MRPT  1.9.9
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2  | Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) |
3  | |
4  | |
5  | Copyright (c) 2005-2018, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file |
6  | See: - All rights reserved. |
7  | Released under BSD License. See details in |
8  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
13 #include <mrpt/maps/CSimpleMap.h>
15 #include <mrpt/maps/COctoMap.h>
20 #include <mrpt/obs/CAction.h>
23 #include <mrpt/obs/CSensoryFrame.h>
24 #include <mrpt/obs/obs_utils.h>
25 #include <mrpt/poses/CPose2D.h>
26 #include <mrpt/poses/CPose3D.h>
28 #include <mrpt/img/TColor.h>
36 #include <string>
37 #include <map>
38 #include <set>
40 namespace mrpt::graphslam
41 {
42 /**\brief Main file for the GraphSlamEngine.
43  *
44  * ## Description
45  *
46  * Given a dataset of measurements build a graph of nodes (keyframes) and
47  * constraints (edges) and solve it to find an estimation of the actual robot
48  * trajectory.
49  *
50  * // TODO - change this description
51  * The template arguments are listed below:
52  * - \em GRAPH_T: The type of Graph to be constructed and optimized. Currently
53  * CGraphSlamEngine works only with CPosePDFGaussianInf GRAPH_T instances.
54  * - \em NODE_REGISTRAR: Class responsible of adding new nodes in the graph.
55  * Class should at least implement the deciders::CNodeRegistrationDecider
56  * interface provided in CNodeRegistrationDecider.h file.
57  * - \em EDGE_REGISTRAR: Class responsible of adding new edges in the graph.
58  * Class should at least implement the deciders::CEdgeRegistrationDecider
59  * interface provided in CEdgeRegistrationDecider.h file.
60  * - \em OPTIMIZER: Class responsible of optimizing the graph. Class should at
61  * least implement the optimizers::CGraphSlamOptimizer interface provided
62  * in CGraphSlamOptimizer.h file.
63  *
64  * \note The GRAPH_T resource is accessed after having locked the relevant
65  * section
66  * \em m_graph_section. Critical section is also <em> locked prior to the calls
67  * to the deciders/optimizers </em>.
68  *
69  * ### .ini Configuration Parameters
70  *
71  * \htmlinclude graphslam-engine_config_params_preamble.txt
72  *
73  * - \b output_dir_fname
74  * + \a Section : GeneralConfiguration
75  * + \a Default value : 1 (mrpt::system::LVL_INFO)
76  * + \a Required : FALSE
77  *
78  * - \b user_decides_about_output_dir
79  * + \a Section : GeneralConfiguration
80  * + \a Default value : FALSE
81  * + \a Required : FALSE
82  * + \a Description : If flag true and in case of name conflict with output
83  * directory of the
84  * previous execution, a command-line is presented to the user to decide what
85  * to do about the new output directory. By default output directory from
86  * previous run is overwritten by the directory of the current run.
87  *
88  * - \b ground_truth_file_format
89  * + \a Section : GeneralConfiguration
90  * + \a Default value : NavSimul
91  * + \a Required : FALSE
92  * + \a Description : Specify the format of the ground-truth file if one is
93  * provided. Currently CGraphSlamEngine supports ground truth files generated
94  * by the GridMapNavSimul tool or ground truth files corresponding to
95  * RGBD-TUM datasets.
96  * + \a Available Options: NavSimul, RGBD_TUM
97  *
98  * - \b class_verbosity
99  * + \a Section : GeneralConfiguration
100  * + \a Default value : 1 (mrpt::system::LVL_INFO)
101  * + \a Required : FALSE
102  *
103  *
104  * - \b visualize_map
105  * + \a Section : VisualizationParameters
106  * + \a Default value : TRUE
107  * + \a Required : FALSE
108  *
109  * - \b visualize_odometry_poses
110  * + \a Section : VisualizationParameters
111  * + \a Default value : TRUE
112  * + \a Required : FALSE
113  *
114  * - \b visualize_estimated_trajectory
115  * + \a Section : VisualizationParameters
116  * + \a Default value : TRUE
117  * + \a Required : FALSE
118  *
119  * - \b visualize_GT
120  * + \a Section : VisualizationParameters
121  * + \a Default value : TRUE
122  * + \a Required : FALSE
123  *
124  * - \b visualize_SLAM_metric
125  * + \a Section : VisualizationParameters
126  * + \a Default value : TRUE
127  * + \a Required : FALSE
128  *
129  * - \b enable_curr_pos_viewport
130  * + \a Section : VisualizationParameters
131  * + \a Default value : TRUE
132  * + \a Required : FALSE
133  * + \a Description : Applicable only when dealing with RGB-D datasets
134  *
135  * - \b enable_range_viewport
136  * + \a Section : VisualizationParameters
137  * + \a Default value : TRUE
138  * + \a Required : FALSE
139  * + \a Description : Applicable only when dealing with RGB-D datasets
140  *
141  * - \b enable_intensity_viewport
142  * + \a Section : VisualizationParameters
143  * + \a Default value : FALSE
144  * + \a Required : FALSE
145  * + \a Description : Applicable only when dealing with RGB-D datasets
146  *
147  *
148  * \note Implementation can be found in the file \em CGraphSlamEngine_impl.h
149  * \ingroup mrpt_graphslam_grp
150  */
151 template <class GRAPH_T = typename mrpt::graphs::CNetworkOfPoses2DInf>
153 {
154  public:
155  /**\brief Handy typedefs */
156  /**\{*/
157  /**\brief Map for managing output file streams.*/
158  using fstreams_out = std::map<std::string, mrpt::io::CFileOutputStream>;
159  /**\brief Map for iterating over output file streams.*/
162  /**\brief Type of graph constraints */
163  using constraint_t = typename GRAPH_T::constraint_t;
164  /**\brief Type of underlying poses (2D/3D). */
165  using pose_t = typename GRAPH_T::constraint_t::type_value;
166  using global_pose_t = typename GRAPH_T::global_pose_t;
167  using nodes_to_scans2D_t = std::map<
169  /**\}*/
171  /**\brief Constructor of CGraphSlamEngine class template.
