Main MRPT website > C++ reference for MRPT 1.5.9
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1 /* +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2  | Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) |
3  | |
4  | |
5  | Copyright (c) 2005-2017, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file |
6  | See: - All rights reserved. |
7  | Released under BSD License. See details in |
8  +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
9 #ifndef CFeature_H
10 #define CFeature_H
12 #include <mrpt/utils/CImage.h>
13 #include <mrpt/math/CMatrix.h>
16 #include <mrpt/vision/types.h>
19 namespace mrpt
20 {
21  namespace vision
22  {
23  class CFeatureList;
24  class CMatchedFeatureList;
26  enum TListIdx
27  {
28  firstList = 0,
31  };
33  /** \defgroup mrptvision_features Feature detection, descriptors and matching
34  * \ingroup mrpt_vision_grp
35  */
37  /** \addtogroup mrptvision_features
38  @{ */
41  /****************************************************
42  Class CFEATURE
43  *****************************************************/
46  /** A generic 2D feature from an image, extracted with \a CFeatureExtraction
47  * Each feature may have one or more descriptors (see \a descriptors), in addition to an image patch.
48  * The (Euclidean) distance between descriptors in a pair of features can be computed with descriptorDistanceTo,
49  * while the similarity of the patches is given by patchCorrelationTo.
50  *
51  * \sa CFeatureList, TSimpleFeature, TSimpleFeatureList
52  */
53  class VISION_IMPEXP CFeature : public mrpt::utils::CSerializable
54  {
55  friend class CFeatureList;
56  friend class CMatchedFeatureList;
60  public:
61  float x,y; //!< Coordinates in the image
62  TFeatureID ID; //!< ID of the feature
63  mrpt::utils::CImage patch; //!< A patch of the image surrounding the feature
64  uint16_t patchSize; //!< Size of the patch (patchSize x patchSize) (it must be an odd number)
65  TFeatureType type; //!< Type of the feature: featNotDefined, featSIFT, featKLT, featHarris, featSURF, featBeacon
66  TFeatureTrackStatus track_status; //!< Status of the feature tracking process (old name: KLT_status)
67  float response; //!< A measure of the "goodness" of the feature (old name: KLT_val)
68  float orientation; //!< Main orientation of the feature
69  float scale; //!< Feature scale into the scale space
70  uint8_t user_flags; //!< A field for any other flags needed by the user (this has not a predefined meaning)
71  uint16_t nTimesSeen; //!< Number of frames it has been seen in a sequence of images.
72  uint16_t nTimesNotSeen; //!< Number of frames it has not been seen in a sequence of images.
73  uint16_t nTimesLastSeen; //!< Number of frames since it was seen for the last time.
75  double depth; //!< The estimated depth in 3D of this feature wrt the camera in the current frame
76  double initialDepth; //!< The estimated depth in 3D of this feature wrt the camera that took its image
77  mrpt::math::TPoint3D p3D; //!< The estimated 3D point of this feature wrt its camera
78  std::deque<double> multiScales; //!< A set of scales where the multi-resolution descriptor has been computed
79  std::deque<std::vector<double> > multiOrientations; //!< A vector of main orientations (there is a vector of orientations for each scale)
80  std::deque<std::vector<std::vector<int32_t> > > multiHashCoeffs; //!< A set of vectors containing the coefficients for a HASH table of descriptors
81  bool isPointFeature() const; //!< Return false only for Blob detectors (SIFT, SURF)
83  /** All the possible descriptors this feature may have */
85  {
86  TDescriptors(); // Initialization
88  std::vector<uint8_t> SIFT; //!< SIFT feature descriptor
89  std::vector<float> SURF; //!< SURF feature descriptor
90  std::vector<float> SpinImg; //!< The 2D histogram as a single row
91  uint16_t SpinImg_range_rows; //!< The number of rows (corresponding to range bins in the 2D histogram) of the original matrix from which SpinImg was extracted as a vector.
