MRPT  1.9.9
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mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc Class Reference

Detailed Description

A class for representing an arc between two nodes in a hierarchical, multi-hypothesis map.

The arc itself will be considered only if some given hypothesisID matchs its own ID.

Create objects by invoking the class factory "::Create"
See also

Definition at line 28 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

#include <mrpt/hmtslam/CHMHMapArc.h>

Inheritance diagram for mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc:

Public Member Functions

 CHMHMapArc (const CHMHMapNode::TNodeID &from=0, const CHMHMapNode::TNodeID &to=0, const THypothesisIDSet &hyps=THypothesisIDSet(), CHierarchicalMHMap *parent=nullptr)
 Private constructor (see ::Create class factory) More...
 CHMHMapArc (CHMHMapNode::Ptr &from, CHMHMapNode::Ptr &to, const THypothesisIDSet &hyps, CHierarchicalMHMap *parent)
 Alternative constructor, using pointers for convenience. More...
 ~CHMHMapArc () override
 Destructor. More...
CHMHMapNode::TNodeID getNodeFrom () const
 Return the starting node of the arc: More...
CHMHMapNode::TNodeID getNodeTo () const
 Return the ending node of the arc: More...
virtual mxArraywriteToMatlab () const
 Introduces a pure virtual method responsible for writing to a mxArray Matlab object, typically a MATLAB struct whose contents are documented in each derived class. More...
RTTI classes and functions for polymorphic hierarchies
mrpt::rtti::CObject::Ptr duplicateGetSmartPtr () const
 Makes a deep copy of the object and returns a smart pointer to it. More...

Public Attributes

THypothesisIDSet m_hypotheses
 The hypothesis IDs under which this arc exists. More...
std::string m_arcType
 The type of the arc, the possibilities are: More...
CMHPropertiesValuesList m_annotations
 The annotations of the arc, see the general description of the class for possible properties and values. More...

Protected Member Functions

void onNodeDestruction (CHMHMapNode *node)
 Event handler to be called just before a node is being destroyed: it should be called only for nodes involved in the arc, altought other cases must be handled without effects When a node involved in the arc is delected, the corresponding pointer in the arc will be set to nullptr and the arc is no longer a valid one. More...
CSerializable virtual methods
uint8_t serializeGetVersion () const override
 Must return the current versioning number of the object. More...
void serializeTo (mrpt::serialization::CArchive &out) const override
 Pure virtual method for writing (serializing) to an abstract archive. More...
void serializeFrom (mrpt::serialization::CArchive &in, uint8_t serial_version) override
 Pure virtual method for reading (deserializing) from an abstract archive. More...
CSerializable virtual methods
virtual void serializeTo (CSchemeArchiveBase &out) const
 Virtual method for writing (serializing) to an abstract schema based archive. More...
virtual void serializeFrom (CSchemeArchiveBase &in)
 Virtual method for reading (deserializing) from an abstract schema based archive. More...

Protected Attributes

CHMHMapNode::TNodeID m_nodeFrom
 The origin/target nodes for this arc. More...
CHMHMapNode::TNodeID m_nodeTo
mrpt::safe_ptr< CHierarchicalMHMapm_parent
 The hierarchical graph in which this object is into. More...


class CHierarchicalMHMap
class CHMHMapNode
class CHierarchicalMapMHPartition
class TArcList

RTTI stuff

using Ptr = std::shared_ptr< mrpt::hmtslam ::CHMHMapArc >
using ConstPtr = std::shared_ptr< const mrpt::hmtslam ::CHMHMapArc >
using UniquePtr = std::unique_ptr< mrpt::hmtslam ::CHMHMapArc >
using ConstUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr< const mrpt::hmtslam ::CHMHMapArc >
static const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId runtimeClassId
static constexpr const char * className = "mrpt::hmtslam" "::" "CHMHMapArc"
static const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId_GetBaseClass ()
static constexpr auto getClassName ()
static const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassIdGetRuntimeClassIdStatic ()
static std::shared_ptr< CObjectCreateObject ()
template<typename... Args>
static Ptr Create (Args &&... args)
template<typename Alloc , typename... Args>
static Ptr CreateAlloc (const Alloc &alloc, Args &&... args)
template<typename... Args>
static UniquePtr CreateUnique (Args &&... args)
virtual const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassIdGetRuntimeClass () const override
 Returns information about the class of an object in runtime. More...
virtual mrpt::rtti::CObjectclone () const override
 Returns a deep copy (clone) of the object, indepently of its class. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ConstPtr

Definition at line 35 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

◆ ConstUniquePtr

using mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::ConstUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr<const mrpt::hmtslam :: CHMHMapArc >

Definition at line 35 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

◆ Ptr

A type for the associated smart pointer

Definition at line 35 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

◆ UniquePtr

using mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::UniquePtr = std::unique_ptr< mrpt::hmtslam :: CHMHMapArc >

Definition at line 35 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CHMHMapArc() [1/2]

CHMHMapArc::CHMHMapArc ( const CHMHMapNode::TNodeID from = 0,
const CHMHMapNode::TNodeID to = 0,
const THypothesisIDSet hyps = THypothesisIDSet(),
CHierarchicalMHMap parent = nullptr 

Private constructor (see ::Create class factory)

Definition at line 21 of file CHMHMapArc.cpp.

◆ CHMHMapArc() [2/2]

CHMHMapArc::CHMHMapArc ( CHMHMapNode::Ptr from,
CHMHMapNode::Ptr to,
const THypothesisIDSet hyps,
CHierarchicalMHMap parent 

Alternative constructor, using pointers for convenience.

Definition at line 39 of file CHMHMapArc.cpp.

References m_nodeFrom, and m_nodeTo.

◆ ~CHMHMapArc()

CHMHMapArc::~CHMHMapArc ( )


Definition at line 59 of file CHMHMapArc.cpp.

References m_nodeFrom, m_nodeTo, and m_parent.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _GetBaseClass()

static const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId* mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::_GetBaseClass ( )

◆ clone()

virtual mrpt::rtti::CObject* mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::clone ( ) const

Returns a deep copy (clone) of the object, indepently of its class.

Implements mrpt::rtti::CObject.

◆ Create()

template<typename... Args>
static Ptr mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::Create ( Args &&...  args)

Definition at line 35 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

◆ CreateAlloc()

template<typename Alloc , typename... Args>
static Ptr mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::CreateAlloc ( const Alloc &  alloc,
Args &&...  args 

Definition at line 35 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

◆ CreateObject()

static std::shared_ptr<CObject> mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::CreateObject ( )

◆ CreateUnique()

template<typename... Args>
static UniquePtr mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::CreateUnique ( Args &&...  args)

Definition at line 35 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

◆ duplicateGetSmartPtr()

mrpt::rtti::CObject::Ptr CObject::duplicateGetSmartPtr ( ) const

Makes a deep copy of the object and returns a smart pointer to it.

Definition at line 204 of file CObject.h.

References mrpt::rtti::CObject::clone().

Referenced by mrpt::obs::CRawlog::insert().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getClassName()

static constexpr auto mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::getClassName ( )

Definition at line 35 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

◆ getNodeFrom()

CHMHMapNode::TNodeID mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::getNodeFrom ( ) const

Return the starting node of the arc:

Definition at line 79 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

References AREAID_INVALID, ASSERT_, and m_nodeFrom.

◆ getNodeTo()

CHMHMapNode::TNodeID mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::getNodeTo ( ) const

Return the ending node of the arc:

Definition at line 87 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

References AREAID_INVALID, ASSERT_, and m_nodeTo.

◆ GetRuntimeClass()

virtual const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId* mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::GetRuntimeClass ( ) const

Returns information about the class of an object in runtime.

Reimplemented from mrpt::serialization::CSerializable.

◆ GetRuntimeClassIdStatic()

static const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId& mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::GetRuntimeClassIdStatic ( )

◆ onNodeDestruction()

void CHMHMapArc::onNodeDestruction ( CHMHMapNode node)

Event handler to be called just before a node is being destroyed: it should be called only for nodes involved in the arc, altought other cases must be handled without effects When a node involved in the arc is delected, the corresponding pointer in the arc will be set to nullptr and the arc is no longer a valid one.

Definition at line 74 of file CHMHMapArc.cpp.

References AREAID_INVALID, mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapNode::getID(), m_nodeFrom, m_nodeTo, MRPT_END, and MRPT_START.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serializeFrom() [1/2]

void CHMHMapArc::serializeFrom ( mrpt::serialization::CArchive in,
uint8_t  serial_version 

Pure virtual method for reading (deserializing) from an abstract archive.

Users don't call this method directly. Instead, use stream >> object;.

inThe input binary stream where the object data must read from.
versionThe version of the object stored in the stream: use this version number in your code to know how to read the incoming data.
std::exceptionOn any I/O error

Implements mrpt::serialization::CSerializable.

Definition at line 91 of file CHMHMapArc.cpp.

References ASSERTMSG_, m_annotations, m_arcType, m_hypotheses, m_nodeFrom, m_nodeTo, m_parent, and MRPT_THROW_UNKNOWN_SERIALIZATION_VERSION.

◆ serializeFrom() [2/2]

virtual void mrpt::serialization::CSerializable::serializeFrom ( CSchemeArchiveBase in)

Virtual method for reading (deserializing) from an abstract schema based archive.

Definition at line 74 of file CSerializable.h.

References mrpt::serialization::CSerializable::GetRuntimeClass(), and THROW_EXCEPTION.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serializeGetVersion()

uint8_t CHMHMapArc::serializeGetVersion ( ) const

Must return the current versioning number of the object.

Start in zero for new classes, and increments each time there is a change in the stored format.

Implements mrpt::serialization::CSerializable.

Definition at line 85 of file CHMHMapArc.cpp.

◆ serializeTo() [1/2]

void CHMHMapArc::serializeTo ( mrpt::serialization::CArchive out) const

Pure virtual method for writing (serializing) to an abstract archive.

Users don't call this method directly. Instead, use stream << object;.

std::exceptionOn any I/O error

Implements mrpt::serialization::CSerializable.

Definition at line 86 of file CHMHMapArc.cpp.

References m_annotations, m_arcType, m_hypotheses, m_nodeFrom, m_nodeTo, and out.

◆ serializeTo() [2/2]

virtual void mrpt::serialization::CSerializable::serializeTo ( CSchemeArchiveBase out) const

Virtual method for writing (serializing) to an abstract schema based archive.

Definition at line 64 of file CSerializable.h.

References mrpt::serialization::CSerializable::GetRuntimeClass(), and THROW_EXCEPTION.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ writeToMatlab()

virtual mxArray* mrpt::serialization::CSerializable::writeToMatlab ( ) const

Introduces a pure virtual method responsible for writing to a mxArray Matlab object, typically a MATLAB struct whose contents are documented in each derived class.

A new mxArray (caller is responsible of memory freeing) or nullptr is class does not support conversion to MATLAB.

Definition at line 90 of file CSerializable.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ CHierarchicalMapMHPartition

friend class CHierarchicalMapMHPartition

Definition at line 32 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

◆ CHierarchicalMHMap

friend class CHierarchicalMHMap

Definition at line 30 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

◆ CHMHMapNode

friend class CHMHMapNode

Definition at line 31 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

◆ TArcList

friend class TArcList

Definition at line 33 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ className

constexpr const char* mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::className = "mrpt::hmtslam" "::" "CHMHMapArc"

Definition at line 35 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

◆ m_annotations

CMHPropertiesValuesList mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::m_annotations

The annotations of the arc, see the general description of the class for possible properties and values.

Definition at line 103 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

Referenced by serializeFrom(), and serializeTo().

◆ m_arcType

std::string mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::m_arcType

The type of the arc, the possibilities are:

  • "Membership": for abstractions
  • "Navegability"
  • "RelativePose"

Definition at line 98 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

Referenced by serializeFrom(), and serializeTo().

◆ m_hypotheses

THypothesisIDSet mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::m_hypotheses

The hypothesis IDs under which this arc exists.

Definition at line 40 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

Referenced by serializeFrom(), and serializeTo().

◆ m_nodeFrom

CHMHMapNode::TNodeID mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::m_nodeFrom

The origin/target nodes for this arc.

Definition at line 45 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

Referenced by CHMHMapArc(), getNodeFrom(), mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapNode::onArcDestruction(), onNodeDestruction(), serializeFrom(), serializeTo(), and ~CHMHMapArc().

◆ m_nodeTo

CHMHMapNode::TNodeID mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::m_nodeTo

◆ m_parent

mrpt::safe_ptr<CHierarchicalMHMap> mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::m_parent

The hierarchical graph in which this object is into.

Definition at line 48 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

Referenced by serializeFrom(), and ~CHMHMapArc().

◆ runtimeClassId

const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc::runtimeClassId

Definition at line 35 of file CHMHMapArc.h.

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