172  *
173  * // TODO - remove the deprecated arguments
174  * \param[in] config_file .ini file containing the configuration
175  * parameters for the CGraphSlamEngine as well as the deciders/optimizer
176  * classes that CGraphSlamEngine is using
177  * \param[in] win_manager CwindowManager instance that includes a pointer
178  * to a CDisplayWindow3D and a CWindowObserver instance for properly
179  * interacting with the display window
180  * \param[in] rawlog_fname .rawlog dataset file, containing the robot
181  * measurements. CGraphSlamEngine supports both
182  * <a href=""> MRPT rwalog formats </a>
183  * but in order for graphSLAM to work as expected the rawlog foromat has to
184  * be supported by the every decider/optimizer class that
185  * CGraphSlamEngine makes use of.
186  * \param[in] fname_GT Textfile containing the ground truth path of the
187  * robot. Currently the class can read ground truth files corresponding
188  * either to <em>RGBD - TUM datasets</em> or to rawlog files generated with
189  * the \em GridMapNavSimul MRPT application.
190  * // TODO add the deciders/optimizer
191  *
192  *
193  * \note If a nullptr CWindowManager pointer is porovided, the application
194  * runs on <em> headless mode </em>. In this case, no visual feedback is
195  * given but application receives a big boost in performance
196  */
198  const std::string& config_file, const std::string& rawlog_fname = "",
199  const std::string& fname_GT = "",
200  mrpt::graphslam::CWindowManager* win_manager = NULL,
202  NULL,
204  NULL,
206  NULL);
207  /**\brief Default Destructor. */
208  virtual ~CGraphSlamEngine();
210  // Public function definitions
211  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
212  /**\brief Query CGraphSlamEngine instance for the current estimated robot
213  * position
214  */
216  /***\brief Get the estimated trajectory of the robot given by the running
217  * graphSLAM algorithm.
218  * @returns Current list of nodes registered in the graph
219  */
220  virtual typename GRAPH_T::global_poses_t getRobotEstimatedTrajectory()
221  const;
222  /**\brief Return the list of nodeIDs which make up robot trajectory
223  * \sa updateEstimatedTrajectoryVisualization
224  */
225  virtual void getNodeIDsOfEstimatedTrajectory(
226  std::set<mrpt::graphs::TNodeID>* nodes_set) const;
227  /**\brief Wrapper method around the GRAPH_T::saveToTextFile method.
228  * Method saves the graph in the format used by TORO & HoG-man strategies
229  *
230  * \param[in] fname_in Name of the generated graph file - Defaults to
231  * "output_graph" if not
232  * set by the user
233  *
234  * \sa save3DScene,
235  */
236  void saveGraph(const std::string* fname_in = nullptr) const;
237  /**\brief Wrapper method around the COpenGLScene::saveToFile method.
238  *
239  * \param[in] Name of the generated graph file - Defaults to "output_graph"
240  * if not
241  * set by the user
242  *
243  * \sa saveGraph
244  */
245  void save3DScene(const std::string* fname_in = nullptr) const;
246  /**\brief Read the configuration variables from the <em>.ini file</em>
247  * specified by
248  * the user.
249  * Method is automatically called, upon CGraphSlamEngine initialization
250  *
251  */
252  void loadParams(const std::string& fname);
253  /**\brief Fill in the provided string with the class configuration
254  * parameters.
255  *
256  * \sa printParams
257  */
258  void getParamsAsString(std::string* params_out) const;
259  /**\brief Wrapper around getParamsAsString.
260  * Returns the generated string instead of passing it as an argument to the
261  * call
262  *
263  * \sa printParams
264  */
266  /** \name Map computation and acquisition methods
267  * \brief Fill the given map based on the observations that have been
268  * recorded so far.
269  */
270  /**\{*/
271  /* \brief Method is a wrapper around the computeMap method
272  * \param[out] map Pointer to the map instance that is
273  * to be filled
274  * \param[out] acquisition_time Timestamp that the map was computed at.
275  * This does not (necessarily) matches with the query time since the
276  * cached version is used as long as a new node has not been registered
277  * since the last time the gridmap was computed.
278  *
279  * \sa computeMap
280  */
281  void getMap(
283  mrpt::system::TTimeStamp* acquisition_time = NULL) const;
284  void getMap(
286  mrpt::system::TTimeStamp* acquisition_time = NULL) const;
287  /**\brief Compute the map of the environment based on the
288  * recorded measurements.
289  *
290  * \warning Currently only mrpt::obs::2DRangeScans are supported
291  * \sa getMap
292  */
293  void computeMap() const;
294  /**\}*/
295  /**\brief Print the problem parameters to the console for verification.
296  *
297  * Method is a wrapper around CGraphSlamEngine::getParamsAsString method
298  * \sa getParamsAsString
299  */
300  void printParams() const;
301  /**\brief Wrapper method around _execGraphSlamStep.
