Example: vision_bundle_adj_example

This examples demonstrates the function mrpt::vision::bundle_adj_full() with a set of simulated monocular camera observations. See the bundle adjustment module documentation on the C++ API.

This function requires setting MRPT_ALLOW_LGPLV3=ON in CMake when building MRPT.

vision_bundle_adj_example screenshot vision_bundle_adj_example screenshot vision_bundle_adj_example screenshot vision_bundle_adj_example screenshot

C++ example source code:

/* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
   |                     Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT)            |
   |                          https://www.mrpt.org/                         |
   |                                                                        |
   | Copyright (c) 2005-2024, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file     |
   | See: https://www.mrpt.org/Authors - All rights reserved.               |
   | Released under BSD License. See: https://www.mrpt.org/License          |
   +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */

/* ===========================================================================
  EXAMPLE: bundle_adj_full_demo
  PURPOSE: Demonstrate "mrpt::vision::bundle_adj_full" with a set of
        simulated or real data. If the program is called without command
        line arguments, simulated measurements will be used.
        To use real data, invoke:
        bundle_adj_full_demo  <feats.txt> <cam_model.cfg>

        Where <feats.txt> is a "TSequenceFeatureObservations" saved as
        a text file, and <cam_model.cfg> is a .ini-like file with a
        section named "CAMERA" loadable by mrpt::img::TCamera.

  DATE: 20-Aug-2010

#include <mrpt/config/CConfigFile.h>
#include <mrpt/gui/CDisplayWindow3D.h>
#include <mrpt/gui/CDisplayWindowPlots.h>
#include <mrpt/io/CTextFileLinesParser.h>
#include <mrpt/math/geometry.h>
#include <mrpt/opengl/CGridPlaneXY.h>
#include <mrpt/opengl/CPointCloud.h>
#include <mrpt/opengl/stock_objects.h>
#include <mrpt/poses/CPose3DQuat.h>
#include <mrpt/random.h>
#include <mrpt/system/filesystem.h>
#include <mrpt/vision/bundle_adjustment.h>
#include <mrpt/vision/pinhole.h>

#include <iostream>

using namespace mrpt::literals;  // _deg
using namespace mrpt;
using namespace mrpt::gui;
using namespace mrpt::math;
using namespace mrpt::system;
using namespace mrpt::opengl;
using namespace mrpt::poses;
using namespace mrpt::img;
using namespace mrpt::vision;
using namespace std;

CVectorDouble history_avr_err;

double WORLD_SCALE = 1;  // Will change when loading SBA examples

// A feedback functor, which is called on each iteration by the optimizer to let
// us know on the progress:
void my_BundleAdjustmentFeedbackFunctor(
    const size_t cur_iter,
    const double cur_total_sq_error,
    const size_t max_iters,
    const TSequenceFeatureObservations& input_observations,
    const TFramePosesVec& current_frame_estimate,
    const TLandmarkLocationsVec& current_landmark_estimate)
  const double avr_err = std::sqrt(cur_total_sq_error / input_observations.size());
  history_avr_err.push_back(std::log(1e-100 + avr_err));
  if ((cur_iter % 10) == 0)
    cout << "[PROGRESS] Iter: " << cur_iter << " avrg err in px: " << avr_err << endl;

// ------------------------------------------------------
//              bundle_adj_full_demo
// ------------------------------------------------------
void bundle_adj_full_demo(
    const TCamera& camera_params,
    const TSequenceFeatureObservations& allObs,
    TFramePosesVec& frame_poses,
    TLandmarkLocationsVec& landmark_points)
  cout << "Optimizing " << allObs.size() << " feature observations.\n";

  mrpt::containers::yaml extra_params;
  // extra_params["verbose"] = true;
  extra_params["max_iterations"] = 2000;  // 250;
  // extra_params["num_fix_frames"] = 1;
  // extra_params["num_fix_points"] = 0;
  extra_params["robust_kernel"] = false;
  extra_params["kernel_param"] = 5.0;
  extra_params["profiler"] = true;

      allObs, camera_params, frame_poses, landmark_points, extra_params,
// ---------------------------------------------------------

mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects::Ptr framePosesVecVisualize(
    const TFramePosesVec& poses, const double len, const double lineWidth);

