MRPT  1.9.9
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
mrpt::slam Namespace Reference




class  CGridMapAligner
 A class for aligning two multi-metric maps (with an occupancy grid maps and a points map, at least) based on features extraction and matching. More...
class  CICP
 Several implementations of ICP (Iterative closest point) algorithms for aligning two point maps or a point map wrt a grid map. More...
class  CIncrementalMapPartitioner
 Finds partitions in metric maps based on N-cut graph partition theory. More...
class  CMetricMapBuilder
 This virtual class is the base for SLAM implementations. More...
class  CMetricMapBuilderICP
 A class for very simple 2D SLAM based on ICP. More...
class  CMetricMapBuilderRBPF
 This class implements a Rao-Blackwelized Particle Filter (RBPF) approach to map building (SLAM). More...
class  CMetricMapsAlignmentAlgorithm
 A base class for any algorithm able of maps alignment. More...
class  CMonteCarloLocalization2D
 Declares a class that represents a Probability Density Function (PDF) over a 2D pose (x,y,phi), using a set of weighted samples. More...
class  CMonteCarloLocalization3D
 Declares a class that represents a Probability Density Function (PDF) over a 3D pose (x,y,phi,yaw,pitch,roll), using a set of weighted samples. More...
class  COccupancyGridMapFeatureExtractor
 A class for detecting features from occupancy grid maps. More...
class  CRangeBearingKFSLAM
 An implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, a full 6D robot pose, and 3D landmarks. More...
class  CRangeBearingKFSLAM2D
 An implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, and a 2D (+heading) robot pose, and 2D landmarks. More...
class  CRejectionSamplingRangeOnlyLocalization
 An implementation of rejection sampling for generating 2D robot pose from range-only measurements within a landmarks (beacons) map. More...
struct  map_keyframe_t
 Map keyframe, comprising raw observations and they as a metric map. More...
class  PF_implementation
 A set of common data shared by PF implementations for both SLAM and localization. More...
struct  TAuxDataRecursiveJCBB
struct  TDataAssociationResults
 The results from mrpt::slam::data_association. More...
class  TKLDParams
 Option set for KLD algorithm. More...
struct  TMetricMapAlignmentResult
 Used as base class for other result structures of each particular algorithm in CMetricMapsAlignmentAlgorithm derived classes. More...
struct  TMonteCarloLocalizationParams
 The struct for passing extra simulation parameters to the prediction stage when running a particle filter. More...


using similarity_func_t = std::function< double(const map_keyframe_t &kf1, const map_keyframe_t &kf2, const mrpt::poses::CPose3D &relPose2wrt1)>
 Type of similarity evaluator for map keyframes. More...


enum  TICPAlgorithm { icpClassic = 0, icpLevenbergMarquardt }
 The ICP algorithm selection, used in mrpt::slam::CICP::options mrpt_slam_grp. More...
enum  TICPCovarianceMethod { icpCovLinealMSE = 0, icpCovFiniteDifferences }
 ICP covariance estimation methods, used in mrpt::slam::CICP::options. More...
enum  similarity_method_t : uint8_t { smMETRIC_MAP_MATCHING = 0, smOBSERVATION_OVERLAP, smCUSTOM_FUNCTION }
 For use in CIncrementalMapPartitioner. More...


