"Optimize getNearestNode() with KD-tree!")
52 ASSERTMSG_(m_initialized,
"initialize() must be called before!");
55 double max_veh_radius = 0.;
56 for (
const auto& ptg : m_PTGs)
69 size_t rrt_iter_counter = 0;
72 static size_t SAVE_LOG_SOLVE_COUNT = 0;
84 const double elap_tim = working_time.
85 if ((end_criteria.maxComputationTime > 0 &&
86 elap_tim > end_criteria.maxComputationTime)
89 elap_tim >= end_criteria.minComputationTime)
110 for (
int i = 0; i < node_pose_t::static_size; i++)
114 const CPose2D x_rand_pose(x_rand);
118 using sorted_solution_list_t = std::map<double, TMoveEdgeSE2_TP>;
119 sorted_solution_list_t candidate_new_nodes;
124 distance_evaluator_se2;
125 bool is_new_best_solution =
132 const size_t nPTGs = m_PTGs.size();
133 for (
size_t idxPTG = 0; idxPTG < nPTGs; ++idxPTG)
144 m_timelogger.enter(
147 m_timelogger.leave(
155 if (
params.save_3d_log_freq > 0 &&
166 render_options.
log_msg =
"SKIP: Can't find any close node";
172 renderMoveTree(scene, pi, result, render_options);
175 "./rrt_log_trees/rrt_log_%03u_%06u.3Dscene",
176 static_cast<unsigned int>(SAVE_LOG_SOLVE_COUNT),
177 static_cast<unsigned int>(rrt_iter_counter)));
189 const CPose2D x_rand_rel = x_rand_pose - x_nearest_pose;
194 std::min(
params.maxLength, m_PTGs[idxPTG]->getRefDistance());
200 m_PTGs[idxPTG]->inverseMap_WS2TP(
201 x_rand_rel.
x(), x_rand_rel.
y(), k_rand, d_rand);
213 double TP_Obstacles_k_rand = .0;
214 const double MAX_DIST_FOR_OBSTACLES =
215 1.5 * m_PTGs[idxPTG]->getRefDistance();
222 m_PTGs[idxPTG]->getRefDistance(),
223 1.1 * max_veh_radius);
229 m_timelogger,
230 transformPointcloudWithSquareClipping(
237 m_timelogger,
238 spaceTransformerOneDirectionOnly(
239 k_rand, m_local_obs, m_PTGs[idxPTG].
240 MAX_DIST_FOR_OBSTACLES, TP_Obstacles_k_rand);
245 d_free = TP_Obstacles_k_rand;
249 double d_new = std::min(
258 "tp_idx=%u tp_exact=%c\n d_free: %f d_rand=%f d_new=%f\n",
259 static_cast<unsigned int>(idxPTG),
260 tp_point_is_exact ?
'Y' :
'N', d_free, d_rand, d_new);
262 " nearest:%s\n", x_nearest_pose.asString().c_str());
274 m_PTGs[idxPTG]->getPathStepForDist(k_rand, d_new, nStep);
277 m_PTGs[idxPTG]->getPathPose(k_rand, nStep, rel_pose);
287 x_nearest_pose + new_state_rel;
294 bool accept_this_node =
297 const double goal_dist =
299 const double goal_ang = std::abs(
301 const bool is_acceptable_goal =
302 (goal_dist < end_criteria.acceptedDistToTarget) &&
303 (goal_ang < end_criteria.acceptedAngToTarget);
306 if (!is_acceptable_goal)
309 double new_nearest_dist;
312 m_timelogger.enter(
314 new_state_node, distance_evaluator_se2,
316 m_timelogger.leave(
321 const double new_nearest_ang =
324 .find(new_nearest_id)
325 ->second.state.phi));
328 params.minDistanceBetweenNewNodes ||
329 new_nearest_ang >=
333 if (!accept_this_node)
339 " -> new node NOT accepted for closeness to: %s\n",
341 .find(new_nearest_id)
342 ->second.state.asString()
354 new_edge.
cost = d_new;
355 new_edge.ptg_index = idxPTG;
356 new_edge.ptg_K = k_rand;
357 new_edge.ptg_dist = d_new;
359 candidate_new_nodes[new_edge.cost] = new_edge;
373 if (!candidate_new_nodes.empty())
376 candidate_new_nodes.begin()->second;
383 best_edge.
parent_id, new_child_id, new_state_node, best_edge);
386 const double goal_dist =
392 const bool is_acceptable_goal =
393 (goal_dist < end_criteria.acceptedDistToTarget) &&
394 (goal_ang < end_criteria.acceptedAngToTarget);
396 if (is_acceptable_goal)
400 double this_path_cost = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
401 if (is_acceptable_goal)
406 new_child_id, candidate_solution_path);
408 for (
auto it = candidate_solution_path.begin();
409 it != candidate_solution_path.end(); ++it)
410 if (it->edge_to_parent)
411 this_path_cost += it->edge_to_parent->cost;
415 if (is_acceptable_goal && this_path_cost < result.
