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net_utils.h File Reference
#include <mrpt/utils/core_defs.h>
#include <mrpt/utils/types_simple.h>
#include <mrpt/utils/TParameters.h>
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 This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
 Classes for serialization, sockets, ini-file manipulation, streams, list of properties-values, timewatch, extensions to STL.
 A set of useful routines for networking.


enum  mrpt::utils::net::ERRORCODE_HTTP {
  mrpt::utils::net::erOk = 0, mrpt::utils::net::erBadURL, mrpt::utils::net::erCouldntConnect, mrpt::utils::net::erNotFound,
 Possible returns from a HTTP request. More...


ERRORCODE_HTTP BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::utils::net::http_get (const string &url, vector_byte &out_content, string &out_errormsg, int port=80, const string &auth_user=string(), const string &auth_pass=string(), int *out_http_responsecode=NULL, mrpt::utils::TParameters< string > *extra_headers=NULL, mrpt::utils::TParameters< string > *out_headers=NULL, int timeout_ms=1000)
 Perform an HTTP GET operation (version for retrieving the data as a vector_byte) More...
ERRORCODE_HTTP BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::utils::net::http_get (const string &url, string &out_content, string &out_errormsg, int port=80, const string &auth_user=string(), const string &auth_pass=string(), int *out_http_responsecode=NULL, mrpt::utils::TParameters< string > *extra_headers=NULL, mrpt::utils::TParameters< string > *out_headers=NULL, int timeout_ms=1000)
 Perform an HTTP GET operation (version for retrieving the data as text) More...
ERRORCODE_HTTP BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::utils::net::http_request (const string &http_method, const string &http_send_content, const string &url, vector_byte &out_content, string &out_errormsg, int port=80, const string &auth_user=string(), const string &auth_pass=string(), int *out_http_responsecode=NULL, mrpt::utils::TParameters< string > *extra_headers=NULL, mrpt::utils::TParameters< string > *out_headers=NULL, int timeout_ms=1000)
 Generic function for HTTP GET & POST methods. More...
bool BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::utils::net::DNS_resolve_async (const std::string &server_name, std::string &out_ip, const unsigned int timeout_ms=3000)
 Resolve a server address by its name, returning its IP address as a string - This method has a timeout for the maximum time to wait for the DNS server. More...
std::string BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::utils::net::getLastSocketErrorStr ()
 Returns a description of the last Sockets error. More...
bool BASE_IMPEXP mrpt::utils::net::Ping (const std::string &address, const int &max_attempts, std::string *output_str=NULL)
 Ping an IP address. More...

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