MRPT  1.9.9
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2  | Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) |
3  | |
4  | |
5  | Copyright (c) 2005-2018, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file |
6  | See: - All rights reserved. |
7  | Released under BSD License. See details in |
8  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
10 #include "hwdrivers-precomp.h" // Precompiled headers
12 #include <mrpt/comms/net_utils.h>
16 #include <mrpt/core/bits_math.h>
17 #include <thread>
18 #include <cstdint>
19 #include <cmath>
21 using namespace mrpt;
22 using namespace mrpt::comms;
23 using namespace mrpt::hwdrivers;
24 using namespace mrpt::serialization;
25 using namespace std::literals;
27 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
28  default constructor
29 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
30 CServoeNeck::CServoeNeck()
31  : m_usbSerialNumber("eNeck001"),
32  m_MaxValue(10000),
33  m_TruncateFactor(0.5),
34  m_PrevAngles(0),
35  m_NumPrevAngles(5)
36 {
37  m_offsets.resize(3, 0);
38 } // end-constructor
39 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
40  default destructor
41 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
43 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
44  queryFirmwareVersion
45 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
47 {
48  try
49  {
52  // Try to connect to the device:
53  if (!checkConnectionAndConnect()) return false;
55  msg.type = 0x10;
56  archiveFrom(*this).sendMessage(msg);
58  if (archiveFrom(*this).receiveMessage(msgRx))
59  {
60  msgRx.getContentAsString(out_firmwareVersion);
61  std::this_thread::sleep_for(200ms);
62  return true;
63  }
64  else
65  return false;
66  }
67  catch (...)
68  {
69  Close();
70  return false;
71  }
72 } // end-queryFirmwareVersion
74 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
75  angle2RegValue
76 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
77 unsigned int CServoeNeck::angle2RegValue(const double angle /* rad */)
78 {
79  const uint16_t reg =
80  1250 + (1000 / M_PI) * (angle - M_PI * 0.5); // equation: v = s*(a-a0)
81  // + v0 where s = 450/pi;
82  // a0 = 0 and v0 = 750
83  // cout << "Reg: " << reg << endl;
84  return (reg);
86  // return ( (uint16_t)( (m_MaxValue/20)*(-2*angle/M_PI+1.5) ) ); //
87  // equation: v = s*(a-a0) + v0 where s = 450/pi; a0 = 0 and v0 = 750
88  // return ( (uint16_t)( (m_MaxValue/20)*(2*angle/M_PI+1.5) ) ); //
89  // equation: v = s*(a-a0) + v0 where s = 450/pi; a0 = 0 and v0 = 750
90  // return ( (uint16_t)( (900/M_PI)*nangle + 750 ) ); // equation:
91  // v
92  // =
93  // s*(a-a0) + v0 where s = 450/pi; a0 = 0 and v0 = 750
94 } // end-angle2RegValue
96 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
97  regValue2angle
98 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
100 {
101  double angle = M_PI * 0.5 + (M_PI / 1000) * (value - 1250);
102  return angle;
104  // return ( -M_PI*0.5*(20*value/m_MaxValue-1.5) ); //
105  // equation:
106  // angle
107  // =
108  // (pi/2)*(20*OCR/ICR-1.5)
109  // return ( -M_PI*0.25+(M_PI/1800)*(value-1050) ); //
110  // equation:
111  // angle
112  // =
113  // (pi/2)*(20*OCR/ICR-1.5)
114  // return ( M_PI*0.5*(20*value/m_MaxValue-1.5) ); //
115  // equation:
116  // angle
117  // =
118  // (pi/2)*(20*OCR/ICR-1.5)
119  // return ( (value-750)/(900/M_PI) );
120 } // end-regValue2angle
122 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
123  setRegisterValue
124 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
126  const uint16_t value, const uint8_t servo, bool fast)
127 {
128  try
129  {
130  if (!isOpen()) return false;
134  // Send cmd for setting the value of the register:
135  // ------------------------------------------------
136  if (fast)
137  msg.type = 0x15;
138  else
139  msg.type = 0x11;
140  msg.content.resize(3);
141  msg.content[2] = (uint8_t)value; // Low byte
142  msg.content[1] = (uint8_t)(value >> 8); // High byte
143  msg.content[0] = servo; // Servo number
145  archiveFrom(*this).sendMessage(msg);
146  if (!archiveFrom(*this).receiveMessage(msgRx)) return false; // Error
148  std::this_thread::sleep_for(200ms);
149  return true;
150  }
151  catch (...)