421 is_new_best_solution =
427 if (
params.save_3d_log_freq > 0 &&
params.save_3d_log_freq ||
429 is_new_best_solution))
432 m_timelogger,
446 render_options.
log_msg = sLogTxt;
451 renderMoveTree(scene, pi, result, render_options);
455 "./rrt_log_trees/rrt_log_%03u_%06u.3Dscene",
456 static_cast<unsigned int>(SAVE_LOG_SOLVE_COUNT),
457 static_cast<unsigned int>(rrt_iter_counter)));
double Tac() noexcept
Stops the stopwatch.
bool createDirectory(const std::string &dirName)
Creates a directory.
mrpt::math::TPose2D state
state in SE2 as 2D pose (x, y, phi)
mrpt::graphs::TNodeID getNextFreeNodeID() const
void internal_loadConfig_PTG(const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase &cfgSource, const std::string &sSectionName=std::string("PTG_CONFIG"))
Load all PTG params from a config file source.
std::set< mrpt::graphs::TNodeID > acceptable_goal_node_ids
The set of target nodes within an acceptable distance to target (including best_goal_node_id and othe...
mrpt::graphs::TNodeID best_goal_node_id
The ID of the best target node in the tree.
A safe way to call enter() and leave() of a mrpt::system::CTimeLogger upon construction and destructi...
std::string std::string format(std::string_view fmt, ARGS &&... args)
mrpt::graphs::TNodeID parent_id
The ID of the parent node in the tree.
Pose metric for SE(2) limited to a given PTG manifold.
A high-performance stopwatch, with typical resolution of nanoseconds.
T angDistance(T from, T to)
Computes the shortest angular increment (or distance) between two planar orientations, such that it is constrained to [-pi,pi] and is correct for any combination of angles (e.g.
mrpt::vision::TStereoCalibParams params
const mrpt::poses::CPose2D * x_rand_pose
void insertNodeAndEdge(const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID parent_id, const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID new_child_id, const NODE_TYPE_DATA &new_child_node_data, const EDGE_TYPE &new_edge_data)
const node_map_t & getAllNodes() const
mrpt::math::TPoint3D log_msg_position
std::list< node_t > path_t
A topological path up-tree.
void initialize()
Must be called after setting all params (see loadConfig()) and before calling solve() ...
double cost
cost associated to each motion, this should be defined by the user according to a spefic cost functio...
mrpt::math::TPose2D asTPose() const
bool highlight_last_added_edge
return_t drawUniform(const double Min, const double Max)
Generate a uniformly distributed pseudo-random number using the MT19937 algorithm, scaled to the selected range.
void wrapToPiInPlace(T &a)
Modifies the given angle to translate it into the ]-pi,pi] range.
This base provides a set of functions for maths stuff.
double phi() const
Get the phi angle of the 2D pose (in radians)
bool success
Whether the target was reached or not.
mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase CConfigFileBase
Options for renderMoveTree()
TPoint3D_< double > TPoint3D
Lightweight 3D point.
#define ASSERTMSG_(f, __ERROR_MSG)
Defines an assertion mechanism.
double x() const
Common members of all points & poses classes.
TNodeID root
The root of the tree.
Classes for 2D/3D geometry representation, both of single values and probability density distribution...
double ground_xy_grid_frequency
(Default=10 meters) Set to 0 to disable
bool saveToFile(const std::string &fil) const
Saves the scene to a 3Dscene file, loadable by the application SceneViewer3D.
double path_cost
Total cost of the best found path (cost ~~ Euclidean distance)
void keep_max(T &var, const K test_val)
If the second argument is above the first one, set the first argument to this higher value...
void internal_initialize_PTG()
Must be called after setting all params (see internal_loadConfig_PTG()) and before calling solve() ...
void solve(const TPlannerInput &pi, TPlannerResult &result)
The main API entry point: tries to find a planned path from 'goal' to 'target'.
This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
double goal_distance
Distance from best found path to goal.
double computation_time
Time spent (in secs)
A class used to store a 2D pose, including the 2D coordinate point and a heading (phi) angle...
double distance2DTo(double ax, double ay) const
Returns the 2D distance from this pose/point to a 2D point (ignores Z, if it exists).
#define ASSERT_ABOVE_(__A, __B)
void insertNode(const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID node_id, const NODE_TYPE_DATA &node_data)
Insert a node without edges (should be used only for a tree root node)
mrpt::graphs::TNodeID getNearestNode(const NODE_TYPE_FOR_METRIC &query_pt, const PoseDistanceMetric< NODE_TYPE_FOR_METRIC > &distanceMetricEvaluator, double *out_distance=nullptr, const std::set< mrpt::graphs::TNodeID > *ignored_nodes=nullptr) const
Finds the nearest node to a given pose, using the given metric.
This class allows the user to create, load, save, and render 3D scenes using OpenGL primitives...
uint64_t TNodeID
A generic numeric type for unique IDs of nodes or entities.
An edge for the move tree used for planning in SE2 and TP-space.
mrpt::math::TPose2D end_state
state in SE2 as 2D pose (x, y, phi) -
mrpt::graphs::TNodeID highlight_path_to_node_id
Highlight the path from root towards this node (usually, the target)
void backtrackPath(const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID target_node, path_t &out_path) const
Builds the path (sequence of nodes, with info about next edge) up-tree from a target_node towards the...
void Tic() noexcept
Starts the stopwatch.
CRandomGenerator & getRandomGenerator()
A static instance of a CRandomGenerator class, for use in single-thread applications.
TP Space-based RRT path planning for SE(2) (planar) robots.
double phi
Orientation (rads)
tree_t move_tree
The generated motion tree that explores free space starting at "start".