template<class PARTICLETYPE , class BINTYPE >
void KLF_loadBinFromParticle (BINTYPE &outBin, const TKLDParams &opts, const PARTICLETYPE *currentParticleValue=nullptr, const mrpt::math::TPose3D *newPoseToBeInserted=nullptr)
void KLF_loadBinFromParticle (mrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin2D &outBin, const TKLDParams &opts, const CMonteCarloLocalization2D::CParticleDataContent *currentParticleValue, const TPose3D *newPoseToBeInserted)
 Fills out a "TPoseBin2D" variable, given a path hypotesis and (if not set to nullptr) a new pose appended at the end, using the KLD params in "options". More...
void KLF_loadBinFromParticle (mrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin3D &outBin, const TKLDParams &opts, const CMonteCarloLocalization3D::CParticleDataContent *currentParticleValue, const TPose3D *newPoseToBeInserted)
 Fills out a "TPoseBin3D" variable, given a path hypotesis and (if not set to nullptr) a new pose appended at the end, using the KLD params in "options". More...
void KLF_loadBinFromParticle (detail::TPoseBin2D &outBin, const TKLDParams &opts, const mrpt::maps::CRBPFParticleData *currentParticleValue, const TPose3D *newPoseToBeInserted)
 Fills out a "TPoseBin2D" variable, given a path hypotesis and (if not set to nullptr) a new pose appended at the end, using the KLD params in "options". More...
void KLF_loadBinFromParticle (detail::TPathBin2D &outBin, const TKLDParams &opts, const mrpt::maps::CRBPFParticleData *currentParticleValue, const TPose3D *newPoseToBeInserted)
 Fills out a "TPathBin2D" variable, given a path hypotesis and (if not set to nullptr) a new pose appended at the end, using the KLD params in "options". More...
template<typename T , TDataAssociationMetric METRIC>
double joint_pdf_metric (const CMatrixDynamic< T > &Z_observations_mean, const CMatrixDynamic< T > &Y_predictions_mean, const CMatrixDynamic< T > &Y_predictions_cov, const TAuxDataRecursiveJCBB &info, [[maybe_unused]] const TDataAssociationResults &aux_data)
 Computes the joint distance metric (mahalanobis or matching likelihood) between two a set of associations. More...
template<TDataAssociationMetric METRIC>
bool isCloser (const double v1, const double v2)
bool isCloser< metricMaha > (const double v1, const double v2)
bool isCloser< metricML > (const double v1, const double v2)
template<typename T , TDataAssociationMetric METRIC>
void JCBB_recursive (const mrpt::math::CMatrixDynamic< T > &Z_observations_mean, const mrpt::math::CMatrixDynamic< T > &Y_predictions_mean, const mrpt::math::CMatrixDynamic< T > &Y_predictions_cov, TDataAssociationResults &results, const TAuxDataRecursiveJCBB &info, const observation_index_t curObsIdx)
Observations overlap functions
double observationsOverlap (const mrpt::obs::CObservation *o1, const mrpt::obs::CObservation *o2, const mrpt::poses::CPose3D *pose_o2_wrt_o1=nullptr)
 Estimates the "overlap" or "matching ratio" of two observations (range [0,1]), possibly taking into account their relative positions. More...
double observationsOverlap (const mrpt::obs::CObservation::Ptr &o1, const mrpt::obs::CObservation::Ptr &o2, const mrpt::poses::CPose3D *pose_o2_wrt_o1=nullptr)
 Estimates the "overlap" or "matching ratio" of two observations (range [0,1]), possibly taking into account their relative positions. More...
double observationsOverlap (const mrpt::obs::CSensoryFrame &sf1, const mrpt::obs::CSensoryFrame &sf2, const mrpt::poses::CPose3D *pose_sf2_wrt_sf1=nullptr)
 Estimates the "overlap" or "matching ratio" of two set of observations (range [0,1]), possibly taking into account their relative positions. More...
double observationsOverlap (const mrpt::obs::CSensoryFrame::Ptr &sf1, const mrpt::obs::CSensoryFrame::Ptr &sf2, const mrpt::poses::CPose3D *pose_sf2_wrt_sf1=nullptr)
 Estimates the "overlap" or "matching ratio" of two set of observations (range [0,1]), possibly taking into account their relative positions. More...