// ------------------------------------------------------
//                      MAIN
// ------------------------------------------------------
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // Simulation or real-data? (read at the top of this file):
    if ((argc != 1 && argc != 3 && argc != 4) || (argc == 2 && !strcpy(argv[1], "--help")))
      cout << "Usage:\n"
           << argv[0] << " --help -> Shows this help\n"
           << argv[0] << "     -> Simulation\n"
           << argv[0] << " <feats.txt> <cam_model.cfg> -> Data in MRPT format\n"
           << argv[0] << " <cams.txt> <points.cfg> <calib.txt> -> SBA format\n";
      return 1;

    // BA data:
    TCamera camera_params;
    TSequenceFeatureObservations allObs;
    TFramePosesVec frame_poses;
    TLandmarkLocationsVec landmark_points;

    // Only for simulation mode:
    TFramePosesVec frame_poses_real,
        frame_poses_noisy;  // Ground truth & starting point
    TLandmarkLocationsVec landmark_points_real,
        landmark_points_noisy;  // Ground truth & starting point

    if (argc == 1)
      random::CRandomGenerator rg(1234);

      //  Simulation
      // --------------------------
      // The projective camera model:
      camera_params.ncols = 800;
      camera_params.nrows = 600;

      //      Generate synthetic dataset:
      // -------------------------------------
      const size_t nPts = 100;  // # of 3D landmarks
      const double L1 = 60;     // Draw random poses in the rectangle L1xL2xL3
      const double L2 = 10;
      const double L3 = 10;
      const double max_camera_dist = L1 * 4;

      const double cameraPathLen = L1 * 1.2;
      // const double cameraPathEllipRadius1 = L1*2;
      // const double cameraPathEllipRadius2 = L2*2;
      // Noise params:
      const double STD_PX_ERROR = 0.10;  // pixels

      const double STD_PX_ERROR_OUTLIER = 5;  // pixels
      const double PROBABILITY_OUTLIERS = 0;  // 0.01;

      const double STD_PT3D = 0.10;        // meters
      const double STD_CAM_XYZ = 0.05;     // meters
      const double STD_CAM_ANG = 5.0_deg;  // degs

      for (size_t i = 0; i < nPts; i++)
        landmark_points_real[i].x = rg.drawUniform(-L1, L1);
        landmark_points_real[i].y = rg.drawUniform(-L2, L2);
        landmark_points_real[i].z = rg.drawUniform(-L3, L3);

      // const double angStep = M_PI*2.0/40;
      const double camPosesSteps = 2 * cameraPathLen / 20;

      for (double x = -cameraPathLen; x < cameraPathLen; x += camPosesSteps)
        TPose3D p;
        p.x = x;       // cameraPathEllipRadius1 * cos(ang);
        p.y = 4 * L2;  // cameraPathEllipRadius2 * sin(ang);
        p.z = 0;
        p.yaw = -90.0_deg - 30.0_deg * x / cameraPathLen;  // wrapToPi(ang+M_PI);
        p.pitch = 0;
        p.roll = 0;
        // Angles above is for +X pointing to the (0,0,0), but we want
        // instead +Z pointing there, as typical in camera models:
        frame_poses_real.push_back(CPose3D(p) + CPose3D(0, 0, 0, -90.0_deg, 0, -90.0_deg));

      // Simulate the feature observations:
      size_t numOutliers = 0;
      map<TCameraPoseID, size_t> numViewedFrom;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < frame_poses_real.size(); i++)  // for each pose
        // predict all landmarks:
        for (size_t j = 0; j < landmark_points_real.size(); j++)
          TPixelCoordf px = mrpt::vision::pinhole::projectPoint_no_distortion<false>(
              camera_params, frame_poses_real[i], landmark_points_real[j]);

          const bool is_outlier = (rg.drawUniform(0.0, 1.0) < PROBABILITY_OUTLIERS);
          px.x += rg.drawGaussian1D(0, is_outlier ? STD_PX_ERROR_OUTLIER : STD_PX_ERROR);
          px.y += rg.drawGaussian1D(0, is_outlier ? STD_PX_ERROR_OUTLIER : STD_PX_ERROR);

          // Out of image?
          if (px.x < 0 || px.y < 0 || px.x > camera_params.ncols || px.y > camera_params.nrows)

          // Too far?
          const double dist =
              math::distance(TPoint3D(frame_poses_real[i].asTPose()), landmark_points_real[j]);
          if (dist > max_camera_dist) continue;

