49 using iterator = std::deque<CBeacon>::iterator;
70 void resize(
const size_t N);
115 const std::string& section)
117 std::ostream&
const override;
134 const std::string& section)
136 std::ostream&
const override;
205 const std::string& file,
const char* style =
206 float confInterval = 0.95f)
236 float& correspondencesRatio,
237 std::vector<bool>& otherCorrespondences)
288 const std::string& filNamePrefix)
const override;
bool isEmpty() const override
Returns true if the map is empty/no observation has been inserted.
Parameters for CMetricMap::compute3DMatchingRatio()
const_iterator end() const
This is a virtual base class for sets of options than can be loaded from and/or saved to configuratio...
float compute3DMatchingRatio(const mrpt::maps::CMetricMap *otherMap, const mrpt::poses::CPose3D &otherMapPose, const TMatchingRatioParams ¶ms) const override
Computes the ratio in [0,1] of correspondences between "this" and the "otherMap" map, whose 6D pose relative to "this" is "otherMapPose" In the case of a multi-metric map, this returns the average between the maps.
void getAs3DObject(mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects::Ptr &outObj) const override
Returns a 3D object representing the map.
This struct contains data for choosing the method by which new beacons are inserted in the map...
With this struct options are provided to the likelihood computations.
mrpt::vision::TStereoCalibParams params
Declares a class derived from "CObservation" that represents one (or more) range measurements to labe...
void internal_clear() override
Internal method called by clear()
bool MC_performResampling
If set to false (default), the samples will be generated the first time a beacon is observed...
void dumpToTextStream(std::ostream &out) const override
This method should clearly display all the contents of the structure in textual form, sending it to a std::ostream.
double maxElevation_deg
Minimum and maximum elevation angles (in degrees) for inserting new beacons at the first observation:...
TSequenceBeacons m_beacons
The individual beacons.
#define ASSERT_(f)
Defines an assertion mechanism.
This class allows loading and storing values and vectors of different types from a configuration text...
void changeCoordinatesReference(const mrpt::poses::CPose3D &newOrg)
Changes the reference system of the map to a given 3D pose.
bool internal_insertObservation(const mrpt::obs::CObservation &obs, const mrpt::poses::CPose3D *robotPose=nullptr) override
Internal method called by insertObservation()
int64_t TBeaconID
The type for the IDs of landmarks.
float SOG_maxDistBetweenGaussians
A parameter for initializing 2D/3D SOGs.
void loadFromConfigFile(const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase &source, const std::string §ion) override
This method load the options from a ".ini"-like file or memory-stored string list.
A class for storing a map of 3D probabilistic beacons, using a Montecarlo, Gaussian, or Sum of Gaussians (SOG) representation (for range-only SLAM).
float SOG_separationConstant
Constant used to compute the std.
void saveToTextFile(const std::string &fil) const
Save a text file with a row per beacon, containing this 11 elements:
void push_back(const CBeacon &m)
Inserts a copy of the given mode into the SOG.
A class used to store a 3D point.
double internal_computeObservationLikelihood(const mrpt::obs::CObservation &obs, const mrpt::poses::CPose3D &takenFrom) override
Internal method called by computeObservationLikelihood()
CBeacon & operator[](size_t i)
Access to individual beacons.
This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
const CBeacon & operator[](size_t i) const
Access to individual beacons.
void determineMatching2D(const mrpt::maps::CMetricMap *otherMap, const mrpt::poses::CPose2D &otherMapPose, mrpt::tfest::TMatchingPairList &correspondences, const TMatchingParams ¶ms, TMatchingExtraResults &extraResults) const override
Computes the matching between this and another 2D point map, which includes finding: ...
void loadFromConfigFile(const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase &source, const std::string §ion) override
Initilization of default parameters.
Declares a virtual base class for all metric maps storage classes.
A class used to store a 2D pose, including the 2D coordinate point and a heading (phi) angle...
A class used to store a 3D pose (a 3D translation + a rotation in 3D).
mrpt::vision::TStereoCalibResults out
Declares a class that represents any robot's observation.
double rangeStd
The standard deviation used for Beacon ranges likelihood (default=0.08m).
void dumpToTextStream(std::ostream &out) const override
This method should clearly display all the contents of the structure in textual form, sending it to a std::ostream.
bool insertAsMonteCarlo
Insert a new beacon as a set of montecarlo samples (default=true), or, if false, as a sum of gaussian...
const CBeacon * getBeaconByID(CBeacon::TBeaconID id) const
Returns a pointer to the beacon with the given ID, or nullptr if it does not exist.
void resize(const size_t N)
Resize the number of SOG modes.
mrpt::maps::CBeaconMap::TLikelihoodOptions likelihoodOptions
std::deque< CBeacon >::const_iterator const_iterator
#define DEFINE_SERIALIZABLE(class_name, NS)
This declaration must be inserted in all CSerializable classes definition, within the class declarati...
const_iterator begin() const
bool saveToMATLABScript3D(const std::string &file, const char *style="b", float confInterval=0.95f) const
Save to a MATLAB script which displays 3D error ellipses for the map.
unsigned int MC_numSamplesPerMeter
Number of particles per meter of range, i.e.
std::deque< CBeacon > TSequenceBeacons
double MC_thresholdNegligible
Threshold for the maximum difference from the maximun (log) weight in the set of samples for erasing ...
void saveMetricMapRepresentationToFile(const std::string &filNamePrefix) const override
This virtual method saves the map to a file "filNamePrefix"+< some_file_extension >...
mrpt::maps::CBeaconMap::TInsertionOptions insertionOptions
float MC_maxStdToGauss
The threshold for the maximum std (X,Y,and Z) before colapsing the particles into a Gaussian PDF (def...
float MC_afterResamplingNoise
The std.dev.
Parameters for the determination of matchings between point clouds, etc.
void simulateBeaconReadings(const mrpt::poses::CPose3D &in_robotPose, const mrpt::poses::CPoint3D &in_sensorLocationOnRobot, mrpt::obs::CObservationBeaconRanges &out_Observations) const
Simulates a reading toward each of the beacons in the landmarks map, if any.
The class for storing individual "beacon landmarks" under a variety of 3D position PDF distributions...
float SOG_thresholdNegligible
Threshold for the maximum difference from the maximun (log) weight in the SOG for erasing a given mod...
std::deque< CBeacon >::iterator iterator
size_t size() const
Returns the stored landmarks count.
void computeMatchingWith3DLandmarks(const mrpt::maps::CBeaconMap *otherMap, mrpt::tfest::TMatchingPairList &correspondences, float &correspondencesRatio, std::vector< bool > &otherCorrespondences) const
Perform a search for correspondences between "this" and another lansmarks map: Firsly, the landmarks' descriptor is used to find correspondences, then inconsistent ones removed by looking at their 3D poses.