152  {
153  // Error opening device:
154  Close();
155  return false;
156  }
158 } // end-setRegisterValue
160 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
161  setRegisterValue
162 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
164  const uint16_t value, const uint8_t servo, const uint16_t speed)
165 {
166  try
167  {
168  if (!isOpen()) return false;
172  // Send cmd for setting the value of the register:
173  // ------------------------------------------------
174  msg.type = 0x16;
175  msg.content.resize(5);
176  msg.content[4] = (uint8_t)speed; // Low byte of the speed of the servo
177  msg.content[3] =
178  (uint8_t)(speed >> 8); // High byte of the speed of the servo
179  msg.content[2] = (uint8_t)value; // Low byte
180  msg.content[1] = (uint8_t)(value >> 8); // High byte
181  msg.content[0] = servo; // Servo number
183  archiveFrom(*this).sendMessage(msg);
184  if (!archiveFrom(*this).receiveMessage(msgRx)) return false; // Error
186  std::this_thread::sleep_for(200ms);
187  return true;
188  }
189  catch (...)
190  {
191  // Error opening device:
192  Close();
193  return false;
194  }
196 } // end-setRegisterValue
198 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
199  getRegisterValue
200 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
202 {
203  try
204  {
205  if (!isOpen()) return false;
209  // Send cmd for obtaining the value of the OCR1A register:
210  // --------------------------------------------------------
211  msg.type = 0x12;
212  msg.content.resize(1);
213  msg.content[0] = servo;
215  archiveFrom(*this).sendMessage(msg);
216  if (archiveFrom(*this).receiveMessage(msgRx))
217  {
218  if (msgRx.content.size() != 2) return false;
220  value = (msgRx.content[0] << 8) + msgRx.content[1];
221  return true;
222  }
223  else
224  return false;
226  return true;
227  }
228  catch (...)
229  {
230  // Error opening device:
231  Close();
232  return false;
233  }
235 } // end-getRegisterValue
237 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
238  getCurrentAngle
239 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
240 bool CServoeNeck::getCurrentAngle(double& angle, const uint8_t servo)
241 {
242  uint16_t value;
243  if (getRegisterValue(value, servo))
244  {
245  angle = regValue2angle(value);
246  return true;
247  }
248  else
249  return false;
250 } // end-getCurrentAngle
252 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
253  setAngle
254 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
255 bool CServoeNeck::setAngle(double angle, const uint8_t servo, bool fast)
256 {
257  // double nangle = -angle;
259  // if( nangle < -m_TruncateFactor*M_PI/2 ) nangle =
260  // -m_TruncateFactor*M_PI/2;
261  // if( nangle > m_TruncateFactor*M_PI/2 ) nangle =
262  // m_TruncateFactor*M_PI/2;
264  // unsigned int reg = angle2RegValue( nangle );
266  // std::cout << "Angle: " << RAD2DEG( nangle ) << " - Reg: " << reg <<
267  // std::endl;
268  // return setRegisterValue( reg, servo );
270  if (angle < -m_TruncateFactor * M_PI / 2)
271  angle = -m_TruncateFactor * M_PI / 2;
272  if (angle > m_TruncateFactor * M_PI / 2)
273  angle = m_TruncateFactor * M_PI / 2;
275  unsigned int reg = angle2RegValue(m_offsets[servo] + angle);
277  std::cout << "Angle: " << RAD2DEG(angle) << " - Reg: " << reg << std::endl;
278  return setRegisterValue(reg, servo, fast);
280 } // end-getCurrentAngle
282 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
283  setAngleAndSpeed
284 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
286  double angle, const uint8_t servo, const uint8_t speed)
287 {
288  // speed in the range 15/s-250/s
289  if (angle < -m_TruncateFactor * M_PI / 2)
290  angle = -m_TruncateFactor * M_PI / 2;
291  if (angle > m_TruncateFactor * M_PI / 2)
