class mrpt::nav::CPTG_Holo_Blend
A PTG for circular-shaped robots with holonomic kinematics.
Compatible kinematics : Holonomic robot capable of velocity commands with a linear interpolation (“ramp “or “blending”) time. See mrpt::kinematics::CVehicleSimul_Holo
Compatible robot shape : Circular robots
PTG parameters : Use the app
#include <mrpt/nav/tpspace/CPTG_Holo_Blend.h> class CPTG_Holo_Blend: public mrpt::nav::CPTG_RobotShape_Circular { public: // fields static double PATH_TIME_STEP = 10e-3; static double eps = 1e-4; // construction CPTG_Holo_Blend(); CPTG_Holo_Blend( const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& cfg, const std::string& sSection ); // methods void setRobotShapeRadius(const double robot_radius); virtual double getMaxRobotRadius() const; virtual double evalClearanceToRobotShape(const double ox, const double oy) const; virtual void loadFromConfigFile(const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& cfg, const std::string& sSection); virtual void saveToConfigFile(mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& target, const std::string& section) const; virtual void loadDefaultParams(); virtual bool supportVelCmdNOP() const; virtual double maxTimeInVelCmdNOP(int path_k) const; virtual std::string getDescription() const; virtual bool inverseMap_WS2TP( double x, double y, int& out_k, double& out_normalized_d, double tolerance_dist = 0.10 ) const; virtual bool PTG_IsIntoDomain(double x, double y) const; virtual void onNewNavDynamicState(); virtual mrpt::kinematics::CVehicleVelCmd::Ptr directionToMotionCommand(uint16_t k) const; virtual mrpt::kinematics::CVehicleVelCmd::Ptr getSupportedKinematicVelocityCommand() const; virtual size_t getPathStepCount(uint16_t k) const; virtual mrpt::math::TPose2D getPathPose(uint16_t k, uint32_t step) const; virtual double getPathDist(uint16_t k, uint32_t step) const; virtual bool getPathStepForDist(uint16_t k, double dist, uint32_t& out_step) const; virtual double getPathStepDuration() const; virtual double getMaxLinVel() const; virtual double getMaxAngVel() const; virtual void updateTPObstacle(double ox, double oy, std::vector<double>& tp_obstacles) const; virtual void updateTPObstacleSingle(double ox, double oy, uint16_t k, double& tp_obstacle_k) const; virtual void add_robotShape_to_setOfLines(mrpt::viz::CSetOfLines& gl_shape, const mrpt::poses::CPose2D& origin = mrpt::poses::CPose2D()) const; virtual bool isPointInsideRobotShape(const double x, const double y) const; static double calc_trans_distance_t_below_Tramp(double k2, double k4, double vxi, double vyi, double t); static double calc_trans_distance_t_below_Tramp_abc(double t, double a, double b, double c); };
Inherited Members
public: // structs struct TNavDynamicState; // methods virtual void loadFromConfigFile(const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& source, const std::string& section) = 0; void loadFromConfigFileName(const std::string& config_file, const std::string& section); virtual void saveToConfigFile(mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& target, const std::string& section) const; void saveToConfigFileName(const std::string& config_file, const std::string& section) const; void dumpToConsole() const; virtual void dumpToTextStream(std::ostream& out) const; virtual std::string getDescription() const = 0; virtual bool inverseMap_WS2TP( double x, double y, int& out_k, double& out_normalized_d, double tolerance_dist = 0.10 ) const = 0; virtual bool PTG_IsIntoDomain(double x, double y) const; virtual bool isBijectiveAt(] uint16_t k, ] uint32_t step) const; virtual mrpt::kinematics::CVehicleVelCmd::Ptr directionToMotionCommand(uint16_t k) const = 0; virtual mrpt::kinematics::CVehicleVelCmd::Ptr getSupportedKinematicVelocityCommand() const = 0; virtual size_t getPathStepCount(uint16_t k) const = 0; virtual mrpt::math::TPose2D getPathPose(uint16_t k, uint32_t step) const = 0; virtual mrpt::math::TTwist2D getPathTwist(uint16_t k, uint32_t step) const; virtual double getPathDist(uint16_t k, uint32_t step) const = 0; virtual double getPathStepDuration() const = 0; virtual double getMaxLinVel() const = 0; virtual double getMaxAngVel() const = 0; virtual bool getPathStepForDist(uint16_t k, double dist, uint32_t& out_step) const = 0; virtual void updateTPObstacle(double ox, double oy, std::vector<double>& tp_obstacles) const = 0; virtual void updateTPObstacleSingle(double ox, double oy, uint16_t k, double& tp_obstacle_k) const = 0; virtual void loadDefaultParams(); virtual bool supportVelCmdNOP() const; virtual bool supportSpeedAtTarget() const; virtual double maxTimeInVelCmdNOP(int path_k) const; virtual double getActualUnloopedPathLength(] uint16_t k) const; virtual double evalPathRelativePriority(] uint16_t k, ] double target_distance) const; virtual double getMaxRobotRadius() const = 0; virtual bool isPointInsideRobotShape(const double x, const double y) const = 0; virtual double evalClearanceToRobotShape(const double ox, const double oy) const = 0; void updateNavDynamicState(const TNavDynamicState& newState, const bool force_update = false); void initialize( const std::string& cacheFilename = std::string(), const bool verbose = true ); void deinitialize(); bool isInitialized() const; uint16_t getAlphaValuesCount() const; uint16_t getPathCount() const; double index2alpha(uint16_t k) const; uint16_t alpha2index(double alpha) const; void initTPObstacles(std::vector<double>& TP_Obstacles) const; double getScorePriority() const; virtual void renderPathAsSimpleLine( const uint16_t k, mrpt::viz::CSetOfLines& gl_obj, const double decimate_distance = 0.1, const double max_path_distance = -1.0 ) const; bool debugDumpInFiles(const std::string& ptg_name) const; virtual void loadFromConfigFile(const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& cfg, const std::string& sSection); virtual void saveToConfigFile(mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& target, const std::string& section) const; virtual void add_robotShape_to_setOfLines(mrpt::viz::CSetOfLines& gl_shape, const mrpt::poses::CPose2D& origin = mrpt::poses::CPose2D()) const = 0; void initClearanceDiagram(ClearanceDiagram& cd) const; void updateClearance(const double ox, const double oy, ClearanceDiagram& cd) const; virtual void evalClearanceSingleObstacle( const double ox, const double oy, const uint16_t k, ClearanceDiagram::dist2clearance_t& inout_realdist2clearance, bool treat_as_obstacle = true ) const; static CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator::Ptr CreatePTG( const std::string& ptgClassName, const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& cfg, const std::string& sSection, const std::string& sKeyPrefix ); static std::string& OUTPUT_DEBUG_PATH_PREFIX(); static PTG_collision_behavior_t& COLLISION_BEHAVIOR(); double getRobotShapeRadius() const; static void static_add_robotShape_to_setOfLines(mrpt::viz::CSetOfLines& gl_shape, const mrpt::poses::CPose2D& origin, const double robotRadius);
static double PATH_TIME_STEP = 10e-3
Duration of each PTG “step” (default: 10e-3=10 ms)
static double eps = 1e-4
Mathematical “epsilon”, to detect ill-conditioned situations (e.g.
1/0) (Default: 1e-4)
void setRobotShapeRadius(const double robot_radius)
Robot shape must be set before initialization, either from ctor params or via this method.
virtual double getMaxRobotRadius() const
Returns an approximation of the robot radius.
virtual double evalClearanceToRobotShape(const double ox, const double oy) const
Evals the clearance from an obstacle (ox,oy) in coordinates relative to the robot center.
Zero or negative means collision.
virtual void loadFromConfigFile(const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& cfg, const std::string& sSection)
Parameters accepted by this base class:
: The number of different paths in this family (number of discretealpha
: The maximum distance in PTGs [meters]${sKeyPrefix}score_priority
: When used in path planning, a multiplying factor (default=1.0) for the scores for this PTG. Assign values <1 to PTGs with low priority.
virtual void saveToConfigFile(mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& target, const std::string& section) const
This method saves the options to a “.ini”-like file or memory-stored string list.
See also:
loadFromConfigFile, saveToConfigFileName
virtual void loadDefaultParams()
Loads a set of default parameters; provided exclusively for the PTG-configurator tool.
virtual bool supportVelCmdNOP() const
Returns true if it is possible to stop sending velocity commands to the robot and, still, the robot controller will be able to keep following the last sent trajectory (“NOP” velocity commands).
Default implementation returns “false”.
virtual double maxTimeInVelCmdNOP(int path_k) const
Only for PTGs supporting supportVelCmdNOP() : this is the maximum time (in seconds) for which the path can be followed without re-issuing a new velcmd.