          // Ok, accept it:
          if (is_outlier) numOutliers++;
          allObs.push_back(TFeatureObservation(j, i, px));
      cout << "Simulated: " << allObs.size() << " observations (of which: " << numOutliers
           << " are outliers).\n";

      ASSERT_EQUAL_(numViewedFrom.size(), frame_poses_real.size());
      // Make sure all poses and all LMs appear at least once!
        TSequenceFeatureObservations allObs2 = allObs;
        std::map<TCameraPoseID, TCameraPoseID> old2new_camIDs;
        std::map<TLandmarkID, TLandmarkID> old2new_lmIDs;
        allObs2.compressIDs(&old2new_camIDs, &old2new_lmIDs);

        ASSERT_EQUAL_(old2new_camIDs.size(), frame_poses_real.size());
        ASSERT_EQUAL_(old2new_lmIDs.size(), landmark_points_real.size());

      // Add noise to the data:
      frame_poses_noisy = frame_poses_real;
      landmark_points_noisy = landmark_points_real;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < landmark_points_noisy.size(); i++)
        landmark_points_noisy[i] += TPoint3D(
            rg.drawGaussian1D(0, STD_PT3D), rg.drawGaussian1D(0, STD_PT3D),
            rg.drawGaussian1D(0, STD_PT3D));

      for (size_t i = 1; i < frame_poses_noisy.size();
           i++)  // DON'T add error to frame[0], the global reference!
        CPose3D bef = frame_poses_noisy[i];
            frame_poses_noisy[i].x() + rg.drawGaussian1D(0, STD_CAM_XYZ),
            frame_poses_noisy[i].y() + rg.drawGaussian1D(0, STD_CAM_XYZ),
            frame_poses_noisy[i].z() + rg.drawGaussian1D(0, STD_CAM_XYZ),
            frame_poses_noisy[i].yaw() + rg.drawGaussian1D(0, STD_CAM_ANG),
            frame_poses_noisy[i].pitch() + rg.drawGaussian1D(0, STD_CAM_ANG),
            frame_poses_noisy[i].roll() + rg.drawGaussian1D(0, STD_CAM_ANG));

      // Optimize it:
      frame_poses = frame_poses_noisy;
      landmark_points = landmark_points_noisy;

#if 0
            vector<std::array<double,2> > resids;
            const double initial_total_sq_err = mrpt::vision::reprojectionResiduals(allObs,camera_params,frame_poses, landmark_points,resids, false);
            cout << "Initial avr error in px: " << std::sqrt(initial_total_sq_err/allObs.size()) << endl;

      // Run Bundle Adjustmen
      bundle_adj_full_demo(camera_params, allObs, frame_poses, landmark_points);

      // Evaluate vs. ground truth:
      double landmarks_total_sq_err = 0;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < landmark_points.size(); i++)
        landmarks_total_sq_err += square(landmark_points_real[i].distanceTo(landmark_points[i]));

      double cam_point_total_sq_err = 0;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < frame_poses.size(); i++)
        cam_point_total_sq_err += square(frame_poses[i].distanceTo(frame_poses_real[i]));

      cout << "RMSE of recovered landmark positions: "
           << std::sqrt(landmarks_total_sq_err / landmark_points.size()) << endl;
      cout << "RMSE of recovered camera positions: "
           << std::sqrt(cam_point_total_sq_err / frame_poses.size()) << endl;
      //  Real data
      // --------------------------
      if (argc == 3)
        const string feats_fil = string(argv[1]);
        const string cam_fil = string(argv[2]);

        cout << "Loading observations from: " << feats_fil << "...";
        cout << "Done.\n";


        cout << "Loading camera params from: " << cam_fil;
        mrpt::config::CConfigFile cfgCam(cam_fil);
        camera_params.loadFromConfigFile("CAMERA", cfgCam);
        cout << "Done.\n";

        cout << "Initial gross estimate...";
        mrpt::vision::ba_initial_estimate(allObs, camera_params, frame_poses, landmark_points);
        cout << "OK\n";
        // Load data from 3 files in the same format as used by
        // "eucsbademo" in the SBA library:
        const string cam_frames_fil = string(argv[1]);
        const string obs_fil = string(argv[2]);
        const string calib_fil = string(argv[3]);

          cout << "Loading initial camera frames from: " << cam_frames_fil << "...";

          mrpt::io::CTextFileLinesParser fil(cam_frames_fil);

          std::istringstream ss;
          while (fil.getNextLine(ss))
            double q[4], t[3];
            ss >> q[0] >> q[1] >> q[2] >> q[3] >> t[0] >> t[1] >> t[2];
            mrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat p(
                t[0], t[1], t[2], mrpt::math::CQuaternionDouble(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3]));
            // cout << "cam: " << p << endl;

          cout << "Done. " << frame_poses.size() << " cam frames loaded\n";

          frame_poses_noisy = frame_poses;  // To draw in 3D the
                                            // initial values as well.

