Example: detectors_faceΒΆ
C++ example source code:
/* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) | | https://www.mrpt.org/ | | | | Copyright (c) 2005-2021, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file | | See: https://www.mrpt.org/Authors - All rights reserved. | | Released under BSD License. See: https://www.mrpt.org/License | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include <mrpt/core/exceptions.h> #include <mrpt/detectors.h> #include <mrpt/examples_config.h> #include <mrpt/gui.h> #include <mrpt/hwdrivers/CCameraSensor.h> #include <mrpt/img/TColor.h> #include <mrpt/maps/CColouredPointsMap.h> #include <mrpt/math/ops_containers.h> #include <mrpt/obs/CRawlog.h> #include <mrpt/opengl/CGridPlaneXY.h> #include <mrpt/opengl/CPointCloudColoured.h> #include <mrpt/opengl/stock_objects.h> #include <iostream> using namespace mrpt; using namespace mrpt::maps; using namespace mrpt::obs; using namespace mrpt::gui; using namespace mrpt::math; using namespace mrpt::hwdrivers; using namespace mrpt::detectors; using namespace mrpt::config; using namespace std; using namespace mrpt::img; using namespace mrpt::serialization; string myDataDir(MRPT_EXAMPLES_BASE_DIRECTORY + string("detectors_face/")); string myInitFile( MRPT_EXAMPLES_BASE_DIRECTORY + string("detectors_face/FACE_DETECTION_TEST.INI")); CFaceDetection faceDetector; // Face detector object bool showEachDetectedFace; // If using a 3D face detection (actually with // swissrange) and we want stop every a face is // detected for analize it. bool batchMode; vector<string> rawlogs; vector<std::vector<uint32_t>> falsePositives; vector<std::vector<uint32_t>> ignored; string rawlogsDir; #ifdef MRPT_OPENCV_SRC_DIR static string OPENCV_SRC_DIR = MRPT_OPENCV_SRC_DIR; #else static string OPENCV_SRC_DIR = "./"; #endif // ------------------------------------------------------ // TestCamera3DFaceDetection // ------------------------------------------------------ void TestCamera3DFaceDetection(CCameraSensor::Ptr cam) { CDisplayWindow win("Live video"); CDisplayWindow win2("FaceDetected"); cout << "Close the window to exit." << endl; mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3D win3D("3D camera view", 800, 600); mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3D win3D2; win3D.setCameraAzimuthDeg(140); win3D.setCameraElevationDeg(20); win3D.setCameraZoom(6.0); win3D.setCameraPointingToPoint(2.5, 0, 0); mrpt::opengl::COpenGLScene::Ptr& scene = win3D.get3DSceneAndLock(); mrpt::opengl::COpenGLScene::Ptr scene2; mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured::Ptr gl_points = mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured::Create(); gl_points->setPointSize(4.5); mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured::Ptr gl_points2 = mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured::Create(); gl_points2->setPointSize(4.5); // Create the Opengl object for the point cloud: scene->insert(gl_points); scene->insert(mrpt::opengl::CGridPlaneXY::Create()); scene->insert(mrpt::opengl::stock_objects::CornerXYZ()); win3D.unlockAccess3DScene(); if (showEachDetectedFace) { win3D2.setWindowTitle("3D Face detected"); win3D2.resize(400, 300); win3D2.setCameraAzimuthDeg(140); win3D2.setCameraElevationDeg(20); win3D2.setCameraZoom(6.0); win3D2.setCameraPointingToPoint(2.5, 0, 0); scene2 = win3D2.get3DSceneAndLock(); scene2->insert(gl_points2); scene2->insert(mrpt::opengl::CGridPlaneXY::Create()); win3D2.unlockAccess3DScene(); } double counter = 0; mrpt::system::CTicTac tictac; CVectorDouble fps; while (win.isOpen()) { if (!counter) tictac.Tic(); CObservation3DRangeScan::Ptr o; try { o = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CObservation3DRangeScan>( cam->getNextFrame()); } catch (CExceptionEOF&) { break; } ASSERT_(o); vector_detectable_object detected; // CObservation3DRangeScan::Ptr o = // std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CObservation3DRangeScan>(obs); faceDetector.detectObjects(o, detected); // static int x = 0; if (detected.size() > 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < detected.size(); i++) { ASSERT_(IS_CLASS(*detected[i], CDetectable3D)); CDetectable3D::Ptr obj = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CDetectable3D>(detected[i]); if (showEachDetectedFace) { CObservation3DRangeScan