92  mrpt::math::CMatrix PolarImg; //!< A polar image centered at the interest point
93  mrpt::math::CMatrix LogPolarImg; //!< A log-polar image centered at the interest point
94  bool polarImgsNoRotation; //!< If set to true (manually, default=false) the call to "descriptorDistanceTo" will not consider all the rotations between polar image descriptors (PolarImg, LogPolarImg)
95  std::deque<std::vector<std::vector<int32_t> > > multiSIFTDescriptors; //!< A set of SIFT-like descriptors for each orientation and scale of the multiResolution feature (there is a vector of descriptors for each scale)
96  std::vector<uint8_t> ORB; //!< ORB feature descriptor
98  bool hasDescriptorSIFT() const { return !SIFT.empty(); }; //!< Whether this feature has this kind of descriptor
99  bool hasDescriptorSURF() const { return !SURF.empty(); } //!< Whether this feature has this kind of descriptor
100  bool hasDescriptorSpinImg() const { return !SpinImg.empty(); }; //!< Whether this feature has this kind of descriptor
101  bool hasDescriptorPolarImg() const { return PolarImg.rows()!=0; } ; //!< Whether this feature has this kind of descriptor
102  bool hasDescriptorLogPolarImg() const { return LogPolarImg.rows()!=0; } ; //!< Whether this feature has this kind of descriptor
103  bool hasDescriptorMultiSIFT() const {
104  return (multiSIFTDescriptors.size() > 0 && multiSIFTDescriptors[0].size() > 0); //!< Whether this feature has this kind of descriptor
105  }
106  bool hasDescriptorORB() const { return !ORB.empty(); } //!< Whether this feature has this kind of descriptor
107  }
108  descriptors;
110  /** Return the first found descriptor, as a matrix.
111  * \return false on error, i.e. there is no valid descriptor.
112  */
113  bool getFirstDescriptorAsMatrix(mrpt::math::CMatrixFloat &desc) const;
115  /** Computes the normalized cross-correlation between the patches of this and another feature (normalized in the range [0,1], such as 0=best, 1=worst).
116  * \note If this or the other features does not have patches or they are of different sizes, an exception will be raised.
117  * \sa descriptorDistanceTo
118  */
119  float patchCorrelationTo( const CFeature &oFeature) const;
121  /** Computes the Euclidean Distance between this feature's and other feature's descriptors, using the given descriptor or the first present one.
122  * \note If descriptorToUse is not descAny and that descriptor is not present in one of the features, an exception will be raised.
123  * \sa patchCorrelationTo
124  */
125  float descriptorDistanceTo( const CFeature &oFeature, TDescriptorType descriptorToUse = descAny, bool normalize_distances = true ) const;
127  /** Computes the Euclidean Distance between "this" and the "other" descriptors */
128  float descriptorSIFTDistanceTo( const CFeature &oFeature, bool normalize_distances = true ) const;
130  /** Computes the Euclidean Distance between "this" and the "other" descriptors */
131  float descriptorSURFDistanceTo( const CFeature &oFeature, bool normalize_distances = true ) const;
133  /** Computes the Euclidean Distance between "this" and the "other" descriptors */
134  float descriptorSpinImgDistanceTo( const CFeature &oFeature, bool normalize_distances = true ) const;
136  /** Returns the minimum Euclidean Distance between "this" and the "other" polar image descriptor, for the best shift in orientation.
137  * \param oFeature The other feature to compare with.
138  * \param minDistAngle The placeholder for the angle at which the smallest distance is found.
139  * \return The distance for the best orientation (minimum distance).
140  */
141  float descriptorPolarImgDistanceTo(
142  const CFeature &oFeature,
143  float &minDistAngle,
144  bool normalize_distances = true ) const;
146  /** Returns the minimum Euclidean Distance between "this" and the "other" log-polar image descriptor, for the best shift in orientation.
147  * \param oFeature The other feature to compare with.
148  * \param minDistAngle The placeholder for the angle at which the smallest distance is found.
149  * \return The distance for the best orientation (minimum distance).
150  */
151  float descriptorLogPolarImgDistanceTo(
152  const CFeature &oFeature,
153  float &minDistAngle,
154  bool normalize_distances = true ) const;
156  /** Computes the Hamming distance "this" and the "other" descriptor ORB descriptor */
157  uint8_t descriptorORBDistanceTo( const CFeature &oFeature ) const;
159  /** Save the feature to a text file in this format:
160  * "%% Dump of mrpt::vision::CFeatureList. Each line format is:\n"
162  * "%% |---------------------- feature ------------------| |---------------------- descriptors ------------------------|"
163  * "%% with:\n"
164  * "%% TYPE : The used detector: 0:KLT, 1: Harris, 2: BCD, 3: SIFT, 4: SURF, 5: Beacon, 6: FAST, 7: ORB\n"
165  * "%% HAS_* : 1 if a descriptor of that type is associated to the feature."