302  *
303  * Handy for not having to specify any action/observations objects
304  * \return False if the user has requested to exit the graphslam execution
305  * (e.g. pressed ctrl-c), True otherwise
306  */
307  bool execGraphSlamStep(
308  mrpt::obs::CObservation::Ptr& observation, size_t& rawlog_entry);
309  /**\brief Main class method responsible for parsing each measurement and
310  * for executing graphSLAM.
311  *
312  * \note Method reads each measurement seperately, so the application that
313  * invokes it is responsibe for fetching the measurements (e.g. from a
314  * rawlog file).
315  *
316  * \return False if the user has requested to exit the graphslam execution
317  * (e.g. pressed ctrl-c), True otherwise
318  **/
319  virtual bool _execGraphSlamStep(
321  mrpt::obs::CSensoryFrame::Ptr& observations,
322  mrpt::obs::CObservation::Ptr& observation, size_t& rawlog_entry);
324  /**\brief Return a reference to the underlying GRAPH_T instance. */
325  const GRAPH_T& getGraph() const { return m_graph; }
326  /**\brief Return the filename of the used rawlog file.*/
328  /**\name ground-truth parsing methods */
329  /**\{*/
330  /**\brief Parse the ground truth .txt file and fill in the corresponding
331  * gt_poses vector.
332  *
333  * It is assumed that the rawlog, thererfore the groundtruth file has been
334  * generated using the <em>GridMapNavSimul</em> MRPT application. If not
335  * user should abide the ground-truth file format to that of the files
336  * generated by the GridMapNavSimul app.
337  *
338  * \sa readGTFileRGBD_TUM
339  *
340  * \param[in] fname_GT Ground truth filename from which the measurements
341  * are to be read
342  * \param[out] gt_poses std::vector which is to contain the 2D ground truth
343  * poses.
344  * \param[out] gt_timestamps std::vector which is to contain the timestamps
345  * for the corresponding ground truth poses. Ignore this argument if
346  * timestamps are not needed.
347  */
348  static void readGTFile(
349  const std::string& fname_GT,
350  std::vector<mrpt::poses::CPose2D>* gt_poses,
351  std::vector<mrpt::system::TTimeStamp>* gt_timestamps = NULL);
352  static void readGTFile(
353  const std::string& fname_GT,
354  std::vector<mrpt::poses::CPose3D>* gt_poses,
355  std::vector<mrpt::system::TTimeStamp>* gt_timestamps = NULL);
356  /**\brief Parse the ground truth .txt file and fill in the corresponding
357  * m_GT_poses vector. The poses returned are given with regards to the
358  * MRPT reference frame.
359  *
360  * It is assumed that the groundtruth file has been generated using the
361  * <em>rgbd_dataset2rawlog</em> MRPT tool.
362  *
363  * \param[in] fname_GT Ground truth filename from which the measurements
364  * are to be read
365  * \param[out] gt_poses std::vector which is to contain the
366  * 2D ground truth poses.
367  * \param[out] gt_timestamps std::vector which is to contain the timestamps
368  * for the corresponding ground truth poses. Ignore this argument if
369  * timestamps are not needed.
370  *
371  * \sa readGTFile,
372  *
373  */
374  static void readGTFileRGBD_TUM(
375  const std::string& fname_GT,
376  std::vector<mrpt::poses::CPose2D>* gt_poses,
377  std::vector<mrpt::system::TTimeStamp>* gt_timestamps = NULL);
379  /**\}*/
381  /**\brief Generate and write to a corresponding report for each of the
382  * respective self/decider/optimizer classes.
383  *
384  * \param[in] output_dir_fname directory name to generate the files in.
385  * Directory must be crated prior to this call
386  *
387  * \sa getDescriptiveReport, CGraphSlamHandler::initOutputDir
388  */
389  void generateReportFiles(const std::string& output_dir_fname_in);
390  /**\brief Fill the given vector with the deformation energy values computed
391  * for the SLAM evaluation metric
392  *
393  * \param[out] vec_out deformation energy vector to be filled
394  * \sa m_deformation_energy_vec
395  */
396  void getDeformationEnergyVector(std::vector<double>* vec_out) const;
397  /**\brief Fill the given maps with stats regarding the overall execution of
398  * graphslam.
399  */
400  bool getGraphSlamStats(
401  std::map<std::string, int>* node_stats,
402  std::map<std::string, int>* edge_stats,
403  mrpt::system::TTimeStamp* timestamp = NULL);
405  /**\name pause/resume execution */
406  /**\{ */
407  bool isPaused() const { return m_is_paused; }
408  void togglePause()
409  {
410  if (isPaused())
411  {
412  this->resumeExec();
413  }
414  else
415  {
416  this->pauseExec();
417  }
418  }
419  void resumeExec() const
420  {
421  if (!isPaused())
422  {
423  return;
424  }
425  MRPT_LOG_INFO_STREAM("Program resumed.");
426  m_is_paused = false;
428  if (m_enable_visuals)
429  {
430  this->m_win->addTextMessage(
431  0.3, 0.8, "", mrpt::img::TColorf(1.0, 0, 0),
433  }
434  }
436  void pauseExec()
437  {
438  if (isPaused())
439  {
440  return;
441  }
443  "Program is paused. "
444  << "Press \"" << m_keystroke_pause_exec << " or \""
446  << "\" in the dipslay window to resume");
447  m_is_paused = true;
448  if (m_enable_visuals)
449  {
450  this->m_win->addTextMessage(
451  0.3, 0.8, m_paused_message, mrpt::img::TColorf(1.0, 0, 0),
453  }
455  while (this->isPaused())
456  {
457  std::this_thread::sleep_for(1s);
458  this->queryObserverForEvents();
459  }
460  }
461  /**\} */
463  protected:
464  // Private function definitions
465  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
466  /**\brief General initialization method to call from the Class
467  * Constructors.
