template struct mrpt::math::MatrixBlockSparseCols

A templated column-indexed efficient storage of block-sparse Jacobian or Hessian matrices, together with other arbitrary information.

Columns are stored in a non-associative container, but the contents of each column are kept within an std::map<> indexed by row. All submatrix blocks have the same size, which allows dense storage of them in fixed-size matrices, avoiding costly memory allocations.



Rows in each elementary matrix.


Cols in each elementary matrix.


Type of the extra data fields within each block


Is true, an inverse mapping between column indices and “user IDs” is kept.


Ignore if HAS_REMAP=false. Defaults to “mrpt::containers::map_as_vector<size_t,size_t>” for amortized O(1). Can be set to “std::map<size_t,size_t>” in very sparse systems to save memory at the cost of a O(log N) access time when using the remap indices.

#include <mrpt/math/MatrixBlockSparseCols.h>

template <
    typename Scalar,
    int NROWS,
    int NCOLS,
    typename INFO,
    bool HAS_REMAP,
    typename INDEX_REMAP_MAP_IMPL = mrpt::containers::map_as_vector<size_t, size_t>
struct MatrixBlockSparseCols
    // typedefs

    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, NROWS, NCOLS> matrix_t;
    typedef INFO symbolic_t;
    typedef std::map<size_t, TEntry> col_t;

    // structs

    struct TEntry;


    col_t& getCol(const size_t idx);
    const col_t& getCol(const size_t idx) const;
    const mrpt::containers::map_as_vector<size_t, size_t>& getColInverseRemappedIndices() const;
    const std::vector<size_t>& getColRemappedIndices() const;
    col_t& appendCol(const size_t remapIndex);
    void setColCount(const size_t nCols);
    size_t cols() const;
    void clearColEntries();
    void clearAll();

    void saveToTextFileAsDense(
        const std::string& filename,
        const bool force_symmetry = false,
        const bool is_col_compressed = true
        ) const;

    void getAsDense(
        mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble& D,
        const bool force_symmetry = false,
        const bool is_col_compressed = true
        ) const;

    size_t findCurrentNumberOfRows() const;

    template <class MATRIX>
    void getBinaryBlocksRepresentation(MATRIX& out) const;

    void copyNumericalValuesFrom(const MatrixBlockSparseCols<Scalar, NROWS, NCOLS, INFO, HAS_REMAP>& o);


typedef std::map<size_t, TEntry> col_t

Each compressed sparse column.


col_t& appendCol(const size_t remapIndex)

Append one column, returning a ref to the new col_t data.

void setColCount(const size_t nCols)

Change the number of columns (keep old contents)

size_t cols() const

Get current number of cols.

See also:


void clearColEntries()

Clear all the entries in each column (do not change the number of columns, though!)

See also:


void clearAll()

Clear all the entries in each column (do not change the number of columns, though!)

See also:


void saveToTextFileAsDense(
    const std::string& filename,
    const bool force_symmetry = false,
    const bool is_col_compressed = true
    ) const

Builds a dense representation of the matrix and saves to a text file.

void getAsDense(
    mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble& D,
    const bool force_symmetry = false,
    const bool is_col_compressed = true
    ) const

Builds a dense representation of the matrix and saves to a text file.



true: interpret this object as compressed by cols; false: compressed by rows

size_t findCurrentNumberOfRows() const

Goes over all the columns and keep the largest column length.

See also:


template <class MATRIX>
void getBinaryBlocksRepresentation(MATRIX& out) const

Builds a binary matrix with 1s where an elementary matrix is stored, 0s elsewhere.

void copyNumericalValuesFrom(const MatrixBlockSparseCols<Scalar, NROWS, NCOLS, INFO, HAS_REMAP>& o)

Clear the current contents of this objects and replicates the sparse structure and numerical values of o.