template struct mrpt::graphslam::TUncertaintyPath¶
Holds the data of an information path.
Path comprises of nodes (TNodeID type) and constraints between them. Only consecutive nodes are connected by edges, thus path.
See also:
#include <mrpt/graphslam/misc/TUncertaintyPath.h> template <class GRAPH_T = typename mrpt::graphs::CNetworkOfPoses2DInf> struct TUncertaintyPath: public mrpt::config::CLoadableOptions { // typedefs typedef typename GRAPH_T::constraint_t constraint_t; typedef typename constraint_t::type_value pose_t; typedef TUncertaintyPath<GRAPH_T> self_t; // fields bool determinant_is_updated; double determinant_cached; std::vector<mrpt::graphs::TNodeID> nodes_traversed; constraint_t curr_pose_pdf; // construction TUncertaintyPath(); TUncertaintyPath(const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID& starting_node); TUncertaintyPath( const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID& starting_node, const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID& ending_node, const constraint_t& edge ); // methods void clear(); bool isEmpty() const; void assertIsBetweenNodeIDs(const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID& from, const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID& to) const; virtual void loadFromConfigFile(const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& source, const std::string& section); virtual void dumpToTextStream(std::ostream& out) const; std::string getAsString() const; void getAsString(std::string* str) const; const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID& getSource() const; const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID& getDestination() const; double getDeterminant(); bool hasLowerUncertaintyThan(const self_t& other) const; void addToPath(const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID& node, const constraint_t& edge); self_t& operator += (const self_t& other); bool operator == (const self_t& other) const; bool operator != (const self_t& other) const; };
Inherited Members¶
public: // methods virtual void loadFromConfigFile(const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& source, const std::string& section) = 0; void loadFromConfigFileName(const std::string& config_file, const std::string& section); virtual void saveToConfigFile(mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& target, const std::string& section) const; void saveToConfigFileName(const std::string& config_file, const std::string& section) const; void dumpToConsole() const; virtual void dumpToTextStream(std::ostream& out) const;
bool determinant_is_updated
Determine whether the determinant of the Path is up-to-date and can be directly fetched or has to be computed again.
std::vector<mrpt::graphs::TNodeID> nodes_traversed
Nodes that the Path comprises of.
Nodes in the path are added to the end of the vector.
constraint_t curr_pose_pdf
Current path position + corresponding covariance.
void assertIsBetweenNodeIDs(const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID& from, const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID& to) const
Assert that the current path is between the given nodeIDs.
Call to this method practically checks if the give nodes match the source and destination nodeIDs.
Assertions will be executed only in Debug builds
std::runtime_error |
in case the conditions don’t hold |
virtual void loadFromConfigFile(const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& source, const std::string& section)
This method load the options from a “.ini”-like file or memory-stored string list.
Only those parameters found in the given “section” and having the same name that the variable are loaded. Those not found in the file will stay with their previous values (usually the default values loaded at initialization). An example of an “.ini” file:
[section] resolution = 0.10 // blah blah... modeSelection = 1 // 0=blah, 1=blah,...
See also:
loadFromConfigFileName, saveToConfigFile
virtual void dumpToTextStream(std::ostream& out) const
This method should clearly display all the contents of the structure in textual form, sending it to a std::ostream.
The default implementation in this base class relies on saveToConfigFile() to generate a plain text representation of all the parameters.
const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID& getSource() const
Return the source node of this path.
const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID& getDestination() const
Return the Destination node of this path.
bool hasLowerUncertaintyThan(const self_t& other) const
Test if the current path has a lower uncertainty than the other path.
True if the current path does have a lower uncertainty
void addToPath(const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID& node, const constraint_t& edge)
add a new link in the current path.
Add the node that the path traverses and the information matrix of the extra link