Data association

enum  TDataAssociationMethod { assocNN = 0, assocJCBB }
 Different algorithms for data association, used in mrpt::slam::data_association. More...
enum  TDataAssociationMetric { metricMaha = 0, metricML }
 Different metrics for data association, used in mrpt::slam::data_association For a comparison of both methods see paper: More...
using observation_index_t = size_t
 Used in mrpt::slam::TDataAssociationResults. More...
using prediction_index_t = size_t
 Used in mrpt::slam::TDataAssociationResults. More...
void data_association_full_covariance (const mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble &Z_observations_mean, const mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble &Y_predictions_mean, const mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble &Y_predictions_cov, TDataAssociationResults &results, const TDataAssociationMethod method=assocJCBB, const TDataAssociationMetric metric=metricMaha, const double chi2quantile=0.99, const bool DAT_ASOC_USE_KDTREE=true, const std::vector< prediction_index_t > &predictions_IDs=std::vector< prediction_index_t >(), const TDataAssociationMetric compatibilityTestMetric=metricMaha, const double log_ML_compat_test_threshold=0.0)
 Computes the data-association between the prediction of a set of landmarks and their observations, all of them with covariance matrices - Generic version with prediction full cross-covariances. More...
void data_association_independent_predictions (const mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble &Z_observations_mean, const mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble &Y_predictions_mean, const mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble &Y_predictions_cov, TDataAssociationResults &results, const TDataAssociationMethod method=assocJCBB, const TDataAssociationMetric metric=metricMaha, const double chi2quantile=0.99, const bool DAT_ASOC_USE_KDTREE=true, const std::vector< prediction_index_t > &predictions_IDs=std::vector< prediction_index_t >(), const TDataAssociationMetric compatibilityTestMetric=metricMaha, const double log_ML_compat_test_threshold=0.0)
 Computes the data-association between the prediction of a set of landmarks and their observations, all of them with covariance matrices - Generic version with NO prediction cross-covariances. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ TICPAlgorithm

The ICP algorithm selection, used in mrpt::slam::CICP::options mrpt_slam_grp.


Definition at line 19 of file CICP.h.

Function Documentation

◆ isCloser()

template<TDataAssociationMetric METRIC>
bool mrpt::slam::isCloser ( const double  v1,
const double  v2 

◆ isCloser< metricMaha >()

bool mrpt::slam::isCloser< metricMaha > ( const double  v1,
const double  v2 

Definition at line 137 of file data_association.cpp.

◆ isCloser< metricML >()

bool mrpt::slam::isCloser< metricML > ( const double  v1,
const double  v2 

Definition at line 143 of file data_association.cpp.

◆ JCBB_recursive()

template<typename T , TDataAssociationMetric METRIC>
void mrpt::slam::JCBB_recursive ( const mrpt::math::CMatrixDynamic< T > &  Z_observations_mean,
const mrpt::math::CMatrixDynamic< T > &  Y_predictions_mean,
const mrpt::math::CMatrixDynamic< T > &  Y_predictions_cov,
TDataAssociationResults results,
const TAuxDataRecursiveJCBB info,
const observation_index_t  curObsIdx 

◆ joint_pdf_metric()

template<typename T , TDataAssociationMetric METRIC>
double mrpt::slam::joint_pdf_metric ( const CMatrixDynamic< T > &  Z_observations_mean,
const CMatrixDynamic< T > &  Y_predictions_mean,
const CMatrixDynamic< T > &  Y_predictions_cov,
const TAuxDataRecursiveJCBB info,
[[maybe_unused] ] const TDataAssociationResults aux_data 

Computes the joint distance metric (mahalanobis or matching likelihood) between two a set of associations.

On "currentAssociation": maps "ID_obs" -> "ID_pred" For each landmark ID in the observations (ID_obs), its association in the predictions, that is: ID_pred = associations[ID_obs]

Definition at line 64 of file data_association.cpp.

References ASSERT_, mrpt::slam::TAuxDataRecursiveJCBB::currentAssociation, mrpt::math::MatrixBase< T, CMatrixDynamic< T > >::det(), mrpt::math::extractSubmatrixSymmetricalBlocksDyn(), mrpt::math::MatrixBase< T, CMatrixDynamic< T > >::inverse_LLt(), mrpt::slam::TAuxDataRecursiveJCBB::length_O, M_2PI, metricMaha, metricML, and mrpt::math::multiply_HtCH_scalar().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ KLF_loadBinFromParticle() [1/5]

template<class PARTICLETYPE , class BINTYPE >
void mrpt::slam::KLF_loadBinFromParticle ( BINTYPE &  outBin,
const TKLDParams opts,
const PARTICLETYPE *  currentParticleValue = nullptr,
const mrpt::math::TPose3D newPoseToBeInserted = nullptr 

◆ KLF_loadBinFromParticle() [2/5]

void mrpt::slam::KLF_loadBinFromParticle ( mrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin3D outBin,
const TKLDParams opts,
const CMonteCarloLocalization3D::CParticleDataContent currentParticleValue,
const TPose3D newPoseToBeInserted 

Fills out a "TPoseBin3D" variable, given a path hypotesis and (if not set to nullptr) a new pose appended at the end, using the KLD params in "options".