468  *
469  * \note Method is automatically called in the class constructor
470  */
471  void initClass();
472  /**\brief Automate the creation and initialization of a results file
473  * relevant to
474  * the application.
475  *
476  * Open the file (corresponding to the provided filename) and write an
477  * introductory message.
478  *
479  * \sa CGraphSlamHandler::initOutputDir
480  */
481  void initResultsFile(const std::string& fname);
482  /**\brief Fill the provided string with a detailed report of the class state
483  *
484  * Report includes the following:
485  * - Timing of important methods
486  * - Properties fo class at the current time
487  * - Logging of commands until current time
488  *
489  * \note Decider/Optimizer classes should also implement a
490  * getDescriptiveReport
491  * method for printing information on their part of the execution.
492  */
493  void getDescriptiveReport(std::string* report_str) const;
494  /** \name Initialization of Visuals
495  * Methods used for initializing various visualization features relevant to
496  * the application at hand. If the visual feature is specified by the user
497  * (via the .ini file) and if it is relevant to the application then the
498  * corresponding method is called in the initClass class method
499  */
500  /**\{*/
501  void initVisualization();
503  void initRangeImageViewport();
507  /**\brief Method to help overcome the partial template specialization
508  * restriction of C++. Apply polymorphism by overloading function arguments
509  * instead
510  */
511  /**\{ */
513  const mrpt::poses::CPose2D& p_unused);
515  const mrpt::poses::CPose3D& p_unused);
516  /**\} */
518  void initCurrPosViewport();
519  void initGTVisualization();
523  /**\}*/
525  /** \name Update of Visuals
526  * Methods used for updating various visualization features relevant to
527  * the application at hand. If relevant to the application at hand update
528  * is periodically scheduled inside the execGraphSlam method
529  */
530  /**\{*/
531  /**\brief Wrapper around the deciders/optimizer updateVisuals methods
532  */
533  void updateAllVisuals();
534  /**\brief In RGB-D TUM Datasets update the Range image displayed in a
535  * seperate viewport
536  */
538  /**\brief In RGB-D TUM Datasets update the Intensity image displayed in a
539  * seperate viewport
540  */
542  /**\brief Update the viewport responsible for displaying the graph-building
543  * procedure in the estimated position of the robot
544  */
545  virtual void updateCurrPosViewport();
546  /**\brief return the 3D Pose of a LaserScan that is to be visualized.
547  *
548  * Used during the computeMap call for the occupancy gridmap
549  */
551  const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID nodeID) const;
552  /**\brief Set the properties of the map visual object based on the nodeID
553  * that
554  * it was produced by.
555  * Derived classes may override this method if they want to have different
556  * visual properties (color, shape etc.) for different nodeIDs.
557  *
558  * \note Base class method sets only the color of the object
559  */
560  virtual void setObjectPropsFromNodeID(
561  const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID nodeID,
563  void initMapVisualization();
564  /**\brief Update the map visualization based on the current graphSLAM
565  * state.
566  *
567  * Map is produced by arranging the range scans based on the estimated
568  * robot trajectory.
569  *
570  * \sa updateEstimatedTrajectoryVisualization
571  */
573  const std::map<
575  nodes_to_laser_scans2D,
576  bool full_update = false);
577  /**\brief Display the next ground truth position in the visualization
578  * window.
579  *
580  * \sa updateOdometryVisualization
581  */
582  void updateGTVisualization();
583  /**\brief Update odometry-only cloud with latest odometry estimation.
584  *
585  * \sa updateGTVisualization
586  * */
588  /**\brief Update the Esstimated robot trajectory with the latest estimated
589  * robot position.
590  *
591  * Update CSetOfLines visualization object with the latest graph node
592  * position. If full update is asked, method clears the CSetOfLines
593  * object and redraws all the lines based on the updated (optimized)
594  * positions of the nodes
595  */
596  void updateEstimatedTrajectoryVisualization(bool full_update = false);
597  /**\brief Update the displayPlots window with the new information with
598  * regards to the metric
599  */
601  /**\}*/
602  /** \name Toggling of Visuals
603  * Methods used for toggling various visualization features relevant to
604  * the application at hand.
605  */
606  /**\{*/
608  void toggleGTVisualization();
609  void toggleMapVisualization();
611  /**\}*/
613  /**\brief Cut down on the size of the given laser scan.
614  *
615  * Handy for reducing the size of the resulting mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects
616  * that would be inserted in the visualization scene. Increase the
617  * decimation rate - keep-every_n_entries - to reduce the computational
618  * cost of updating the map visualization
619  *
620  * \sa updateMapVisualization
621  */
622  void decimateLaserScan(
623  mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan& laser_scan_in,
624  mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan* laser_scan_out,
625  const int keep_every_n_entries = 2);
626  void alignOpticalWithMRPTFrame(); // TODO - either use it or remove it
627  /**\brief Query the observer instance for any user events.
628  *
629  * Query the given observer for any events (keystrokes, mouse clicks,
630  * that may have occurred in the CDisplayWindow3D and fill in the
631  * corresponding class variables
632  */
633  inline void queryObserverForEvents();
635  /** \brief Compare the SLAM result (estimated trajectory) with the GT path.
636  *
637  * See <a
638  * href="">
639  * A Comparison of SLAM Algorithms Based on a Graph of Relations</a>
640  * for more details on this.