166  * "%% SIFT : Present if HAS_SIFT=1: N DESC_0 ... DESC_N-1"
167  * "%% SURF : Present if HAS_SURF=1: N DESC_0 ... DESC_N-1"
168  * "%% MULTI : Present if HAS_MULTI=1: SCALE ORI N DESC_0 ... DESC_N-1"
169  * "%% ORB : Present if HAS_ORB=1: DESC_0 ... DESC_31
170  * "%%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
171  */
172  void saveToTextFile( const std::string &filename, bool APPEND = false );
174  /** Get the type of the feature
175  */
176  TFeatureType get_type() const { return type; }
178  /** Dump feature information into a text stream */
179  void dumpToTextStream( mrpt::utils::CStream &out) const;
181  void dumpToConsole() const;
183  /** Constructor
184  */
185  CFeature();
187  /** Virtual destructor */
188  virtual ~CFeature() {}
191  protected:
193  /** Internal function used by "descriptorLogPolarImgDistanceTo" and "descriptorPolarImgDistanceTo"
194  */
195  static float internal_distanceBetweenPolarImages(
196  const mrpt::math::CMatrix &desc1,
197  const mrpt::math::CMatrix &desc2,
198  float &minDistAngle,
199  bool normalize_distances,
200  bool dont_shift_angle );
202  }; // end of class
206  /****************************************************
208  *****************************************************/
209  /** A list of visual features, to be used as output by detectors, as input/output by trackers, etc.
210  */
211  class VISION_IMPEXP CFeatureList : public mrpt::math::KDTreeCapable<CFeatureList>
212  {
213  protected:
214  typedef std::vector<CFeaturePtr> TInternalFeatList;
216  TInternalFeatList m_feats; //!< The actual container with the list of features
218  public:
219  /** The type of the first feature in the list */
220  inline TFeatureType get_type() const { return empty() ? featNotDefined : (*begin())->get_type(); }
222  /** Save feature list to a text file */
223  void saveToTextFile( const std::string &fileName, bool APPEND = false );
225  /** Save feature list to a text file */
226  void loadFromTextFile( const std::string &fileName );
228  /** Copies the content of another CFeatureList inside this one. The inner features are also copied. */
229  void copyListFrom( const CFeatureList &otherList );
231  /** Get the maximum ID into the list */
232  TFeatureID getMaxID() const;
234  /** Get a reference to a Feature from its ID */
235  CFeaturePtr getByID( const TFeatureID &ID ) const;
236  CFeaturePtr getByID( const TFeatureID &ID, int &out_idx ) const;
238  /** Get a vector of references to a subset of features from their IDs */
239  void getByMultiIDs( const std::vector<TFeatureID> &IDs, std::vector<CFeaturePtr> &out, std::vector<int> &outIndex ) const;
241  /** Get a reference to the nearest feature to the a given 2D point (version returning distance to closest feature in "max_dist")
242  * \param x [IN] The query point x-coordinate
243  * \param y [IN] The query point y-coordinate
244  * \param max_dist [IN/OUT] At input: The maximum distance to search for. At output: The actual distance to the feature.
245  * \return A reference to the found feature, or a NULL smart pointer if none found.