Note that this is only an absolute maximum duration, navigation implementations will check for many other conditions. Default method in the base virtual class returns 0.
path_k |
Queried path |
virtual std::string getDescription() const
Gets a short textual description of the PTG and its parameters.
virtual bool inverseMap_WS2TP( double x, double y, int& out_k, double& out_normalized_d, double tolerance_dist = 0.10 ) const
Computes the closest (alpha,d) TP coordinates of the trajectory point closest to the Workspace (WS) Cartesian coordinates (x,y), relative to the current robot frame.
x |
X coordinate of the query point, relative to the robot frame. |
y |
Y coordinate of the query point, relative to the robot frame. |
out_k |
Trajectory parameter index (discretized alpha value, 0-based index). |
out_d |
Trajectory distance, normalized such that D_max becomes 1. |
true if the distance between (x,y) and the actual trajectory point is below the given tolerance (in meters).
virtual bool PTG_IsIntoDomain(double x, double y) const
Returns the same than inverseMap_WS2TP() but without any additional cost.
The default implementation just calls inverseMap_WS2TP() and discards (k,d).
virtual void onNewNavDynamicState()
Invoked when m_nav_dyn_state
has changed; gives the PTG the opportunity to react and parameterize paths depending on the instantaneous conditions.
virtual mrpt::kinematics::CVehicleVelCmd::Ptr directionToMotionCommand(uint16_t k) const
Converts a discretized “alpha” value into a feasible motion command or action.
See derived classes for the meaning of these actions
virtual mrpt::kinematics::CVehicleVelCmd::Ptr getSupportedKinematicVelocityCommand() const
Returns an empty kinematic velocity command object of the type supported by this PTG.
Can be queried to determine the expected kinematic interface of the PTG.
virtual size_t getPathStepCount(uint16_t k) const
Access path k
([0,N-1]=>[-pi,pi] in alpha): number of discrete “steps” along the trajectory.
May be actual steps from a numerical integration or an arbitrary small length for analytical PTGs.
See also:
virtual mrpt::math::TPose2D getPathPose(uint16_t k, uint32_t step) const
Access path k
([0,N-1]=>[-pi,pi] in alpha): pose of the vehicle at discrete step step
See also:
getPathStepCount(), getAlphaValuesCount(), getPathTwist()
virtual double getPathDist(uint16_t k, uint32_t step) const
Access path k
([0,N-1]=>[-pi,pi] in alpha): traversed distance at discrete step step
Distance in pseudometers (real distance, NOT normalized to [0,1] for [0,refDist])
See also:
getPathStepCount(), getAlphaValuesCount()
virtual bool getPathStepForDist(uint16_t k, double dist, uint32_t& out_step) const
Access path k
([0,N-1]=>[-pi,pi] in alpha): largest step count for which the traversed distance is <dist
dist |
Distance in pseudometers (real distance, NOT normalized to [0,1] for [0,refDist]) |
false if no step fulfills the condition for the given trajectory k
(e.g. out of reference distance). Note that, anyway, the maximum distance (closest point) is returned in out_step
See also:
getPathStepCount(), getAlphaValuesCount()
virtual double getPathStepDuration() const
Returns the duration (in seconds) of each “step”.
See also:
virtual double getMaxLinVel() const
Returns the maximum linear velocity expected from this PTG [m/s].
virtual double getMaxAngVel() const
Returns the maximum angular velocity expected from this PTG [rad/s].
virtual void updateTPObstacle( double ox, double oy, std::vector<double>& tp_obstacles ) const
Updates the radial map of closest TP-Obstacles given a single obstacle point at (ox,oy)
The length of tp_obstacles is not checked for efficiency since this method is potentially called thousands of times per navigation timestap, so it is left to the user responsibility to provide a valid buffer.
must be initialized with initTPObstacle() before call.
tp_obstacles |
A vector of length |
ox |
Obstacle point (X), relative coordinates wrt origin of the PTG. |
oy |
Obstacle point (Y), relative coordinates wrt origin of the PTG. |
virtual void updateTPObstacleSingle( double ox, double oy, uint16_t k, double& tp_obstacle_k ) const
Like updateTPObstacle() but for one direction only (k
) in TP-Space.
must be initialized with initTPObstacleSingle() before call (collision-free ranges, in “pseudometers”, un-normalized).
virtual void add_robotShape_to_setOfLines(mrpt::viz::CSetOfLines& gl_shape, const mrpt::poses::CPose2D& origin = mrpt::poses::CPose2D()) const
Auxiliary function for rendering.
virtual bool isPointInsideRobotShape(const double x, const double y) const
Returns true if the point lies within the robot shape.
static double calc_trans_distance_t_below_Tramp( double k2, double k4, double vxi, double vyi, double t )
Axiliary function for computing the line-integral distance along the trajectory, handling special cases of 1/0:
static double calc_trans_distance_t_below_Tramp_abc( double t, double a, double b, double c )
Axiliary function for calc_trans_distance_t_below_Tramp() and others.