641  */
642  void computeSlamMetric(mrpt::graphs::TNodeID nodeID, size_t gt_index);
644  /**\brief Wrapper method that used for printing error messages in a
645  * consistent manner
646  *
647  * Makes use of the COutputLogger instance. Prints error message when
648  * toggling illegal visual features in the display window
649  */
651  std::string viz_flag, int sleep_time = 500 /* ms */);
652  // TODO - move this to a different module - to be accessed globally
653  /**\brief Fill the TTimestamp in a consistent manner.
654  *
655  * Method can be used in both MRPT Rawlog formats
656  *
657  * \param[in] action_ptr Pointer to the action (action-observations format)
658  * \param[in] observations Pointer to list of observations
659  * (action-observations format)
660  * \param[in] observation Pointer to single observation (observation-only
661  * format)
662  *
663  * \note if both action_ptr and observation_ptr contains valid timestamps,
664  * the
665  * action is preferred.
666  *
667  * \return mrpt::system::TTimeStamp
668  */
671  const mrpt::obs::CSensoryFrame::Ptr observations,
672  const mrpt::obs::CObservation::Ptr observation);
673  // TODO - move these somewhere else.
674  /**\name Class specific supplementary functions.
675  */
676  /**\{*/
677  static double accumulateAngleDiffs(
678  const mrpt::poses::CPose2D& p1, const mrpt::poses::CPose2D& p2);
679  static double accumulateAngleDiffs(
680  const mrpt::poses::CPose3D& p1, const mrpt::poses::CPose3D& p2);
681  /**\}*/
682  /**\brief Set the opengl model that indicates the latest position of the
683  * trajectory at hand
684  *
685  * \param[in] model_name Name of the resulting opengl object.
686  * \param[in] model_color Color of the object.
687  * \param[in] model_size Scaling of the object.
688  * \param[in] init_pose Initial position of the object.
689  *
690  * \todo Use an airplane/quad model for 3D operations
691  *
692  * \returns CSetOfObjects::Ptr instance.
693  *
694  * \note Different model is used depending on whether we are running 2D or
695  * 3D SLAM.
696  */
698  const std::string& model_name,
699  const mrpt::img::TColor& model_color = mrpt::img::TColor(0, 0, 0),
700  const size_t model_size = 1, const pose_t& init_pose = pose_t());
702  /**\brief Assert that the given nodes number matches the registered graph
703  * nodes, otherwise throw exception
704  *
705  * \note Method locks the graph internally.
706  *
707  * \raise logic_error if the expected node count mismatches with the
708  * graph current node count.
709  */
710  virtual void monitorNodeRegistration(
711  bool registered = false, std::string class_name = "Class");
712  /**\brief Wrapper around the GRAPH_T::dijkstra_nodes_estimate
713  *
714  * Update the global position of the nodes
715  */
719  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
720  mrpt::system::CTimeLogger m_time_logger; /**<Time logger instance */
722  /**\brief The graph object to be built and optimized. */
723  GRAPH_T m_graph;
725  /**\name Decider/Optimizer instances. Delegating the GRAPH_T tasks to these
726  * classes makes up for a modular and configurable design
727  */
728  /**\{*/
732  /**\}*/
734  /**\brief Determine if we are to enable visualization support or not. */
735  const bool m_enable_visuals;
739  /**\brief Rawlog file from which to read the measurements.
740  *
741  * If string is empty, process is to be run online
742  */
747  /**\brief Counter for reading back the GT_poses. */
749  /**\brief Rate at which to read the GT poses. */
757  /**\brief keeps track of the out fstreams so that they can be closed (if
758  * still open) in the class Dtor.
759  */
762  /**\name Visualization - related objects */
763  /**\{*/
767  /**\brief DisplayPlots instance for visualizing the evolution of the SLAM
768  * metric
769  */
771  /**\}*/
773  /** \name Visualization - related flags
774  * \brief Flags for visualizing various trajectories/objects of interest.
775  *
776  * These are set from the .ini configuration file. The actual visualization
777  * of these objects can be overriden if the user issues the corresponding
778  * keystrokes in the CDisplayWindow3D. In order for them to have any
779  * effect, a pointer to CDisplayWindow3D has to be given first.
780  */
781  /**\{*/
790  /**\}*/
792  /**\brief Indicated if program is temporarily paused by the user
793  */
794  mutable bool m_is_paused;
796  /**\brief Message to be displayed while paused. */
799  /**\name textMessage - related Parameters
800  * Parameters relevant to the textMessages appearing in the visualization
801  * window. These are divided into
802  * - Y offsets: vertical position of the textMessage, starting from the top
803  * side.
804  * - Indices: Unique ID number of each textMessage, used for updating it
805  */
806  /**\{*/
807  /**\brief Offset from the \a left side of the canvas.
808  * Common for all the messages that are displayed on that side.
809  */
825  /**\}*/
827  /**\name User available keystrokes
828  * Keystrokes for toggling the corresponding objects in the CDisplayWindow
829  * upon user press
830  */
831  /**\{*/
837  /**\}*/
839  /**\brief Instance to keep track of all the edges + visualization related
840  * operations
841  */
844  /**\brief Flag for specifying if we are going to use ground truth data at
845  * all.
846  *
847  * This is set to true either if the evolution of the SLAM metric or the
848  * ground truth visualization is set to true.
849  */
850  bool m_use_GT;
852  // pose_t vectors
853  std::vector<pose_t> m_odometry_poses;
854  std::vector<pose_t> m_GT_poses;
858  /**\brief Map of NodeIDs to their corresponding LaserScans.
859  */
861  /**\brief Last laser scan that the current class instance received.
