Example: hwdrivers_mynteye_icpΒΆ
C++ example source code:
/* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) | | https://www.mrpt.org/ | | | | Copyright (c) 2005-2021, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file | | See: https://www.mrpt.org/Authors - All rights reserved. | | Released under BSD License. See: https://www.mrpt.org/License | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include <mrpt/config/CConfigFileMemory.h> #include <mrpt/gui/CDisplayWindowGUI.h> #include <mrpt/hwdrivers/CCameraSensor.h> #include <mrpt/maps/CColouredPointsMap.h> #include <mrpt/maps/CSimplePointsMap.h> #include <mrpt/opengl/CGridPlaneXY.h> #include <mrpt/opengl/CPointCloudColoured.h> #include <mrpt/opengl/stock_objects.h> #include <mrpt/slam/CICP.h> #include <mrpt/system/filesystem.h> #if MRPT_HAS_NANOGUI using namespace mrpt; using namespace mrpt::vision; using namespace mrpt::hwdrivers; using namespace mrpt::img; using namespace mrpt::poses; using namespace mrpt::math; using namespace mrpt::gui; using namespace mrpt::tfest; using namespace mrpt::obs; using namespace mrpt::maps; using namespace mrpt::slam; using namespace mrpt::system; using namespace mrpt::opengl; using namespace std; const double KEYFRAMES_MIN_DISTANCE = 0.50; // meters const double KEYFRAMES_MIN_ANG = 20.0_deg; // Thread for grabbing: Do this is another thread so we divide rendering and // grabbing // and exploit multicore CPUs. struct TThreadParam { TThreadParam() = default; std::atomic_bool quit{false}; std::atomic<double> Hz{0}; CObservation3DRangeScan::Ptr new_obs; }; void thread_grabbing(TThreadParam& p) { try { mrpt::hwdrivers::CCameraSensor cam; const std::string str = "[CONFIG]\n" "grabber_type=myntd\n"; mrpt::config::CConfigFileMemory cfg(str); cam.loadConfig(cfg, "CONFIG"); // Open: cout << "Calling initialize()..."; cam.initialize(); cout << "OK\n"; CTicTac tictac; int nImgs = 0; while (!p.quit) { // Grab new observation from the camera: cam.doProcess(); mrpt::hwdrivers::CGenericSensor::TListObservations obss; cam.getObservations(obss); if (obss.empty()) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(10ms); continue; } auto obs = mrpt::ptr_cast<mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan>::from( obss.begin()->second); if (!obs) continue; std::atomic_store(&p.new_obs, obs); nImgs++; if (nImgs > 10) { p.Hz = nImgs / tictac.Tac(); nImgs = 0; tictac.Tic(); } } } catch (const std::exception& e) { cout << "Exception in Kinect thread: " << mrpt::exception_to_str(e) << endl; p.quit = true; } } // ------------------------------------------------------ // Test_3DCamICP // ------------------------------------------------------ void Test_3DCamICP() { // Launch grabbing thread: // -------------------------------------------------------- TThreadParam thrPar; std::thread thHandle = std::thread(thread_grabbing, std::ref(thrPar)); // Wait until data stream starts so we can say for sure the sensor has been // initialized OK: cout << "Waiting for sensor initialization...\n"; do { CObservation3DRangeScan::Ptr possiblyNewObs = std::atomic_load(&thrPar.new_obs); if (possiblyNewObs && possiblyNewObs->timestamp != INVALID_TIMESTAMP) break; else std::this_thread::sleep_for(10ms); } while (!thrPar.quit); // Check error condition: if (thrPar.quit) return; // Create window and prepare OpenGL object in the scene: // -------------------------------------------------------- nanogui::init(); mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI win("3D camera ICP demo", 1000, 800); win.camera().setAzimuthDegrees(140.0f); win.camera().setElevationDegrees(20.0f); win.camera().setZoomDistance(8.0f); win.camera().setCameraFOV(50.0f); win.camera().setCameraPointing(2.5, 