cubic Equation.” From MathWorld A Wolfram Web Resource.
Number of real roots found.
int solve_deg4( double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double& x0, double& x1, double& x2, double& x3 )
Reference : Eric W.
Weisstein. “Quartic Equation.” From MathWorld A Wolfram Web Resource.
Number of real roots found.
#define ARC_TYPES
Used in constructor of mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc.
#define ASSERTMSG_(f, __ERROR_MSG)
Throws a stacked exception if condition “f” is false; with custom message.
See also:
#define ASSERT_(f)
Throws a stacked exception if condition “f” is false.
See also:
#define ASSERT_EQUAL_(__A, __B)
Assert comparing two values, reporting their actual values upon failure.
#define ASSERT_GE_(__A, __B)
Checks A>=B.
#define ASSERT_GT_(__A, __B)
Checks A>B.
#define ASSERT_LE_(__A, __B)
Checks A<=B.
#define ASSERT_LT_(__A, __B)
Checks A<B.
#define ASSERT_NEAR_(__A, __B, __TOLERANCE)
Checks two float/double values, reporting their values upon failure.
#define CLASS_ID(T)
Access to runtime class ID for a defined class name.
Identical to MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME but intended for user code.
MUST be placed at the GLOBAL namespace. Can be used for types declared at the global or within some namespace. Just write the full namespace path as _TYPE
argument here.
See also:
#define DECLARE_MEXPLUS_FROM(complete_type)
This must be inserted if a custom conversion method for MEX API is implemented in the class.
This must be inserted if a custom conversion method for MEX API is implemented in the class.
Like DECLARE_CUSTOM_TTYPENAME(), but for use within the class declaration body.
It has the advantage of not requiring macros/definitions out of the original class namespace.
See also:
#define DEFINE_GENERIC_SENSOR(class_name)
This declaration must be inserted in all CGenericSensor classes definition, within the class declaration.
This declaration must be inserted in all CSerializable classes definition, within the class declaration.
#define DEFINE_SERIALIZABLE(class_name, NS)
This declaration must be inserted in all CSerializable classes definition, within the class declaration.
#define DEFINE_VIRTUAL_MRPT_OBJECT(class_name)
This declaration must be inserted in virtual CObject classes definition:
This declaration must be inserted in virtual CSerializable classes definition:
#define IMPLEMENTS_GENERIC_SENSOR(class_name, NameSpace)
This must be inserted in all CGenericSensor classes implementation files:
#define IMPLEMENTS_MRPT_OBJECT(class_name, base, NameSpace)
Must be added to all CObject-derived classes implementation file.
This registers class ns1::Foo as “ns1::Foo”.
#define IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE(class_name, base, NameSpace)
To be added to all CSerializable-classes implementation files.
This registers the class name with the NameSpace prefix.
#define IMPLEMENTS_VIRTUAL_SERIALIZABLE(class_name, base_class, NS)
This must be inserted as implementation of some required members for virtual CSerializable classes:
#define INTERNAL_IMPLEMENTS_VIRTUAL_MRPT_OBJECT( \ class_name, \ base_name, \ NS, \ registered_name \ )
This must be inserted as implementation of some required members for virtual CObject classes:
#define IS_CLASS(obj, class_name)
True if the given reference to object (derived from mrpt::rtti::CObject) is of the given class.
#define IS_DERIVED(obj, class_name)
True if the given reference to object (derived from mrpt::rtti::CObject) is an instance of the given class OR any of its derived classes.
#define LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR(variableName, variableType)
Macro for dumping a variable to a stream, within the method “dumpToTextStream(out)” (Variable types are: int, double, float, bool, string.
#define LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR_DEG(variableName)
Macro for dumping a variable to a stream, transforming the argument from radians to degrees.
Registers one map class into TMetricMapInitializer factory.
One or several alternative class names can be provided, separated with whitespaces or commas
MAP_DEFINITION_END() block inside the declaration of each metric map
#define MCP_LOAD_OPT(paramsVariable__, keyproxiedMapEntryName__)
Macro to load a variable from a mrpt::containers::yaml (initials MCP) dictionary, leaving it with its former value if not found (OPTional).
mrpt::containers::yaml p; double K; MCP_LOAD_OPT(p, K);
#define MCP_LOAD_OPT_DEG(paramsVariable__, keyproxiedMapEntryName__)
Just like MCP_LOAD_OPT(), but converts the read number from degrees to radians.