862  */
864  /**\brief First recorded laser scan - assigned to the root */
866  /**\brief Last laser scan that the current class instance received.
867  */
870  /**\name Trajectories colors */
871  /**\{*/
877  /**\}*/
879  // frame transformation from the RGBD_TUM GrountTruth to the MRPT
880  // reference frame
881  // TODO - either use it or lose it...
883  /** How big are the robots going to be in the scene */
885  /**\brief Internal counter for querying for the number of nodeIDs.
886  *
887  * Handy for not locking the m_graph resource
888  */
890  /** Mark graph modification/accessing explicitly for multithreaded
891  * implementation
892  */
893  mutable std::mutex m_graph_section;
895  // keep track of the storage directory for the 3DRangeScan depth/range
896  // images
900  /**\name Slam Metric related variables */
901  /**\{*/
902  /**\brief Map from nodeIDs to their corresponding closest GT pose index.
903  * Keep track of the nodeIDs instead of the node positions as the latter
904  * are about to change in the Edge Registration / Loop closing procedures
905  */
906  std::map<mrpt::graphs::TNodeID, size_t> m_nodeID_to_gt_indices;
908  std::vector<double> m_deformation_energy_vec;
909  /**\}*/
911  /**\brief Struct responsible for keeping the parameters of the .info file
912  * in RGBD related datasets
913  */
915  {
917  TRGBDInfoFileParams(const std::string& rawlog_fname);
921  /**\brief Parse the RGBD information file to gain information about the
922  * rawlog
923  * file contents
924  */
925  void parseFile();
926  void setRawlogFile(const std::string& rawlog_fname);
928  /**\brief Format for the parameters in the info file:
929  * <em>string literal - related value</em> (kept in a string
930  * representation)
931  */
932  std::map<std::string, std::string> fields;
936  } m_info_params;
938  /**\brief Time it took to record the dataset.
939  * Processing time should (at least) be equal to the grab time for the
940  * algorithm to run in real-time
941  */
944  /**\brief First recorded timestamp in the dataset. */
946  /**\brief Current dataset timestamp */
948  /**\brief Current robot position based solely on odometry */
951  /**\brief Indicate whether the user wants to exit the application (e.g.
952  * pressed by pressign ctrl-c)
953  */
956  /**\name Map-related objects
957  * \brief Cached version and corresponding flag of map
958  */
959  /**\{*/
961  /**\brief Acquired map in CSimpleMap representation */
964  /**\brief Indicates if the map is cached.
965  *
966  *\note Common var for both 2D and 3D maps.
967  */
968  mutable bool m_map_is_cached;
969  /**\brief Timestamp at which the map was computed
970  *
971  *\note Common var for both 2D and 3D maps.
972  */
974  /**\}*/
977  /**\brief Track the first node registration occurance
978  *
979  * Handy so that we can assign a measurement to the root node as well.
980  */
983  /**\brief MRPT CNetworkOfPoses constraint classes that are currently
984  * supported
985  */
986  std::vector<std::string> m_supported_constraint_types;
987  /**\brief Type of constraint currently in use.
988  */
991  /**\brief Separator string to be used in debugging messages
992  */
993  static const std::string header_sep;
994  static const std::string report_sep;
995 };
996 }
997 // pseudo-split the definition and implementation of template
998 #include "CGraphSlamEngine_impl.h"
1000 #endif /* end of include guard: GRAPHSLAMENGINE_H */
void updateOdometryVisualization()
Update odometry-only cloud with latest odometry estimation.
mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects::Ptr setCurrentPositionModel(const std::string &model_name, const mrpt::img::TColor &model_color=mrpt::img::TColor(0, 0, 0), const size_t model_size=1, const pose_t &init_pose=pose_t())
Set the opengl model that indicates the latest position of the trajectory at hand.
Scalar * iterator
Definition: eigen_plugins.h:26
typename GRAPH_T::global_pose_t global_pose_t
virtual void getNodeIDsOfEstimatedTrajectory(std::set< mrpt::graphs::TNodeID > *nodes_set) const
Return the list of nodeIDs which make up robot trajectory.
void queryObserverForEvents()
Query the observer instance for any user events.
mrpt::graphslam::deciders::CEdgeRegistrationDecider< GRAPH_T > * m_edge_reg
void updateMapVisualization(const std::map< mrpt::graphs::TNodeID, mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan::Ptr > &nodes_to_laser_scans2D, bool full_update=false)
Update the map visualization based on the current graphSLAM state.
mrpt::system::TTimeStamp m_init_timestamp
First recorded timestamp in the dataset.
void parseFile()
Parse the RGBD information file to gain information about the rawlog file contents.
void save3DScene(const std::string *fname_in=nullptr) const
Wrapper method around the COpenGLScene::saveToFile method.
mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3D * m_win
mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan::Ptr m_last_laser_scan3D
Last laser scan that the current class instance received.
void updateGTVisualization()
Display the next ground truth position in the visualization window.
Create a GUI window and display plots with MATLAB-like interfaces and commands.
void computeMap() const
Compute the map of the environment based on the recorded measurements.
This class stores a sequence of <Probabilistic Pose,SensoryFrame> pairs, thus a "metric map" can be t...
Definition: CSimpleMap.h:33
void updateSlamMetricVisualization()
Update the displayPlots window with the new information with regards to the metric.