0, 0); // Aux structure to share UI data between threads. struct ui_data_t { // In the 2D image: std::atomic_bool SHOW_FEAT_IDS = true; std::atomic_bool SHOW_RESPONSES = true; std::atomic_bool hasToReset = false; unsigned int icpDecimation = 16; std::mutex strStatuses_mtx; std::array<std::string, 4> strStatuses; opengl::COpenGLViewport::Ptr viewInt; std::mutex* viewInt_mtx = nullptr; // Set defaults: ui_data_t() = default; }; ui_data_t ui_data; // The main function to be run in parallel to check for new observations, // update the GL objects, etc. auto lambdaUpdateThread = [&win, &thrPar, &ui_data]() { auto gl_points = mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured::Create(); auto gl_keyframes = mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects::Create(); auto gl_points_map = mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured::Create(); auto gl_cur_cam_corner = mrpt::opengl::stock_objects::CornerXYZ(0.4f); gl_points->setPointSize(1.25f); gl_points_map->setPointSize(1.5f); { auto scene = mrpt::opengl::COpenGLScene::Create(); // Create the Opengl object for the point cloud: scene->insert(gl_points_map); scene->insert(gl_points); scene->insert(gl_keyframes); scene->insert(mrpt::opengl::CGridPlaneXY::Create()); scene->insert(gl_cur_cam_corner); win.background_scene_mtx.lock(); win.background_scene = std::move(scene); win.background_scene_mtx.unlock(); } // The 6D path of the Kinect camera. std::vector<TPose3D> camera_key_frames_path; // wrt last pose in "camera_key_frames_path" CPose3D currentCamPose_wrt_last; unsigned int step_num = 0; // Need to update gl_keyframes from camera_key_frames_path?? bool gl_keyframes_must_refresh = true; CObservation3DRangeScan::Ptr cur_obs; CColouredPointsMap::Ptr cur_points, prev_points; // Global points map: CColouredPointsMap globalPtsMap; globalPtsMap.colorScheme.scheme = CColouredPointsMap::cmFromIntensityImage; // Take points color from // RGB+D observations mrpt::slam::CICP icp; icp.options.maxIterations = 80; icp.options.thresholdDist = 0.10; // [m] icp.options.thresholdAng = 1.0_deg; icp.options.ALFA = 0.001; // wun with only 1 set of thresholds mrpt::poses::CPose3D lastIcpRelPose; // Should we exit? while (!thrPar.quit) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(5ms); CObservation3DRangeScan::Ptr possiblyNewObs = std::atomic_load(&thrPar.new_obs); if (!possiblyNewObs || possiblyNewObs->timestamp == INVALID_TIMESTAMP || (cur_obs && possiblyNewObs->timestamp == cur_obs->timestamp)) continue; // No new data // It IS a new observation: cur_obs = possiblyNewObs; // Unproject 3D points: if (!cur_points) cur_points = CColouredPointsMap::Create(); else cur_points->clear(); // Also, unproject all for viz: mrpt::obs::T3DPointsProjectionParams pp; pp.decimation = ui_data.icpDecimation; cur_obs->unprojectInto(*cur_points, pp); // ICP ------------------------------------------- // The grabbed image: CImage theImg = cur_obs->intensityImage; CPose3DPDF::Ptr icp_out; mrpt::slam::CICP::TReturnInfo icp_res; if (!prev_points) { // Make a deep copy: prev_points = CColouredPointsMap::Create(*cur_points); } icp_out = icp.Align3D( prev_points.get(), cur_points.get(), lastIcpRelPose, icp_res); // Load local points map from 3D points + color: cur_obs->unprojectInto(*gl_points); // Estimate our current camera pose from feature2feature matching: // -------------------------------------------------------------------- if (icp_out && icp_res.nIterations > 0) { const CPose3D relativePose = icp_out->getMeanVal(); lastIcpRelPose = relativePose; ui_data.strStatuses_mtx.lock(); ui_data.strStatuses[0] = mrpt::format( "ICP: %d iters, goodness: %.02f%%", int(icp_res.nIterations), icp_res.goodness * 100.0f), ui_data.strStatuses[1] = std::string("rel.pose:") + relativePose.asString(); ui_data.strStatuses[2] = string(icp_res.goodness < 0.3 ? "LOST! Press restart" : ""); ui_data.strStatuses_mtx.unlock(); if (icp_res.goodness > 0.65) { // Seems a good match: if ((relativePose.norm() > KEYFRAMES_MIN_DISTANCE || std::abs(relativePose.yaw()) > KEYFRAMES_MIN_ANG || std::abs(relativePose.pitch()) > KEYFRAMES_MIN_ANG || std::abs(relativePose.roll()) > KEYFRAMES_MIN_ANG)) { // Accept this as a new key-frame pose ------------ // Append new global pose of this key-frame: const CPose3D new_keyframe_global = CPose3D(*camera_key_frames_path.rbegin()) + relativePose; camera_key_frames_path.push_back( new_keyframe_global.asTPose()); gl_keyframes_must_refresh = true; // It's (0,0,0) since the last // key-frame is the current pose! currentCamPose_wrt_last = CPose3D(); cout << "Adding new key-frame: pose=" << new_keyframe_global << endl; // Update global map: append another map at a given // position: globalPtsMap.insertAnotherMap( cur_points.get(), new_keyframe_global); win.background_scene_mtx.lock(); gl_points_map->loadFromPointsMap(&globalPtsMap); win.background_scene_mtx.unlock(); prev_points = std::move(cur_points); // new KF } else { currentCamPose_wrt_last = relativePose; // cout << "cur pose: " << currentCamPose_wrt_last // << endl; } } } if (camera_key_frames_path.empty()) { // First iteration: camera_key_frames_path.clear(); camera_key_frames_path.emplace_back(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); gl_keyframes_must_refresh = true; // Update global map: globalPtsMap.clear(); globalPtsMap.insertObservation(*cur_obs); win.background_scene_mtx.lock(); gl_points_map->loadFromPointsMap(&globalPtsMap); win.background_scene_mtx.unlock(); } // Update visualization --------------------------------------- // Show 3D points & current visible feats, at the current camera 3D // pose "currentCamPose_wrt_last" // --------------------------------------------------------------------- { const CPose3D curGlobalPose = CPose3D(*camera_key_frames_path.rbegin()) + currentCamPose_wrt_last; win.background_scene_mtx.lock(); // All 3D points: cur_obs->unprojectInto(*gl_points); gl_points->setPose(curGlobalPose); gl_cur_cam_corner->setPose(curGlobalPose); win.background_scene_mtx.unlock(); } if (gl_keyframes_must_refresh) { gl_keyframes_must_refresh = false; // cout << "Updating gl_keyframes with " << // camera_key_frames_path.size() << " frames.\n"; win.background_scene_mtx.lock(); gl_keyframes->clear(); for (const auto& i : camera_key_frames_path) { CSetOfObjects::Ptr obj = mrpt::opengl::stock_objects::CornerXYZSimple(0.3f, 3); obj->setPose(i); gl_keyframes->insert(obj); } win.background_scene_mtx.unlock(); } ui_data.strStatuses_mtx.lock(); ui_data.strStatuses[3] = format("Frames: %.02f Hz", std::atomic_load(&thrPar.Hz)); ui_data.strStatuses_mtx.unlock(); step_num++; // end update visualization: if (ui_data.hasToReset) { ui_data.hasToReset = false; cur_points.reset(); prev_points.reset(); lastIcpRelPose = CPose3D(); camera_key_frames_path.clear(); gl_keyframes_must_refresh = true; globalPtsMap.clear(); win.background_scene_mtx.lock(); gl_points_map->loadFromPointsMap(&globalPtsMap); win.background_scene_mtx.unlock(); } // Show intensity image ui_data.viewInt_mtx->lock(); ui_data.viewInt->setImageView(std::move(theImg)); ui_data.viewInt_mtx->unlock(); } }; // end lambdaUpdateThread std::thread thWorker = std::thread(lambdaUpdateThread); // Add