246  * \note See also all the available KD-tree search methods, listed in mrpt::math::KDTreeCapable
247  */
248  CFeaturePtr nearest( const float x, const float y, double &max_dist ) const;
250  /** Constructor */
251  CFeatureList();
253  /** Virtual destructor */
254  virtual ~CFeatureList();
256  /** Call this when the list of features has been modified so the KD-tree is marked as outdated. */
257  inline void mark_kdtree_as_outdated() const { kdtree_mark_as_outdated(); }
259  /** @name Method and datatypes to emulate a STL container
260  @{ */
264  typedef TInternalFeatList::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
265  typedef TInternalFeatList::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
267  inline iterator begin() { return m_feats.begin(); }
268  inline iterator end() { return m_feats.end(); }
269  inline const_iterator begin() const { return m_feats.begin(); }
270  inline const_iterator end() const { return m_feats.end(); }
272  inline reverse_iterator rbegin() { return m_feats.rbegin(); }
273  inline reverse_iterator rend() { return m_feats.rend(); }
274  inline const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return m_feats.rbegin(); }
275  inline const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return m_feats.rend(); }
277  inline iterator erase(const iterator &it) { mark_kdtree_as_outdated(); return m_feats.erase(it); }
279  inline bool empty() const { return m_feats.empty(); }
280  inline size_t size() const { return m_feats.size(); }
282  inline void clear() { m_feats.clear(); mark_kdtree_as_outdated(); }
283  inline void resize(size_t N) { m_feats.resize(N); mark_kdtree_as_outdated(); }
285  inline void push_back(const CFeaturePtr &f) { mark_kdtree_as_outdated(); m_feats.push_back(f); }
287  inline CFeaturePtr & operator [](const unsigned int index) { return m_feats[index]; }
288  inline const CFeaturePtr & operator [](const unsigned int index) const { return m_feats[index]; }
290  /** @} */
293  /** @name Methods that MUST be implemented by children classes of KDTreeCapable
294  @{ */
296  /// Must return the number of data points
297  inline size_t kdtree_get_point_count() const { return this->size(); }
299  /// Returns the dim'th component of the idx'th point in the class:
300  inline float kdtree_get_pt(const size_t idx, int dim) const {
301  ASSERTDEB_(dim==0 || dim==1)
302  if (dim==0) return m_feats[idx]->x;
303  else return m_feats[idx]->y;
304  }
306  /// Returns the distance between the vector "p1[0:size-1]" and the data point with index "idx_p2" stored in the class:
307  inline float kdtree_distance(const float *p1, const size_t idx_p2,size_t size) const
308  {
309  ASSERTDEB_(size==2)
310  MRPT_UNUSED_PARAM(size); // in release mode
312  const float d0 = p1[0] - m_feats[idx_p2]->x;
313  const float d1 = p1[1] - m_feats[idx_p2]->y;
314  return d0*d0+d1*d1;
315  }
317  // Optional bounding-box computation: return false to default to a standard bbox computation loop.
318  // Return true if the BBOX was already computed by the class and returned in "bb" so it can be avoided to redo it again.
319  // Look at bb.size() to find out the expected dimensionality (e.g. 2 or 3 for point clouds)
320  template <typename BBOX>
321  bool kdtree_get_bbox(BBOX &bb) const {
323  return false;
324  }
326  /** @} */
329  /** @name getFeature*() methods for template-based access to feature list
330  @{ */
331  inline float getFeatureX(size_t i) const { return m_feats[i]->x; }
332  inline float getFeatureY(size_t i) const { return m_feats[i]->y; }
333  inline TFeatureID getFeatureID(size_t i) const { return m_feats[i]->ID; }
334  inline float getFeatureResponse(size_t i) const { return m_feats[i]->response; }
335  inline bool isPointFeature(size_t i) const { return m_feats[i]->isPointFeature(); }
336  inline float getScale(size_t i) const { return m_feats[i]->scale; }
337  inline TFeatureTrackStatus getTrackStatus(size_t i) { return m_feats[i]->track_status; }
339  inline void setFeatureX(size_t i,float x) { m_feats[i]->x=x; }
340  inline void setFeatureXf(size_t i,float x) { m_feats[i]->x=x; }
341  inline void setFeatureY(size_t i,float y) { m_feats[i]->y=y; }
342  inline void setFeatureYf(size_t i,float y) { m_feats[i]->y=y; }
344  inline void setFeatureID(size_t i,TFeatureID id) { m_feats[i]->ID=id; }
345  inline void setFeatureResponse(size_t i,float r) { m_feats[i]->response=r; }
346  inline void setScale(size_t i,float s) { m_feats[i]->scale=s; }
347  inline void setTrackStatus(size_t i,TFeatureTrackStatus s) { m_feats[i]->track_status=s; }
349  inline void mark_as_outdated() const { kdtree_mark_as_outdated(); }
351  /** @} */
354  }; // end of class
356  /****************************************************
358  *****************************************************/
359  /** A list of features
360  */
361  class VISION_IMPEXP CMatchedFeatureList : public std::deque< std::pair<CFeaturePtr,CFeaturePtr> >
362  {
363  public:
364  /** The type of the first feature in the list */
365  inline TFeatureType get_type() const { return empty() ? featNotDefined : (begin()->first)->get_type(); }
367  /** Save list of matched features to a text file */
368  void saveToTextFile(const std::string &fileName);
370  /** Returns the matching features as two separate CFeatureLists */
371  void getBothFeatureLists( CFeatureList &list1, CFeatureList &list2 );
373  /** Returns a smart pointer to the feature with the provided ID or a empty one if not found */
374  CFeaturePtr getByID( const TFeatureID & ID, const TListIdx &idx );
376  /** Returns the maximum ID of the features in the list. If the max ID has been already set up, this method just returns it.