Interface for implementing node registration classes.
double m_dataset_grab_time
Time it took to record the dataset.
bool m_use_GT
Flag for specifying if we are going to use ground truth data at all.
double m_offset_x_left
Offset from the left side of the canvas.
std::string getRawlogFname()
Return the filename of the used rawlog file.
mrpt::maps::CSimpleMap m_simple_map_cached
Acquired map in CSimpleMap representation.
mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::Ptr m_gridmap_cached
mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowPlots * m_win_plot
DisplayPlots instance for visualizing the evolution of the SLAM metric.
global_pose_t getCurrentRobotPosEstimation() const
Query CGraphSlamEngine instance for the current estimated robot position.
std::map< mrpt::graphs::TNodeID, mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan::Ptr > nodes_to_scans2D_t
Interface for implementing edge registration classes.
bool m_request_to_exit
Indicate whether the user wants to exit the application (e.g.
virtual void setObjectPropsFromNodeID(const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID nodeID, mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects::Ptr &viz_object)
Set the properties of the map visual object based on the nodeID that it was produced by...
GLdouble s
Definition: glext.h:3676
mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble33 m_rot_TUM_to_MRPT
virtual void monitorNodeRegistration(bool registered=false, std::string class_name="Class")
Assert that the given nodes number matches the registered graph nodes, otherwise throw exception...
void loadParams(const std::string &fname)
Read the configuration variables from the .ini file specified by the user.
void computeSlamMetric(mrpt::graphs::TNodeID nodeID, size_t gt_index)
Compare the SLAM result (estimated trajectory) with the GT path.
std::string m_rawlog_fname
Rawlog file from which to read the measurements.
void updateAllVisuals()
Wrapper around the deciders/optimizer updateVisuals methods.
mrpt::Clock::time_point TTimeStamp
A system independent time type, it holds the the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1...
Definition: datetime.h:40
SLAM methods related to graphs of pose constraints.
static double accumulateAngleDiffs(const mrpt::poses::CPose2D &p1, const mrpt::poses::CPose2D &p2)
mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan::Ptr m_first_laser_scan2D
First recorded laser scan - assigned to the root.
static const std::string report_sep
typename GRAPH_T::constraint_t::type_value pose_t
Type of underlying poses (2D/3D).
Generic class for tracking the total number of edges for different tpes of edges and for storing visu...
Definition: CEdgeCounter.h:28
void execDijkstraNodesEstimation()
Wrapper around the GRAPH_T::dijkstra_nodes_estimate.
void updateIntensityImageViewport()
In RGB-D TUM Datasets update the Intensity image displayed in a seperate viewport.
struct mrpt::graphslam::CGraphSlamEngine::TRGBDInfoFileParams m_info_params
Versatile class for consistent logging and management of output messages.
size_t m_GT_poses_step
Rate at which to read the GT poses.
bool m_is_first_time_node_reg
Track the first node registration occurance.
std::map< std::string, std::string > fields
Format for the parameters in the info file: string literal - related value (kept in a string represen...
Main file for the GraphSlamEngine.
const bool m_enable_visuals
Determine if we are to enable visualization support or not.
std::vector< pose_t > m_odometry_poses
virtual void updateCurrPosViewport()
Update the viewport responsible for displaying the graph-building procedure in the estimated position...
mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects::Ptr initRobotModelVisualizationInternal(const mrpt::poses::CPose2D &p_unused)
Method to help overcome the partial template specialization restriction of C++.
CGraphSlamEngine(const std::string &config_file, const std::string &rawlog_fname="", const std::string &fname_GT="", mrpt::graphslam::CWindowManager *win_manager=NULL, mrpt::graphslam::deciders::CNodeRegistrationDecider< GRAPH_T > *node_reg=NULL, mrpt::graphslam::deciders::CEdgeRegistrationDecider< GRAPH_T > *edge_reg=NULL, mrpt::graphslam::optimizers::CGraphSlamOptimizer< GRAPH_T > *optimizer=NULL)
Constructor of CGraphSlamEngine class template.
mrpt::graphslam::CWindowObserver * m_win_observer
void updateEstimatedTrajectoryVisualization(bool full_update=false)
Update the Esstimated robot trajectory with the latest estimated robot position.
mrpt::graphslam::optimizers::CGraphSlamOptimizer< GRAPH_T > * m_optimizer
mrpt::img::TColor m_current_constraint_type_color
const GRAPH_T & getGraph() const
Return a reference to the underlying GRAPH_T instance.
mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan::Ptr m_last_laser_scan2D
Last laser scan that the current class instance received.
GLsizei const GLchar ** string
Definition: glext.h:4101
void saveGraph(const std::string *fname_in=nullptr) const
Wrapper method around the GRAPH_T::saveToTextFile method.
virtual ~CGraphSlamEngine()
Default Destructor.
void getDescriptiveReport(std::string *report_str) const
Fill the provided string with a detailed report of the class state.
static const std::string header_sep
Separator string to be used in debugging messages.
virtual mrpt::poses::CPose3D getLSPoseForGridMapVisualization(const mrpt::graphs::TNodeID nodeID) const
return the 3D Pose of a LaserScan that is to be visualized.
std::vector< double > m_deformation_energy_vec
virtual bool _execGraphSlamStep(mrpt::obs::CActionCollection::Ptr &action, mrpt::obs::CSensoryFrame::Ptr &observations, mrpt::obs::CObservation::Ptr &observation, size_t &rawlog_entry)
Main class method responsible for parsing each measurement and for executing graphSLAM.
mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects::Ptr initRobotModelVisualization()
void printParams() const
Print the problem parameters to the console for verification.
mrpt::graphslam::CWindowManager * m_win_manager
mrpt::graphslam::detail::CEdgeCounter m_edge_counter
Instance to keep track of all the edges + visualization related operations.
