class mrpt::nav::PlannerRRT_SE2_TPS
TP Space-based RRT path planning for SE(2) (planar) robots.
This planner algorithm is described in the paper:
M. Bellone, J.L. Blanco, A. Gimenez, “TP-Space RRT: Kinematic path planning of non-holonomic any-shape vehicles”, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2015.
Typical usage:
mrpt::nav::PlannerRRT_SE2_TPS planner; // Set or load planner parameters: //planner.loadConfig( mrpt::config::CConfigFile("config_file.cfg") ); //planner.params.... // See RRTAlgorithmParams // Set RRT end criteria (when to stop searching for a solution) //planner.end_criteria.... // See RRTEndCriteria planner.initialize(); // Initialize after setting the algorithm parameters // Set up planning problem: PlannerRRT_SE2_TPS::TPlannerResult planner_result; PlannerRRT_SE2_TPS::TPlannerInput planner_input; // Start & goal: planner_input.start_pose = mrpt::math::TPose2D(XXX,XXX,XXX); planner_input.goal_pose = mrpt::math::TPose2D(XXX,XXX,XXX); // Set obtacles: (...) // planner_input.obstacles_points ... // Set workspace bounding box for picking random poses in the RRT algorithm: planner_input.world_bbox_min = mrpt::math::TPoint2D(XX,YY); planner_input.world_bbox_max = mrpt::math::TPoint2D(XX,YY); // Do path planning: planner.solve( planner_input, planner_result); // Analyze contents of planner_result...
Changes history:
06/MAR/2014: Creation (MB)
06/JAN/2015: Refactoring (JLBC)
Todo Factorize into more generic path planner classes! //template <class POSE, class MOTIONS>…
#include <mrpt/nav/planners/PlannerRRT_SE2_TPS.h> class PlannerRRT_SE2_TPS: public mrpt::nav::PlannerTPS_VirtualBase { public: // typedefs typedef mrpt::math::TPose2D node_pose_t; // structs struct TPlannerInput; struct TPlannerResult; // fields RRTAlgorithmParams params; // construction PlannerRRT_SE2_TPS(); // methods void loadConfig( const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& cfgSource, const std::string& sSectionName = std::string("PTG_CONFIG") ); void initialize(); void solve(const TPlannerInput& pi, TPlannerResult& result); };
Inherited Members
public: // structs struct TRenderPlannedPathOptions; // fields RRTEndCriteria end_criteria; // methods mrpt::system::CTimeLogger& getProfiler(); const mrpt::nav::TListPTGPtr& getPTGs() const; template <typename node_pose_t, typename world_limits_t, typename tree_t> void renderMoveTree( mrpt::viz::Scene& scene, const TPlannerInputTempl<node_pose_t, world_limits_t>& pi, const TPlannerResultTempl<tree_t>& result, const TRenderPlannedPathOptions& options );
typedef mrpt::math::TPose2D node_pose_t
The type of poses at nodes.
RRTAlgorithmParams params
Parameters specific to this path solver algorithm.
void loadConfig( const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& cfgSource, const std::string& sSectionName = std::string("PTG_CONFIG") )
Load all params from a config file source.
void initialize()
Must be called after setting all params (see loadConfig()
) and before calling solve()
void solve(const TPlannerInput& pi, TPlannerResult& result)
The main API entry point: tries to find a planned path from ‘goal’ to ‘target’.