377  Otherwise, this method finds, stores and returns it.*/
378  void getMaxID( const TListIdx &idx, TFeatureID & firstListID, TFeatureID & secondListID );
380  /** Updates the value of the maximum ID of the features in the matched list, i.e. it explicitly searches for the max ID and updates the member variables. */
381  void updateMaxID( const TListIdx &idx );
383  /** Explicitly set the max IDs values to certain values */
384  inline void setLeftMaxID( const TFeatureID &leftID ){ m_leftMaxID = leftID; }
385  inline void setRightMaxID( const TFeatureID &rightID ){ m_rightMaxID = rightID; }
386  inline void setMaxIDs( const TFeatureID &leftID, const TFeatureID &rightID )
387  {
388  setLeftMaxID(leftID);
389  setRightMaxID(rightID);
390  };
392  /** Constructor */
395  /** Virtual destructor */
396  virtual ~CMatchedFeatureList();
397  protected:
398  TFeatureID m_leftMaxID, m_rightMaxID;
399  }; // end of class
402  /** @} */ // End of add to module: mrptvision_features
404  } // end of namespace
407  namespace utils
408  {
409  // Specialization must occur in the same namespace
411  }
412 } // end of namespace
414 #endif
TInternalFeatList::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator
Definition: CFeature.h:265
Non-defined feature (also used for Occupancy features)
TFeatureID ID
ID of the feature.
Definition: CFeature.h:62
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE bool empty() const
const_reverse_iterator rend() const
Definition: CFeature.h:275
unsigned __int16 uint16_t
Definition: rptypes.h:46
uint16_t nTimesSeen
Number of frames it has been seen in a sequence of images.
Definition: CFeature.h:71
float scale
Feature scale into the scale space.
Definition: CFeature.h:69
Used in some methods to mean "any of the present descriptors".
The virtual base class which provides a unified interface for all persistent objects in MRPT...
Definition: CSerializable.h:39
A class for storing images as grayscale or RGB bitmaps.
Definition: CImage.h:101
bool hasDescriptorLogPolarImg() const
Whether this feature has this kind of descriptor.
Definition: CFeature.h:102
void setRightMaxID(const TFeatureID &rightID)
Definition: CFeature.h:385
TFeatureTrackStatus track_status
Status of the feature tracking process (old name: KLT_status)
Definition: CFeature.h:66
reverse_iterator rend()
Definition: CFeature.h:273
void setFeatureX(size_t i, float x)
Definition: CFeature.h:339
size_t size() const
Definition: CFeature.h:280
TFeatureID getFeatureID(size_t i) const
Definition: CFeature.h:333
Scalar * iterator
Definition: eigen_plugins.h:23
float getFeatureY(size_t i) const
Definition: CFeature.h:332
float getScale(size_t i) const
Definition: CFeature.h:336
uint16_t nTimesLastSeen
Number of frames since it was seen for the last time.
Definition: CFeature.h:73
void setFeatureResponse(size_t i, float r)
Definition: CFeature.h:345
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE iterator begin()
Definition: eigen_plugins.h:26
void setMaxIDs(const TFeatureID &leftID, const TFeatureID &rightID)
Definition: CFeature.h:386
bool isPointFeature(size_t i) const
Definition: CFeature.h:335
std::vector< float > SURF
SURF feature descriptor.
Definition: CFeature.h:89
std::deque< double > multiScales
A set of scales where the multi-resolution descriptor has been computed.
