class mrpt::slam::CIncrementalMapPartitioner
Finds partitions in metric maps based on N-cut graph partition theory.
#include <mrpt/slam/CIncrementalMapPartitioner.h> class CIncrementalMapPartitioner: public mrpt::system::COutputLogger, public mrpt::serialization::CSerializable { public: // structs struct TOptions; // fields TOptions options; // construction CIncrementalMapPartitioner(); // methods void clear(); uint32_t addMapFrame(const mrpt::obs::CSensoryFrame& frame, const mrpt::poses::CPose3DPDF& robotPose3D); void updatePartitions(std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>>& partitions); size_t getNodesCount(); void removeSetOfNodes(std::vector<uint32_t> indexesToRemove, bool changeCoordsRef = true); void changeCoordinatesOrigin(const mrpt::poses::CPose3D& newOrigin); void changeCoordinatesOriginPoseIndex(unsigned int newOriginPose); void setSimilarityMethod(similarity_method_t method); void setSimilarityMethod(similarity_func_t func); void getAs3DScene(mrpt::viz::CSetOfObjects::Ptr& objs, const std::map<uint32_t, int64_t>* renameIndexes = nullptr) const; template <class MATRIX> void getAdjacencyMatrix(MATRIX& outMatrix) const; const mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble& getAdjacencyMatrix() const; const mrpt::maps::CSimpleMap* getSequenceOfFrames() const; mrpt::maps::CSimpleMap* getSequenceOfFrames(); };
Inherited Members
public: // structs struct TMsg;
TOptions options
Algorithm parameters.
uint32_t addMapFrame(const mrpt::obs::CSensoryFrame& frame, const mrpt::poses::CPose3DPDF& robotPose3D)
Insert a new keyframe to the graph.
Call this method each time a new observation is added to the map/graph. Afterwards, call updatePartitions() to get the updated partitions.
frame |
The sensed data |
robotPose |
An estimation of the robot global pose. |
The index of the new pose in the graph, which can be used to refer to this pose in the future.
See also:
void updatePartitions(std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>>& partitions)
Recalculate the map/graph partitions.
See also:
size_t getNodesCount()
Get the total node count currently in the internal map/graph.
void removeSetOfNodes( std::vector<uint32_t> indexesToRemove, bool changeCoordsRef = true )
Remove a list of keyframes, with indices as returned by addMapFrame()
changeCoordsRef |
If true, coordinates are changed to leave the first node at (0,0,0). |
void changeCoordinatesOriginPoseIndex(unsigned int newOriginPose)
The new origin is given by the index of the pose that is to become the new origin.
void setSimilarityMethod(similarity_method_t method)
Select the similarity method to use for newly inserted keyframes.
void setSimilarityMethod(similarity_func_t func)
Sets a custom function for the similarity of new keyframes.
void getAs3DScene( mrpt::viz::CSetOfObjects::Ptr& objs, const std::map<uint32_t, int64_t>* renameIndexes = nullptr ) const
Return a 3D representation of the graph: poses & links between them.
The previous contents of “objs” will be discarded
template <class MATRIX> void getAdjacencyMatrix(MATRIX& outMatrix) const
Return a copy of the adjacency matrix.
const mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble& getAdjacencyMatrix() const
Return a const ref to the internal adjacency matrix.
const mrpt::maps::CSimpleMap* getSequenceOfFrames() const
Read-only access to the sequence of Sensory Frames.
mrpt::maps::CSimpleMap* getSequenceOfFrames()
Access to the sequence of Sensory Frames.