          cout << "Loading observations & feature 3D points from: " << obs_fil << "...";

          mrpt::io::CTextFileLinesParser fil(obs_fil);

          std::istringstream ss;
          while (fil.getNextLine(ss))
            // # X Y Z  nframes  frame0 x0 y0  frame1 x1 y1 ...
            double t[3];
            size_t N = 0;
            ss >> t[0] >> t[1] >> t[2] >> N;

            const TLandmarkID feat_id = landmark_points.size();
            const TPoint3D pt(t[0], t[1], t[2]);

            // Read obs:
            for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
              TCameraPoseID frame_id;
              TPixelCoordf px;
              ss >> frame_id >> px.x >> px.y;
              allObs.push_back(TFeatureObservation(feat_id, frame_id, px));
              // cout << "feat: " << feat_id << " cam: " <<
              // frame_id << " px: " << px.x << "," << px.y <<
              // endl;

          cout << "Done. " << landmark_points.size() << " points, " << allObs.size()
               << " observations read.\n";

          landmark_points_real = landmark_points;  // To draw in 3D
                                                   // the initial
                                                   // values as well.

        CMatrixDouble33 cam_pars;

        // cout << "Calib:\n" << cam_pars << endl;

        camera_params.fx(cam_pars(0, 0));
        camera_params.fy(cam_pars(1, 1));
        camera_params.cx(cam_pars(0, 2));
        camera_params.cy(cam_pars(1, 2));

        cout << "camera calib:\n" << camera_params.dumpAsText() << endl;

        // Change world scale:
        WORLD_SCALE = 2000;

      // Do it:
      bundle_adj_full_demo(camera_params, allObs, frame_poses, landmark_points);

    // Display results in 3D:
    // -------------------------------
    gui::CDisplayWindow3D win("Bundle adjustment demo", 800, 600);

    Scene::Ptr& scene = win.get3DSceneAndLock();

    {  // Ground plane:
      auto obj = CGridPlaneXY::Create(-200, 200, -200, 200, 0, 5);
      obj->setColor(0.7, 0.7, 0.7);

    if (!landmark_points_real.empty())
    {  // Feature points: ground truth
      auto obj = CPointCloud::Create();
      obj->setColor(0, 0, 0);
    if (!landmark_points_noisy.empty())
    {  // Feature points: noisy
      auto obj = CPointCloud::Create();
      obj->setColor(0.7, 0.2, 0.2, 0);

    {  // Feature points: estimated
      auto obj = CPointCloud::Create();
      obj->setColor(0, 0, 1, 1.0);

    // Camera Frames: estimated
    scene->insert(framePosesVecVisualize(frame_poses_noisy, 1.0, 1));
    scene->insert(framePosesVecVisualize(frame_poses_real, 2.0, 1));
    scene->insert(framePosesVecVisualize(frame_poses, 2.0, 3));



    // Also, show history of error:
    gui::CDisplayWindowPlots winPlot("Avr log-error with iterations", 500, 200);
    // winPlot.setPos(0,620);
    winPlot.plot(history_avr_err, "b.3");

    cout << "Close the 3D window or press a key to exit.\n";

    return 0;
  catch (const std::exception& e)
    std::cout << "MRPT exception caught: " << e.what() << std::endl;
    return -1;

mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects::Ptr framePosesVecVisualize(
    const TFramePosesVec& poses, const double len, const double lineWidth)
  auto obj = mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects::Create();

  for (size_t i = 0; i < poses.size(); i++)
    CSetOfObjects::Ptr corner = opengl::stock_objects::CornerXYZSimple(len, lineWidth);
    CPose3D p = poses[i];
    p.x(WORLD_SCALE * p.x());
    p.y(WORLD_SCALE * p.y());
    p.z(WORLD_SCALE * p.z());
    corner->setName(format("%u", (unsigned int)i));
  return obj;