Definition: CFeature.h:78
void saveToTextFile(const std::string &file, mrpt::math::TMatrixTextFileFormat fileFormat=mrpt::math::MATRIX_FORMAT_ENG, bool appendMRPTHeader=false, const std::string &userHeader=std::string()) const
Save matrix to a text file, compatible with MATLAB text format (see also the methods of matrix classe...
TInternalFeatList::const_iterator const_iterator
Definition: CFeature.h:262
const_iterator begin() const
Definition: CFeature.h:269
const Scalar * const_iterator
Definition: eigen_plugins.h:24
TFeatureType get_type() const
Get the type of the feature.
Definition: CFeature.h:176
mrpt::math::CMatrix LogPolarImg
A log-polar image centered at the interest point.
Definition: CFeature.h:93
float y
Coordinates in the image.
Definition: CFeature.h:61
void setTrackStatus(size_t i, TFeatureTrackStatus s)
Definition: CFeature.h:347
GLdouble s
Definition: glext.h:3602
bool hasDescriptorMultiSIFT() const
Whether this feature has this kind of descriptor.
Definition: CFeature.h:103
float kdtree_distance(const float *p1, const size_t idx_p2, size_t size) const
Returns the distance between the vector "p1[0:size-1]" and the data point with index "idx_p2" stored ...
Definition: CFeature.h:307
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
Definition: CFeature.h:274
TInternalFeatList m_feats
The actual container with the list of features.
Definition: CFeature.h:216
unsigned char uint8_t
Definition: rptypes.h:43
void setFeatureY(size_t i, float y)
Definition: CFeature.h:341
reverse_iterator rbegin()
Definition: CFeature.h:272
const_iterator end() const
Definition: CFeature.h:270
This base class is used to provide a unified interface to files,memory buffers,..Please see the deriv...
Definition: CStream.h:38
bool polarImgsNoRotation
If set to true (manually, default=false) the call to "descriptorDistanceTo" will not consider all the...
Definition: CFeature.h:94
TFeatureType type
Type of the feature: featNotDefined, featSIFT, featKLT, featHarris, featSURF, featBeacon.
Definition: CFeature.h:65
double depth
The estimated depth in 3D of this feature wrt the camera in the current frame.
Definition: CFeature.h:75
This declaration must be inserted in all CSerializable classes definition, before the class declarati...
void resize(size_t N)
Definition: CFeature.h:283
uint16_t nTimesNotSeen
Number of frames it has not been seen in a sequence of images.
Definition: CFeature.h:72
virtual ~CFeature()
Virtual destructor.
Definition: CFeature.h:188
Can be used to avoid "not used parameters" warnings from the compiler.
GLuint index
Definition: glext.h:3891
std::vector< CFeaturePtr > TInternalFeatList
Definition: CFeature.h:214
std::deque< std::vector< std::vector< int32_t > > > multiHashCoeffs
A set of vectors containing the coefficients for a HASH table of descriptors.
Definition: CFeature.h:80
std::vector< uint8_t > SIFT
SIFT feature descriptor.
Definition: CFeature.h:88
VALUE & operator[](const KEY &key)
Write/read via [i] operator, that creates an element if it didn&#39;t exist already.
Definition: ts_hash_map.h:123
std::deque< std::vector< double > > multiOrientations
A vector of main orientations (there is a vector of orientations for each scale)
Definition: CFeature.h:79
All the possible descriptors this feature may have.
Definition: CFeature.h:84
Classes for computer vision, detectors, features, etc.
uint16_t SpinImg_range_rows
The number of rows (corresponding to range bins in the 2D histogram) of the original matrix from whic...
Definition: CFeature.h:91
A generic 2D feature from an image, extracted with CFeatureExtraction Each feature may have one or mo...
Definition: CFeature.h:53
void push_back(const CFeaturePtr &f)
Definition: CFeature.h:285
iterator erase(const iterator &it)
Definition: CFeature.h:277
uint64_t TFeatureID
Definition of a feature ID.
bool hasDescriptorORB() const
Whether this feature has this kind of descriptor.
Definition: CFeature.h:106
GLsizei const GLchar ** string
Definition: glext.h:3919
A list of visual features, to be used as output by detectors, as input/output by trackers, etc.
