template class mrpt::graphs::detail::CMRVisualizer
Wrapper class that provides visualization of a network of poses that have been registered by many graphSLAM agents/robots.
This is a dummy 4 template arguments version of the CMRVisualizer class just to silence GCC warnings on conversions. For implementation details users should see its specialized version that runs specifically for TMRSlamNodeAnnotations as the 3rd template argument.
#include <mrpt/graphs/CMRVisualizer.h> template < class CPOSE, class MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION, class NODE_ANNOTATIONS = mrpt::graphs::detail::TMRSlamNodeAnnotations, class EDGE_ANNOTATIONS = mrpt::graphs::detail::edge_annotations_empty > class CMRVisualizer: public mrpt::graphs::detail::CVisualizer { public: // typedefs typedef CVisualizer<CPOSE, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION, NODE_ANNOTATIONS, EDGE_ANNOTATIONS> parent; typedef mrpt::graphs::CNetworkOfPoses<CPOSE, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION, NODE_ANNOTATIONS, EDGE_ANNOTATIONS> GRAPH_T; // construction CMRVisualizer(const GRAPH_T& graph_in); // methods virtual void drawNodePoints( mrpt::viz::CSetOfObjects::Ptr& object, const mrpt::containers::yaml* viz_params = nullptr ) const; virtual void drawEdges( mrpt::viz::CSetOfObjects::Ptr& object, const mrpt::containers::yaml* viz_params = nullptr ) const; virtual void getAs3DObject(mrpt::viz::CSetOfObjects::Ptr& object, const mrpt::containers::yaml& viz_params) const; };
Inherited Members
public: // typedefs typedef mrpt::graphs::CNetworkOfPoses<CPOSE, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION, NODE_ANNOTATIONS, EDGE_ANNOTATIONS> GRAPH_T;
virtual void getAs3DObject(mrpt::viz::CSetOfObjects::Ptr& object, const mrpt::containers::yaml& viz_params) const
Common visualization stuff for all derived classes.
Function delegates visualization tasks to the draw* methods according to the user preferences