class mrpt::viz::CVisualObject
The base class of 3D objects that can be directly rendered through OpenGL.
In this class there are a set of common properties to all 3D objects, mainly:
Its SE(3) pose (x,y,z,yaw,pitch,roll), relative to the parent object, or the global frame of reference for root objects (inserted into a mrpt::viz::Scene).
A name: A name that can be optionally asigned to objects for easing its reference.
A RGBA color: This field will be used in simple elements (points, lines, text,…) but is ignored in more complex objects that carry their own color information (triangle sets,…)
Shininess: See materialShininess(float)
See the main class opengl::Scene
See also:
#include <mrpt/viz/CVisualObject.h> class CVisualObject: public mrpt::serialization::CSerializable { public: // structs struct OutdatedState; struct State; // construction CVisualObject(); }; // direct descendants class CAngularObservationMesh; class CArrow; class CAssimpModel; class CAxis; class CBox; class CCamera; class CColorBar; class CCylinder; class CDisk; class CEllipsoidInverseDepth3D; class CEllipsoidRangeBearing2D; class CFrustum; template <int DIM> class CGeneralizedEllipsoidTemplate; class CGridPlaneXY; class CGridPlaneXZ; class CMesh; class CMesh3D; class CMeshFast; class COctoMapVoxels; class CPlanarLaserScan; class CPointCloud; class CPointCloudColoured; class CPolyhedron; class CSetOfLines; class CSetOfObjects; class CSetOfTexturedTriangles; class CSetOfTriangles; class CSimpleLine; class CSkyBox; class CText; class CText3D; class CTexturedPlane; class CVectorField2D; class CVectorField3D; class VisualObjectParams_Lines; class VisualObjectParams_Points; class VisualObjectParams_TexturedTriangles; class VisualObjectParams_Triangles;
Default constructor: