class mrpt::viz::CPlanarLaserScan
This object renders a 2D laser scan by means of three elements: the points, the line along end-points and the 2D scanned surface.
By default, all those three elements are drawn, but you can individually switch them on/off with:
To change the final result, more methods allow further customization of the 3D object (color of each element, etc.).
The scan is passed or updated through CPlanarLaserScan::setScan()
The laser points are projected at the sensor pose as given in the “scan” object, so this CPlanarLaserScan object should be placed at the exact pose of the robot coordinates origin.
See also:
mrpt::viz::CPointCloud, viz::Scene
#include <mrpt/viz/CPlanarLaserScan.h> class CPlanarLaserScan: public mrpt::viz::CVisualObject, public mrpt::viz::VisualObjectParams_Triangles, public mrpt::viz::VisualObjectParams_Lines, public mrpt::viz::VisualObjectParams_Points { public: // construction CPlanarLaserScan(); // methods void clear(); void enablePoints(bool enable = true); void enableLine(bool enable = true); void enableSurface(bool enable = true); void setLineColor( float R, float G, float B, float A = 1.0f ); void setPointsColor( float R, float G, float B, float A = 1.0f ); void setSurfaceColor( float R, float G, float B, float A = 1.0f ); void setScan(const mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan& scan); virtual auto internalBoundingBoxLocal() const; virtual auto getLocalRepresentativePoint() const; };
Inherited Members
public: // typedefs typedef std::shared_ptr<CObject> Ptr; typedef std::shared_ptr<const CObject> ConstPtr; typedef std::unique_ptr<CObject> UniquePtr; typedef std::unique_ptr<const CObject> ConstUniquePtr; // structs struct OutdatedState; struct State; // methods const auto& shaderTrianglesBuffer() const; auto& shaderTrianglesBufferMutex() const; virtual CVisualObject& setColor_u8(const mrpt::img::TColor& c); bool isLightEnabled() const; void enableLight(bool enable = true); TCullFace cullFaces() const; void notifyBBoxChange() const; auto getBoundingBoxLocalf() const; static const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId& GetRuntimeClassIdStatic(); void setLineWidth(float w); float getLineWidth() const; void enableAntiAliasing(bool enable = true); bool isAntiAliasingEnabled() const; const auto& shaderPointsVertexPointBuffer() const; const auto& shaderPointsVertexColorBuffer() const; auto& shaderPointsBuffersMutex() const; float getPointSize() const; bool isEnabledVariablePointSize() const; float getVariablePointSize_k() const; float getVariablePointSize_DepthScale() const;
void clear()
Clear the scan.
void enablePoints(bool enable = true)
Show or hides the scanned points.
See also:
sePointsWidth, setPointsColor
void enableLine(bool enable = true)
Show or hides lines along all scanned points.
See also:
void enableSurface(bool enable = true)
Show or hides the scanned area as a 2D surface.
See also:
virtual auto internalBoundingBoxLocal() const
Must be implemented by derived classes to provide the updated bounding box in the object local frame of coordinates.
This will be called only once after each time the derived class reports to notifyChange() that the object geometry changed.
See also:
getBoundingBox(), getBoundingBoxLocal(), getBoundingBoxLocalf()
virtual auto getLocalRepresentativePoint() const
Provide a representative point (in object local coordinates), used to sort objects by eye-distance while rendering with transparencies (Default=[0,0,0])