face; o->getZoneAsObs( face, obj->m_y, obj->m_y + obj->m_height, obj->m_x, obj->m_x + obj->m_width); win2.showImage(face.intensityImage); if (o->hasPoints3D) { win3D2.get3DSceneAndLock(); CColouredPointsMap pntsMap; if (!o->hasConfidenceImage) { pntsMap.colorScheme.scheme = CColouredPointsMap::cmFromIntensityImage; pntsMap.loadFromRangeScan(face); } else { vector<float> xs, ys, zs; unsigned int i = 0; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < face.confidenceImage.getHeight(); j++) for (unsigned int k = 0; k < face.confidenceImage.getWidth(); k++, i++) { unsigned char c = *(face.confidenceImage(k, j, 0)); if (c > faceDetector.m_options .confidenceThreshold) { xs.push_back(face.points3D_x[i]); ys.push_back(face.points3D_y[i]); zs.push_back(face.points3D_z[i]); } } pntsMap.setAllPoints(xs, ys, zs); } gl_points2->loadFromPointsMap(&pntsMap); win3D2.unlockAccess3DScene(); win3D2.repaint(); } } o->intensityImage.rectangle( obj->m_x, obj->m_y, obj->m_x + obj->m_width, obj->m_y + obj->m_height, TColor(255, 0, 0)); // x++; // if (( showEachDetectedFace ) && ( x > 430 ) ) // system::pause(); } } win.showImage(o->intensityImage); /*if (( showEachDetectedFace ) && ( detected.size() )) system::pause();*/ win3D.get3DSceneAndLock(); CColouredPointsMap pntsMap; pntsMap.colorScheme.scheme = CColouredPointsMap::cmFromIntensityImage; pntsMap.loadFromRangeScan(*(o.get())); gl_points->loadFromPointsMap(&pntsMap); win3D.unlockAccess3DScene(); win3D.repaint(); if (++counter == 10) { double t = tictac.Tac(); cout << "Frame Rate: " << counter / t << " fps" << endl; fps.push_back(counter / t); counter = 0; } std::this_thread::sleep_for(2ms); } cout << "Fps mean: " << fps.sum() / fps.size() << endl; faceDetector.experimental_showMeasurements(); cout << "Closing..." << endl; } // ------------------------------------------------------ // TestCameraFaceDetection // ------------------------------------------------------ void TestCameraFaceDetection() { CCameraSensor::Ptr cam = prepareVideoSourceFromUserSelection(); if (!cam) { cerr << "The user didn't pick any camera. Exiting." << endl; return; } mrpt::obs::CObservation::Ptr obs = cam->getNextFrame(); ASSERT_(obs); if (IS_CLASS(*obs, CObservation3DRangeScan)) { TestCamera3DFaceDetection(cam); return; } CDisplayWindow win("Live video"); cout << "Close the window to exit." << endl; double counter = 0; mrpt::system::CTicTac tictac; while (win.isOpen()) { if (!counter) tictac.Tic(); mrpt::obs::CObservation::Ptr obs; try { obs = cam->getNextFrame(); } catch (CExceptionEOF&) // Check if eof, f.i. for RawLog files { break; } ASSERT_(obs); if (IS_CLASS(*obs, CObservationImage)) { vector_detectable_object detected; faceDetector.detectObjects(obs, detected); CObservationImage::Ptr o = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CObservationImage>(obs); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < detected.size(); i++) { ASSERT_(IS_CLASS(*detected[i], CDetectable2D)); CDetectable2D::Ptr obj = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CDetectable2D>(detected[i]); o->image.rectangle( obj->m_x, obj->m_y, obj->m_x + obj->m_width, obj->m_y + obj->m_height, TColor(255, 0, 0)); } win.showImage(o->image); } else if (IS_CLASS(*obs, CObservationStereoImages)) { vector_detectable_object detected; faceDetector.detectObjects(obs, detected); CObservationStereoImages::Ptr o = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CObservationStereoImages>(obs); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < detected.size(); i++) { ASSERT_(IS_CLASS(*detected[i], CDetectable2D)); CDetectable2D::Ptr obj = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CDetectable2D>(detected[i]); o->imageRight.rectangle( obj->m_x, obj->m_y, obj->m_x + obj->m_width, obj->m_y + obj->m_height, TColor(255, 0, 0)); } win.showImage(o->imageRight); } if (++counter == 10) { double t = tictac.Tac(); cout << "Frame Rate: " << counter / t << " fps" << endl; counter = 0; } std::this_thread::sleep_for(2ms); } cout << "Closing..." << endl; } // ------------------------------------------------------ // TestImagesFaceDetection // ------------------------------------------------------ void TestImagesFaceDetection(int argc, char* argv[]) { CImage img; CDisplayWindow win("Result"); mrpt::system::CTicTac