292  angle = m_TruncateFactor * M_PI / 2;
294  unsigned int reg = angle2RegValue(m_offsets[servo] + angle);
295  uint8_t thisSpeed = speed < 15 ? 15 : speed > 250 ? 250 : speed;
296  uint16_t delSpeed =
297  uint16_t(0.25 * 1000000 / (500 + 1000 * (thisSpeed / 180.0f - 0.5)));
298  // cout << "Speed: " << int(speed) << " -> " << delSpeed << endl;
299  // std::cout << "Angle: " << RAD2DEG( angle ) << " - Reg: " << reg <<
300  // std::endl;
301  return setRegisterValueAndSpeed(reg, servo, delSpeed);
303 } // end-getCurrentAngle
305 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
306  setAngleWithFilter
307 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
309  double angle, const uint8_t servo, bool fast)
310 {
311  double nangle = 0;
312  if (m_PrevAngles.size() == m_NumPrevAngles &&
313  m_NumPrevAngles != 0) // If the deque is full populated
314  m_PrevAngles.erase(
315  m_PrevAngles.begin()); // Erase the first angle of the deque
317  m_PrevAngles.push_back(angle); // Push back the new angle
320  for (it = m_PrevAngles.begin(); it != m_PrevAngles.end();
321  ++it) // Sum up all the elements in the deque
322  nangle += *it;
323  nangle /= m_PrevAngles.size(); // Mean angle
325  return (setAngle(nangle, servo, fast));
326 }
328 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
329  disableServo
330 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
332 {
333  try
334  {
335  if (!isOpen()) return false;
339  // Send cmd for disabling servo:
340  // ----------------------------
341  msg.type = 0x13;
342  msg.content.resize(1);
343  msg.content[0] = servo; // Servo number
345  archiveFrom(*this).sendMessage(msg);
346  if (!archiveFrom(*this).receiveMessage(msgRx)) return false; // Error
348  return true;
349  }
350  catch (...)
351  {
352  // Error opening device:
353  Close();
354  return false;
355  }
357 } // end-getCurrentAngle
359 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
360  enableServo
361 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
363 {
364  try
365  {
366  if (!isOpen()) return false;
370  // Send cmd for enabling the servo:
371  // --------------------------------
372  msg.type = 0x14;
373  msg.content.resize(1);
374  msg.content[0] = servo; // Servo number
376  archiveFrom(*this).sendMessage(msg);
377  if (!archiveFrom(*this).receiveMessage(msgRx)) return false; // Error
379  return true;
380  }
381  catch (...)
382  {
383  // Error opening device:
384  Close();
385  return false;
386  }
388 } // end-getCurrentAngle
390 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
391  Center
392 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
393 bool CServoeNeck::center(const uint8_t servo)
394 {
395  unsigned int value = angle2RegValue(m_offsets[servo]);
396  return setRegisterValue(value, servo);
397 } // end-Center
399 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
400  checkConnectionAndConnect
401 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
403 {
404  if (isOpen()) return true;
406  try
407  {
409  std::this_thread::sleep_for(10ms);
410  Purge();
411  std::this_thread::sleep_for(10ms);
412  SetLatencyTimer(1);
413  SetTimeouts(300, 100);
414  return true;
415  }
416  catch (...)
417  {
418  // Error opening device:
419  Close();
420  return false;
421  }
422 } // end-checkConnectionAndConnect
424 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
425  setOffsets
426 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
427 void CServoeNeck::setOffsets(float offset0, float offset1, float offset2)
428 {
429  m_offsets.resize(3);
430  m_offsets[0] = offset0;
431  m_offsets[1] = offset1;
432  m_offsets[2] = offset2;
433 }
unsigned int angle2RegValue(const double angle)
Converts from a decimal angle (in radians) to the corresponding register value for the ATMEGA16 contr...
