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xsstatusflag.h File Reference

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typedef enum XsStatusFlag XsStatusFlag
typedef enum XsStatusFlagOffset XsStatusFlagOffset


enum  XsStatusFlag {
  XSF_SelfTestOk = 0x01, XSF_OrientationValid = 0x02, XSF_GpsValid = 0x04, XSF_NoRotationMask = 0x18,
  XSF_NoRotationAborted = 0x10, XSF_NoRotationSamplesRejected = 0x08, XSF_NoRotationRunningNormally = 0x18, XSF_ClipAccX = 0x00000100,
  XSF_ClipAccY = 0x00000200, XSF_ClipAccZ = 0x00000400, XSF_ClipGyrX = 0x00000800, XSF_ClipGyrY = 0x00001000,
  XSF_ClipGyrZ = 0x00002000, XSF_ClipMagX = 0x00004000, XSF_ClipMagY = 0x00008000, XSF_ClipMagZ = 0x00010000,
  XSF_SyncIn = 0x00200000, XSF_SyncOut = 0x00400000, XSF_FilterMode = 0x03800000
 Status flags. More...
enum  XsStatusFlagOffset {
  XSFO_OffsetSelfTestOk = 0, XSFO_OffsetOrientationValid = 1, XSFO_OffsetGpsValid = 2, XSFO_OffsetNoRotation = 3,
  XSFO_OffsetClipAccX = 8, XSFO_OffsetClipAccY = 9, XSFO_OffsetClipAccZ = 10, XSFO_OffsetClipGyrX = 11,
  XSFO_OffsetClipGyrY = 12, XSFO_OffsetClipGyrZ = 13, XSFO_OffsetClipMagX = 14, XSFO_OffsetClipMagY = 15,
  XSFO_OffsetClipMagZ = 16, XSFO_SyncIn = 21, XSFO_SyncOut = 22, XSFO_FilterMode = 23,
  XSFO_FilterModeNrOfBits = 3
 Status flag bit offsets. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ XsStatusFlag

typedef enum XsStatusFlag XsStatusFlag

Definition at line 77 of file xsstatusflag.h.

◆ XsStatusFlagOffset

Definition at line 78 of file xsstatusflag.h.

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