Main MRPT website > C++ reference for MRPT 1.5.7
Namespaces | Functions
filesystem.h File Reference
#include <mrpt/config.h>
#include <mrpt/utils/compiler_fixes.h>
#include <mrpt/base/link_pragmas.h>
#include <mrpt/utils/types_simple.h>
#include <string>
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 This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
 This namespace provides a OS-independent interface to many useful functions: filenames manipulation, time and date, string parsing, file I/O, threading, memory allocation, etc.


std::string BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::system::getTempFileName ()
 Returns the name of a proposed temporary file name. More...
std::string BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::system::getcwd ()
 Returns the current working directory. More...
std::string BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::system::getShareMRPTDir ()
 Attempts to find the directory [PREFIX/]share/mrpt/ and returns its absolute path, or empty string if not found. More...
bool BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::system::createDirectory (const std::string &dirName)
 Creates a directory. More...
bool BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::system::deleteFile (const std::string &fileName)
 Deletes a single file. More...
void BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::system::deleteFiles (const std::string &s)
 Delete one or more files, especified by the (optional) path and the file name (including '?' or '*') - Use forward slash ('/') for directories for compatibility between Windows and Linux, since they will be internally traslated into backward slashes ('\') if MRPT is compiled under Windows. More...
bool BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::system::renameFile (const std::string &oldFileName, const std::string &newFileName, std::string *error_msg=NULL)
 Renames a file - If the target path is different and the filesystem allows it, it will be moved to the new location. More...
bool BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::system::deleteFilesInDirectory (const std::string &s, bool deleteDirectoryAsWell=false)
 Delete all the files in a given directory (nothing done if directory does not exists, or path is a file). More...
std::string BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::system::extractFileName (const std::string &filePath)
 Extract just the name (without extension) of a filename from a complete path plus name plus extension. More...
std::string BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::system::extractFileExtension (const std::string &filePath, bool ignore_gz=false)
 Extract the extension of a filename. More...
std::string BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::system::extractFileDirectory (const std::string &filePath)
 Extract the whole path (the directory) of a filename from a complete path plus name plus extension. More...
bool BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::system::fileExists (const std::string &fileName)
 Test if a given file (or directory) exists. More...
bool BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::system::directoryExists (const std::string &fileName)
 Test if a given directory exists (it fails if the given path refers to an existing file). More...
std::string BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::system::fileNameStripInvalidChars (const std::string &filename, const char replacement_to_invalid_chars='_')
 Replace invalid filename chars by underscores ('_') or any other user-given char. More...
std::string BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::system::fileNameChangeExtension (const std::string &filename, const std::string &newExtension)
 Replace the filename extension by another one. More...
uint64_t BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::system::getFileSize (const std::string &fileName)
 Return the size of the given file, or size_t(-1) if some error is found accessing that file. More...
time_t BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::system::getFileModificationTime (const std::string &filename)
 Return the time of the file last modification, or "0" if the file doesn't exist. More...
std::string BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::system::filePathSeparatorsToNative (const std::string &filePath)
 Windows: replace all '/'->'\' , in Linux/MacOS: replace all '\'->'/'. More...
bool BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::system::copyFile (const std::string &sourceFile, const std::string &targetFile, std::string *outErrStr=NULL, bool copyAttribs=true)
 Copies file sourceFile to targetFile. More...

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