Definition at line 35 of file CMonteCarloLocalization3D.cpp.

References ASSERT_, mrpt::slam::TKLDParams::KLD_binSize_PHI, mrpt::slam::TKLDParams::KLD_binSize_XY, mrpt::math::TPose3D::pitch, mrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin3D::pitch, mrpt::math::TPose3D::roll, mrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin3D::roll, mrpt::round(), mrpt::math::TPose3D::x, mrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin3D::x, mrpt::math::TPose3D::y, mrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin3D::y, mrpt::math::TPose3D::yaw, mrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin3D::yaw, mrpt::math::TPose3D::z, and mrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin3D::z.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ KLF_loadBinFromParticle() [3/5]

void mrpt::slam::KLF_loadBinFromParticle ( mrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin2D outBin,
const TKLDParams opts,
const CMonteCarloLocalization2D::CParticleDataContent currentParticleValue,
const TPose3D newPoseToBeInserted 

Fills out a "TPoseBin2D" variable, given a path hypotesis and (if not set to nullptr) a new pose appended at the end, using the KLD params in "options".

Definition at line 41 of file CMonteCarloLocalization2D.cpp.

References ASSERT_, mrpt::slam::TKLDParams::KLD_binSize_PHI, mrpt::slam::TKLDParams::KLD_binSize_XY, mrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin2D::phi, mrpt::math::TPose2D::phi, mrpt::round(), mrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin2D::x, mrpt::math::TPose2D::x, mrpt::math::TPose3D::x, mrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin2D::y, mrpt::math::TPose2D::y, mrpt::math::TPose3D::y, and mrpt::math::TPose3D::yaw.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ KLF_loadBinFromParticle() [4/5]

void mrpt::slam::KLF_loadBinFromParticle ( detail::TPoseBin2D outBin,
const TKLDParams opts,
const mrpt::maps::CRBPFParticleData currentParticleValue,
const TPose3D newPoseToBeInserted 

Fills out a "TPoseBin2D" variable, given a path hypotesis and (if not set to nullptr) a new pose appended at the end, using the KLD params in "options".

Definition at line 46 of file CMultiMetricMapPDF_RBPF.cpp.

References ASSERT_, mrpt::slam::TKLDParams::KLD_binSize_PHI, mrpt::slam::TKLDParams::KLD_binSize_XY, mrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin2D::phi, mrpt::maps::CRBPFParticleData::robotPath, mrpt::round(), mrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin2D::x, mrpt::math::TPose3D::x, mrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin2D::y, mrpt::math::TPose3D::y, and mrpt::math::TPose3D::yaw.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ KLF_loadBinFromParticle() [5/5]

void mrpt::slam::KLF_loadBinFromParticle ( detail::TPathBin2D outBin,
const TKLDParams opts,
const mrpt::maps::CRBPFParticleData currentParticleValue,
const TPose3D newPoseToBeInserted 

Fills out a "TPathBin2D" variable, given a path hypotesis and (if not set to nullptr) a new pose appended at the end, using the KLD params in "options".

Definition at line 73 of file CMultiMetricMapPDF_RBPF.cpp.

References mrpt::slam::detail::TPathBin2D::bins, mrpt::slam::TKLDParams::KLD_binSize_PHI, mrpt::slam::TKLDParams::KLD_binSize_XY, mrpt::maps::CRBPFParticleData::robotPath, mrpt::round(), mrpt::math::TPose3D::x, mrpt::math::TPose3D::y, and mrpt::math::TPose3D::yaw.

Here is the call graph for this function:

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