Definition: CFeature.h:211
uint8_t user_flags
A field for any other flags needed by the user (this has not a predefined meaning) ...
Definition: CFeature.h:70
float kdtree_get_pt(const size_t idx, int dim) const
Returns the dim&#39;th component of the idx&#39;th point in the class:
Definition: CFeature.h:300
The bitwise OR combination of values of TDescriptorType are used in CFeatureExtraction::computeDescri...
void mark_as_outdated() const
Definition: CFeature.h:349
mrpt::math::TPoint3D p3D
The estimated 3D point of this feature wrt its camera.
Definition: CFeature.h:77
TInternalFeatList::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator
Definition: CFeature.h:264
Definition: TTypeName.h:72
Types of features - This means that the point has been detected with this algorithm, which is independent of additional descriptors a feature may also have.
float getFeatureResponse(size_t i) const
Definition: CFeature.h:334
float response
A measure of the "goodness" of the feature (old name: KLT_val)
Definition: CFeature.h:67
void loadFromTextFile(const std::string &file)
Load matrix from a text file, compatible with MATLAB text format.
This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
#define DEFINE_SERIALIZABLE(class_name)
This declaration must be inserted in all CSerializable classes definition, within the class declarati...
#define ASSERTDEB_(f)
Defines an assertion mechanism - only when compiled in debug.
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble r
Definition: glext.h:3618
void setFeatureID(size_t i, TFeatureID id)
Definition: CFeature.h:344
std::vector< float > SpinImg
The 2D histogram as a single row.
Definition: CFeature.h:90
bool kdtree_get_bbox(BBOX &bb) const
Definition: CFeature.h:321
GLuint id
Definition: glext.h:3770
void setLeftMaxID(const TFeatureID &leftID)
Explicitly set the max IDs values to certain values.
Definition: CFeature.h:384
TInternalFeatList::iterator iterator
Definition: CFeature.h:261
GLenum GLint GLint y
Definition: glext.h:3516
void setFeatureYf(size_t i, float y)
Definition: CFeature.h:342
void setFeatureXf(size_t i, float x)
Definition: CFeature.h:340
void setScale(size_t i, float s)
Definition: CFeature.h:346
mrpt::utils::CImage patch
A patch of the image surrounding the feature.
Definition: CFeature.h:63
bool hasDescriptorPolarImg() const
Whether this feature has this kind of descriptor.
Definition: CFeature.h:101
GLsizeiptr size
Definition: glext.h:3779
float orientation
Main orientation of the feature.
Definition: CFeature.h:68
GLenum GLint x
Definition: glext.h:3516
TFeatureType get_type() const
The type of the first feature in the list.
Definition: CFeature.h:220
Lightweight 3D point.
This class is a "CSerializable" wrapper for "CMatrixFloat".
Definition: CMatrix.h:30
uint16_t patchSize
Size of the patch (patchSize x patchSize) (it must be an odd number)
Definition: CFeature.h:64
void mark_kdtree_as_outdated() const
Call this when the list of features has been modified so the KD-tree is marked as outdated...
Definition: CFeature.h:257
GLuint GLuint GLsizei GLenum type
Definition: glext.h:3512
std::deque< std::vector< std::vector< int32_t > > > multiSIFTDescriptors
A set of SIFT-like descriptors for each orientation and scale of the multiResolution feature (there i...
Definition: CFeature.h:95
double initialDepth
The estimated depth in 3D of this feature wrt the camera that took its image.
Definition: CFeature.h:76
float getFeatureX(size_t i) const
Definition: CFeature.h:331
mrpt::math::CMatrix PolarImg
A polar image centered at the interest point.
Definition: CFeature.h:92
TFeatureTrackStatus getTrackStatus(size_t i)
Definition: CFeature.h:337
TFeatureType get_type() const
The type of the first feature in the list.
Definition: CFeature.h:365
bool hasDescriptorSURF() const
Whether this feature has this kind of descriptor.
Definition: CFeature.h:99
size_t kdtree_get_point_count() const
Must return the number of data points.
Definition: CFeature.h:297
A list of features.
Definition: CFeature.h:361
std::vector< uint8_t > ORB
ORB feature descriptor.
Definition: CFeature.h:96

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