A "CObservation"-derived class that represents a 2D range scan measurement (typically from a laser sc...
static void readGTFile(const std::string &fname_GT, std::vector< mrpt::poses::CPose2D > *gt_poses, std::vector< mrpt::system::TTimeStamp > *gt_timestamps=NULL)
Parse the ground truth .txt file and fill in the corresponding gt_poses vector.
pose_t m_curr_odometry_only_pose
Current robot position based solely on odometry.
GRAPH_T m_graph
The graph object to be built and optimized.
virtual GRAPH_T::global_poses_t getRobotEstimatedTrajectory() const
A versatile "profiler" that logs the time spent within each pair of calls to enter(X)-leave(X), among other stats.
static mrpt::system::TTimeStamp getTimeStamp(const mrpt::obs::CActionCollection::Ptr action, const mrpt::obs::CSensoryFrame::Ptr observations, const mrpt::obs::CObservation::Ptr observation)
Fill the TTimestamp in a consistent manner.
A class used to store a 2D pose, including the 2D coordinate point and a heading (phi) angle...
Definition: CPose2D.h:38
A class used to store a 3D pose (a 3D translation + a rotation in 3D).
Definition: CPose3D.h:86
Monitor events in the visualization window.
bool m_is_paused
Indicated if program is temporarily paused by the user.
size_t m_GT_poses_index
Counter for reading back the GT_poses.
mrpt::graphs::TNodeID m_nodeID_max
Internal counter for querying for the number of nodeIDs.
mrpt::system::TTimeStamp m_curr_timestamp
Current dataset timestamp.
std::string upperCase(const std::string &str)
Returns a upper-case version of a string.
A RGB color - floats in the range [0,1].
Definition: TColor.h:77
void decimateLaserScan(mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan &laser_scan_in, mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan *laser_scan_out, const int keep_every_n_entries=2)
Cut down on the size of the given laser scan.
void getDeformationEnergyVector(std::vector< double > *vec_out) const
Fill the given vector with the deformation energy values computed for the SLAM evaluation metric...
const std::string m_paused_message
Message to be displayed while paused.
uint64_t TNodeID
A generic numeric type for unique IDs of nodes or entities.
Definition: TNodeID.h:16
typename GRAPH_T::constraint_t constraint_t
Type of graph constraints.
void getMap(mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::Ptr map, mrpt::system::TTimeStamp *acquisition_time=NULL) const
mrpt::maps::COctoMap::Ptr m_octomap_cached
void addTextMessage(const double x, const double y, const std::string &text, const mrpt::img::TColorf &color=mrpt::img::TColorf(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), const size_t unique_index=0, const mrpt::opengl::TOpenGLFont font=mrpt::opengl::MRPT_GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24)
Add 2D text messages overlapped to the 3D rendered scene.
bool execGraphSlamStep(mrpt::obs::CObservation::Ptr &observation, size_t &rawlog_entry)
Wrapper method around _execGraphSlamStep.
fstreams_out m_out_streams
keeps track of the out fstreams so that they can be closed (if still open) in the class Dtor...
bool getGraphSlamStats(std::map< std::string, int > *node_stats, std::map< std::string, int > *edge_stats, mrpt::system::TTimeStamp *timestamp=NULL)
Fill the given maps with stats regarding the overall execution of graphslam.
std::vector< std::string > m_supported_constraint_types
MRPT CNetworkOfPoses constraint classes that are currently supported.
std::string getParamsAsString() const
Wrapper around getParamsAsString.
size_t m_robot_model_size
How big are the robots going to be in the scene.
mrpt::graphslam::deciders::CNodeRegistrationDecider< GRAPH_T > * m_node_reg
static void readGTFileRGBD_TUM(const std::string &fname_GT, std::vector< mrpt::poses::CPose2D > *gt_poses, std::vector< mrpt::system::TTimeStamp > *gt_timestamps=NULL)
Parse the ground truth .txt file and fill in the corresponding m_GT_poses vector. ...
A RGB color - 8bit.
Definition: TColor.h:20
Struct responsible for keeping the parameters of the .info file in RGBD related datasets.
std::string m_current_constraint_type
Type of constraint currently in use.
void dumpVisibilityErrorMsg(std::string viz_flag, int sleep_time=500)
Wrapper method that used for printing error messages in a consistent manner.
mrpt::system::TTimeStamp m_map_acq_time
Timestamp at which the map was computed.
typename fstreams_out::iterator fstreams_out_it
Map for iterating over output file streams.
bool m_map_is_cached
Indicates if the map is cached.
std::mutex m_graph_section
Mark graph modification/accessing explicitly for multithreaded implementation.
void updateRangeImageViewport()
In RGB-D TUM Datasets update the Range image displayed in a seperate viewport.
Class acts as a container for storing pointers to mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3D, mrpt::graphslam::CWind...
mrpt::system::CTimeLogger m_time_logger
Time logger instance.
void generateReportFiles(const std::string &output_dir_fname_in)
Generate and write to a corresponding report for each of the respective self/decider/optimizer classe...
std::map< mrpt::graphs::TNodeID, size_t > m_nodeID_to_gt_indices
Map from nodeIDs to their corresponding closest GT pose index.
std::map< std::string, mrpt::io::CFileOutputStream > fstreams_out
Handy typedefs.
nodes_to_scans2D_t m_nodes_to_laser_scans2D
Map of NodeIDs to their corresponding LaserScans.
void initResultsFile(const std::string &fname)
Automate the creation and initialization of a results file relevant to the application.
A graphical user interface (GUI) for efficiently rendering 3D scenes in real-time.
void initClass()
General initialization method to call from the Class Constructors.

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