UI controls: std::array<nanogui::TextBox*, 4> lbStatuses = { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}; mrpt::gui::MRPT2NanoguiGLCanvas* glCanvasRGBView = nullptr; nanogui::Window* subWin2 = nullptr; { auto subWin = new nanogui::Window(&win, "Control"); subWin->setLayout(new nanogui::GroupLayout()); subWin->setFixedWidth(400); subWin->add<nanogui::Label>("Visualization", "sans-bold"); { auto cb = subWin->add<nanogui::CheckBox>("Show feature IDs"); cb->setCallback( [&ui_data](bool checked) { ui_data.SHOW_FEAT_IDS = checked; }); cb->setChecked(true); } { auto cb = subWin->add<nanogui::CheckBox>("Show keypoint responses"); cb->setCallback( [&ui_data](bool checked) { ui_data.SHOW_RESPONSES = checked; }); cb->setChecked(true); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lbStatuses.size(); i++) lbStatuses[i] = subWin->add<nanogui::TextBox>(""); subWin->add<nanogui::Label>("RGB window size"); { auto cmb = subWin->add<nanogui::ComboBox>(std::vector<std::string>( {"Hidden", "200px", "400px", "800px", "1000px"})); cmb->setSelectedIndex(2); cmb->setCallback([&](int sel) { subWin2->setVisible(sel != 0); switch (sel) { case 0: break; case 1: glCanvasRGBView->setFixedWidth(200); break; case 2: glCanvasRGBView->setFixedWidth(400); break; case 3: glCanvasRGBView->setFixedWidth(800); break; case 4: glCanvasRGBView->setFixedWidth(1000); break; }; win.performLayout(); }); } { nanogui::TextBox* slVal = subWin->add<nanogui::TextBox>("Point cloud decimation: 8"); nanogui::Slider* sl = subWin->add<nanogui::Slider>(); sl->setRange({2, 4}); sl->setValue(3); sl->setCallback([&ui_data, slVal](float v) { const unsigned int decim = mrpt::round(std::pow(2.0, mrpt::round(v))); ui_data.icpDecimation = decim; auto s = std::string("Point cloud decimation: ") + std::to_string(ui_data.icpDecimation); slVal->setValue(s); }); } subWin->add<nanogui::Label>("Actions", "sans-bold"); { auto btn = subWin->add<nanogui::Button>("Reset", ENTYPO_ICON_BACK_IN_TIME); btn->setCallback([&]() { ui_data.hasToReset = true; }); } { auto btn = subWin->add<nanogui::Button>("Quit", ENTYPO_ICON_ARROW_LEFT); btn->setCallback([&]() { win.setVisible(false); }); } } { subWin2 = new nanogui::Window(&win, "Visible channel"); subWin2->setLayout(new nanogui::BoxLayout( nanogui::Orientation::Horizontal, nanogui::Alignment::Fill)); glCanvasRGBView = subWin2->add<mrpt::gui::MRPT2NanoguiGLCanvas>(); glCanvasRGBView->setFixedWidth(600); // Create the Opengl objects for the planar images each in a // separate viewport: glCanvasRGBView->scene = mrpt::opengl::COpenGLScene::Create(); ui_data.viewInt = glCanvasRGBView->scene->getViewport(); ui_data.viewInt_mtx = &glCanvasRGBView->scene_mtx; subWin2->setPosition({10, 500}); } win.performLayout(); // Set loop hook to update text messages: win.setLoopCallback([&lbStatuses, &ui_data]() { ui_data.strStatuses_mtx.lock(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lbStatuses.size(); i++) lbStatuses[i]->setValue(ui_data.strStatuses[i]); ui_data.strStatuses_mtx.unlock(); }); // Update view and process events: win.drawAll(); win.setVisible(true); nanogui::mainloop(); nanogui::shutdown(); cout << "Waiting for grabbing thread to exit...\n"; thrPar.quit = true; thHandle.join(); thWorker.join(); cout << "Bye!\n"; } #endif // MRPT_HAS_NANOGUI int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { #if MRPT_HAS_NANOGUI Test_3DCamICP(); std::this_thread::sleep_for(50ms); return 0; #else THROW_EXCEPTION("This program requires MRPT compiled with NANOGUI"); #endif } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "EXCEPCION: " << mrpt::exception_to_str(e) << std::endl; return -1; } }