tictac; // For each aditional argument, tty to load an image and detect faces for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { string fileName(argv[i]); if (!img.loadFromFile(myDataDir + fileName)) { cerr << "Cannot load " << myDataDir + fileName << endl; continue; } vector_detectable_object detected; tictac.Tic(); faceDetector.detectObjects(&img, detected); cout << "Detection time: " << tictac.Tac() << " s" << endl; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < detected.size(); i++) { ASSERT_(IS_CLASS(*detected[i], CDetectable2D)); CDetectable2D::Ptr obj = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CDetectable2D>(detected[i]); img.rectangle( obj->m_x, obj->m_y, obj->m_x + obj->m_width, obj->m_y + obj->m_height, TColor(255, 0, 0)); } win.showImage(img); mrpt::system::pause(); } } void BatchMode() { vector<double> frame_rates; for (size_t i = 0; i < rawlogs.size(); i++) { CRawlog rawlog; rawlog.loadFromRawLogFile(string(rawlogsDir + rawlogs[i] + ".rawlog")); cout << "Processing Rawlog [" << i + 1 << "/" << rawlogs.size() << "]: " << rawlogs[i] << endl; const unsigned int size = rawlog.size(); mrpt::system::CTicTac tictac; size_t counter = 0; // PROCESS RAWLOG for (unsigned int j = 1; j < size; j++) { if (!counter) tictac.Tic(); CObservation3DRangeScan::Ptr o = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CObservation3DRangeScan>( rawlog.getAsObservation(j)); ASSERT_(o); vector_detectable_object detected; faceDetector.detectObjects(o, detected); if (++counter == 10) { double t = tictac.Tac(); frame_rates.push_back(counter / t); counter = 0; } std::this_thread::sleep_for(2ms); } unsigned int falsePositivesDeleted, realFacesDeleted; faceDetector.debug_returnResults( falsePositives[i], ignored[i], falsePositivesDeleted, realFacesDeleted); cout << "False positives deleted: " << falsePositivesDeleted << endl; cout << "Real faces delted: " << realFacesDeleted << endl << endl; } cout << "Mean frame rate: " << sum(frame_rates) / frame_rates.size(); // faceDetector.experimental_showMeasurements(); system::pause(); } void mySplit(const string& str) { char *cstr, *p; cstr = new char[str.size() + 1]; strcpy(cstr, str.c_str()); // cstr now contains a c-string copy of str p = strtok(cstr, " "); while (p != nullptr) { string part(p); rawlogs.push_back(part); p = strtok(nullptr, " "); } delete[] cstr; } // ------------------------------------------------------ // TestPrepareDetector // ------------------------------------------------------ void TestPrepareDetector() { CConfigFile cfg(myInitFile); int classifierType = cfg.read_int("Example", "classifierType", 0); if (classifierType == 0) // Haar cfg.write( "CascadeClassifier", "cascadeFileName", OPENCV_SRC_DIR + "/data/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml"); else if (classifierType == 1) // LBP cfg.write( "CascadeClassifier", "cascadeFileName", OPENCV_SRC_DIR + "/data/lbpcascades/lbpcascade_frontalface.xml"); else throw std::runtime_error("Incorrect cascade classifier type."); showEachDetectedFace = cfg.read_bool("Example", "showEachDetectedFace", false); batchMode = cfg.read_bool("Example", "batchMode", false); if (batchMode) { string str = cfg.read_string("Example", "rawlogs", "noRawlogs"); mySplit(str); size_t numRawlogs = rawlogs.size(); falsePositives.resize(numRawlogs); ignored.resize(numRawlogs); for (size_t i = 0; i < numRawlogs; i++) { cfg.read_vector( rawlogs[i], "falsePositives", std::vector<uint32_t>(), falsePositives[i]); cfg.read_vector( rawlogs[i], "ignored", std::vector<uint32_t>(), ignored[i]); } rawlogsDir = cfg.read_string("Example", "rawlogsDir", ""); } faceDetector.init(cfg); } // ------------------------------------------------------ // MAIN // ------------------------------------------------------ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { try { registerClass(CLASS_ID(CDetectableObject)); registerClass(CLASS_ID(CDetectable2D)); registerClass(CLASS_ID(CDetectable3D)); TestPrepareDetector(); if (batchMode) BatchMode(); else { if (argc > 1) TestImagesFaceDetection(argc, argv); else TestCameraFaceDetection(); } return 0; } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "MRPT error: " << mrpt::exception_to_str(e) << std::endl; return -1; } catch (...) { printf("Untyped exception!!"); return -1; } }