class mrpt::viz::CGridPlaneXY
A grid of lines over the XY plane.

See also:
#include <mrpt/viz/CGridPlaneXY.h> class CGridPlaneXY: public mrpt::viz::CVisualObject, public mrpt::viz::VisualObjectParams_Lines { public: // construction CGridPlaneXY( float xMin = -10, float xMax = 10, float yMin = -10, float yMax = 10, float z = 0, float frequency = 1, float lineWidth = 1.3f, bool antiAliasing = true ); // methods void setPlaneLimits( float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax ); void getPlaneLimits( float& xmin, float& xmax, float& ymin, float& ymax ) const; void setPlaneZcoord(float z); float getPlaneZcoord() const; void setGridFrequency(float freq); float getGridFrequency() const; virtual mrpt::math::TBoundingBoxf internalBoundingBoxLocal() const; };
Inherited Members
public: // structs struct OutdatedState; struct State; // methods void setLineWidth(float w); float getLineWidth() const; void enableAntiAliasing(bool enable = true); bool isAntiAliasingEnabled() const;
CGridPlaneXY( float xMin = -10, float xMax = 10, float yMin = -10, float yMax = 10, float z = 0, float frequency = 1, float lineWidth = 1.3f, bool antiAliasing = true )
virtual mrpt::math::TBoundingBoxf internalBoundingBoxLocal() const
Must be implemented by derived classes to provide the updated bounding box in the object local frame of coordinates.
This will be called only once after each time the derived class reports to notifyChange() that the object geometry changed.
See also:
getBoundingBox(), getBoundingBoxLocal(), getBoundingBoxLocalf()