#define MCP_LOAD_REQ(paramsVariable__, keyproxiedMapEntryName__)
Macro to load a variable from a mrpt::containers::yaml (initials MCP) dictionary, throwing an std::invalid_argument exception if the value is not found (REQuired).
mrpt::containers::yaml p; double K; MCP_LOAD_REQ(p, K);
#define MCP_LOAD_REQ_DEG(paramsVariable__, keyproxiedMapEntryName__)
Just like MCP_LOAD_REQ(), but converts the read number from degrees to radians.
#define MCP_SAVE(paramsVariable__, keyproxiedMapEntryName__)
Macro to store a variable into a mrpt::containers::yaml (initials MCP) dictionary, using as “key” the name of the variable.
mrpt::containers::yaml p; double K = ...; MCP_SAVE(p, K); // If you want "K" to have degree units in the parameter block, radians when // loaded in memory: MCP_SAVE_DEG(p,K);
#define MRPT_CHECK_GCC_VERSION(major, minor)
Throws an exception if the number is NaN, IND, or +/-INF, or return the same number otherwise.
Declares a typename to be “namespace::type”.
See also:
Declares a typename to be “type” (without the NS prefix)
See also:
#define MRPT_FILL_ENUM(_X)
For use in specializations of TEnumTypeFiller.
Tells the compiler we really want to inline that function.
MRPT_LIKELY() : disable the branch prediction and manually setting the preference for the positive case.
#define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ )
An useful macro for loading variables stored in a INI-like file under a key with the same name that the variable, and assigning the variable the current value if not found in the config file.
The variableType must be the suffix of “read_XXX” functions, i.e. int, bool,…
#define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_CS(variableName, variableType)
Shortcut for MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR() for config file object named c
and section string named s
#define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_DEGREES( \ variableName, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ )
Loads a double variable, stored as radians but entered in the INI-file as degrees.
#define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_DEGREES_NO_DEFAULT( \ variableName, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ )
Loads a double, required, variable, stored as radians but entered in the INI-file as degrees.
#define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_REQUIRED_CS(variableName, variableType)
Shortcut for MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_NO_DEFAULT() for REQUIRED variables config file object named c
and section string named s
Use: MRPT_LOG_DEBUG("message");
Use: MRPT_LOG_DEBUG_FMT("i=%u", i);
Use: MRPT_LOG_DEBUG_STREAM("Var=" << value << " foo=" << foo_var);
Use: MRPT_LOG_ONCE_DEBUG("once-only message");
Use: MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_DEBUG(5.0, "message");
Usage: MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_DEBUG_FMT(5.0, "i=%u", i);
Usage: MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_DEBUG_STREAM(5.0, "Var=" << value << " foo=" << foo_var);
For use in CSerializable implementations.
#define MRPT_TRY_END
The end of a standard MRPT “try…catch()” block that allows tracing throw the call stack after an exception.
See also:
The end of a standard MRPT “try…catch()” block that allows tracing throw the call stack after an exception, including a “clean up” piece of code to be run before throwing the exceptions.
See also:
The start of a standard MRPT “try…catch()” block that allows tracing throw the call stack after an exception.
See also:
For calling any MRPT_LOG_*()
macro from outside of an object inherited from COutputLogger.
Debug level is DEBUG
if build with _DEBUG
preprocessor flag, INFO
otherwise. Use:
MRPT_CHECK_VISUALC_VERSION(Version) Version=8 for 2005, 9=2008, 10=2010, 11=2012, 12=2013, 14=2015.
MRPT_X_ASSERT() : build error if condition is known not to work at compile time, throw an exception at runtime if the condition needs to be evaluated.
#define NODE_TYPES
Used in constructor of mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapNode.
#define SAVE_MATRIX(M)
A useful macro for saving matrixes to a file while debugging.
For use inside serializeFrom(CSchemeArchiveBase) methods.
For use inside all serializeTo(CSchemeArchiveBase) methods.
#define THROW_EXCEPTION(msg)
msg |
This can be a char*, a std::string, or a literal string. Defines a unified way of reporting exceptions |
See also:
A macro for obtaining the name of the current function: