MRPT  1.9.9
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions
mrpt::comms Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Serial and networking devices and utilities.


 A set of useful routines for networking.


class  CClientTCPSocket
 A TCP socket that can be connected to a TCP server, implementing MRPT's CStream interface for passing objects as well as generic read/write methods. More...
class  CInterfaceFTDI
 A definition of a CStream actually representing a USB connection to a FTDI chip. More...
class  CSerialPort
 A communications serial port built as an implementation of a utils::CStream. More...
class  CServerTCPSocket
 A TCP socket that can be wait for client connections to enter. More...
class  Subscriber
 Nodelet-like Pub/Sub communications (in #include <mrpt/comms/nodelets.h>) More...
struct  TFTDIDevice
 A list of FTDI devices and their descriptors. More...
class  Topic
class  TopicDirectory
 The central directory of existing topics for pub/sub. More...


using TFTDIDeviceList = std::deque< TFTDIDevice >
 Used in CInterfaceFTDI::ListAllDevices. More...


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const TFTDIDevice &d)
 Print out all the information of a FTDI device in textual form. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ TFTDIDeviceList

using mrpt::comms::TFTDIDeviceList = typedef std::deque<TFTDIDevice>

Used in CInterfaceFTDI::ListAllDevices.

Definition at line 44 of file CInterfaceFTDI.h.

Function Documentation

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & mrpt::comms::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const TFTDIDevice d 

Print out all the information of a FTDI device in textual form.

Definition at line 451 of file CInterfaceFTDI_WIN.cpp.

References mrpt::format(), mrpt::comms::TFTDIDevice::ftdi_description, mrpt::comms::TFTDIDevice::ftdi_manufacturer, mrpt::comms::TFTDIDevice::ftdi_serial, mrpt::comms::TFTDIDevice::usb_idProduct, mrpt::comms::TFTDIDevice::usb_idVendor, and mrpt::comms::TFTDIDevice::usb_serialNumber.

Referenced by mrpt::slam::CICP::ICP_Method_LM().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

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