Example: hwdrivers_hokuyo_exampleΒΆ
C++ example source code:
/* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) | | https://www.mrpt.org/ | | | | Copyright (c) 2005-2021, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file | | See: https://www.mrpt.org/Authors - All rights reserved. | | Released under BSD License. See: https://www.mrpt.org/License | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include <mrpt/comms/CSerialPort.h> #include <mrpt/gui/CDisplayWindowPlots.h> #include <mrpt/hwdrivers/CHokuyoURG.h> #include <mrpt/maps/CSimplePointsMap.h> #include <mrpt/obs/CObservation2DRangeScan.h> #include <mrpt/system/CTicTac.h> #include <mrpt/system/os.h> #include <mrpt/system/string_utils.h> #include <iostream> using namespace mrpt; using namespace mrpt::hwdrivers; using namespace mrpt::obs; using namespace mrpt::maps; using namespace mrpt::gui; using namespace mrpt::poses; using namespace mrpt::system; using namespace std; string SERIAL_NAME; // Name of the serial port to open // ------------------------------------------------------ // Test_HOKUYO // ------------------------------------------------------ void Test_HOKUYO() { CHokuyoURG laser; string serName, type; string ip; unsigned int port; cout << "Specify the type of the Hokuyo connection, usb or ethernet: "; getline(cin, type); while ((mrpt::system::lowerCase(type) != "usb") && (mrpt::system::lowerCase(type) != "ethernet")) { cout << "Incorrect type" << endl; cout << "Specify the type of the Hokuyo connection, usb or ethernet: "; getline(cin, type); } cout << endl << endl << "HOKUYO laser range finder test application." << endl << endl; if (mrpt::system::lowerCase(type) == "usb") { if (SERIAL_NAME.empty()) { cout << "Enter the serial port name (e.g. COM1, ttyS0, ttyUSB0, " "ttyACM0): "; getline(cin, serName); } else { cout << "Using serial port: " << SERIAL_NAME << endl; serName = SERIAL_NAME; } // Set the laser serial port: laser.setSerialPort(serName); } else { cout << "Enter the ip direction: "; getline(cin, ip); cout << "Enter the port number: "; cin >> port; // Set the laser serial port: laser.setIPandPort(ip, port); } string intensity; cout << endl << endl << "Enable intensity [y/n]:"; getline(cin, intensity); laser.setIntensityMode(mrpt::system::lowerCase(intensity) == "y"); // Config: Use defaults + selected port ( serial or ethernet ) printf("[TEST] Turning laser ON...\n"); if (laser.turnOn()) printf("[TEST] Initialization OK!\n"); else { printf("[TEST] Initialization failed!\n"); return; } #if MRPT_HAS_WXWIDGETS CDisplayWindowPlots win("Laser scans"); #endif cout << "Press any key to stop capturing..." << endl; CTicTac tictac; tictac.Tic(); while (!mrpt::system::os::kbhit()) { bool thereIsObservation, hardError; CObservation2DRangeScan obs; laser.doProcessSimple(thereIsObservation, obs, hardError); if (hardError) printf("[TEST] Hardware error=true!!\n"); if (thereIsObservation) { double FPS = 1.0 / tictac.Tac(); obs.getDescriptionAsText(std::cout); obs.sensorPose = CPose3D(0, 0, 0); mrpt::maps::CSimplePointsMap theMap; theMap.insertionOptions.minDistBetweenLaserPoints = 0; theMap.insertObservation(obs); // map.save2D_to_text_file("_out_scan.txt"); /* COpenGLScene scene3D; opengl::CPointCloud::Ptr points = opengl::CPointCloud::Create(); points->loadFromPointsMap(&map); scene3D.insert(points); CFileStream("_out_point_cloud.3Dscene",fomWrite) << scene3D; */ #if MRPT_HAS_WXWIDGETS std::vector<float> xs, ys, zs; theMap.getAllPoints(xs, ys, zs); win.plot(xs, ys, ".b3"); win.axis_equal(); #endif tictac.Tic(); } std::this_thread::sleep_for(15ms); }; laser.turnOff(); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { if (argc > 1) { SERIAL_NAME = string(argv[1]); } Test_HOKUYO(); return 0; } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "MRPT error: " << mrpt::exception_to_str(e) << std::endl; return -1; } catch (...) { printf("Another exception!!"); return -1; } }