Definition: CServoeNeck.cpp:77
Scalar * iterator
Definition: eigen_plugins.h:26
bool isOpen()
Checks whether the chip has been successfully open.
unsigned __int16 uint16_t
Definition: rptypes.h:44
double RAD2DEG(const double x)
Radians to degrees.
bool setRegisterValueAndSpeed(const uint16_t value, const uint8_t servo, const uint16_t speed)
bool setAngle(double angle, const uint8_t servo=0, bool fast=false)
Turns the servo up to the specified angle (in radians in the range -pi,pi, other values will be satur...
bool checkConnectionAndConnect()
Tries to connect to the USB device (if disconnected).
bool queryFirmwareVersion(std::string &out_firmwareVersion)
Gets the firmware version of the eNeck board.
Definition: CServoeNeck.cpp:46
uint32_t type
An identifier of the message type (only the least-sig byte is typically sent)
Definition: CMessage.h:32
Contains classes for various device interfaces.
unsigned int m_NumPrevAngles
Number of previous angles to store for averaging.
Definition: CServoeNeck.h:129
bool center(const uint8_t servo=0)
Centers the servo at zero position.
bool setAngleWithFilter(double angle, const uint8_t servo=0, bool fast=false)
Turns the servo up to the specified angle (in radians in the range -pi,pi) filtered by average with t...
std::vector< float > m_offsets
The offset used for each servo.
Definition: CServoeNeck.h:131
unsigned char uint8_t
Definition: rptypes.h:41
CArchiveStreamBase< STREAM > archiveFrom(STREAM &s)
Helper function to create a templatized wrapper CArchive object for a: MRPT&#39;s CStream, std::istream, std::ostream, std::stringstream
Definition: CArchive.h:555
bool getCurrentAngle(double &angle, const uint8_t servo=0)
Gets the current angle of the servo (in radians within (-pi,pi))
void Close()
Close the USB device.
bool disableServo(const uint8_t servo=0)
Disables the servo so the neck will be loose.
void SetTimeouts(unsigned long dwReadTimeout_ms, unsigned long dwWriteTimeout_ms)
Change read & write timeouts, in milliseconds.
bool enableServo(const uint8_t servo=0)
Enables the servo so the neck will be tight.
void OpenBySerialNumber(const std::string &serialNumber)
Open by device serial number.
GLsizei const GLchar ** string
Definition: glext.h:4101
void setOffsets(float offset0, float offset1, float offset2)
Load the Offset values for each servo.
This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
A class that contain generic messages, that can be sent and received from a "CClientTCPSocket" object...
Definition: CMessage.h:27
void getContentAsString(std::string &str)
Gets the contents of the message as a string.
Definition: CMessage.cpp:96
std::string m_usbSerialNumber
A copy of the device serial number (to open the USB FTDI chip).
Definition: CServoeNeck.h:119
bool getRegisterValue(uint16_t &value, const uint8_t servo=0)
double m_TruncateFactor
The range of turn of the servo will be truncated to "+-m_truncate_factor*(pi/2)". ...
Definition: CServoeNeck.h:124
std::vector< uint8_t > content
The contents of the message (memory is automatically handled by the std::vector object) ...
Definition: CMessage.h:35
GLsizei const GLfloat * value
Definition: glext.h:4117
bool setAngleAndSpeed(double angle, const uint8_t servo, const uint8_t speed)
Turns the servo up to the specified angle (in radians in the range -pi,pi, other values will be satur...
std::deque< double > m_PrevAngles
A vector containing the last N angles which where passed to the servo (for averaging) ...
Definition: CServoeNeck.h:127
Serial and networking devices and utilities.
double regValue2angle(const uint16_t value)
Converts from a certain value of the ATMEGA16 PWM register to the corresponding decimal angle (for in...
Definition: CServoeNeck.cpp:99
void SetLatencyTimer(unsigned char latency_ms)
Change the latency timer (in milliseconds) implemented on the FTDI chip: for a few ms...
bool setRegisterValue(const uint16_t value, const uint8_t servo=0, bool fast=false)
void Purge()
Purge the I/O buffers.

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