class mrpt::gui::wxMRPTImageControl


A custom control to display the bitmap and avoid flicker.

#include <mrpt/gui/WxUtils.h>

class wxMRPTImageControl: public wxPanel
    // construction

        wxWindow* parent,
        wxWindowID winID,
        int x,
        int y,
        int width,
        int height

    // methods

    void AssignImage(wxBitmap* img);
    void AssignImage(const mrpt::img::CImage& img);
    void GetBitmap(wxBitmap& bmp);
    void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& ev);
    void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& ev);
    void OnMouseClick(wxMouseEvent& ev);
    void OnEraseBackground(wxEraseEvent&);


void AssignImage(wxBitmap* img)

Assigns this image.

This object has the ownship of the image and will delete it when appropriate. Remember to call Refresh to display the image.

void AssignImage(const mrpt::img::CImage& img)

Assigns this image.

Remember to call Refresh to display the image.